HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1952.06.16-.1 sg7 Burllnga:ae - Cali fornla June 16, 1952 4 tggrf." meetlng of the Copncll of the Clty of Bur3-ir:game, rasheld on the above glven dgte. Meetlng ca]I'ed to o::der-at g:15 p. Eo. by Mayon Byr.d. Bo11 CalL: Present - CouncL}nen: Atwaten-Byrd-Love-Morgan-SlmondsAbsent - Counclhren: None The mlrnlt e s of tfre previous meetlng of June 2, lgSZ, as subml ttedto members of the Cor:ncLJ- and as pos ted on the Bu[;tin Board 1nthe Clty Ha1I, were unanlmous ly approved and adopted on motlon of Qounc5.3man Love and seconded by Councllman Slmonds. fn conformi ty vri ttrof Clty 1egals for June 50, 1955, the follows : the advertisement for blds for the publicatlon th_e_ flscal- year startl+g July 1, IgSe, and end.ingfollolrring b1d presented., was opened and read. as - BurIi ame Advanco . Ilhlenberg & Co. Maxfun]ltr fee not to exceed $1r0OO.oO Iyilleford & lylltshlr trllat fee of $650.00 Benson & Neff Mrs. ElLse R. Lruke $1.5s$.zs pe? squere fon the fi::st lnsertlon of any noti.coper square fo:: subs equent lnsertlons of ttre same notj.ce. 0n motlon of Councl]lan- Si.monds, the above bLd, as read., was accopt-gq_$q-!!u Mayor authorlzed to sigrr the contratt for. th6 flscal yLa:r1952-1955 rith the Burllng ame .A,dvance, seconded by CounclluanAtwater and unanLmous Ly carrled. Blds for the Annual Audlt and. Exnrrinatl_on of Accounts for. t)ee Clty 91 4t11"e.re, at the termtnatlon of the fiscaI year end!.ng June - 30, 1952, wene r"ecelved. ard read as fol1ows. Maxfumrm fee not to exceed $2rOOO.OO C ounc l-lrlan Love moved that actlon on th.e award of blds for theAnnual Audlt be fii ttlhe ltt unt1l the next regular meeting of theCouncLl, seconded by C ou.nct J.nan Atwater and unanimous 1! carrLed. A letter dated. June 5, 1952, was l:ead Ibom G. J. Mar, Dlrector of'Pub1lc llyorks, submlttlng a nepo::t lbom Clty ELectriclin Hi1ls re1-atlve to a survey conducted on the wlrlng condltlon at the Washlng-ton Pa::k Tennls Courts. The :report indlcates that fou? coJ.n oper-ated tlmers and. the und ergr or:nd conducto::s should be ::ep1aced. ]tiayo:r Byrd stated that the replacement of the tlmers is- under studyby the. Councll Flnance Comittde ln lts cu::::ent budget meetlngs.Ore matten of ::epl.acement of underggound conductors"l.ras he1d. Inabeyance fo:: seve::al months. fhe ::eport was order:ed flIed. A letter dated June L2, !952, was read flom the Clvll Servlce C om-mlsslon submittLng the follorlng e1lglbLe list for senion rrlbrar La!x: 185 Oak Court, Palo Alto Councllma-n Morgaa ^lroved tba t the }1st as submJtted be accepted,seconded by Councllman Atwate:r end unan.t mous Ly ca::rled. A letter d.ated June 1-Or-_1952, was fea6l f?om G. O. Sroal_Icomb, pres- Ldent of the smallcomb Motor co., requestlng that an appllcitlon begranted fo:: the erectlon of cortaln ornamental slpJls. irbus e. steeL _felcir_lg and 1a!ds caping as p::oposed imp::ovements to '6e mede uponJ.ots LA, l3 and Lot 2, Block 15, ln the Iown of Br.:r,1lngame. I\[::. I 3.&8 S chunan, a nepresentatLvo of the Snal-Lcomb Motor Co., present at the ineetfng, was iequested to subml t the drawings of the proposed p1ans. A letter dated June 15, 1952, ::eceLved flom the Planning Cornmlssion, was read, advislng that the Plannlng CorralssLon has reviewed and ln- vestlgated the appllcatlon and have coneumod that there ls no ex- lstlng ordl,nance whi ch confllcts rvt th the proposal. 