HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1953.12.07r 93 Burlingeme Celif ornlc Deccmbcn 7, 1955 A regular meetlng of the Burllngame Clty CouncLl wes held on thc ebove glven dato. Meetlng c*Iled to order at 8:00 p,m. - Mayon Slmonds ln thc Cha:[r. Ro11 Cel1: Present - CouncLlmen: Atwatcr-BXrd-tove-Morge.n-Slmonds Absent - Councllmen: Nonc The mLnutes of the prevlous regular meeting of Novemben 16, 1955, essubrnLtted to membens of the Cor:ncll were unenluousLy epproved onmotLon of Councl-lmen Love, and seconded, by CouncLlmcn Atwater, wltha oorrectlon thet the mlnutes lndlcete that CouncLLmen Love wes ox- cused because of a prevlous commltment. The mlnutes of the speclaL meetlng of November 25, 1953, &s submittcdto membens of the Council were unanlmously approved on motion ofCounellman Atwater end seconded by Councilman Byrd. Docernrber'lt 1955, at the hour of eight olclock, p,o. wes the tlmcschedulcd for a publlc hearlng on the pnoposed zonlng ordinenee.CouncilTan By':rd Lntroduccd for flrst readlng, 0ndLnance No. SOg,'Rcpeali.ng Part-x, Artlcle 5o of the ordlnancc code of the ctty-of !qf^f1lg1*" and Adopttng c Nerc Part X, Anticlo 50, Providlng foi. tfrcEstebllshment of dlstrlets wlthln the Clty; Rcguiattng thc-Usc ofSald Dlstnlcts es Indicatcd on the ZonLng- Maps of the-Clty of Bur-lLngame.i Mayor Slmonds stetod that Plannlng Consultant rtan3 wouldnead the proposed Ondlnance and lnvltcd lnterested persons to entenpnotests if anyr_es each scctlon we.s reed. ObJectlons to the pre-c'mble and the followlng sectlons or pontlons oi sectlons werc record-ed es followsi seetlons 19o5r_L9o4, lgLo, 191L, LgLz, lgzo, agz6, 1?99, 1951, 1959r Le34, 1e47, 1e5o, 1e58, 1e61, 1e65,-1964, 1e65,1971, 1984 and 1985. In onder that the obJections uniy bc gtvcn ifrffconsLderetion, Mayor SLmonds sehcdulcd r contlnuatlon-of tfie heantngfor Satur"day mornlog, Dccemben 12, 1955, at iLcvcn otcJ.oek, a.rr. andnequested thet a Ilst of the obJoctions bc submLtted 1n unritlng forCouncl l stud.y. tr'olIowlng ! llrort recess, thc meetin6g wes ce1Ied to ordcn by MayorSlmonds cnd thc rcgular onder of busincss resumcd. A lctto:r deted Dccemben 4, 19s3, was nead flom G. J. Mern, Dlrectorof Pub1lc Sonks, advLslng-that thc L. C. Snlth Company, his complctedJob No. 52-48, for thc wldenlng and lmprovemcnt of Ch;iln Avenu| ate totel oost for coilttructlon of $+9r845.20, and rccommending ttrattho contract bc acccptcd. Councllman Atwetor Lntnoduccd. and-movcd.thc Pnssagc of ResolutLon No. 89-55r Provld.Lng for thc Acceptance ofthe iHonk for Q9 lldcnlng ard. Improirement of dhapln Avenucr &B rccon-mendcd by the Dlrccton of p'uULtc-Ifonks, seconded-by Bynd cnd. unen-lmously cenrLed on noIl celL of membcri. Lctters of epprecletLon nccclved f?om J. t. Chlepelone end. Wm. J.Molr, pnopenty owners on Chapln Avenuc, wero reah. fho latten com-munlcatlon advlscd thnt the rcsldents ind ovrners of Chapln Avenuepropcnty rocommend the adoptlon of dlegoneS. parklng to bUtaln ttr.cmaxlmun number of cars on tJre street ena tllet tr.afflc slgnal Ilglrtsat the EI Camlno lntorscctlon bc Lnstallcd.. A lctter detcd Dccernben 5r-1955, was nead. {?om the Burlingeme CltyPlennJ.ng Comnrisslon, edvlsLng that e tcntativc map of Milisde1e N;.1, subrnltted by the Atlsntic-Llfe Insur.ence Co. hls been ecceptcd.by_th9 Commlsslon, Ilmltlng the number of homc sltcs to three'hundncdand slxty-five cxrd nestr.lctlng the anee to onc schooL srte. Planning -Consultant Mann qucstloncd whcther" an