HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1953.10.2682 Burllngane - CalifornLa 0ctober 25, 1953 A regula:r meetlng of the Burlingame Clty Council was held on the above given date. Meetlng called to order at 8:OO p. m. - Mayor Slmonds ln the Chair. Ro1I Call: Present - Councllmen: Atwater-Byrd-Morgan-Simonds Absent Counci-lmen: Love On motlon of Councllman Morgan, seconded by Councllman Byrd and unanimously canrled, Councilman Love was excused from attendance torepresent the Clty Counej-l at the retirement dinner honorlng FireChlef E. J. Le1s. fn accordance vrith Notiee of Sale dated October 5, 1953, lnvitlng sealed proposals for the purchase of approximately $661280.22 prLn-clpal amount of improvement bonds, scheduled for Councll consider-atlon on this date, the Clty Clerk opened and read the followlngbids necelved: (Chapin Avenue Project 52-48) Rqiley & Davldson Bonds Maturlng Bonds Matunlng Anglo Bank Building F?esno, Californla plus a premlum of $;tt. OO 14O South Beverly Drlve Beverly Hl}ls, Ca1lf. plus a pnemlull of Sl1e. OO annaford & T Lbot 519 Callfornia Street San F?anclsco, CaIlf. plus a premlum of S15.OO 1961per annum 959 inc. annum 1955 19693-l/2fi - per aruluu Bonds Matuning r/z/oz - 1e6e 34/4% per annum z /z/ss 34,/4% Earny,g4d_lqyqon Ku-nin Bonds l{atur"lng 403 West Bth Stneet, Los Angles, Ca1if. plus a premLum of $30tr.+O Lawson & Williams Bonds Me.turing 1 Montgomery Street, San Ffanclsco, CaIlf. l-neludlng Sl.OO premLum J B. Hanauer & Co,Bonds Matu:ring t/z/ss - z/z/os3-l/% - per arinum t /z/o+3-l/4% per annr.m z/z'/.l'e '- t/z/ao inc. 3-L/Z% 1955 1 byc - per Bonds Maturlng 1960 - 1969 lnc. 3.?5% per annum Bonds Maturln Bonds turing r/z/.ss. - z/z/* lnc. t/z/az - t/z/os inc.3-3/4% - per annum 3-l/2/" per annum The above bids were neferred to the City Attorney and to the CityEnglneon on motion of CouncLLman Byrd, ieconded by Corrrr"llman Atiatenand unanlmously car::led. Rgsolution. No. 75-53, entitled--rrReduclng Assessments to Chapin AvenueImprgvement, Froject No. 5?-48u, yilas lntroduced by Councllman BJrr"d rrhomoved lts passage, seconded by Councilman Atwater- and adopted unan-imously on ro11 call of members present. Mayor Slmonds stated thatthe above actlon was necessitated by the fact that a settlement hasbeen obtained on several parcels of property on Chapin Avenue therebyneduclng the total estlmated eost of sald pr.oJect. A letter dated October 25, 1955, was nead from G. J. Marr, Direetorof Public $rorks, advislng that a survey has been lnj.tlateii to deter-mLne storm d:ralnage condltions of the City and. that Sanltary SewerGonsultants Ear:ry ry. Jenks and Paul L Adamson, have submittLa a pro-gram, thg gstimated cost of such study w111 be $+rzoo.oo. Mr,. m?rnrrecommended thlt the Clty Council consider the pn6posal and. thereuponautLrorlze the lmmedlate undertaking of the prograru for the lmprovement r B3 .of the Cityt" storn dralnage system. Resolutlon No. ?6-56, Acceptlng Report and Recounend.ation of Dlrector of Publl,c Worksln tl: e Matter of fnvestlgatlon of f,Iood Control llJithin the Clty, was lntroduced by Councllman Byrd, who moved Lts passage, secondedby Councilman Atwater and unani.mous Iy carrled by unanimous vote of members pnesent. Resolutlon No. 77-53, 'Applylng to the Directnrof Flnance for