HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1953.12.1296 Burllngame - Callfornie Dcccmber 12, 1955 A regulan meeting of the Burllngame Clty Councll was held on theabovc glven date, as per ad.journurent of the prevlous meeting of Dcc- gpber-7r -1955. TJ'r"-mceting was cn1led to ordcr at 11:0o A.M. - MeyorSlmonds ln tho Chelr. Mayon Slmonds stated that the-mcetlng had been sctred,uled as a publlcheani-ng to hean obJections end,/or su[gJstlons to-ceriain sectlons ofthe proposcd zonl18 ondinanccr'lntnoEI""a foo first-neadlng at thelest rcgular meetiig of the Council. rn eddltlon to-suggestlons 3lmlt.tgd pnevlously to councLl members by.J*:-" HLrunel, Preiident of the BurunA;e civll rmprovemont club endby the scn Mateo-Burllngaec Boerd. of Hceltors, tho clty clerk rcad alcttcr fnom the Pentnsule General contractors and. nuilhers Essoci"troo,rnc', protostl^t'u-th-e, passagc of sectlon 1g66. A no[r,", obJcct1on-$s.ssubualttcd by R. D. Martln, pnesldent of i49 n,*ii;;*; Menor rmprovc_ment c1ub, rnc., to revr.si scction Lgb6, rtem E-t." -_ Thc sectlons to ttrlch obJectj.ons and/or suggestLons hed becn subnltted.wcrc revlowed. as follows; L. PREAIIIBLE. To rcmaln es ryrlttcn. RoII CsI1: Present - CounclLmen:Absent - Councilmen: Atwa ten-Byrd.-Lov e -Mon gan-Slmonds None a red or maintEineE. Amendcd to rcmovctt 2. sEcTroN 1905.To remeLn as wnlttcn. Objectlon wl-thd.rawn. 3. SECTToN 1904. T o be discusscd under &ppropnletc hcading(types of lndustries) 4. SECTION 1910. Amendcd t o pr3ovlde that ln the event therc e.reLess than ftfty property owrDrs to be noti.fled,that 1n addltlon to malLtng notLccs, lt shnUrcquLre advcrtLsement ln the proper marrncr etleest twtcc. 5. sECTroN 191L . To nemain as wnlttcn. 0bJectlon wlthd::awn. 6. 7. 8. o 10, sEcTroN 1912. sEcTroN 1926. SECTION 1926. SECTTON 1926. gECTION 1926. L2. 15, l4. sEcTro$ 1950. AFendod td provLdc that thc Councl1, et & ragFuLan mcetlng, shall nccelve,,rocommcndetlon ftomthe Planning Couunlsslon and thercefter schcdulctimc to act upon sald. reconmcndetion. B-4 Rcfcrrod to Plennlng Consultant with rr6con-Endetlon that the soction be ncwrittcn for olen-lfLcetlon. D-l To ncmain &s w:rl.tten r:nttl such tLmc &sEctlo'f .Irly bc ncqulrcd to bc emenAed, ObJec-tlon wlthdnewn. D-? To rcmcln es wrLtten. ObJection wlthdrrwn. B-2 To remeLn &s wrlttcn. ' roN 1929 - Peragnaph E11. SECTION 928 and SEC sc SECTTON 1950.P* 1Io remaln es w::lttcn. 0bJectlon wittrd.rarm* E. To remaln as wrltten. ObJectLon wlthd.rern. sEcTroN 1951.A-6-9-14 -L6-20-22 To romaln as wnltten wlthexceptlon A-16 rMontuanyrr removed. to be in_cluded tn SECTfON 1950, piregraph B-?: - Ncw sectLon. .y111^ epply the:refore, to only newC-5 zonlng. Objectlon irf tkrdrawn. 15. sEcTroN l-952. 97 16. SECTIONS 1955 Hold for dlscusslon when objections ere entered on tSrpcs of lndustrlcs to be per- mltted wlthln the Clty of Burllngamc. L7. SECTION 1955.Rcfcrrcd to Plennlng Consultant fon f\rther ncvlew. SECTI0N 1954. Paragraphs B and C. To remain as wrltten. sEcTroN 1964 To rcmaln as wrltten. 0bJectlon withdrawn. fiefent,ed to Plannlng Consultant and. Clty At-tornoy for confcrencc wlth Bulldensr Assoc-letlon offlo1eIs. SECTION 1966. 2L. 1 19. 19. 20. SPCTION 1971. Roferned to Plannlng Consultent for ftrrtherrcvlew. 22. SECTION L973. To remain &s wrltten. The meetlng was regulerly ad.Journed wlth Saturdey afternoon, Dcc-embcr 19th, 1953, seheduled for a contlnuatLon of the pubIlc hca:r-ing on the proposed zonlng ordinaneo. Rospe ctf\rlly submltted EMBERT K. CITY CI.ERK APPROIED: )/4u. s. SIMoNDS, JR. MAYOR