HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1952.07.073ez Burlingame - California. July 7, 1952. A regular neeting of the Burlinga.ne Clty Councll was held on the above given date. Meeting ca11ed to ordor at 8:50 P.m. - the Coun-clI havlng first net as a Board of Equalizatlon ln confo?Dxlty to the 1ar - Mayon Byr"d ln the Chalr. Ro1I Calt: Present - CouncLlmen: Atwater-Byrd-Lrove-Morgan-Slmonds Absent - CouncLlmen: None The mlrrutes of the prevJ" ous meetlng of June 16, 1952, as submitted to members of the CounciL were unanlmous 1y approvod and adopted upon motlon of Counci}nan Love and seconded by Councl lman Atwater. Bids for tJre proposed st::eet lmp::ovements ln Burllngane, prevLously adventlssd for and scheduled for opening on thls d.ate, we::e read as follons : Items 1 th::ough J-8 San NIat eo II. J. Bragato 165O County Road, Belmont L. C. Snith Ral-Lroad Avenue, San xlateo $44, 016. ro The above blds wer.e referred to the Clty At torney and to the Clty Engineen for review ancl a recomnendatlon to be submltted prlor to the terarlnatlon of the meet5.ng. Monday, July 7, 1952, was the tlme set in accordance with 1egaI re-quirements, for a public heaning on tho p::oposed acquisitions and imp::ovements to propenty in Bu::1ingan e l'{anor Subdlvision No. 1r for the purpos e of heaz'Lng protests, if any, on the above proposal.s. The City C1er.k read a letter from Thos. Scoble & Sons, Inc., ente:r- Lng a protest on the assessment ir,rposed upon Lot 2, Block 5; Lots2 and 5, Block 4 and Lrot 1, Block 1, for the reason that the lots face satisfactory streets. I\tr. Curtls Colby, 1557 Los I'Iontes Drlvet Burlinganre Manor, ad.dnessed the Councll, entering hLs protest onthe asiessment levied on Lot 22, Block 5, ( Ida:: ga:ri t a and La L{esa). I{e Lnformed the Councll that a portion of tho lot was slidlng tlown the h111 and as a portion of La Mesa D::1ve anil Margarlta Averu:.e h.ad. been ordered abandoned, he was concerned. whether he would haye access to the road. Following considenable discusslon, CouncL]man Slmonds moved that the subject matter be refer::ed to ttre City At-torney and to the City Eigineer for ::eview and. recorunendation tothe Counc11, seconded by C or.rnc i lman Atwaten and unanimous 1y ca."rlecl. Mr. Colby was invited. to meet rri th t'he City Attor.ney arrd ttre City Eng5.neer. Petltlons pnevlously ci-rculated among the me::chants in Burlingeme,as to whether n twin-parkingtr of ca::s on Bu::1ing ame Avenue wouLd b6 favorable or not, were submltted for Courrell- consLderatLon. ThepetLti.ons inclicated. 65 in favor ard 12 opposed to the proposal. Mayor Byrd suggested that the plan be placed on a si.xty or ninety day trlal basis. Cor:ncllman Love stated that he had no objectlonsto the e:qp eriment but ln hls opln5.on he felt that a thorough study should be made before any permanent actLon is tsLen. Fbllolring f\.rr- ther" discusslon, Counci}nan SLmonds moved that t?:.e subJect Battels be referred to the Pollce Depa::tment ancl to the Stneet Deparfoient I xri th instructlons that a survey be conducted on both a t emporsry and pe::manent basis, as to the number of me te:: posts that would haveto be removed., the approxlmate cost for such removal, toghether withan estLmate of the loss in revenue by the removal of 'the meters andthat a I\r1l- report be subml-tted at the next reguls:r meetlng of theCouncLl. Are motLon was geconded by Councilman Love and unanlmous 1yca:rled. Chief fheuer and a ::epresentatlve of the EngLneering Ds-partment we:re instructed to vislt the CLty of Haywa:. d to investlgatethei:r system of rr twin-parkS.ngrr on buslness streets, and. that cittrs parkLng meter lot. trank I/V. Smith 19th & Bayshore,$g5r o4B.Bo $gB, 260. so 393 A_ letten d.ated July 3, ,-L952, was read flom the BurlLngame Clty , Plennlng -C onrnls s lon, advislng ttre Councll that two publlc heai-'lngswere held. at the Commlssionts ::egular meetlng of Jrure 26th, ancl - that the followlng actlon had been taken: (I) A recommond.itlonthat