HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1952.10.064Le A :: egular meetlng of the Burllngsme Clty Councll was held on the.-above- gl.ven date. Meetlng callod to orden at 8:15 p.m. - MayorByrd ln the Chalr. October 6, 1952 Ro11 Ca]1: Prosent - Councilmen:Absent - Councl}oenl In accordance trri th Notlce of Sale seaIed proposals for the purchase clpal. amorrnt of lmprovement bondsthe follourlng blds we::e rocelved, A twat er-By::d- Iov e-Mo:r gan-S lmonds None TJre mlnutes of the prevlous meetLng of September 15, 1952, as submlt-ted to members of the Co^1rncl1, we::e unanllnous ly appi.ovod. ind adoptedupon motion of Counclf'Atryater arrd seconded by'Couicllman Love. dated September 15, 1952, lnvitinAof approxlnately $25r161.60 prin-for koJect 5J.-30 ( Br::.l1ngame }Iano:r )opened and read as folLows: Bonds Matu:rlnp 714/s4 - t/z/6a ffi per. arurrur Bonds MaturLnq 7/2/54 to Le6b' 3-3/4% per annum Bonds l{atu:rlnB7/z/s4 ro 1s6E 3-3/4fr per annum Bonds lEatu.rLne U/67 - z/z/6e oAlo per annu!fl Bonds Matu::inpl/z/os to 1e6b' 3AS per at:lr:nsm Earu:aford & falbot 5L9 California St:reet, San Ihancisco 4, Ca1lf. Laws on, Levy & Tlll-llans 1 Montgomery Street, .San trbeIrcis co, Caalf. Redfleldl & Co., 87 South EucLtd Avenuo Pas adena 1, Ca1lf. Ston€ & Youngb erg BoFds illaturing Bo:rds lrlatu:rlngRuss Bulldlns 7/.2/s4 to 1o6? 7/2/68 San Frencis co, C a1lf. 4l pen anrn:ra O-S/4% per annlrn The foregoing b,lds were :reforred to ttre Clty Englne e::, the Cltyff easurer aacl }dr. Mor:ton of t he 1aw fl:rm of trlr[bride, Itlllson,I{e.nzfe1d & Wallace, for study end r.ecomrend.atlon to be submltteitprior to ttre termlnatlon of tho neetlng. Monday, the 6th day of 0ctober, 1952, at I or cLock p.n. ln theCormcll Chambers 1n the Clty Eal1, was scheduled as the tLme for arepor"t and assessment 1lst to be submltted to the Clty CounclL outhe weed and rubblsh abatement progtram and at whl ch time all personsinte:rested we::e invlted to appeer: to enten protests. No one appear- 5.ng to object to ttre proposed. weed assessments, Councll-uran LovL- in-tr.oduced snd moved for -adoptlon, Resolution No. 62-52, r Elxlng theAssessment for Weod arld Rubblsh Abatement for 1952tr, i econd.ed.-by CouncLLman S Lmonds and adopied unanJ.nous 1y upon roL3. caLl of members. Irlonttiryr Octpber 6, 1952, was scb.eduled for a hearlng on the app1i-catlon ftletl by Een:ry A. lllbbs, r.equestlng a permlt to engage, con-duct and operate a usod automobj.le buslnegs at ttte corrner oi flowardantl Elf,Jeland Avenues, fo::merJ-y operated by trHors etrader Edfl. Eae CLer.k read letters flon the Ghlef of the !5.:: e Department, and theChief of the Polloe Department reportlng favorably upon investlgatlonsconducted by th61ti ::espective departments. ConsLderable discusslonarosc on t he subJect of the exlsting sL5p, wlth each merrbe:r of theCouncll volclng the oplnlon that a favorable vote would be consldered.only 1f the s lgn confoltred to t he city t g o::dlnenc e ::egulatlons . Amotion was the:reupon Lnt:roduced by Councllman lrlongan that the appIl-catlon for a perh,t be gr.anted, rLth tb,e stlpulatlon that all :rogtr-latlons appertaLnlng to signs as lncorporated ln ttre o::dlnance codeof tlre cLty be conformed to. The motLon was seconded by CounclfuuanAtwater and unanlmous 1y car::led.. A courmrnlcation dated Obtobe:: 3, L952, -was read fY om the Clvil ServLceComissi.on, advlslng that l{r. fuill Schulz had been rrnealmous Iy el_ectedto serve as Chalrman of that Comisslon. The Clty CLerk was inetruct-ed.