HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1954.12.20r 9r)eA64A) Burllngame - Callfornla. December 20, A95l+ A regular moetlng of the Burllugame Clty CouncLl was hold on the abovo gtvei d.ate. Meellng ealled to orden at-8:15 P. M. - Vice-Mayon Rooth ln the Chalr. Rol-1 CalL: Present Councllmen: Bynd-Love-$organ-Rooth Absent Couacllmen: Atwater On motlon of CouncLlman Lover soeorld.ed by Colmcllman Byrd and unan- lmously carrled, Cor:ncl1man Atwater was-excuse.d due to ilInees. MINUTES: fkre mlnutes of the previous meetlng of December: 5 ' L954, as submitted" to membens of the Councll uere unanlmously approved. and adopted wlth one conrectlon noted on page 3, next to last paragraph, that rrCouncll- man Byrd wLthd.rew hls orlglnal motlon with the consent of his second, Councllman Morgan. tl COMMUNICATTONS A letter dated. December 1J, 1954, was r"ead. from the Clv11 Servlee Com- mlsslon, submittlng the followlng eltglble llsts as a result of :recent o::aI examlnatLons ! Equlpment O'perator Walter Stokes Alfr"ed Jones Johnnie bJ. Porter Vlctor J. Paulsen Stneet Department 75 Loma Ylsta Dnlve, Bu::lingame fuJ Wlndson Drive, San Carlos 1,236 Iowa Street, San Franclsco 1008 Laguna Avenue, Burlingalne Watbr Senvic Man: Wesley D. Coke 809 nayswater Avenue, Burllngame John H. I'lcOooL 1,]-32 Norfolk Street, San Mateo The foregolng ltsts were accepted and placed on f1lo. A letter datod December 17, 195\, was read from R. C. Theuen, Ghlef of Po11ce, advlsLng that Mr. Be::tnam Holmes, Dlreetor of the Pollce Resenvos, has tendered hls reslgnatlon, because of a transfer of hls bgslness to another area. Councllman Byr"d., moved that an approprlate conraunlcatlon, prepared by the City Clerk wlth the asslstanee of thoClty Attor"ney, be forwand.e6 trq Mn. Ho1mes and. bea::lng the slgnatu::es of the mombens of the CouncLl, Chlef of Pollce and the Clty C1erk. The motlon was seconded. by Councllman Mongan and unanimously carrled.. Councllman Love expressed hls approclation to members of the Councll fon the actlon taken and compLlmented the Bu::Iiflgame Poliee Department Roserve OffLcers for the outstand.lng servLce performed ln the conduct of police &rtles. . A Letter d.ated December 1?, L95\, was nead. from R. C. Theuor, Chlef of Po1lce, advlslng that upon lnvesttgatlon of a complalnt submLtted. by Mr. Tom M. Fena, L019 Callfor.nla Drive, regandlng cars parked. 1n vlolatlon of ttre one hour parking limlt wlthln that viclnlty, offlcors asslgned. to trafflc d.etal1 have been lnstnucted. to fnequently patrol the irea, Chlef fheuen was compllmented on the satlsfactory and prompt attentlon glven to the comPlalnt. A letten dated. December 17r llg5t+, was read. from G. J. Marr, Dlrector of Pub]lc Works, submittlng a repont and the actlon taken by h1s of- ftce 1n reference to a complalnt recelved from Mr. Tom Fena, 1n a letter necelved. under: d.ate of December 6 , L954. Mr. Marn was compll- mented on the prompt actlon taken and the Clty CLerk was lnstnucted to fonwand e copy of the fonegolng neports to Mr. Fena for his lnfortn- atlon. 6)C) AL1 Q3: A lotten d.ated. Decemben 17, L95\-, was read from G. J. Marr, Dlrector of Publlc Works, recommendlng that appolntments be mado for Water Ser- vlceman and Equipment Operaton ln the Stneet Department, effectlve January 1, 1,955.- Councllnran Mongan moved that Wesley D. Coke, 809 Bayswaler Avenue, Bur,lingame, be appolnted., effectLve Januargr 1, 1955,to the posltlon of Water Servlceman, sublect to the requined Clvl1 Sen- vlce Rules and Regulations, seconded by uouncllman Byrd and unanimously carried. Councll-man Morgan moved that Walter Stokes , 75 Loma Vlsta Dnive, Burlingame, be appointed. to the posltlon of Equlpment Operator, effectlve January 1, 1955, and subJect to the requlrod. rules and rog- ulations of the Civll Senvlce Commlsslon, second.ed by Councilman Byrd and unanlmor:sLy eannLed.. A letter dated December 17r l95l+, was r.ead from the flrm of Cunnlngham, manufacturers of canvas, 7l+2 El Canrlno Rea1, San Carlosr requestlng that a mlnon ehange be mad.e ln the current building code regardlng awn- ings over Clty