the appllcatlon of the Safeway Stores for penmlsslon to erecta stnuoture aIrd pa::king facllltles on Howa^r,d Avenue and EI CamLnoRea1, be approved and (2) A recolgnendatlon that the request for a:rezoning of residentlal property on Rhlnette Avenue to pernlt the Sdditton-of 9. wing to a garage bulldtng lbonttng CaLlfornla Drslverbe denled. A publlc he a::lng on the two appltcall ons were s chedul-;dfor the next _regul-ar meetlng of the Council.on July 2J,, L952, Lnthe Councll Chauber.s at 8:0O p.m. A letter d.ateil June 2o, 1952, was read f'rom the civil serrrlce com-rissionr, ca1J.lng attontion to aa lLlegaI Clvll Servlce pno-edurebeLng followed in lrhe paJrment of tho ilonthly sara:ry oi frre-ie"rorc1e:rk-Stenognaphe:: in-the Gity court and re6ommenaing th;i sarariesbe pald as set forth.in ttre slla:ny ordirunce. A letier d.aled J*ne24, l952r.was nead Ilom,-J.-A. Braison, City jud.ge, :requesiing tUere-appolntment of IIrs. Shella Lrars en as C16rk oi lfre ilty Court fon *p^:9d]!1.111-1:r":t{ gay pertod corrnenalng July r, tssz." T}re cityCIeIrk was lnst::ucted to notiflr the CivtL Servlie Cormisslon ttrat theappolntrne nt of the Court Cleri< was rpde on a contnact bajis forspeclal servLces and w111 be in effect for t}.e next ninety days, !o119v1 19 rfrl-_ch penLod - the app o intmen t_wi 11 u e suu 3 e ci--io" " urrbrrir,Fbr fir::ther clarlfi.catlon, Cbunci 1merr lov e stated ifrat a -plrrran entcLerir wor.ld not be appolnted, lnasmuch as the city Cowi foir t.r*-.lnate as of Januany I, 1955. - I letter. dated June 3O, 1g5d,, was ::.e ad. flom the Civll Servlce Com-mlsslon submittlng the- foLloiring e1lglbJ.e 1lst fo:r io:.f "ur"n, 118_fV. 56th Aveu:ue, San l,lat eo16Of Laurel Avenue, M11lbrae908 - 4th Avenue, San Bruno 1420 Ssnchez Avenue, tsurllrgame 612 Plymouth t7ay, Btrr llngame John B. Dru::y, JrMelvln D. Porten Robert J. QuinnBobble E. Now1lnc. J. Leonelli Councl lman Slmonds movecl that ttre eI1glb1e llst be accepted.seconiled by Councllnan Atwater and uninimous Iy carri-ed.- A letter dated. {rly _Sr. LgSZ, was r.ead from R. C. Theuen, Chlef ofrorlce, . r'eques tlng that two appolntnents be made to the- poIlce De-pantment to fllL exlstlng vacancles. Councl lman SLmond.s moved. that {o.-1 3na No..2 on-th_e ellglble 1ist, John B. Drury, Jr.r-ana [felvLnr./.- forten, respectLvely, if avai lable, be appointeil'to tire posLtlon9f pollcenan and in ttre' event that neither i-s avallabter. ttrirt t'io. a,Robert J. QuJ-nn, be appolnted, subJoct to conformLty witrr establlsh-ed rules antl regulatlons. lhe notlon was secondea iy. councitmanIov6_and unanlmous ly carr"led. A motLon wag tntnoducld Uv CouncLl-nEJI sLmonds that the clvlL se:rvice conmLsslon be lnstnucied tocreato an add.lti onal - e11glb1e llst-fe policeman, seconded by c oun-clhun love errd unanimous Iy carrLed. A- letter d.ated July 3, LgSz, rcas read Ilom Chlef E. J. Leis. sub-mittlng a copy of a letter necelved lyom the Board of Fire tnder_rrrlters of the Pacific. The tr5-n e underw:eLt er rs letter dated July1, 1952, cl-a:rifles the statemeixt und er" Flr e Records ln the -L9S1 - MynfcfBa1 FLr e Protectlon report of ttre Clty of Brr.lingame, . and ex_plainecl that deflclency polnts have been re-duced flnonr E toiat or14pg to rEBr. fhe retter was acknowlodged and. o::de:red flred rri ththe onlglnal ::eport. Chlef Lels tas lnitructed to r"equ."t that thepr:ope n authorLtLes be notlfled to advlse the counclr of the deflc-iences I1s ted. ln the lrtrnS.clpal Fire Repo::t. A conbinod comunLcatlon dated Jr.rne 26, 1952, was :read fyom thechlof of the Ftre Departrrent, tlre Buli[61ng rnspoctor ana irre IlouslngsabitarLan, ::epcur tlng of the substandard conaltion of the structure-at 2L7 PrLru'ose Boad. rhe report was acloxowledged and ordered filedwltb the Lns tructlons that the CouncLl be kept Informe d ofthestatus relatlve to ttre correctLon ofthe exll ting condl.tlon. A lette:r dated June 2, !g52, ^was ::ead. llnom trfr. r[illlan Roose, thecltyrs rep::es entatlve - on th6 Boand ot rnrstees