HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1953.11.1689 Burll ngarac - Cellfonnlc Novenben 16, 1955 A regula:: meeting of the Bu::llngaoe Clt ebove glven dete. lleetlng ca11cd to on Slnonds ln thc Chafi.. yC de:: ouncll wes held on thcet 8:0O P.M., - l[ayor RoU CgII: P:reecnt - Councl lmcn: Atwetcr-Bynd-[organ-slmonds Abs cnt - Councl lmcn: Lov c Councl lnan Lovc reg excugcil flon attcndancc on motlon of CouncLl- Een BJzrd, sccondcd by Councl lmrn organ and unanlmous 1y cerrlod. The mlnutcs of the plevlous nagular ncetLng of ![ov embcr 2, 19b3, assubnlttod to mcmbers of the Counci l wet c unanlmously epprovcd andedoptad on motLon of Councllman Atrat.r and sccondcd- by CouncllmanByrd. Thls b elng the tlme scheduled fon e publlc haerlng on the proposcdreed abatement pr.ogram for 1954, and there bclng no obJcctlon rc-cclvcd, clttrer vcrbrlly or wrlttcn, Cou.ncL IEe Morgen lntroduccd end moved the pe!ragc of Rcsolutloa Fo. 83-53 tOnderlng Dcstructlon of Noxl ous and Dcngcroug l[ecds entl Rirbb tsh a Nulsancc 1n thc City ofBu::Llngamcn, seconded by CounclLman Byrtl and unanlmous ly canried onrolL ca1l of nembers prescnt. Mayor Slmonds ennounccd that the flrst hearlng on the proposcd rc-vlslon ln the city zonlng o::d1nancc, s chedul,c d for thls dite, wouldbc postponed, untlI all lcgaI rcqulrcncnts arc complled wlth. C oun- 9tLuan By-rd movcd thct the cvenlng of Dcccdbcr 7, 1gSA, g:OO orclockP.l{., bc s chedu]-ed for a publl c hcarlng on thp z6ning ordlnencc;thet proper legel notlce bc glvcn end that lnvltgtlons be crtcndcdto lnterested pcrsons to subnlt comaunicetl ons to thc Clty Councl l cnumcr atlng eny obJoctlons to the paroposcd zonlng rcvlsions. ThcmotLon wae sccondod by Corrncl lman Atwaten and uaenlmous Ly cerricd. Resorutlon No. 84-53 rResclnding end Rccalllng A1r Actlon IlerctoforcO::dercd and Dlnccted 1n Rcgolutlon No. ?5-S5 ind Dlrectlng the Glvlng _9f-N9t-19e of Proposcd Anncxation to thc Clty of Burllngane* of CcrtaliUnlnhabltcd T€rrltory Deslgnated es the rscoflcld PropJ::tyr; and p[x.' lng Monday, thc 2lst dey of Dccembe:r., 1955, B:OO orclock i.lit., CltyHaJ.l, Burllngamc, es tho flmc and plecc foi. rEcar"ing on sald Fctltion",wec lntnoduecd by Councllman Atwater who movcd lts pcssrsc. secondcdby councllnan uorgen and unsn lmous Iy edoptcd on rori catl 6r membcrsprcsent. A lcttcr detcd November 5, 1955, was rcad fnon the furllngane Clvl1q9.y1"9 Enployees I AssocLetLon, rcqrestlng that a copy of thc curentclvir scrvlcc Rules andl Reguletlons bo presented to Lirch enployee with-ln the clessiflcd gcryLcc. - rlec clty clerk wes lnstructcd tL c6npLywlth the ncqucst and to uork LD conjuntloa wlth the clvl1 senvici 6on- m1s s lon. A letter deted Octobg" 17, 1955, wes read from Marthe K. and EugcneB. BLzzellr 1617 Monte coi'vlno *ay, :rcquestlng that conslcteratton bcgiven to zonc thc Mllls Estatc arii lylng beticen the Southern peclflc Ral L:roed