sldewalks. MF. Gordon Mcl,eod.p repl:esenting the fl::m, stated that the above was requested in ord.er to provlde for a modenn typo of awnlng lnstallation on cormtercial buildlngs. The subJect mat- ten was refenred to ths Planning Commlsslon. A Letter d.eted December 10, 1954, was read from the Broad.way Deve].op- ment Assoeiatlon, requestlng that any actlon on the controverclal lssue concerrrlng the truck panklng pnoblem on the street of Broadway be post- poned untl1 the latter" part of January by whieh tlme a nevlsed plan may be submltted. to the Clty Councl1. Councllman Byrd moved that further consLderation of Ordlnance No. 57O, negulatlng the panklng of corunrerclal vehlcles on Bnoadway between Callfornla Dr"ive and. El Camlno ReaI be postponed untll the Councll meetlng, Febnuary 7r 1955, second.ed by Coun- bttmLn Love and unanlmously carnled.. At the request of Councllman Mon- gqn, Chairman of the Cor-rncl1 Street CommLttee, actlon on the proposed cfrange to create Carrnellta Avenue as an artenial Stop was wlthheld un- tll tfre Council meetlng of Febrrrary 7, 1955. A letten dated. December 16, a95l+, was nead from the Burlingame Imp::ove- ment Clubs Counc11, ad.vlslng that subsequent to meetings with repnosent- atlves of the Southern Paelfic Company and. the Commrter Club of Redwood Clty, the merabers of the Improvement Council, were of the oplnlon that although the Southern Paclfle Conpany ls entltled to sorn lncrease ln rates in proportlon to Lncreased costs wlthin the gntlre system, the cormnuten shoul-d not be e:qpected to bear the pressure of the full amouret of the proposed. rate incroase. Vlce-Mayor Rooth, ln behalf of the Coun- c11, expressed appreclatlon to Mr. Lehman, President of the Improvernent CLubs Counell, present at the meetlng, for the Clubrs Lnterest and ser- vlee to the commuter. A letter d.ated December 16, 195\, was I'ead f::om the Burllnganre Improve- ment Clubs Councll, requestlng that coples of pnoposed ordlnances bo submltted to the CLubr sev€rr days prion to adoptlon, Ln onden to avold mlsundenstand.lng as to the lntent of 1ts pnovlsions and that the Club may r"ecelve factual informatlon. I{F. Lehman was adti.sed that subseqrrent to-flrst read.1ng, coples may be nevlewed ln the offlee of the Ctty Clenk' A letter d.ated. December 1J, \95\, w&s read fnom the Burllngarm Lnprove- ment: Clubs Councl1, reqlrestfng tfre lnstallatlon of a 'rstoprr slgn at tho intensection of Lincoln and Laguna Avenues. The matter was referred to the Chlef of Po1Lce. A Letter dated December 1/, J954, was read. frorn the Burllngame fmpnove- ment Clubs Councll, requosting that actlon be lnltlated to remove a shaek at the rear of Lee Noackts Cablnet Shop east of the rallroad tracks. Mx. Buel Profltt, owner of the property on which the bullding ls loeat- €d, ad.vlsod. that the structune l-s presently used to house machlnefy and w111 be removed at such tlme as RolJ_lns Road is improved and a ner+ bulldlng may be erected. To confirm the statement of Mr. Profitt, Build- tng lnsiect6n Watson advlsed. that Mr. Profltt has applied fon a bulLd- fn[ pe::mtt to constnuet a new bui1d1ng. The fire Department was lnstruc- ted lo investlgate ttre pnesent structr:r'e fon a posslble fire hazard. A letter d.ated December: 16, 1954, was read from ttre Burlingarae Improve- ment Clubs Council, requesting that lmmediato actlon be taken to dlspose oi tt" unslghtly aipeanance oi an above-BaraEo structure l1IegaIIy con- structed, af, Paloml- and Mi11s Avenues. The subject was referred to the Clty Attonney and to the Plannlng Commlssion to d.etermlne the approp- rlate course of actlon to be taken. r 225 Councllman Love advlsed Mr. Lehman, President of the Burllngamo Jm- provement CLubs Councl1, that Mr, Everett K. Klndlg, recormronded for appointment as a member of the Park Commlsslon, by the Improvement CLubs Councll, would be glven every conslderatlon at such tlme agfuture members of Corsolsslons are to be appotnted. REPORTS OF' OFF"ICERS: Reports from the Depantment of Pub1lc Wonks, the Depantment of Publle Health and Wel-fare of San Mateo County, the Beereetlon Department, theFlre