fon ttre Three clties 3e4 Mosqulto Abatement DLstrict, advising of the proposed consolLdatlon of San Mateo Countyrs two adJacent Itlosqulto Abatereent DLstrlcts, the Pulgas arrd the Tbree Cltles. Ilr. Roese, Ln attendance, spoke at length on the advantages ofTered by the consolidation of the two'dlstricts, folJ.owing whl ch Councl J-nan Simonds introduced for aclop- tion, Resolution No. 35-52 - concurrlng ln the recomnendatL on and urging the consolldatlon of the lulgas and t2re thr ee Cltles into one IllosquLto Abatement Dlstrlctr seconded by C ounc i lman Lwe and adopted r.rnanlmous 1y upon ro3.1 cal-L of members. A letter dated June 17, 1952, was read llom Captain Ge@ge C. Cur-rler, AssJ.stant Dlrector of Civil"Defense, thanLlng the Clty C oun- clI ior 1ts co-operation in the Clvll Defense progran. The clty Clerk was i.ns tructed. to acloeowledge Captaln Cu:rrilerr s communlcatlon,ln turn thanklng hin for his outstardlng work ln behalf of the 61t- lzent s of Burl5.ngam e. A letter dated June 20, 1952, was read lYom R. E. Hallawe]I, General Manager of the Southern Paciflc Company, - acblowledglng the CounoLLrs Letter of June 4th, relative to a hazardous condltlon at the Southern Paolflc Depot ln Burllngame. flee c onmrrni catl on advised that measures w111 be taken to conduct operations in t}.e ssfest manner posslblo. The Ctty CLerk was lnstructed to forward a copy of t'h e letter t o ltlr. F. N. Clark, who orlglnally cltect the dangerous conditlon. Clty Attorney Karne 1 advLsed that the pnotest fYom Thos. Scoble & Sons, subnitted earller ln the evenlng, had been reviewed, antl lt vras recortrnended that the protest be overruled, and that ttre assess- menl levied agalnst tho property of I[r. Curtl s Colby be reduced I'::om the orLgJ.nal fi447.76 to $216.66. C ourci]man SLmonds moved concum- ence rlth the recomlrerdation arrd that the Colby assessment lmpos ed be reduced to $216.66, seconded. by Counci lnran love. Speaklng on thequestlon, CounciLman S lmondq qresti oned the Clty Engineer, as to whether the owren wouLd have access to hls property end also to the sewer main. Clty Engineer Merr replied that the owrer would have accoss lYom the cul de sac at the north end. of Ia Itlosa Drive, and also would have access to the sewer mal n. I{ayor Byx"d askedl the Clty Englnee:: ivhether there was a proposed abandonmant of land use forclty streets at this partlcular location, to vh tetr the Clty Drgln- eer ::eplLed ,that abandonment had been established last yea! -Resolutlon No. 55-51. lhere belng no f\:rthe:: discussion the motion was unanimous 1y ca::rLe.d. Resolution No. 36-52, rroverrulJ.pg all p::otests recelved agalns t tho assessments Ievled in Burlingame Msr or Subdivislon No. In ras Lntro- duced by C ounc lLnan Love, seconded by Couaci lman Atwater and uner'lmous - 1y- ca:rrlecl. ResolutLon No. 5?-52, rrAn orden advocating. Engineerrs Report, con- fJrmlng the assossment, and ordering the work d.onerr, was lntroducedby Councilman l.{organr seconded by Counci}nan Slmontls end adopted unanlmous Iy upon roJ.1 call of members. Resolutlon }io. 38-52, nAwardlng tlre bld for the propos ed imp:rovemontato Br.r lingame. Manor No. L to trt ank 1[. Smlth in the amount of $531048.80 ard autho::izlng the }Iayor to execute the agreement for and in behalf of tho Clty Counciln, was lntroduced for adoptlon by Counc Llman Atwater, soconded by Councl}nan Sinronds and r:naaimous Iycarri ed. I\,tr. R. G. Burbank thanked the Councll for lts action and expres sedhls pleasuro that wo::k would soon commence on ttt6 iup:"ovements 5.nthe Manor. Mr. E, C. Anderson, president of tJre Burllngame Mano:: ImprovenentC1ub, questloned the Clty Engineer as to rtretber he rpuLd be 1n apositlon to recorroend the acceptanco of, the streets after ttre !rc rk wasr completed, to whLoh the City Engineo:r stated that lf Ure workis satls facto::Ily completed he rculd :recomnend.thel:: acc.eptance tothe Clty Counc L1. !epo::ts nrere read from ttre Irlbrary for the month of L{ay r and