HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1953.08.2272 Zl Bu::3.lngarae - Call forzrla August 22, 1955. A speclal meetlng of the Clty Counoll was held on the above glvendate - alL members havl.ng been notlfled and havlng oonsented. Meet-lng ealIed to orde:r at 1os45 A.I[. - Mayor stmonds-ln the chalr. RolI call: Present - counctlmen: Atwater-BJrrd-Lovo-slmonds Absent - Councllmen: Morgan Councllman Morgan was excused frou the meetlng. Mayor Slmonds stated the meetlng had been scheduled for the punposeof glvlng consldenatlon to th.e request of the Stand,ard Ofl Cbmb-any Igl pqtrisslon to lnstalI addttlonal undengnound storage tanks. tte9lty Clerk nead a letter from the Standard-OtL Compeny-nequesii"g-that a vanlance be gnanted to permit the l-nstallation- of {wo ASOdg"]19n underground gasoLlne stonage tanks at Senvlce Station #564,Callfornla Drlve and. Ilowand Avenue. On motlon of CouncJ.lmen B;rnd, second,ed by Councllman Atwater and,unanlmously canrled, the appitcatlon was appxroved. Tf"Ig !9fl8 no ftrther buslness, the meeting was regularly edJour"nedat 10:5O A.M, Respe ctftr11y submltted HENBEBT K. }YHITE CTTY CIERK APPROVED: u. s. srMoIsDS, JR.e MAYOR