0n motlon of Councilrnan Slmonds, the Councll concr:::red with the recormendatlon and the Clty Blglneer was Lnstructed. to notify the Buildlng In- spector to issue the necessary permit. The motion was seconded by CouncLlman Love and unaninous Ly car:ried. In a letter from the Burlingame Plannlng Commlss ion, dateci June 15, 1952, the CouaclL was lnformeil that the C ora'.rls sion has approved the appllcatlon of Ray 0. Drlskell for a pernrlt to subdlvlde an acre Iot at 5016 Htllslde DrLve, subJect to complLance with the Brgln- eenrs requirements for subdLvlsLon and utllltles. Mayor Byrd scheduled the me eting of July 2L, as the time for a pub1lc hoarlng on the proposoil subdivislon and the C1e::k was instructed to nottf)rj.nter.ested property owners 1n accordance wl ttr 1ega1 requ!.rements. A letter dated June !2, 1952, was read fYom the Broad.way Develop- ment AssocLatlon, notilling the Councll of lts sponsorshlp of the Dedlcatlon of the no'iv Fost offioe bulldtng in Broadway, Saturday, Jnne 21, L952 at 2 p.m., and requesting the app::ovaI of the C oun-cl1 of tlre fo3.Low1ng: 1. Use of city-eems4 parklng 1ot lmnediately adJacent to the PostOfflce bulldlng all day and evening 2. Co-operatlon of clty dopartments ( tletailetl on {ln accompanylag sheet). Questioned by the Councl-L as to the Cityts ltability ln case of an accldent or damage, the Clty Atto:'ney stated he belleved theCity was protected by such covera€le ln lts Lnsu'ance policy. Mayo! Byrd lnst::ucted the Pollce Department, the City ElectrlcLan andthe Park Department to render such assLstance to the Broadway Dev- elopment AssocLatLon as to make the event a success. Mayo:: Byr:d u::ged the Burlingame Chamber of Comrerce to also ald. the City. C1e::k vras lnst::ucted to w?Lte a letter notlfying the Broadway Dev- elopment Assoclatlon of the actlon taken by the Councll. A letter dated Ju-ne 7, !952, was read fr.om the Burllngame Vlllage Improvement Club, requestlng action ln the allevlatlon of a draLn- age pnoblem on the dalry property behlntl Dufferln Avenue and f\r:r-ther, that a di::ectlonal sign be placed dls tingulshing the cllffer- ence 1n dLrection between Flastuoor and Westmoon Roads. Questlonedtby the Council on the former lequest, Clty &rglneer Marr neportedthat his offlce was aware of the condition, but as the property 5.nquestion was north of the Cltyrs boundary a complete solutlon tothe problem would be up to the MlIIs Estate, Inc. ovlne rs of thopr.operty. The latter request relative to the dlrectional signs was referred to the Police Departnent for report at tJre next -Coun- cl} meetlng. The City Clerk was Lns tructed to Lnform the Bur1ln- game Village Improvement Club of the actlon taken on its requests. Capt. Currier, Assistant Civtl Defense Director, present at themeeting, thanketl the CouncLl ard the clty departnents for thelrpartlclpatlon in the recent Clvl1 Defense demonstration. Councll- man Atwater also compllmented Capt. Currler ard hls assistants fot3contrlbutlng so muctr to the guccessfuL Clvil Defense ol-ncLdentr,. A Letter dated. Jr:ne 3, L952, was read flom '!fi.1-ds E. Charrbllss ,resubmlt tlng a proposal