HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1952.10.20424 BurlLneame - CalLfornia October 2O l-952 A regular Eeetlng of the Burllngarno Clty Councll was heLd on the above gLven date. Meetlng ca1led to order at 8:L5 p.m. - Mayotr Byrd ln the Chalr,. Ro11 Ca1I: Present - councilmen: Atwater-Btrrd-Love-Morgan-SlmondsAbSent _ CoUncl.lnren: None On motion of Counci}aan Simonds, seconded by Councllman Love and unanimous Iy canrled, the minutes of the previous meetlng of October6, 1952, rlere corrected. to inc}:.de ttre concumence of the Chanberof Conmercets recommendatlon that the pa::king lot on PrLrrose Road be repalred and that the amount of $AOb.OO bE expended. CouncLlman Love moved that the mlnut es be submltted. to the Cor:rrcl]- menbers andas cornected be approved. end adopted, seconiled by Councllmalr SLmonds and unanimous }y carrLed. Actlon on the hearlng of the arrnexatLon of UnfuArabl.ted Territorydeslgnated nBurlingview Terracerr was postponed. City Attorney kar- mel advlsed.that a lega1 technicallty had occr:rr.ed necessltatlng the chenge ln the ti.me s cheduled fo:: the hearing. CormcLlman Slmond.sthereupon moved the passage of Resolution No. 70-52, resclndlng prev-ious Council action established by Resolution No. 55-52, secondedby Corrncilman L,ove and. unanLmous 1y ca:rried upon ro11 call of member:s.Resolutlon No. 71-52, rrDi:'ectlng the Giving of Notlce of P:roposed An-nexatlon to the City of Burlingame of Certaln Uninhabited TerritoryDeslgnated. rBr:rlLngvlew Terracer and Fixing ttr.e Tlme as November 2i, B:OO l.M. in the Clty 8a11, Br:r1lngaine, For a PublLc Hea::lngrr waslnt::oduced by Councllman Slnonds who moved its passage, seconded by Councl lman Atwater and adoptetl unanlmous J.y upon ::o11 call of members. A hearing on the petltlon fo:: a change of Iot lines to establish twolots vrl th a ft fty foot flontage on Balboa Avenue, submltted by Ches-ter A. Thuener, 1015 Balboa Avenue, was postponed. Uayor Byrd stat- ed. that the prope::ty Ln questlon LnvoLres an issue on an exLstentcreek and ::eferred the subject to the Planning Cormlsslon and to theCity Engineer. The Ctty Clerk was lnstructed to acquaint the pLan- ning Comrisslon wlth detalls in tJre postponement of Council actlonand that the subJect be glven flrst consideration on the CommLss-ionrs forthcomlng agenda. - A petltlon, f5.1ed by Dr. W. I. Petersen, for permlsslon to erect amedlcal bullding on Lots 1 and 2, Block 12, Burllngarne Gnove Sub-dlvlsion, was scheduled on thls date for. Council hEa:'ing. A letterdated October 3, 1952, was ::ead fyom the llannlng CommiJsion, advis-lng that the petitlon had been approved at a re guIar meetlng of theComnLsslon on September 25, !952. There belng no one present top-rotest the grantlng of the petltlon for a zonlng varl-ance to permitthe constnuctlon of the medical building, c ounci }nan rove moved. con-currence in the recommendation of the plaru:ing cornrnlssLon and lntro-duced for passage, Resolution No. ?Z-52, g::arrt ing the variance Lnconforml t-y wlth th9 details orrtllned by tie ?lannlng Commlssion,seconded by coulcilman simonds and carried unanimouJly upon roli callof members. A petltlon havS.ng been filed in the Offlce of the City C1e::k, re-questing a_ zonLng. varlance 9n Lot IB, Block 5, Touin o-f Br::e lingen e,to allow the constructlon of a building for comme:rcla1 use, aia tirePlanning comrission haylng advised thaf pu:rsuent to a public hea:ringbefore the commlsslon lt was recomrend ed- that the verl-arrce be p.gantredr_a Council publtc hea::ing was schedulod on thls date. Lb. DonaldMi11er, representing 1111111am J. Crosby, the petitione::, -ad-aressed the counci_L stati-ng that 1t rvas the ti:tent o? the petliloner to con-struct a fi::stcrass a&ninistratLve buildlng with zlEoo square feetprgy!