An Allotnent of the Stater s Share of the Estfunated Cost of frepar:lng Conpleted Plans and DeslgnatLng the Clty Engineer as the Authorl z6d Agent Fbr: the City of Burlingamet was introduced by Councilman Bp'd who moved lts passage, seconded by Councllman It{or gan and adopted by unanlmous vote of member.s pr:esent. A letter dated October 23, 1955, was read from the Burllngarne Clty Plannlng Comlssl"on, recomrnendlng that the request submltted by Thomas B. Zltel1l for penmlsslon to erect a sign on hls bulldlngat the conner of CalifornLa Drive, be approved, wl. th the pnovlsionthat the slgn w1,11 be no larger than slx feet 1n dLemetel: arlal thatthe color be such as w111 not confllct wlth or cause conflrslon wl t*rexlstln€! trafflc slgnals at the lntensectlon of Broadway and Celtf-ornia Drlve and wannlng ll glrts of the gq::ade crosslng of the SorthernPaclflc rallroad on Broadway. Councl lman Byld moved concr:rrence vil th the recommendatlon of the Plannlng connnlsslon and that the stip-ulatlon be adhe::ed to, seconded by Ceungl lman Mor gan and unanlnouslycarried. A letten dated October 23, 1953, was read from the Clvl1 ServlceConmlsslon, submltting the follon1ng ellgible list for G?oundsmen: Mr. Leon Pa:rentl - 8I2 laurel Avenue, Burllngame, Califorylla. 0n motion of councl lman Morgan, seconded by councllman Atwaten andunanlmously carrl,ed, the above lLst was accepted and appr.oved. asthe establlshed clvil- servlce l-ist fon the pos ltion oI- -Groundsman 1n the City of Burllngame. A lette:: dated October 23, 1953, was read from the Civll ServlcecomnLssion, nequesting the renewal of the eliglble ll"st for fireuan,establlshed Novomber 3, l-9SZ. Councl lman Atwater lntr:oduced and tgye9- the-passage of Besolutlon No. 7B-SS, ,Renewlng the EstablishedEligtble Llst for ru19manl, seconded by councl lman Mor gan *na aaolt-ed unanlmously on ro11 call of members- present. A letter dated october 17, 1g53, was :road llom the penlnsula Humaa esocLetlr requestlng that ;dmlnlstratlve actlon be tal<en on the renew-al of the contract betvreen the clty of Burllngame and the penlnsula Human o Soclety, Inc. for. the yea::. The communlcatlon was recelvedand tabled for f\]rther consider.atlon with nepresentatLves of theHumane Soetrdty and the Ctty Councl1. A petltlon dated October 14, 1955, was read, slgned by representatlvemerchants of the cLty, requestlng that conside:ritlon lre ginen to thepassage-of leglslatlon rlmitlng the ::1g[t of those pursois not estab-llshed ln the comr.unlty to. conduct liqildation or r;lo;i;; out" saiesln Bu::1ingame. The clty Attorney was -lnst::ucted to p""p"Eu-"" ordln-ence-pentalnlng to the subject matten for presentatl'on ?o:, firstreadlng at the next re6p.1ar meetlng of flre Clty Councll, November 2,1955. A letter dated october 10, 19s8, was read from the lenlnsula TennlsClub, expnessln-g appreclaiion fo:: C6s1611 "oop"".tior, -i"-pu*,f ttf."gthe use of the Washl-ngton psrk Tennls Counts &urlng tfre n'ecent nf gfltTournaments. The clty clenk was lnst'ucted to ,ctiowruage-ihu "o*-rmrnicatlon- and a copy, together wrth a letten of transnrrTiai, rorward-ed to the Clty Becreatlon CoBmLssion. Resolutlon No. 75-53r entltled. nDfuectlng the Glvlng of Notice ofFroposed &rnexatL on to the clty of Burllngame of ceitaln uniEhabltedTerrltory Deslgnated as rThe Stofteld. ?no[ertyr ana ff.xins fime andPLace $fhen e,,d ltfhe re fny. pers on_May Appe ai- anh sSen cr" --wrry s""nTerr.itory Should Not be Annexedn, was- introduced fy Co""" ffri* AyAwho moved-its pas sage, _ s e co^nded- by counc l1man etwaiei- anJ -aaoptea uaanLmous 1y on noll- call of rnenbers. 