relatLve to the conve::sLon of hls property on ElorLbunda Avernre lnto an off st::eet pa:rklng area and offerlngto lease the property to the Clty of fr.iriingamd for a f5.v e yeaz'period for a reasonable fee. The subject was neferrotl to thePa:rklng Conorlt tee of the CounclL to be studleid toeethdr wlttr theentfu'e parklng program now ulder consideration wLth the Cor:nclLComrlttee and the Burllngame Chanber of Corrne:rce. A letter dated June 11, 1952, was read fbom the Bu:r1lrg ame Chamberof Comne::ce, re conmeatding ttr.e :replanting of eucalyptus- trees on El Caml,no Real- where they have been ::emoved. lbr the benef5.t of thepub1lc in general, tr{ayo:: By::d Btated that the ).1y' tex ltro5.tatlonfor park expenclLturos does not allow for an extenslve tree plantlng 389 progfame gx6 C1er.k ras lnstnucted to forward thethe Pa:k Department.communlcatlon to A letter dated June 11, 1952, wd.s r.ead. fyom the Bu::llngame Chamberof Cormerce, requestlng Councll endor.sement ln the Chamborr s re-quest to the PacLflc Gss and E1ect::lc C ompatxy that they remove thepower -po1es 1n the business dlstrlct. The copy of the letter for- fl..rdg-d' to the- Paclflc Ge,s & Electrlc Co. was- ilso :read, in rtrlchthe Chamber of Conme::ce requested that a study be made i,elatlve tottre r:emoval of power poles on PrLmros e Road., park Road arrd Lo::tonAvenue between Bu:rllrgane and. Eowa::d Avenuei. gre Councll havlngconoured in tho matter, the Clby Clerk was lns tructed. to dfu,ect-a letter to the Paclflc Gas and ELectrlc C ompany urglng its co-operatlon Ln the foregolng request. A letter dated June 11, 1952, v,ras read fbom the Bu:: Llne sme Chamberof Conmerce, requestlng that the Councll considen the 6nectlon ofdlrectlonal slgns at the co"netr of Hlllslde Drlve and E1 Csmino ReaL and. on Ralston Avenue and EI Camino Real. fhe letter furthersuEgested that a study be made wL ttr ::egard to the lnstalLatlon ofadtlltlonaL trafflc slgnals on E1 Camlno ReaI. A dLscussLon &roseas to whether the dL::ectlonal sign ln questLon referred. to one p:re-vlously requested ln whlch the slgn would ind.lcate a route to dsubdlvislon not wlthln the conflnes of the clty. Mayor Bxed statedLt was hLs personal oplnlon that no slgn shouL-d be ei.ecteh lvhlchwould advertise a subdivislon outslde ihe city 1lmlts. Folrorlnga ftr the:r discusslon on the subJect, counetlman Atwater noved thita dLrectlonal slgn be erectecl on ttr6 c ot:ner of Hlllsld.e Drive andthe E1 Camino Real lndlcatlng the route to the Skyline BoulevardwltJr " appropniate. lnforrlatlon as to mileage, etc. -The motlon was s econd.od by. Councl_'l rnqn_ Illo::gan eJld unanfuoous Iy carrled. The sug-gestLon that addltlonal traffic sj-gnals be lirstalled on EI c amlnoRea1, was referred to the Chlef of Po1lce fo:: lnvestigation andnepo::t to the Clty Councl3.. I)re C1e:rk was instructed"to acknow-lectge the Chamb er. of Commerce letter. litlth :reference to a petltlon p::es ented at the last regular meetlngof the Clty Council as a result of a survey conducted Ln the bus-lness distrlct of the clty, on the enforcement of the two hourqarking lintt 1n that area, ![ayor B]rrd. calIed upon ]l::. Rl chsrd p. Minorr- spokeslun for a g::oup oi merchants in attend.ance. Mr. l,flnorstated tha t the petltlon indlcated tha t an elght