$ea for.parklng, facititl,es. A polnt ilas rats6tl uy-itre-counc11reratlve to the conatructlon of a concrete vral1 along trre uI caminoReal to pr"ohlbit arr ingress or eEtress from the ilighwdy, to whtch thepetltLoner ageed to eiect an applropriate waL].. b-.ur""ifm"r, 'sirronas moved concumence Ln the I'ecomrendatlon of the plannlng Comnisslonand Lntroduced for adoption Resolution uo. za-sz, - "ppi;3"irrg-tir" "p-plJ.cation wlth the stlpulatlons enrure::ated. rn tre "iir.rr.r "ltron ad- 42s dresseal to the Councll flom the Plaru:ing Cormlsslon, s econd.ed. by C ouncil&an Atwater and adopted unanimous Iy upon ro11 call of member:s. -A l-etter d.ated Octob ar l7 , 1952, was read. f?omAsslstant Engineo::, ::equestirlE that perris slon Cla:rk, l9ater Depa:rtment Ibn eman, to attend the AssocLation Conventlon ln Pasadens, October 28Actlon was witbheld pentilng Dlrector of Publtcto tb.e Ctty. Leonard A. llYlden, bo ppanted to Roy Ame::Lcan Water Works tbrouglr 0ctober 31. lltlo::ks Mar.r I s r. eturn A letter d-ated October 16, 1-952, was read flom the 1aw offLces ofCosgz'iff, Cam, McCleUaJr & fnge::so11, representlng ItIr. W. L. Burk-d411, petitionS.ng to subdlvlde two lots locateil on Walnut Avenuebetweon ]itllIow Avenue and Elo:rLbunda Avenue. trre subJect matter wasreferred to the Plarntng Conmlsslon and the Clerk was l-ns tructed toso notlf! &Ir. Burkdal1. A petitlon, slgled by severaS. merchants on Bunlingame Avenuo, was:read, requestlnq that the tnees on Bu::lLngame Avenue, locateit lnllont of ttre corner bulldlng occupled by Levy Bnos. 6e removed. M::.- George. Anast, proprietor of the furity lila::ke t 1n th.at vLclnlty,addressed the Councll, citlng the rarlsance created by the trees,partlcu).arly ln the clogglng of the dralnage on the premises of frePurlty ldarket. Fo].lowing conslderable dLscussion, Granville Brown-lng, Executlve Secretary of tlre Chamb er of Conmer6e, was requested.to confer wlth Jotrn D. Bronfleld, tr{anager of Lrevy. Bi'os., and pursuantto thelr reconmendation a roport be su6nltted to- park superlnlendentAnde:rson. trr1r. Anderson we.s authorlzed to proceed Ln a m-anner Lnwhlch he deemed advlsable wlthout removaL of the tr:ees. A. letten dated October 13, 1952, was read. flom !tsanlr S. Contl, de- -velop-on of Burllngvlew Tel"race., Inc., advislng that stieet slgnshave been ordered for all cros g ings tn Burlingview Terrace. {,r"s-tloned by the Councl1, Asslstant City Englneer Tfiden roported thatthe Lnstallation had not been compLeted.. - The subJect was refe?red.to the_Engineerrs Office for :repoit at the next m6etlng of theCouncil. A letter dated October 6, 1952, was read ft'om the Burllngame GateImpnovement C3.ub, ^endo:slng tho p{oposal of the new tri-clty s,nlnalshelter. he Cler"k was lnstx.ucted to ac}r:owledge the lettei:. l lotter dated Octoben 16, L952, fuon Mrs. E1l_a F. Doldger lOBg Cap-uchlno ^Avenuo, relatlve to a creek condLtlon on adJaceni propertyr' wae refer::ed to the City Attorney. fb.e Clerk was ins tnrclca to i6t-lry IiFs. Doldge subs eguent to the Attorneyrs opLnlon and report. A letter dated October ^L5, 1952, was read ibom Roy Archlba1d, Dln-ector of the San lfiateo Comntttee for S chwaeblsh- C$nrend, Vistt, inwhl ch the CounclL rer.e advlsed that nine Germars wer.e expect6d tovislt San l[ateo County to study Lmeri.can pollcles. I[ayoi. Ayrd., tnbehalf of the Councl1, expressed appr.ovaf in the p::opoied pian- towercome the citizens of c'ennany, up on motlon of -c ouncl lrnair Love,the City Clerk was lns t:ructed to c onrnnrnicat e wlth L[r. Archibalcl - lnfoorning him of the Cor:rrcl1r s whole-hearted approval of the pJ.en errd. that the l(ayor be authonlzed to co-operate i,u trr trre conmltteeln bohalf of tho City-of &rrIlngame. ThL motlon was seconded byCounciluan Simonds and rrnanLmous 1y canrled. A letter dated 0ctober 16, 1982, was read Ilom Flsk and trtrenze,Contractors, requestLng permlsslon