HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1953.11.2391 Bur3.lnganG - Callfor"nie November 23, 1955 A speclal meetlng of the Burllngame Ctty Councll w&s'held on theabove glven datc, all meurbers havlng been prevlously nottfted. bymeiL as requlred by 3.aw, and consenting. The meotlirg was calleilto onder et 7:45 P.M. - Mayor SLmonds ln the ChaLr. Rol-I CaII: Present - Councilmcn: Atwater-By:rd-Slmonds Absent - Councllmen: tove-Mongen Councilman Love servlng as Foreman of the Grand, Juny ard CouneiL-men_Morgen ena.y fnom the clty on buslness, werc excuged. f?om at-tend.anec. Mayor Slmonds announced that the meetlng had been caIled for thoexpress purposo of glvlng consLderatlon to the proposed dtvlslonof thc MllLs Estate. Ihe_9fty C1erk read a letten f?om Jcnes ELrumel, Presld.ent of theBurlingme Clvlc Impnovement Club, urglng that- the CounclL lntt-Late no actlon untiL e fLnal agneemenf, oi tne zonlng fon theentlnc Mll1s Estate ls properly documented,. Ihe coilrrnunleatlon luggcstcd that the doveLopen airnex the entire Ml1ls Estate toBun4ngamc ln keeplng wtth a gentlements agreement entered lntoby the former owners of the ltttts Estate. -trilayon Slmonds steted.that ttre cornmunlcatlon would be held temponanify i" abeyance. YPor^lnqulny of Mayor Slmond.s, Clty Attor"ney Karmel advlsed thetthe flrst step nequired of th6 Couircll woul& be to conflr.m theagr6ement madc bctween the C}!y of MLllbnae and. the City-.f -i1""- llngame in establishtng the Liirc oriy. ALso questlongd_ly-the Mayor es to uftrethen tt ls wlthln the powenof the CouncLl^ to^egrce aira to lnclude a stipulation that the nextproccdune be the tmmedlate inttletlon of aryLiatf-r, p"o""edlngsby the owner, the crty Attorney repHed arrirmaii""ri. For the benefit of those ln attendance, Mayor Slmonds lndlcctcdt!"_pTgposed dlvision on the map. as *piro"La bt th; crw counclrsof Mlllbrae and Br.rlingame ana itatoa trr.t trre-councit is of thcoplnlon that I'n onder to cormence amexatlon proceedlngs, the of-flclal approval be necorded by . ""roi"tron -a'cc;;;G the bound,-anles. couneLlman prrd-thereupon introdueed. and moved the pa.ssr,ge ofRcsolution No. - 9-6-sa, estabushrlg- J "o*,on uound-ar-y between Bur_llngame and Mlllbrae across the MiLls g"tat, a.s so-&eslgnated, onPret Mcp No. 551L4-c4 and that * "[ip"ratlon bc lnciud.ed that theowners shaIl next petltion fon "nn"=atlol of the propenty to therespoctlve citles. The motion was ""corra"a-uy- coinJir*.o Atwaten.Mr' James Hlmmer qucstloned whetner-irre'actroir ta[Jn by the councilurould constltute a ncvoceble-act -a"a-""gs"sted that a commltmentflnst be obtalned f?om the ctty or l,rrriir"" as to lts intentlonrelattve to zonlng, restnlctrni ttre-trigh*"y pontlon to nosldentlsland the retalnl'ng-6t trre trecs. Mayon"sLm6n?ts ri"t"a that in hlsoplnloa ectLon on the matten should"rrot-u" delayed and that he wasfalnLy assured that the clty,or mrrrunao ts arJi[orr" of a bettenty?c of zonlng. councllman"ryna-;dvi;;d those 1n attendance ofthe hlstony oi the Mlus rstale "rra-"I"ira-it"t-ty iritroduelng thcneEolutlon the property wouLd, trron-eomc unden ttre"contror of thcPJ'annlng comntssion of-trre ctty, c;il;iLman Byrd r:ecommend,od tothe Plennlng connrlsslon that tfie ence-iltr""r, the Bayshore Fbeewavand the railnoad treclcs be zoned 1n thlrds - (rI """i;|IHri,-Eowuv(2) conmcrclal, "na. (a) iia""tr,i"r. -doLcruran Atwaten also noted,that by accepli$ !}u p"oposca-aivi"ioil-the property wourd bcunder the Junlsdicti.on or tr,. ciuy-;iirrir"e commlsslon. 92 Mayor Sl.monds, in response to lnguinies madc by cltizons present . advLsed that the lssuc pncsently befone the Councll, dld not lneludothe subject of zonlng, but menely the acceptancc of the dlvlelon ofthe pnopenty and thereupon ealled fon a noIL call on the motlon. Themotion lt'ac unanlmously acceptod and Resolutlon No. S6-55, adopted bythe fo11owlng vote: Ayes: CouncLlmenl Atweten-B3rrd.-SLmonds Noes: Councllmen: I{one Absent Councilmen: Iove-Morgan There beLng no ftr:rthen buslness, the meetLng was regu3.arly adJour"n-ed et 9:OO P.M. Respo ctf\rl3.y submltted K. YTETTE CTTY CLERK APPRO1ED: hs u. s. silfosDs, JR., UArcN I