HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1953.09.08f -17rD , a, BurL lngaee - CaIl fonnla Septelrb er 8, 1955 A regular meetlng of the Bunll ngane Clty Councl L ras held on the above glven date. Mectlng called to order at 8!25 P.M. - Mayor Slmonds ln the Challr. Ro1I Ca11: Present - 6ounst'lren! Atwater-Byrd-Love-Morgan-Slmonds Absent - Councilmen: None The mLnutes of the pnevLous regular me€tlng of August 17, 1953, as submltted to members of the City Councll, tere unanlmously appi:oved and adopted on uotion of Councllman Atwater end seconded by Councl l- man Love. lhe mlnutes of tir e speclal meetlng of August 22, 1956, wers unanlmously appnoved and atlop ted on motion of Councllman Byrd and seconded by Councllman lflorgan. The above date havlng been scheduled as the t lme for a Cl.ty Councll pub11c hearlng on the appllcatlon pnesented by Andrew L. Ifaechte:: fora permlt to erect and malntaln a concrete mlx plant and materlals yard wlthl,n the clty llnlts of Burllngam e, the Clty Clerk was Lnstmctedto read comnrunlcatLons appertalnlng to the subJect. A letten ilated JuIy 51, 1953, was read from the Burllngame Clty Plannlng Commisslonsubmlttlng a r"eport of the Plannlng ComnLsslonts actl.on pur.suant to a hoanlng held June 25, 1956. The commrnicatlon advised that a motlon was passed by a vote of fou:r to three that the locatlon of the pr.o- posed plant on land zoned as rl,ndustnlelr would be of proper use and wou Id not constltute a nulsance as outlLned by the present ordLnance.A letter dated August 51, 1955, was read from Roy Yl. Seagravese Pros-ldent of ttre Intenclub Councl 1 of Bunllngame Improvement C1ubs, to-gether wlth a statement cltlng nunerous obJectlons to the proposedp1ant, and recommendlng that the Clty CoturclL concur ln the recomnend-atlon of the fntelrclub Councll of Bur llngame fmp:rovement Clubs and ltsafflllated Clubs ln denylng the appllcatton. A letter dated September2, 1-953, was read from F. E. Eoffman, attorrrey nepresentLng the orime rof the pnoperty on whlch the plant ls proposed to be 1e ated. The communlcati on contalned lega1 cltatlons !o substantlate evldence thatthe proposed plant would be no lnlllngenrent upon the pub11c safety,health or: gener:a1 welfane of the comnunlty. 0n lnvltatlon of Mayor Simonds to speak on th€ subJect, Mr. Jack Hecht, Mr. Robert Garlbaldl,I\{r. James Hlmme 1, Mr. Her:man Nelson, M::. Steve Ss.nguenettl, Mrs. lf.F.Llt t1e, lft,. E. A. Van Bo1t, and 1r[r:. tr?ed tehman, prop rty owne:: s and members rep:resenting varlous fmpnovement C1ubs, each ln turn, ente:.ed oppo.e ltlon to the proposod pl.ant. !\:11 consl deratlon havlng been glvento the pnesentatlon of factE both for and against the enectlon of thepropos ed concr:ete ulx plaat, Councllnan L,ov e moved nonconcurence wl ththe actlon taken by the PLenning Co![mlssr.on and that the appllcationbe denled, based upon the fact that the operatlon of the pr-oposod con-crete mlx plant rcu1d be ln vlolatlon of Sectlon 19L4 of the O:rdln-ance Code of the Ctty of Bur llngame. fhe motlon was seconded by Coun-cl1man Atwate:: and unanlmous 1y carrJ.ed. A^letten dated September 3, 1955, ras read flom G. J. Manr., Dlrectonof Publlc l{onks r subml.tting coples of memorandum of agr.e ernent fon theexpendlture of gas tax prepared by the State of CalLfor"nla for theplrpose of resunfaclng several str:eets of maJo:r importance rlthln t,):eu1!y oI Bn{Ilngame. Counci lman Mgrgan lntroduced for passage Resol"-utlon No. 60-53, authorlzlng the Mayor to execute an agneemint wlththe state of csllfornia for the expendlture of Gas Tax-tr\rnds r secondedby Councllnan By:'d and adopted unanlmous Iy on ro11 caII of members. Resolutlon No. 61-53 rAcceptl-ng-^G.errt of Sanltery Sewer Easement llomR. P. Etlenne Properties, Inc.rrr was introduced lor passage by Councll-mer_ L,ov-e, s,econded by Councllman Byrd and adopted unanimous1y'on ro11call of membe:rs . teso_lullon No._ 6_2-55, trAcceptlng &ant of Sanltary Sewer Easement IlomJ. II. Dore arrd Kathl-een Doner, b.is wl ferrt was intr6duced fon pasaageby councl lman_ Byrd, seconded by councllman Me gan and unanlmously"adopt-ed on roLl call of menbers. -1 74 A