to one na3or"lty orttl.e s lgrrerrB were Ln favor of the enfoncenent of the two horir Lair. |f. $1en Andr:ervs, - proprleto:r of the Andrews r Barber Shop, add::essedthe Cotrncil, statlng that in hLs oplnlonr- there were enougr.' parktngspaces available for shoppers, and consideratlon should be given t6the per.sonnel of busLness establLshments. A letter was reaE jyom Joha D. Bromfle3.ti, - Manager of Lrevy B?os. Department Stores, urgLngtho cLose supervLsLon of par.klng laws 1n the business aneal Con--slderable dlscussLon was held on tho subJect at the concluslon ofwhlch tr[ayo]r Byrd. stated that 1t was the 6onsensus of t]r.e Councilthat-the_Police Deparb,rent be lnstructed to st::lct1y enforce thepar.klng llmLt laws on the parking Lots wltJrin tfre CiW of Br.rr I1n- qag-e; howeveTr_ a !!u'e9 day rwarnlng perlodn woulcl be observed,fol3.owlng which_-e11--violatlons of tfre 1lurlts lmpos ed wo u1d be sub-Ject to flne. }Ip. M{n6p lnfo::med the Council that pursuant to 9gg"f1 -1eeg.est, he hact been successf\rl in securlng an offer llomRlchard T[u:r l1t z er. to se1] a Lot on Plrlnr3oso Road -to the Cityfon off.street parklng purposes, ln the amount of $?,OOO.OO. -In ansrter to a ::equost vn3d.e by,t[r.- tr{inor that a Parktng-Aut}ro:r!.ty Com-nlttee be,appolnte-d, Mayor Byrd stated that the subject ls nd underconsLderatLon by the CouncLL. C91.:. E: -r,. $orbo:rg, Chatrnoan of the ConmLttee of the !,{i1ltary Onderof World Wars, addressed the Councl1, requestlng ttrat the neibersof the Council attend a farewell ceromony gt thJ San Mateo Armory,tulday, June 2or 6:30 p.m., at wfiieh tln6 Natlonal cua:nd units wiifdepart for_a ye3:r's tral.nlng g! C urlp fnwln, Barstow. Mayo:: Blnrttand Councllnan Ilove both slgnlfLed thel:r intentl on to atiend. Cap-trs1n_KeLtol, Laison offlcer-of the 149th Battalion, afso-adaresseathe Counctl, u:rgLng partlclpatlon ln the ceremonies. A Letter dated June 15, fY om HarrT M. Lehrfeld, presented 1n behalfof a cJ.lelrt, for permlsslon for a- varlance to fei.mlt a mod e:rn pJ.ateglass waI1 on the northwest elevatlon Ln Ileu Lr tne four-hour flne 3eo ryaIl, on property on a portLon of IJot 14, Block 11, Burllngane Iand Co. (frfmi.osl "na. Chapfn) was heLd for further study. Mr. Lehrfold was informed tha t the- subJect wouLd be continued under unflnlshed business at ttre next meetlng of the Council. Reports flom the Flre Deparhnent, the Police Dopa-r'tnrent, t-h9 Pound- master and the Department of Publlc llorks for the montl: of May, 1952, wene read and ordered filed. A Notice of Ilearlng befo::e the Publtc Utllltles CoffirlssLori of the stat6 of Callfornla ln the matte:r of the appllcstlon of Ray Wiule"s antl Andrew Byr:d, co-partners of the San Mateo Irensit, fo:r an ortle:: auttrorlzing a change ln rates, xas referred to Ctty Attonrey Kannel, who advised the Councl-I that he had gLven notlce that he rouLd ap- pean before the Comrlssion on Tuesday, June 17, at 1O:O0 a.m., CLty EalI, San Mateo. A petltlon for AnnexatLon of Territory to the Clty of Burllngame wai read fbom Ernest L. Norberg, requestLng that a po::tion of prop- erty locatedl wlthln the boundarles of the Clty of Hlllsborough ad-jacent to h1s property at 4O7 Occldental- Avenue, Bu::lirrgame, be annexed to the above property. Corrncikan Love moved that the reacl- lng of the lengthly descriptlon be waived, seconded by Councllmart Mo:rgan ard unanLmous 1y carrietl. the Clty of H111sbo::ougfn, havlng by Iaw, released the property In questlon, councl].Inan Eove ttrereupon mov6d the adopt!