a.grsccment hc had re-quosted from thc subdlviden, containlng certatn ittpulatLons to beincluded on tlre tentetLve mip had been-rcceivcd, to'wnfcn it wg.s de-termLned thet no agreement hed been recclved. - 94 A letter deted Dcccmber 1, 1955, f?om t}:.e BurlLngame Clvlc Inpovc- mant Club and e letter dated December 2, L955, from the Burlingamc fmprovement C1ubs Counc11, was read requestlng that a pubIlc hear-lng be sehcduled afte:: the flrst day of the new yoar, on thc proposalof the Atlantlc Ltfe Insurance Co. to construct a housLng tract wlth-in the bounderles of Mt1lsdale No. ]. A ftrrthcr Letter deted Dccemben 3, L955, from the Cttlzcnst CommLt-tee on Mlllsdalc No. 1, requ.esttng that a roprcscntetive be glven an audlcnee to speak ln nelatlon to e petitlon the ConrnLttee Ls prcsent-lng to the Ctty Councll. Ere Clty Clenk advlscd that hls offlcc ls 1n necelpt of petitlons, slgned by approxLmately 2r7AA ncsldonts ar:d propenty omiers of thc 91ty, requestlng that the Plannlng Commlsslon end tLc Clty CouncLLdeny and pncvcnt any resi-d,entl.a1 zonlng on rcsidentlal usb of th.oselands lytng east of the Southern Paclflc Rellrocd rlgfrt-of-way a.ndbetween Bnoedwey rndustriar Tract and Mtllbnae Avenue. Questlored by the Council es to the positlon the Councll mey essumG,thc CIW Attorney edvlsed that the statutes pnovlde thet thi CounclishaIl teke ectlon elthen by acccptlng or rGJCctlng a tentatlve map wi th.in tcn days after the flllng of a rcpont flom tho Plennlng CoL- mls slon. 9Uiqctions wero ralsed by those 1n ettendance, thet the map prosent-Iy in possession of the City Councll, we.s not- the seme a,s irppearcdet the lest mectlng of the plannLng commrsslon and the quostion enosG&s to whethen thc Councll mey eocopt " ncconrmondetlon fnom the Con-misslon in vlew of that fact. Scveral 1n attendance also exprcsscdthe oplnlon that the subdlvldcr be compclLed to submLt an agi'cemcntacQuleseLng to centain stipulatLons es rcqucsted, by Plannin[ Consult-ent Mann. FbllowLng j\rrthen dlscussion, Councllman, Love moved that the tont-atlvc mep be rcJected and the cntl.ro subJect matter be :referrcd backto the Plannlng CommlssLon, wift e recomiendetl.on that ftrII explor-atlon pg-slvon to the subJect; thet an agxieement be obteLned fioathe subdivlder es requcsted by Plannlng donsultant Mann; sr.d thet espe cial-mcetllg be sctreduled *-lth publiclty releescd through U*"-p"*"uof the d.ate of the-meeting. The motton wr.s scconded by CoincilmairByrd and unanlmously requJsted. A letter dated November zo, lgsg, wes nead f?oB Mrs. D. A. Gerner,President of the Henbert llooven Farent Teacher"lssocfaifon, p""i"it-ing f\-rrther development of houses on Sumnlt Dnlve on propenty d.csig-nated as Eeston Oaks unt11 adoquate provision is made on & per.manentbasis for a safe _walkway to anA I}om school for Herbert Iloover SehoolchLldren- trfrs. @rnen, 1n attendanco, acqualnted. the Councl1 withthe hazerdous_ c-ondltion, because of lick of sldswalks wlthtn thb lesttwo blocks of the.school, and the increase of two r"y tr."fflc on thenerrow etreet on the Eeston Dnlve extenslon. chler 6r r;ii;; irr"rr"oand Clty-E!8lneer Marn were requested. to errange for a meeting wlthGeo. v- Hhlte, SupenLntendent of Elementary Sc[ools and Mr. j] n. -' Dore, ovrner of propelty tn the Eeston Oaks-Subdlvislon, to dtscussweys and means to alleviate the condltlon, Chlef Theuen we.s also rc-quested to seek_the cooperation of the Chtef of rolice or nirisuiroughand the Cournty Englneenr &s po:rtlons of the area at:e outside the Cltyllmits of Burlingame. A letten detcd Novenibcn 16, 1955, was read. from the lew ftrm of Cos-griff, 9qr, i{cc1el1an end'r;g;";oii; "itooo"ys ron trre F*"l"J"ri-'Hospitel District, reguestlng"_tlrat ui" crty -oi-g""1j."g"*e provldcflre protectlol.lo the hospttal bulldlng. "The crty crerk wes 1n-stnrcted to notlfy the attorneys that liasmuch as Lhe hospltal ispresently not unden. the - jurlsdiction or t rre Citv oi- gur'rii["*rr-.ro&srecmcrJt-ruay be cntened into but personnel *od""qofp*"nt wl1L bcpnovlded Lf not ottrerwlsc engegcd irtttrtn trre city.---' Rcsolutlon No. __87-53, nAuthorlzl-ng Contlnuatlon of Agneemcnt vrlththc Pcar.nsure Humenc- socletyn "ras "tntnoducod-rt C;il8iil;;-M"|};;who moved tts p&ssegc, secoirdcd, by Councllman it*.tu" and unarrimlusrycarrlcd, - 95 Ordinanee No. 540, tAuthorlzlng an Am.endnent to the Contract Provld-ing fon thc Pnntlclpation of thc Clty of Burllngeme ln thc CaltfornLaStatc Employees t RctLrcment System, Mektng lts &rpLoyccs Mcmbors ofSald SSrstcmr wes lntroduced by Cor.rlcllmcn By:rd and. glvcn Jtrst read-lng. NEW BUSTMSS: A lctter datcd Deccniber 'l , L955, was read. from Richard P. Minor, Chalrman of the Off-Street Parklng Coynmittee, subnltting e repontof the results and recommendetlons of the Commltteo fon &n off-street panking program for both the Bnoadway and Burlingame buslnessdlstrlcts, The conmunlcation recoumonded that bonds be Lssued to rneet the ostimated cost or $+5oro0o.oo, to be retlred as folLows: 1. Eom the net revonues of tb on-street perklng motersaften d.eductlng expenses. 2, }}om revenues of the off-strcet parking metcrs. 3. F?om assessment on the property ln the assessmcnt dls trlet. A ftrnther recommendatlon wes rnc'dc that a broehure be submlttcd togaclr property owncr'ln the rsscssment district. Mr. Mlnon, ln at-tendancc, statcd ttrat the ncxt procedure would be the pnesintatlonof a petitlon, slgncd by flfty-one percent of the proper"ty owners,requestlng the Councll to place the plan into executlon. -Mr. Mln6rsuggestcd that a letten be forwarded to J. J. Bnod.erlck, postmaster, rcqucst1ng perulsslon to lease a portlon of ttre Post Offlce propertyon Lorton Avenue fon an 0ff-Stncet parklng lot. City Attonnty Ranmitwas lnstnucted to confen wlth Mr. Ennest Wll-son of tLe law fLi.un ofKlrkbrLdc, Wllson, Hanzfeld and. Wallece, relatlve to ftrturc lega1 pro- ceciure. Tlee Clty Clerk wes lnstructsd to communlcate wlth thc San Mateo CountyPlannlng_Coumlsslon, rcqucsting that heeni.ngs on the eppllcation ofGGo. J. Lalrd, et &1, for e reclassiflcatlon of a pancel of 1and. ofthe former Ml1Is Estatc be held ln abeyancc, untLl anncxatlon of stldproperty to tha Ctty of Burllng&me ls consumetcd.. Ondinencc No. 541, entltled frAn Ondlnancc Aruending ttre Ordlnancecodc of the ctty of Bunllr€ame by eddtng thercto Article so-A - tggula_tfng the P{esentatlon, f11tng and recordlng of Bentativo and 4o"1^Mepg! the Prooedurc to insta1l, oontrol and the rcgulatlonof e1L pubIlc rmprovement on tands Dcsi.gnated on sueh Ma[s; ttreElnengency_Rcqul1lng the ordlnenco To Be-Effectlve Upon lis -pessege, and Repeallng eIl Scctlons of the 0rdlnencc Codc ln- Obnfllci tfreio-with', was lntroduced by Councilmen Lovo and gi.vcn first ncadtng. Thorc belng no funthen buslness, the meeting wes regularly adjounnedto meet Saturday mornlng, December lZ, lgEE, at 11:50 A.M: Bespectfully submit, HERBERT K. TtJHTTE CITY Cf,ERK APPROVED: /,1,u. s. srMollDs, MAYOR 4