letter dated September 4, 1955, was read from G. J. Marn, Dlnectorof Publlc lvorks, submittlng fon bouncll Lnformatlon and appnova].,quotatlons for the pr:rchase of equlpment authonLzed ln the- pnesentflscal year budget, as follows: Durnp Tnrck S/+ Ton DumpSmallcombBurllneam e Motor Co. e , Call f.Dr:np Tnuck Stneet Dept.Pank Dept.1ffater Dept. Bug . Cpe. B1dg. In. Chevrolet Cmino Mot BunllnEame or Company , Ca1lf. $zrBog.Lo SprsbS.4s $1r806.4E $1,+94,64 $sro3o.oo $zrztE.oo $1r95E.oo $1rEso.oo $zr9oo.zz $prB1o.56 $1r99E.sB $1r624.Be Fbrd J. E. Bur11 Dodge Stanley San Mat Fbench Co. r ame CalJ f. rs Auto Servlce eo Ca1if. fnternatlonaL $21765.7s $21554.7$ $Irea9.4s CouncLlman Bynd moved that the entLre bld for equlpment puncfr.ase beawarded to the Smallcomb Motor Company at the quotatlons- submltted,seconded by councllman Atwater and. unaninousry carrJ.ed. A letter dated September 3, IgS5, was nead f?om the Burlingane Clty?Lanning- Cornmlsslon, recomrnendlng that a request submltted*by Anth6nyW. Sorich for permisslon to nesubdlvide a plece of acreage at thelntersectlon of La Mesa Dr"lve and HtllsLde DrLve, be appioved,. Coun-clIman tove moved that the Councll eoncur ln the-recommLndatlon of thePlannlng Commlsslon and lntroduced. for passeger Resolutlon No. 64-55r |PProving the subdivlslon map, seconded by Councllman Atwater and unan-lmously carrled on ro11 call of members. A Letter dated^August 21, 1955, w?! nead fnom r. Karmel, ctty attorney,advlslng that ln::eply to a Councll J.nqulry, the Councli ts irftfrfn fti-authorlt{ to expend lvhateven may be n€cessiny of the nemalnden of theFire Bond Issue for the constnuttlon of a Fli.e Depantment Dnaftlng plt. The plans and speclflcatlons as onlglnally submltied were neferned tothe Clty Englneer fon hls perusual is to posslble nevlslon vrlth 1n-structlons that the plans and speclfllcatlons be re-submltted to theCouncll for 1ts approvaL. A Letter dated September 2, 1955, was read fnom the Good.wl11 Industniesof San Flanclsco, requesttng the prlvllege of operatlng a retail stoneat 1316 Broadway, ln Bunlingane, without the pa;rment of a llcense fee.The city Clerk iras lnstructea t6 communlcate wtlrr the Exoeutlve Dlnec-tor of the GoodwllL fndustrles, advlslng that although the Councll Lsappreciati,ve of tb.e spl.endld work acconpllshed by the organlzatlonthere ls nothlng wi.thin the provlnce of the Clty Councll-to grant therequest. A letter dated August 6, 1955, was read lbom tb.e Board. of AdmlnLst::a-tlon of th.e State &nployees t Retlrement System, subnittlng ttre Con-*ultlng Actuarlest nepont on the valuation tn ionnection ilitfr the pro-posal to anend the contract between the Boand. of Admlnlstration an'dthe Govennlng Boand of the Clty of Burllngsme, The communLcatlon wasrecelved to be taken unden study by the members of the Council. Resolution No. 65-55 trTransfernlng ftrnds ln the Amotrnt of $SOTOOO,OOfbom the water.operatlre_F\rnd of ttre cltyr to be used ln pirt'pa;ment lo* improvements to the Cltyls sesrerage system, was lntro-ctuced-bi-Couneilman_Bynd, who moved lts_adoptlon, iecond.ed by Councllmen iltorgasand adopted. unanlmously on ro11 call of members. A^e1alm agalnst $rf-9lty_of Bur'llngaure, presented by DeIIa E. Coste1lo,Ln the amount of $5OO.0O as a result oflinJurles sri.stalned in a faLlon the cltyts sidewalks, was neJeeted and. riferred to the cltyrs insur-arlce carrler" on motlon of Councilman Mongan, seconded by CouncllmanIove and unanlmously cannled. (D Mayor Slmonds expnessed hls concern to the fmprovement Clubs of theClty on thelr laxlty Ln protestlng two proposed 10rO00 foot Jet rrrn- weys at San !'rancls co Interrratlonal Alrport and urged that the Clubsunlte ln protes t. Mayor Simonds stated that the Counell w111 s tudy a report recelved llom the Plannlng Corrnlsslon on lts flndings 1n connectlon vlth im- p::ovoments to the Clty Ea1I. Forme r Ma.yor, L. Herbert Ila::::ls, compJ.lmented the Councll on thecompletlon of Lmprovemen ts to the clty streets. There belng no l\rr ther buslness,at 1O!5O P. M. the neetlng was regu lan1y adJourned Respectf\rlly submlt ted HERBER1 K. WHTTE CITY CIEru( APPROVED: u. s. srMoNDs, JR., MAYOR /-ta