HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1953.10.0579 Bu:rllngeme - CallfornLa octobe]: 5, 1953. A regular meetlng of the Burllngame Clty Council was held on the above glven date. Meeting ca11ed to order at 8:30 P.M. Mayor Slmonds ln the Chalr. Ro1I Calf: Present - CouncLlmen: Atwater-Bypd-Love-Morgan-Simonds Absent - Councllmen: None The mLnutes of the regular neetlng of September 21, L955t as sub- nlttod to the rierfu e:: s of the CourclLr were unanlmous 1y approved and adopted upon motlon of Councl}ran Atvrater and seconded by C6ung11- man love. Resolutlon No. 68-53, rAcceptlng Grant of Sanltary Sewer Easementr covering the second Lnstellatlon was lnt:roduced by Councl Lrran Byr dr seconded by Councl lman Love and adopted unanlmo.rs Iy on ro11 call of menb6rs . Monday, the sth day of Octoberr 1955, at 8:0O otcJ.ock P. M., ln the Councl l- Chambers ln ttre Clty HaII, was scheduled as the tlme fo:r a report and assessment 1lst to be subnltted to the Ctty CouncL1 on the weed and r.r:bblsh abat€ment pro€lrem and at whlch tlme all pen- sons lnterested were lnvlted to appear" to ente? protests. No one appeanlng to obJect to ttre proposed weed sssegsments, Councl lman Bynd lnt::oduced and moved for adoption Resolutlon No. 66-55, nI!.x- lirg the Assessment for Weed and Rubblsh Abatement fon 1953n, second- ed by Counc l1men Mongan and Lmanlmorr s Iy adopted by all members of ttr e Councl1. A letter dated Septenber 30, 1955, fYom G. J. Marr, DLrector of Pub- 11c Works, ca11lng for executlon of two rlglrt-of-way agreements;flrst, for the lnstallatLon of 24fl sanltary sewen along the P. G. & E. r: lght- of-way and second, for tho 24n sanLta::y sewer lnstallatlon across the P. G. & E. propenty, to be adopted by Resolutions, was ::ead by the Clty C1enk. Ttroreupon Counci lman By:d moved concurrence and lntnoduced. for adoptlon ResolutLon No. 6?-53, rAcceptlng Grantof Sanltary Sewe:r Easementn, covertng the fY.nst l-nsta1latlon, sec- dnded by Councllman Morgan and adopted unanlmously on ro11 call of membe:rs. A letter dated Octcber I, 1955, was read from U1e Bur'11np5 ame Rec-reatlon Commtsslon, r:ecommendlng the acquisltlon of suitable ar.easfon recreatlonal purposes ln the new areas of the M11ls Estate, tobe Lncluded wlth.ln the Clty. Mayor Slmond.s advlsed thet the CltyCouncll was whole heartlly ln favon of meetlng wlth the PJannlng Commlsslon ard Id::. Paul- Tf. Tnousdale, at a mutually agreeable tlmeto dlscuss sultable locations fo, a rocr.eatlonal ar6a. A Ie tten dated Septefuet 24, 1953, IYom the Burllnpqame Plannlng Com-nission, regardlng the appllcatlon subrnl tted by the Atlantic Llfe Insurance Company, :repnesentod by Mr. Paut W. Trousdale, fon ::ezon-lng ln accord.ance wlth the tentatlve uap attached thereto was neadby the Clty Clerk, follcm lng whlch Councllman Byrd questloned the necessarTr procedu::e and stated that he would move that the CLty At-torney be lnstructed to drar up an Ordlaance for adopti.on, settlngthe tlme and place for a public hearlng. Clty Attorney Karmelstated that the conrect p.oceilure uould be to fLrst adopt the tent-at!.ve map and then hold a publl c hearlng orr the z orring 1n accordancewlth the statute of the Callfornla Code. lvD.. Burns, President of the Elementary Schoo1 Board, askod 1f hewo:.Id be informed as to the tlme anil place of the publlc hearlng 1no:'der to pres-ent factual lnformatlon r.elatlve to the developnenf, ofthls area. 'Mr'. Bu:'nt s opinlon was that thl"s lnformatlon would havea bearLng on all of the property oy,nera 1n the Ctty of Burllngane. 