-to acknowledge the conm:nlcatlon and to expness Councll apprecl=ation to botJe retlrlng Chalruarr Lee Lancaster errd Lncoming Chafunanr'.m11 Schulz. Bul:I_l]rgame - Callfornla 4?,0 A letter dated 0ctobor 5, 1952, was read firom the ClviL Se::vlcc Com= mJ.sslon, subnlttlng the followlng eLlgtb1e Ilst for Uttllty Man: Earold 0. SIi1J.er, 1?5 nG[ Street, Bedwood Clty, Ca1lfornla. C ouncl lman Love moved that the above lLst be accepted, seconded by Counclksn S lmonds and unanlmous ly carrLed. A letter dated September 5O, 1952, was read fYom G. J. I'Iarr, Dtroct-or of Public llIorks, submlt t3.ng for Council approval and actlon, a proposal by lfu. I{arry N. Jenks, Consulting sanltary Engineer, to serve as Consulting Englneer on the final deslgn and preparatlon ofplans and specifications for the proposed. cons tructlon of rollef sewers and pumping plant ::evisions. Ihe commrnLcation recomrnondsthat Ltr. Jenl<s be authorl.zed to procoed with the englneerlng proJect. Councilman S lmoritts moved that the Councll concu.:? ln the recomaenil-atlon and that the Lfayor be instrrrcted to sign and execute the agre€- ment, appertalnlng to Schedule A and Schedule B, secondled by Councll- man Atwater and unanlmous 1y camled. Questloned by the Councll,City Engineer Marr advls ed that the proJect, ln all probablllty nould be commenced next sprLng or3 surtrrer and comploted. 'before the winter months of 1953. Resoluti.on No. 68-52 rEmploylng l{amy N. Jenksr adopted. A lettor dated October 2, 1952, was read fbom Dlrector of Publlc Works I'{arr, reconrmendlng that the proposal submLtted by III)-sey & Co.,olvil Englneers, to propare complete plans and speclflcations fortho propos ed. widenlng of Ctrap ln Avenue, be accepted agrd for the stlp-ulated fee of 5ft of tlne constructlon costs. C ouncllman Love novedthat the Councll concur ln the recomrendatl on graating Wl.lsey and Co.the englneerlng fee as stlpulated., secondeti -by Council ynan Morgan.Speaklng on the question and in answer to an lnguiry volced by !,,h.Molr, L424 Chap ln Avenue, ::elatLve to the inclusLon of underg:roundelectric lnstal-latlon, Mayor Byr.d stated that all Lnterested p:roperty o$ners would have an opportuntty to spea} on the subJect at such tlmeas a public hearlng is heLd. Ihe motion was unanlmously camied. A comblned report f?, om R. C. Theuer, dhlef of lo1ice and G. J. Manr, Dlrector of lubllc l[orks r dated. October 2, Lg52, was !ead., submlt-ti.ng ::ocomnendations relatlve to a Cheorber of Conmerce reguest fo? lmprovements to the buslness dlstrict parklng system. C ouncllnsrr Simonds moved that the ::ecommend.atlon pertalnlng to. the lnstaLlatlonof dlrectlonal slgns to di::ect traffic to off-street parklng lots,be accepted witb. the stlpula.tlon that the Chief of ?o1lce and tbeDirector of FublLc ll{o:rks confer vd th the membe::s of the Stroet Con-mlttee of the C,ounciL prLor to the proposeil lnstalLation of dlrect-lonal signs. Ihe motlon was seconded by C ounc ilmarr Love and. uncal.r mous Iy carrled. .A lotte:: dated 0ctober 1, J.952, was read f?om Dlrecto:: of Pub11c Vllorks Ma:rr submit tlng for CouncLl app:rova1 and executLon, a lburth SuppJ.emental menorandr:m of Agreement for the Expendtture' ot ttre l/4Cent Gas Tax, 1948. The letter advLses that the ag3eement ls forthe expendlture ln the alnount of $29r84Lr47, to bo--wed ln the recon-structlon of the b::idge ac?oss El Canino Real and Sanchez Creek.Counci'lrran Morgan lntroduced. for ad.optJ.on, Rosolutlon No. 65-52,authorizlrlg the Mayor to execute the agreement approvi.ng the expend-iture, secondod. by Councllman S fudonds and unanLmousLy camletl. on roLl Ca11. A letter. dated October 1, 1952, was read llom G. J. Marn, Diroctor ofPub1lc Worksr requestlng- tbe appoLntrrent