tracke and the Bayshore Elghiay-es t1ldrt tnausinv". Thecomruntcatl on wea rcfcrred to the Planning comlssion for its consLd.or-etl orx. a letter detod Novenbgl 1I, 1953r- ras rcad fr.om llelbcrt K.rlhlte, cltycLcTk: edvLsing thst the Board oi Adnlnlstratlon of tho sietc Efrployicesr Rctlremcnt system rcqulres thet e ncsorutlon of lntintion tL af-provc rn ame ndmort to thc cltyts cont:ract wlth the Stato RctLrcmcntsystem be_ edoptcd trenty days prion to the intr.oductlon oi "r, or:dln-ancc, authorlzLns the clty to amend. 1ts cont:ract. Eesolutlon No. gE-bE,ertltlcd rRcsoruf,lon of ritcntlon to App:rovc Anp ndmcnt to contrect pro-vidlng.fon Pa:rtlcLpatlon in thc Stetc iirlpLoy6c!r R;tlremini-Systonr,- - was l?trodu-ccd foop peBBegc.on motlon or douictr4"n Bra;;;coiracalfcouncLlnan Mor gan andt adopted unanlmous 1y on:rorr. ceir 6fracrue:."prc s cnt. 90 Bcports for: the nonth of October, 1955, submlttcd by Ure Dcpantncntof Publlc Worka, thc Flrc Dopartmcut 8rrd thc Pollco Department, rer.orcad, aeknowledged and o:rdcned fllcd. Upon i.nqufuy of Mayor Slmonda, Clty &rglneer Mrrr advlsod thet thc cons tructlon of e draftlng plt fe the E[r c Dcpa:rtnont ls stl1l bc- 1ng glvcn hls conslderrtlon. Mayor Slnonda compJ-lnentcdl Clty Employec forccs on theLr coopcrat-lvc cfforts ln allcvlatlng the rccent flcsh flood dc,nagc. lleyor Sinonds clso cdvlsod thet :radlos heve rccontly bccn lnetallcd lnthrcc clty trucke and the cnglnccrrs cen for enottgcncy and clvl1dcfcnsc purtpoEcs. Orq{nenao No. 538r entltlcd rAn Ordlnancc Anending thc Ordlncncc Code of the Clty of Bur"llngamo by Atldlng Thercto i New Sectlon 10l1sRcguletlng t0Loslng Out Salcg t; Provldlng for e LLocnsc Eho:re for endPcnalty for Vlolatlons Thercoft, rves gLvcn lecond roadlng. 0n notil. onof Counc llnan organ, sccondlcd by C ounc l1nen Byrd, O:rdlnCncc #558 resedopted by the followl ng votc: Ayca: CounclLmcn: Atreter-Bytrd-Uor.gen-slmonds Ibecnt Councllmcn: Lovc Clalns Nos. 4452 to 4567 lncluslvc, ln the eeount of $?419?9.84,duly eudltecl by the Elnancc Comi.ttee, werc epprovctl for pa.ynont onmotion of Councl lman Byrd, sccondcd by Councl lman Uongen ind unan-lnous 1y cerrLed. Payr-o11 wenrents for thc month of 0ctober, 1955, Noa. SSEE to 5?Og,ln the mount of $65r?88.08, were approveil on notloa of Councl lnrnMorgan, scconded by Counctln.n Byrit and unanlmoug Ly carrled. Bb! Roberts, ncnber of Boy Scout Iroop !to. 10, res lntroduccd irdwelcomcd by l[eyor Sl.nonds. stenlcy llaunowlcz, second vlce-connandcn of Br:rllngamc post tro.163,anerlcan Lcglon, cxtcndcd an invltation to members-of the cour,cll - -1{-to.thc pub15.c, to e ncetlng November 19, I9SA, at thc Lcglonllellr..to hcu Congrcssnoan Arthr.nr J. youngen- sp6ak on rVetcreis Af-fal ns rr . Thene_bc_lng no I\rther tnr s lncss , tho nccting wu :regurarly edJouracttet 8!5O P. U. K. WIITTE CITY CLERK APPROVSD: u. s. srMoNDs, JR., MAYOR Zt a Respc ctflrlly subulttod