80 After firrther dlscusslon, Mayot3 Slmonds polnted out that the proced-ure as outlLned sbove by the Clty Atlorney, would be fo11owed. ectlng the Exp endi tu:re 'of the Ctty Cor:ncl l and 0 ttre:rthe L,eague of CallforYrla 1nc1usLve, was Lnt::oduced seconded by Counc l1mancall of members . Councllman Love questloned Clty Attonney Karmel as to wheUaer theCity Councll, Ln acceptlng the tentatlve map, assumes any responslb-l11tt as to the zon{ng of the area 1n quest16n, to whlch- Ctty-Attor-ney Karmel ::ep11ed nthere ls no ::espons 1bl11ty' whatsoever. rr Counc ilman B5rr.d moved acceptence of tre tentatlve llap, seconded by Councllman Love and unanlmously carnLed. Counc 11man Byrd moved that the Clty Attorney be instrueted to p'e-pare an ordlnance for the next regular meetJ.ng pentaln1ng to the :re con:nend.atl on of the Plarrrrlng Commlsslon that the area east of ti.eSouthern Paclflc naLlroad, south of Mlllbrae Avenue, west of Bay- shor:e Freeway, now zoned as unclassl-fied, be zoned C-1; R-U R-2 andM-li tn accord.ance wi th the map as submltted, secon{ed by. Counellman Morgslt end. unanlmous ly carr.led. Mayor Slmonds set Octoben 26, 1g55,for the flrst readl-ng of the above Ordlnance and set Novomber 2,1953, at 8:OO p.n., ln the Councll Chambers, as the time and placefor the publlc hearlng. A letter dated Septomber 25, 1953, flom the Burlingame Clty plannlng Commlsslon regardlng the acceptence of the tentatlve map subrrltted - by the Atlantlc Llfe Insurance Conpany (Paul 1{. Trousdaie) was neadby the Clty C1erk. After a brlef dlscusslon whlch elarlfled the ex-tent of the wo::k to be accomplLshed by the subdlvlde::, Councl lmanBynd moved that acceptance of the flnal map must lnclude that theappllcent at hls expense, fl-1l and grade Ro11lns Road Jlom the south- e:r1y- boundarl, !f ttre subdlvlslon to the northerly end of the inter-sectLon of Rolllns Road and Marsten Road, to an iHgnrnent and spec-lfLcatlons acceptable to the Planntng Commisslon qnd to the Ctty En-glneerr - seconded by Councl lman Atwater and unanlmously accepted-by::o11 call of membe::s. A letter" dated September 25, 1955, f:rom tho Bur lingame Clty planriLng Corurl-s sl on re65arding the proposed revlsed clty zoning ordinances, wasread by the Clly Clenk and referred to Ure Ct'ty Attorney and Cl$Plannlng Consultant, George Mann for study and' recommendatlons to theClty CounclJ.. A letten dated October 2, 1955, to the Glty planning Coumlssl on, sub-mltted by Mr. M. Zedekar regardlng the ::e-lubdlvlslon.of lots onAlturas Drive and the abandoned portlon of Margarita Avenue, was readby the Ctty CIerk. Thereupon Councrhan AtwatEr concurred i" il"-;;;-omrEndation of the Plelning conmlssl.on and lntroduced Resolutlon No.69-55 rBe-subdlvlsion of lots on ALtu::as DrLve and the Abandoned Por-tlon.of. Marga::lta Avenuen, seconded by CouncL Lnan Morgan and unanLmous-Iy adopted upon ro11 call of members.- Resolutlon No. 7o-55, rDetermlning unpal, d Assessments and Provldlngfon rgsuance of Bonds - chap 1n avenue- rmprovenentr, was Lntroduced"byCouncLlman !frd, seconcled by Councl }nan Love and unanlmous Iy adoptedby ro11 call of menbe:rs. Resolutlon No. 71-53, rAuthorlzlng and D F\.rnd s to Dellay Expenses of the triembersClty offlclals Attendlng the ConfenenceCltles at San Ftanclsco, Octoben 18 to 2gnd moved for adoption by Councl lman LovAtwater and unan lmous Iy adopted upon ro1 Resolutlon No. 72-55, n0a]-11ng foT Blds on Sale of Improvement Bonds, Chap 1! Avenue Improvement Projectr, was Lntroduced bJr- Counclhnan Love,seconded by counc lIman Mor.gan and on rorl cal1 of meriberg rlnaIrlmous 1yadopt ed. A letter deted October 5, 1955; flom Ihomag R. Zlte11i, subnltttng adrarLng for a proposed slgn on-hls place of buslness at the into:plsection of Broadway and Cs11f'.rnla brlve, was referred to the plan- nlng CommlssLon for study and ::e conmendatl on. Councl'lnan Love announced that the annual League of CallfornlaCltles eonference w111 be held ln San trt'ancl,s co, 0s16663 3.9 to 21,lnclwlve. The reupon Councl lman Morga.n moved that the next regrlar ir of of 1 e,I 81 meetlng of the Ctty CouncLl be scheduled for October 26, 1955r sec- onded by Counctlman Byrd and unanimously caruled. Mayon Slmonds Lntroduced Mr. Edward S. Goetze, Chairrnan of the Recreatlon Cormlsslon, es among those pnesent. There belng no f\rrther buslness the meettng adJ moved by Councl}nan Love and seconded by Councl Respe ctfully submltted, ounned at 9!45 P.M. lman Morgan. I a EERBERT K. YffiITE CI TY CLMT APPRO\ED: ZI& u. $. sIMoIvDs, JR., MAYOR