of a utilltyrnan ln the St:reetDepartment. Harold O. lill1J-er, No. l, on the elLelble- 1lst, was appoin-ted to_ttre posltlon, subJect to the usual Clvil ServLce requfu'ements,on motLon of C ounci Lman Atuater, seconded by C ouncl }nan Love and unan- 5.mous ly canrled.. Tlre next o::der of business was tempora:riIy postponed and referl:ed tothe bid.s for the sale of lmproveuent bond.s for PnoJect 51-gO (Bulp- llngame l,,{enor ) . The CouncLl we::e advis ed that upon a revLew mad.E ofthe submltted blds, 1t was dete::mLned that the firn of Harme ford andTalbot was the htgr.est bldder. lhe fo llowing Resolutlons vere there-upon presented for CouncLl- execution: Resolutlon No. 64-b2_trReduclng certaLn Assessments Br:r l J.ngam e }Iano:rNo. !r - ho ject No. 51-5o, was lntroduced by counci }nan s lmonEi rvtr omoved Lts Faggagg' se-conded. by councr.rnan iove and. adopied unarimous ryupon :ro1J. call of mmbers. 42L ResoLutlon No. 65-52 trDetermLnlng the Unpald Assessment Llst andhovldlng fo::--the Issuarce of Bonds, Burllnganre Manor No. 1; P::oJ-oct No. 51-50n lntroducod by Counctlnan Lovo fo:r passage and sec6ndeilby Councllman Morgan; was unanimousJ-y' adopted upon ro11 caII. Resolutlon No. 66-52 nAwardlng Sale of Bonds, Burllngaue ManorNo. 1, ProJect No. 51-5On was lntroduced fo:r passage upon motion of CouncLLman Morgan, secondeal by Councllman Love and adopted unanlmous, -ly on ro11 cal.l of members. The r.e gular orden of buslness was resumed and a Letter dated October.1, 1952, was read firon G. J. tr[a^r.r, Dlre eto:: of &rbIle lfo:rks r advLs-lng that Mr. Walter Stokes, St:roet Maintenance Man, has been conflnedto hls home because of lllness, and ttrat he v'{ 11 be off tluty for ap-proxlrnstely anothe:: thh.ty days. Corrncl,llrnan Atwater moved that }Ir.Stokes be grantecl an additional thirty dayts sick 1eave, vrlth pay, seconded by Councllman SLnonds and unanlmous ly carr.led. A lette:r dated. October 3, !952, was read f::om the Burlirrgame Plan-nlng Comolsslon, advls lng that pursuant to a Commlsslon hearlng, lt wasl reconmended that the petltlon subrnitted by Dr. W. I. ?etersento eroct a medlcal bulldtng on IJot s 1 and 2, Bloc! 12, Burllngame&ovo Subdlvislon, be approved. Ihe C1e::k was instructed to s ched.- u1e a pub3-lc hearing befone the Clty C or:nc j-I on October 2e, and thataLL sulroundlng property owre::s be so notlfled. A letten dated October 3, 3.952, was reatl fnom U:e Burlingaae PJ.an-nl.ng CommLssion, advls Ing that the Cormlsslon had approved the ap-pLlcatlon of Yyl1llan J. Crosby and Patricla tr. C::osby, fe a varlanceto oomaercial prope::ty of Lot IB, Block 5, Toun of Bu::llngeme, and.that lt was recom endleit that the Councll grant app::ovaI subJect toce::taLn condltions. The City Clerk was instructed to schedule a pub-Ilc hearlng fon the regular Councll Meetlng, 0ctober 20, L952, andthat pr"operty owners wl thln the vlclnlty be notlfLed. l[rs. S-hella Le.r:s enr Senior Clerk-stenographer Ln the offlce of ttr eCity Judge, was appolnted to that positlon for the ::emalnlng threenonthe of t*rls year, as necormended, by J. A. Branson, Clty Judge, upon motlon of C ounclLlran Atwate:r, seconded by Councllman Sinonds arrd unan luous Iy ca::rled. A letter dated October 3, 7..952, was read flom the Burllnge&e l{unic--ipaL Erployees t Associatlon, :requestlng the lnstttutlon of a safetyprogran to lnsu::e ttre employee personal safety as welJ. as safe equip-ment. Mayor Byrd. statetl that ho w111 confer with the CalifornLaIndustrial Accident Comrisslon and that the Ctty Cle:rk so notif$ the AssocLation. A conmrnl-catlon, dated. September 24, 1952, ft'om ItIr. and