84 Resolution No. 74-53 sDecLaring Noxi-ous and Dangerous Ytleeds and Rubblsh a Nulsance and Orderlng Monday the 16th Day of Novemben, 1955, as the Tlme to }lear Otjectlons to the Proposed Removal of Such Weedst', was intnoduced by Councilman Morgan who moved 1ts pass,- age, second.ed by Councllman Byrd and adopted by unanlmous vote of 'members present. Ordinance No. 558 rZoning and Classlfylng the Land of Ml11sd.ale; Sou-th of Mlllbnae Avenue Between the Southern Paclfic fi1ght of T{ay and Bayshore Fleeway of the State of Californlail was i-ntnoduced by Councilman Morgan and glven flrst reading. A public hearing on theproposed zonlng and classiflcation of Mlllsdale w&s scheduled forthe re65u1ar meeting of the Clty Council on Noverrber 2, 1953. Gtrl seout Troop No. 154 comprlsed of students ftom the Ray ParkAnea, Bpy Scout Troop No. 1O and students I'rom the Sere Mateo JunionColle ge were introduced and welcomed by lvl*ro* Slmonds on behalf ofthe members of the Council. in-t Respe ctfully submitted HERBERT K. VJHITEClty C1enk AP?RO\TED: u. s. SIMoNDS, JR. MAYOR clalms Nos. 4299 to 4451, lncrusive, ln the amount or $6or8s4.g6,duly audlted, $rere authorized dnawn on the clty tneasury for thel.r lespectlve amounts on motion of Councilman Atwiter, sec6nd.ed byCouncilman Morgan and unanlmously carcied. Payroll warrants for the month of $eptenbe::, Nos. 4ggg to sg$cruslve, in the amount or $slrs4:B.gy-, were approved on motLon oCounellman Mo::gsp, seconded by Councllman Bynd and unanlmouslycarrled. { claLm agalnst the clty of Burllngame, presented. by Nicholas D.Germano, ln thg amount of $4rsOo.oo, as a nesult of- inJuries sgs-talned !y !_r" {gughter upon ctty sidewalks, was reject6d and re-femed to the Cityts lnsurance earnier on motlon ol Councl}aan Mor-Benr seconded by couneilman Byrd and unanlmously earrled. 9-fty Engineer Marn advlsed that upon hls revlew of the btds for thechapln Avenu" .H{ect, togethen wlth Mr. Blake, representing the gr*of-Kl.rkbrlde, Wilson, Hanzfeld and ltrallace, 1[ wai thelr rEcornmend,-atlon that the bLd submltted by- Lawson, Lety and WillLams, th;hlA-est bldden, be accepted. Councllman Atwatei. moved eoneuryence wlththe reconmrendatlon ald lntroduced for passage Resolutlon No- 7g-i1-,rAv;ardLng the $aIe of the fmprovement bonas in Accordance wlth theTerms and Condltlons fnco:'porated in the Bld to the hlgh btdder, -ifr" firm of Lawson, "9ry end XUt11lggrr soconded by Councffil*r, Byrd i.nd-adopted unanLmously on ro11 call of menrber.s piesent. Ondinance No. .539 rAdopting-a^New_Zonlng ordinance for the Ctty ofBur"llngame and Repe"li$ and-Amending Aft Sectlons oi tfr" Zonfirg--Ordlnanee ln Confllct Itrerewlthn was-Lntnodu""a fy Councffunan At-water and glven first read.lng. A public heanlng 6r, irru proposed,Ondinance vrias scheduled for f,he regular Couneil"meetlng -of ftovenber16, 1955, at 8:OO orclock p. M. Tlrere-belng no f\rrther business, the meeting was regularly adJounnedat g:90 P. M. Z) -']