HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1952.06.02384 Bu:r1lngame - Callfornla. June 2, 1952. A regular meetlng of the Bur lLngame Clty CouncS.L was held on the above given date. Ileetlng caIled to o::der. at 8:15 p.m. - I[ayor. Byrd in the Chair. Rol1 CaLl: Present - CounclLmon: Byrd-Love-Morgan-SimondsAbsent - Councl-Lmen: Atwater Upon motion.of Councllmsn Simonds, seconded. by C ouncl lrran Irove and unanlmous 1y carrLed, Cor:ncilman Atwaten was excused f?om the meet-ing because of lllness. The minutes of the prevlous regular meeting of May 19, 1952, aE submltted to members of the Council and as posted on the Bulletl-n Board iir the City HalI, were unanimously approved and accepted upon motLon of C ounc i Lnran lJove and seconded by C ounc 5.1man Morgan. the minutes of the specLal meetlng of lfay 26, a952, as subml,ttedto member:s of the Council and as pos.ted on the Bulletin Boa::d inthe Clty Hall- wer"e approved and accepted upon motlon of C ounciLnan Slmonds, seconded by Councllman L,,ove and unanimous 1y car::led. A Letter dated iriay n, 195?,, v&s read fi?om c. J. I,larr, Dlrector of Pub1lc lYorks, submlttlng a repor.t from E. II. Hi}Is, City EJ.ect:rlc-Lan, on hls attenclance at The fnte::national lJuniclpal Slgnal. Assoc-iation Conference held ln San Dlego on Apr11 4 and 5, 1952. Ifu. I{111s reported on the important knowledge gained ln connectLon withthe use of an existing fire alarm cLrcult to control attack rarnlngsj,rens and listed the improvements to the Cltyts system should a change be affected. flre l-atter" lnfo::mation was referred to Cor:ncL1- man Morgan, Ghalrman of the Councll Flre Corr:nl-ttee, to be dlscussed rrtt h the Board of Fire Commlssloners, the Fl,re Chief and the CityElectrl cLan. A letter dated. May 29, L952, was read f?om G. J. I\larr, D!:ecto:: ofPubllc V{orks r subrnJ.t tlng fbr Cor:nci1 app::ova1 a copy of pJ.ans and.specifLcations and an assessment diagram for the roconstruction ofstneets and sewe::s in the Br.rr lingame llsJror SubdlvLsion and ::eguest-lng that authorization be given to the Engineerl,ng Office to adver'-tise for blds - such bids to be opened at the regular CouncLl meet-lng of July 7, 1952. A senies of Resolutions, requlred by 1aw tounalertake the proposed neconstruction of streets and sewei's in Bu:r-lingarne Manor, wcne ::ead by City Attorney Karroe I as foJ-J-ows: Resolution No. 28-52 - rrfntention to l,talre Acqulsltions .and Im-provement s in Burl-ingane lJa.no:: No. ltr vas Lntroduced by CounciL- man tove, who moved its adoption, seconded. by Counci lman Simondsend carrled by unanimous vote upon ro11 call of members prosont.uity Attorney l(arrne 1 explained that the fore6plng Resolutionsupercedes ResoLution No. 13-52, adopted L{ar ch 1?, 1952, and morespeciflcally descr.Lbes the property to be acquL::eil and tl:e workto be completed. Prlo:r _to the adoptlon of ResoLulion 29-52, City Attorney Ke:,molstatetl that the Ctty Engineet: has fileil a map pertaintn! to ttreassessments and has set forth the assessments proposed to belevied against the separate lots ln the a::ea. -He- fhrther in-formed the Council that the consent of the C ounty qf g€tn l{s!6qhas been obtained for the easement that ].ies in that area.ResolutLon No. 29-52 nPrellmLnary Approval of CLty Engineen r s leportn was thereupon Lntroduced- by. Counctlman L,oize, ho movedLts passage, s econd.ed. by Councllman li{organ and adoplod