Department and the Pollce Department, fon the month of Novernber, l95l+, were read, acloeowlodged and placed on flle. PASSAGE OF ORDINANCES: ord.lnanee No. 5lZtrAn Ondltlance Amendlng Sectlon Be5 of tne 0rdlnance Code of the Clty of Bunlingame By Changing the Job Classlflcatlon oftJanlton Custodlant as Establlshed in tDlvlslon Ft 0f Sald Sectlon and Provlding For the Cornpensation for 3416 3166 Classlflcatlon as Amendedrt was given second readlng and on motlon of Councllman Love, seconded by ConneLlman Byrd, Ond.lnance No. 572 passed i.ts second reading by the f61lowing vote: Ayes: Councllmen: Byrd-Love-Mongan-Rooth Noes: Cor:nci-lmen: None Absent Councllmen: Atwaten Ondinance No. 573, entltled trDeelaning Intentlon to Vacate and Aban- don A Cortaln Pub1lc Utillty Easement Shown on the Map entltled tUnlt No. 1, Ml11sda1e fndustnlaL Park, Bur"Ilngarne, San Mateo County, CaLlf-or:nlat was Lntroduced by Councllman By:d who moved lts passage, second- ed by Councllman Love and unanimously carrled by the followlng votei Ayes: Corrncilmen: BSrrd-Love-Mongan-Rooth Noes: Councllmen: None Absent Councllmen: Atwater INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCES: Ondlnance No. 57I+, trAn Ordinance Amending S,:cti.on 1t0[, Article !0,Part X, of the Ordlnance Cod.e of the Ctty of Burllngame DivLdtng theClty Into Districts by Reclasslfylng tot 25, Block J, Map of the East- on Addltlon to Burllngarne from.6' Second Resldentlal Distnlct to aFlrst Commerclal Dlstrlctrr was lntroduced by Councllman Byrd for flrst read.lng. 0nd.inanie No. 575, tfAn Ordlnance Amending the Or.dinance Codo of ttreClty of Bunllngame by Ad.dlng a New Sectlon to be Numbered 415 Provld-lng for the Creatlon of the 0fflce of ,Park Supervlsort; Deflnlng hlsDutles; and RepeaLLng fnconsistent Cod.e Pnovlslonstr was lntroduced by Counc lIman Love f on f lrst read.lng. UNFT Nf SHED BUS IIIIESS : Resolutlon No. 69-5\, rrstate Pensonnel Boa::d Contnaettt for the eontln-uatlon of Examlnatlon SenvLces fon the Civl1 Servlce Commlsslon, a95l+- l-955, was Lntroduced by Councllman Bynd who moved tts passage, second.odby Councllman tove and ad.opted unanlmously on ro1L ca1I of members pre- sent. Aetlon on the appolntments of Second Asslstant Fl-re Chlef and CaptaLnln the Elre Depantment was wlthLreld for contlnued study. CLAIMS AND PA]MOLL APPROVAL: CLaims, Nos.5208 thnough 636L, ln the amount of $8:.1460.88, dulyaudited, wer:o authonlzed drawn on the City Tneasuny ln their ::espect-lve amountsr oD motlon of Councllman BXrd, seconded by Councllman Love and unanlmously canrled. Payroll warrants for the month of November,l95l+, Nos. 9996 thnough 10r2OO and No. l through No. ll+7, in the amountof $53r540.08, were approved on motlon of Councllman Byrd, second.ed. by Councllman Morgan and unanLmously carnled. 226 ANNOUNCEI,IENTS: Vlce-Mayon Hooth announced that X6s Ctty Ea1l 0fflces wouId. close at noon Friday, December 2[, 1951+ and at noon Fnld.ay, Decomber ]3., L95l+, and, al-1 miscellaneous employees, not on emergency duty, were authori lzed excused from duty. Vlce-Mayor Roothr on bohblf of the Clty Councl1, extended Eollday Greetlngs to tho Clty Bnployees, Con:rolsslon membens and. to the clt- lzens of Burl-lngarne. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman l,lorgan suggested that CouncLl Police Conrnlttee Chalrman Lovo lnvestigate the conditlon of Po1lce Motoncycle No. 2t and. the question of employlng addltlonal pollco offlcers to serve in the cap- aclty of marklng panking lots and. other related po1lce dutles. Coun- cLlman Bynd, Ghalrnran of the Council Budget Corunlttee w6re authonlzed to confei wlth Counellman Love and to subm:it a report at the next rog- ulan meetlng. Vlce-Mayor Rooth advlsod that Levy Bros. Lras rtthdrawn lts applleatlon for the erection of a new neon slgn and proposo to install a slgn that w111 eonfonm to ordlnance provisions. there being no fr.u:ther buslness, the nreetlng was negularly adiourned at 9:JO P. PI. wtth tnibute paid to Rosenve Pollco Officer, Bertnam Holmes. Respectfully submlttedl TK.l^JHITE CTTY CLERK APP VED: !,I. R0OTI{, VICE-IIAYOR