l,{:rs. C. B.Patte::son, 515 Burllrp;ame Averu.e, expresslng appreclatlon fo:: the new St0P signs 5.nstaI1etl on Burllngame Avenue, was read and the CltyClerk was lnstructed to aclorowledge the cornnunl catL on. A letter dated September 12, 1952, was ::ead l).om the Burllngame Lions C1ub, advlstng that the Board of Dlrectors of ttre Llons C lu6 has doemed the rehabllltatlon of the Gmst Msrslon unfeasible at thlstime. Ilre Clty Clerk was lnstructed to aclcrowledge the communlcatlon. A letter ttated. September L6, 1952, was read fuoh tr&. and trlr,s. W. E.Pattlock, 1509 Cortez Avenue, lnvltlng CounclL attentlon to a sLtu-atlon exlstent at that locaLlty due to a creeksLde condltlon. [hesubJoct entalled ln the comlunlcatl on was ::eferred to the Clty Ec-glneen and to tho Clty Atto::ney for a w:rltten report to be submlttedat tho noxt loeetlnB of the Courrcil. A letter wag read. f::om L[rs. Mary A. Conroy, 50 ltfest Bellevue Avenue, San Mateo, protestlng the change to para1leJ. parklng on Bayswater Avenue, near St. CatherlneIs School, and regues tl,ng Councti consld.er-atLon ln ttle allevlatlon of the tnafflc conftr.slon ln that locatlon.The co'rr'runl catl on was referrecl to the ?oIlce Depa::trnent for r.eport to the Clty Corrncll anal the Cle::k lnstmcted to actro:owledge the letternecelved f?om tr03s. Conroy. A Letter. d.ated October 1, 1952, wag read lYom }lartln J. Ness, pres- ldent of the Californla Youth Sptphony AssociatLon, extending anlnvltatlon to txe councll membe:rs to be guests at the premlere concent, 422 Snnday afternoon, October Lzt 1952. fhe Cle::k was lnstructed to'thank jrlr. Nes s for his thoughtftrlness. A Letter: dated october 1, 1952, was read f)ron H. L. Moyer, 952 Llnden Averue, subroittlng several recommendatLons folr CouncLl consi.deration in the operation of the Munlcipal trt11. The Letter was ordered. ack- nowl" edgea and referred. to a conrmittee to be appolntbd by the Councll 1n the nea:r firtur:e. A letter dated October I, 1952, was read lbom Mrs. F. N. Ketthl-ey, J3., 511 Burlingame Avenue, expresslng appnec5-etion for the lnstalletlon of the new arterlaL ST0P slgns instaLled on Br:rllngame Avenue at Clar- endon Road. Itre Clerk was lnstructed to thirnk !{rs. Ketthley for hbr letter and to submlt a copy of her comrunL cati on to tho loIice Depart- ment. A Iette" d.ated Seplember 10, 1952, was :read fi:om Mrs. Helen Negrln, urgLng the co;ope?atlon of the C5.ty Cou-ncll to aboLlsh the garbage and dumplng nulsances wl thin the Ctty as well as in the County. TheClby Clerk was Lns t::ucted. to acioowledge receipt of the conmrnLcatlon. Reports lY om the Recreation Depar.tment, for the month of Augus t andthe Clty Jud4qe for the month of September, were read and orde::ed fi1ed. Resolutlon No. 60-52, nDetermlnLng and Desigrratlng that the Intersec-tLon of Burlingame Avbnue end CLarendon Roadi the Intersectlon of Dwl ght Road and &rllnga:ne Avenue, and the Intersectlon of Howarci Av- enue arrd Dwlght Road. Shal1 be Artenial Stops for Vehicula:r f::afflc;Dlrectlng the Stoppage of all Trafflc and Dlrecting tfle Installationof S lpgrs or Slgnale The:refor, n was lntroduced by C omci }oan Slmonds r.dr o moved 5.ts passage, seconded by Councllman Atwater and camLed unanlmous ly upon ro11 calL of members. Resolutl,on No. 6L-52 rrAuthorlzLng anil Di::ectlng tlre Exp enditr::r e of IU.nds ^ to Def?ay Expensos of the Members of the Clty Cor.rnclL and 0therClty o111"1a1s Attendl.ng the Conference at the Leaeue of CaltfornlaClties at Ssr Dlego, CalifornLa, october 12 to the L?th Incluslveo,was introduced by Councllmsr Lover who moved. j-ts pasgage, secondedby C ounc