theClt'y Judge for the montJr of Juner'1952. Under UnflnLshed BusLness, the request submLtted by Ilarry M. Lehr- 395 ''feId, ln behal.f of a c}lent, for a van:iance to permit a modenn plate glass wa11 on the northwest elevation_of a proposed building on the 6orn"r: of Chapin Avenue and. Prlnrrose Road, was-denied, as it would not eonform to provlsions established in the Building Code. J-Lng and I*Iayor Byrd stated that action on the Armual Audtt awarcl urould be postponed. for two v'reeks. Resolution No. 59-52 sApprovlng the Designatlon of Thursd.ay, July lOth, t952, as rU. S. O. Day ln Burllngametr, was lntroduced by Councllman Love, seconded by Couneilsan Atwater and unanimousJ-y eanrled, Councilman Slmonds moyed that the Clty Englneen be lnst::ueted. to enploy a tree expert to |tpnunen the eucalyptus tnees adjacent to the Southern Paclfl.e t:racks and an appnoprlatlon be alIowed in an amount not to exceed SITOOO.OOr as provid.ed. for in the forthcomLng bu-dget, second.ed by Counellmen Atwaten and. unanLmously carried.. 8le Clty Clerk was instructed. to nottf! the Safety Conrnlttee of the PubJ-lcUtlLittes Commlssion and the Southern Paci.flc Company of the action taken by the CounclL. Mayon Blryd announced that the City Ha1I offLces w111 remaln open on Saturday monnlngs and that the depanfuent heads be lnstructed. to malntaln skeleton crews on those mornings. Mayor Byrd stated. that the Couneil, ia consld,e:rlng the request flom the Bunllngame Munic1pal Ertployeesl for the Saturd.ay c3.osing, feLt that many residents are not avaLLable flora the time standpoint to reach the City EalL dr.rrS.rrg the week, and that the Clty Cormcll would not have access to the records and books to efficiently perform its duties. lhe City Clerk was in- st:ructed to so notlf! the Assoeiation. "Mayor Byrd submlttod the name of Charlotte Johnson, for r"e-appointment as a momber: of the Library Board.. Upon motlon of Councllman Love, eeconded. by Councilman Slmonds, the appointmmt was unanlmously con- flnmed. ftre names of Lee lancaster and t$alter GlL1lan were submitted by Mayor Byrd for ne-appolntment to the CivlL Senvice Coutnlssion and upon motion Counellman Simonds, seconded by Cor.rneiLman $twater, u:ranimously con- fi:rmed. Robe:rt Hlggins and Genevleve Phelan were named for re-appointment as rerabers of the RecreatLon Couurlsslon by Mayor Byrd and, the appoint- ments were unanimously conflrmed upon motlon of Councilman Atwate:r and seconded by Councilman Simonds. Irlayon Byrd submltted the narrle of Allan F, Hunt for appolntment to the f5.re Conm.isslon, and upon motlon of Councilman Morgan, seconded by Cotrnelhoan Love, the appolntment' was unanimously confirmed Council-uran tove moved. that tfre payroll for the month of Mayr 1952, ln the araount of $43r451.22 be appro;ved, seconded by Councilman sj.nronds, and' unartLmously oaruied. the payroll for &re month of June, L952, ln the amount of $44r 632.J-7, was appl?oved. upon motion of Coun- cilman Love and socond.ed-by Couacilman Morgan. ti*yo, Byrd anno'rrnced that a special meetlng of the CIW Council would be held F?iday, JuJ"y trJ-, 1952, B:OO prrf,. at wkrich time a pubIlc hear- 1fr9 vlouLd be held on"the proposod 1952-L955 bt*dget. the beneflt of clarifying thecontrary to facts presented. in presenting plans on the proposed was to explaln the work contem- prepared by an authorlzed arch- Council^menrecord, he loca1 paper Simonds stated. that for rrished to announce thgts, hls only j-nterest j.n of t he Corrncll Cham.bersthat the plans had been remod.e,plateditect.: In a statement relatlve to a recent Edltorlal appearlng in the local paper, conce::ning tlre Council, Councllxls:r Love stated that while he upheld. the rtglrt of free press, he was opposed to the publistring of an article vrtren fi.l1l particulars of the subject were not presented. There belng no fi.rther br:slness tl.e Corrncil adjourned at 1O:50 p.m,to meet F?ld.ay, July 11, 7-952, at 8:00 p.m. ct submitted. ert I{ayor Blmd Respe City Clerk 1te