to install underground motor:ftre'I tanks 9n the p:roperty of thei:r new wa:rghous e oi Marsten Boad.Mr. -Davltl Itr^enze, ln attendance at the meetlng, was ad.vLs ed thenewould be no obJectlon to the r.ns tallatLon, proiided Elre Depa::tmentregulrements wero conformed with. chtef Lels was Lns tructea toconduct a thor:ougb lnspectlon and submlt a repo::t to thJ counclr ata meetlng s cheduled for Saturd.ay mornlng, Oct;ber 25th. Reports were read. flom_ the. tr'i:re Depe.rtment, the Recneatlon Depart-gen!' lhe P-ollce Department, the Llbrary ai.d the Department of publIc Wo:rks for the month of S epti;rrber and orie::ed flled.. l[r. T. F. Mc erlgi.r], Presldent of the San Mateo C ounty Chambe:r ofcolg'rerce, drew attention to propositlon No. 10 on th6 Novemben 4th 426 Ba11ot, urging its defeat. City Attorney Karlre1 ancl memb e:rs of theCouncil also stressed the lmportance of seeing ttrat the proposltlonls defeated. C or:-nc i lman Atwater introd.uced. fo:: passage, BesolutionNo.-75a52, Urqlng the Elector:s of the City of Bu:rlingame to votenNgn -o1l P::oposLtlon No. 10 At Ere Novembei. 4, lrg1? Electionr, sec;onded by Coungllman Love and adopted unanimousIy upon ro11 ci11of members. I)re City C1erk was instrrrcted to s6nd a copy of theResolutlon, togethe:: ui th a J-etter, lnvltlng Iyate::na1r- i:tvic andlnpnovement clubs, P. T. A., and o ttre:: organlzatlons t6 a proposed.meeting-at 9:5O a.m. Saturday mor"ning, October 25, fox a tlorouglrdiscusslon on the l-ssue. The Olerk was flrther lnstructed. to send.a copy of the Resolutlon, togehher w:i th excerpts flnom the nJnutosnelative to the subject, to the League of Callfornia Cltles. A report _was gLven by the Clty Attorney with reforence to a roquestsubmltted. at the last meetlng of t he Counctl by Mr. ard. Ivlrs. W.- iI.Pattlock, 1509 Cor.tez Avenue, that the creeks Lile condltion in thatvlcini.ty be_ lnvestigated, wi th the City Atto:rney advlslng that theowners had been notlfled that lt was their r"esp6nsibllity to eJ-ln-inate the condit lon. Iol Y. Seagravos, -attorney reprosentlng M?s. Chrlstine Baker, 1516 Ialston Avenue, addressed the Councll, -protestlng t}re Counctirs or-tler to cease const::uction of the gar.ai4e- on the pionls es above men-tloled and -exp:ressing the oplnion-that accorttln-g to hls lnterpre-tatioD of the Ordinaace appertainlng to the p::of'erty line setbacksno vlolatLon existed ln the construction. city ltt6rney Karnel ad.-vlsed that according to the cityrs Ordlnance C6ae, an ahaiiionafstor3y on a oetached garage is ln vlolation and trrit a three footsldeline setback must be maLntalned. Fbllorrlng corr"ia"r"tte dLs-cusslon, I\[r. Seagraves was lnformed by the I,layor that the Counci]wIrI r3emaln governed by the Attorneyrs declsion and no actlon would.be ta}en to rescind the o::den. tr[r.-seagnaves thereupon staied thathe would stand on the pernlt lssued, "nE that the co-nt:racton wouldbe lnstructed to complete the construction as orlglnairy-piannea. The clty clerk was Lnstructed. to cornnunLcate wlth ]rlr. chanLes E1tet,owner of the property at 5P4 lorton Averue, instructing l\lr. E1letto advlse the councli as to hls r.ntentions in regard i5 lrru p"op-e::ty. Comp).alnts receLved !f t4e Councll on inadequate ltghtlng ln Wash_lngton Park and d. sld6wak condition 1n fo;t .i tdT;ffiis-es at1720 Adellne D:rlve, we?e referreQ to the Depa::tmeart of pub1lc wo::ks. I complalnt ,elative-to parking condrtlons on carifo,nia Drlve atBroadway was r:efemed. to- Councilman Slmonds. clalms Nos. 2705 to 2853, duly audrted for paJndent, wer:e author.r.z-99 para on motion of cou.irclLnin r.,ove ana seeoided 6y co"ncii-rnAtwat e::. I'he meetlng.was regularly adJourned on motion of councllmon Loveand seconded Uy Counctjmin Simonds. _- UNENIS]IED BUSTNESS: APPBOVM: A RespectIlrlly submitted E]TRBERT T. TCIIIClty C1e::k Mayor C.B TE