ilman Morgan and ad6ptetl by unaninous vote on ro11 calL ofmember:s. Speaklng on the subJect of the League of Califorrria Citles, Councllman Love urged a rrnorl vote on State Pioposltlon No. LO onthe forthcomlng November 4 balIot - whlch if not defeated would llmltthe collectlve Lnfluence of the League ln state and National affalrs. A petiti.on for perm5.s s ion to subdivide a Lot at 1016 Balboa AvenuesubmLtted by Chester A. and Adelaide C. Thuener, was read and sdhett-uled for pubJ.lc hearlng before ttre Counc1l, October ZO, tgSZ. UNITNISHED BUSINESS: An Agreement between the Clty Councll of the Clty of Burli.ngame and.the Penlnsula Humane Socletlr, p::oviding for the ie:.vlces of theSociety ln the maintenance and shelter for anl.ma1s, was ::ead. C oun-c1l:ra:r Mgrgan Lntrod.uced. for passage, ResolutJ.on N;. 6?-52, au ttrorlz- ].ng,the M3tro:: to execute the ageemont foz. such servlces, seconded.by Councllman f,ove and unanimous 1y car::ied by ro11 call 6t monbers.councllman Lov-e suggested that the Resolution lnclude the amor:nt ofsuch ser,l/lces based upon the 1atest census tirnes the ernount stlpu-lated per capj.ta. Mr. Doar, superintendent of ttr.e Penlnsula Ifi:nanesociety was i-nt::oduced and outlined the operati.on of ttre new orgal-l zatl-on. I[ayor By?d repo::ted that a thtrty-day Abateroent Notlce had beentendered ttre owners of the Apartfoent-Roomlng Eouse rocaied. at 221Callfornla Drlve. A ]et terr: uas nead,, fubb,.,e ity'"Attorney Karmef- ronderlng a 1ega1 Ln-te::pretatlon of the p::ovlsJ.on in thb Unifozm Bulldtn[ Code"relatlveto the const:ructlon arrd helght of ga::ages wlthin nesidential areasof the clty and rrt th partlcuLar ::eier.ence to a vlolation in the con- .lt::uctlon of a garage on the promlses at 1516 Ralston Averlre. RoyI[. Seagravesr. atto::ney repr.esenting lfrs. Ethel Ba]er, -the olvne:r ofthe above mentloned proper.ty, addressed the Council 6nd. requestedthat ttre Clty Councll ::es ciird its onder that the const::uction bedlscontinued, - on the gror:nds ttlat a buiJ-d.ing pe::mLt has been gz.antedand that ln hls oplnion the::e Ls no provLslo'n ln the Building"Cocte L , whlch prohlblts the bullding of a nstory and one-half. rr lllayorByrd stated. that ttre CounclL has been lnformed of violatlons ln theconstructlon on ttrr e above premLses and the Councll had. no alterna-tive but to pr.oceed on ad.vLce glven by the Ctty Attorney. Each Coun-cllman, In turn, concurned ln l{ayor Byrdts statements. trbIIowlngftrther dlscusslon, Attorney Seaglpaves requosted that an op5.n1on beobtalned from the Clty Attorney, as to what authority the Clf,y hasin orderlng thet the construction be dlscontlnued, pursuant to thegr.antlng of a permlt and in view of the fact |.-lnat 95% of the con-structlon has been compl.eted. ltre subJect was held fo:: f\:rthe z. dls- p os ltl on. A r"equest subnlt ted by Mr. IltLds Chaublis s, 518 Almer Roadr relatlveto the conve::slon of hls lot on FLorlbunda Avenue, for ofT-streetparklng purposes, was referred to !&. Rlchar"d L{lnor, Chat rman of ttreCltyts Off-Stre et Panklng Conmlttee. C ounc Llman Love advlsed that a survey ls belng conclucted by the uen-bens of the Elre Cownlsslon concernlng the er.ectlon of a Fi::e Statlonon the East slde of the raihoail tracks. Councllnan tove aLso stated.that the Plre Conrnls s lon and Southern Paclf,lc offlclals w111 conferon rrays and means to alJ-evlate condLtlons at the raikoad c::osslngsrrtthln ttre Clty. Ehe::e being no fi:rther" bus5,ness, the meeting ad.journod at L1:50 p.rn. Respectfully subnitted td&-;r.<^,"'Lb HERBSRT K. Tfi{IClty C3.erk TE tf.r/r* AP?ROVED: AI{DREW C. [layor BYRD 423