-on- of Res6lutlon No. 34-52, 'AuthorLzing .Notlce of Ilearing of Proposed AnnexatLon to the City of Burllngamer, seconded ffrCor:nclhea ltvaten antl-'uiranlmolisly eirri'led ty iolL ia'1l of men- Resolutlon No. 53-52 rrAcceptS.ng Offer of Hat:ry N. Jenks, C.E. llo Make Engineering Report of Clty Sorrers; Recomrerd.lng System of Improvements Wt thln the Clty of Burllngam€r vras lntnoduced by Coun- cl1man f,ove who moved its passage, seconded. by Councilman Atiyaterand unanJmously ca:rr.ietl by ro11 call of members. Ordinance No. 525 tlAn Ordl-nance Amending the Ord.inance Code of theCLty of Br:rlingarno: Addlng a New Sectlon L625: Ftxing Cha:rges andRates fo:: Dlsposlng lr{ateriaI, RubbJ.sh, Ref\rs e and Ga:rden Cuttlngsat tbe Clty F111 f,ocatod Near the Sewage DisposaS. Plentrr was Lniro-duced by Councllman love who moved lts passage, seconded by CounclJ.- man Morgan and. carrled by unani.mous vote of members. CLaims Nog. 22L4 th-ncugfr 2357, with the exceptLon of volded claln2235, .approved by the FLnancs ComrnS.t tee, wer:e authorized paid flomtle City-Treasrlry upon motion of Councilman Lovo, seconded by C oun-cl1man S imond.s and unanimous 1y car:rled. CounclLuan S5.mond.s, Chairman of the Building Committee of the C oun-cll reportecl that a prellminary lnvestigatidn on the condltLon ofthe Guns t Mansion, revealed the evldence of tenmlte lnfestatlon andsuggesled that prlo:: tq the Lions Club expendlng any f\:nds on ther:ehabilltatlon of ttre i{anslon, a thorough- examlnattirn be made. TreC1'ty Clerk was ins tnucted. thenefco: e to nottf! the Elons CJ.ub thatthe Councll reconnended. that portlons of the- exterior: stucco be re-moved at }east slx or elght lnches above the top of the foundatlon, exrd. 1f the lnfestatlon is for:nd to be too aiivanLed, Lt rras recommendedthat the proJect be completely abandoned. The perli Depa::tment waslnstructed to ::emove the vLne on the northwest iide of the butldingto facilltate the breaking of the stucco to col4rlete the investlga[ton. councLlman slmonds called attentlon to a possLble vLoLation ln zon-lng requLrements, by v',hat appears to be tinp::ovements boine made toproperty adjoinlng the Rector Motor Co. on East Lane and i 1otfYont in_g- on l{yrt1e Road, the latter of whl ch. Ls in the apartment ?one. The polnt ralsed ras as to the Iega1lty of an autb dealerhavlng a used car-lot 5.n conJunctlon with his- busLness to pank carson a lot not zoned fo:: business. FollowJ_ng consLdenable discussion,the-Bu11d.lng Inspector was lnstructed to lnvestJ.gate ard if a vLo-latlon was notedr - to notlf! the owner to unedialely cease the 1nr-provenelt. The Clty Engine er and ttre ?olice Departfuent we::e ln-structed to see that ln the firtur e no attempts ire made to b::eak thecurblng ln the resid.entlal zones of the ctty. 391 {her?e belng no f\rther business, the meetlng wae adJourned at 1O:2O p.n. - upon motLon of C orrncl lman Atwate:r, and second.edby C ouncllnan Love. , 4A*K. ViII{IT EBMIT CT'I.Y CIERK APPROVED 1 /r'r- 6.,ilw A}IDREW C. B]ND Mayor Respectfully subnltted