unanimous -Iy upon roLl call of membe::s present. ResoLution No. 30-52 nAppointlng Tlme and place of Hea::ingPnotests ln Relation-to Proposed Acquisitions alld fmprove entssrtd Dlrectlng l{oticer was introduced by Councl_}nan Lforgan r*lomoved 1ts passage, seconded by C ouncL lman Slmonds and inanlmous Iy 385 adopt€d upon ro11 call of members pr6sent. Ere foregoing Resolu-tj.on scheduled. a hearl.ng for the r.egular CouncLl meetlng of Jul-y 7 , 1952, at e l5rllt o r oLock p.m. Besolution No. 51-52 trEstabllshlng P:revaillng Wago Scalen waslntroduced by C ounci lnran Simonds who rnoved 1ts passago, secondedby C ouncl J.nan Love and unanlmous Iy adopted upon ro11 .ca1I of members. Resolution No. 32-52 n0a[ing for Sealed Proposalsn was lntroduced.by C ouncl lmarr Simonds r*ro moved lts ad.optlon, secondecl by Councll- han ],Iorgan and. ca::r ied by unanlmous vote upon .ro11 call of membe::s pres ent. I[r. B. G. Burbank, 1629 La Mesa D::lve, one of th6 lnterested p:rop-erty oxners present at the me et5.ng, exp::essed his pleasure at ttre Counci1-rs Actlon 1n renewlng plans for the proposed improvementsto Burlingame Manor. A. letten dated I'Iay 29, 1952, was l:ead Ilorr E. L. Llncoln, Recre-ation Superlntendent, questloning.ttre poIlcy to be established inthe submisslon of the Recreatlon Department t s coumurl-cations tothe Clty C or:ncil. fhe Clty Clerk was lnstructed to notlfy tho Recx.eatLon SuperJ.ntendent to attend a ureetlng scheduled lYednesdayevenlng at the City I{aII to fu::ther dlscuss the subJect. A letter dated Lfray 19, 1952, was read. fY.om E. L. Lincoln, Bec::ea-tlon Supenlntendent, extending an Lnvl-tation to attend the ArrnualRocreatj.on Sprlng Fiesta, June 7 and 8. Mayor Byrd, ljn behalf ofof the Counc11, lnvited and urged the pubIlc to attend. ard vlerthe projects and aotivities accompllshed In the lY.eld of recneatlon. A letten datecl }lay 29, !g52, was read fY,om R. C. Theuer, Chlef ofPo1lce, infor.:crlng the CoqnciL oJ the lntend.ed ::eslgnatlirn of Rlchard !9ach, ?atrolnan-ln the ?oIlce -Department, end. r"ecSmnend.ing thatthe ::esignatLon be accepted wltfr regret, effectlve June LS, 1952. C ounc llman Slmonds moved concumence wl-th the recomnrend.atl on arrd ln-structed the Clty Clerk to forward a Letter of cormerdatlon toPatrolrnan leach, seconaled by C ouncl l.nan Morgan and unanlmously car.-rled. { letter.--daled ],{ay 26, ),952, was read iyom F. N. C1ark, SBA Bayview Avenuer. tl11briae, com:mentlng on the d.anger at the. Southern PacitlcDepot in Br:rlingame at the t irne the Day1leht erlters the station wlrL le a traln is stopped. lhe CLerk was instructed to acb:owledgeL[r-. C].a::k t s letter and firther lnstructed. to notlf] R. E. fia11aw6LL,General l,{anager" of the Southern Pacific Company, ::equestLng his co--operatlon ln trying to r"educe the hlg! ::ate of- ipeed at vrhich theDayli g!.t app::oaches the Burllngame statlon at the tl-me anothen t::aln1s stopped. A -letter d.atetl I&y' zgk 1952, was ::ead l!.om Rlcha::d lrllnor, Chsi rmanof . the-Br:r'llngame Charrber of Comnerce Off Stro6t parlring Conmlttee,notl$lng the CounclL of a survey contluc ted by ueans of a petltionprosented to the merchants 1n the clty buslneis tttstrict as torlhether the merchants do or do not favor tho enforcement of the two lrou:: pa::klng 1an on tbe parkfng lots_ adJacent to the Dormtown Bus-l-ness Dlstrlct. The cbmaunli:atlon stated that whl1e the petltlonssubnltted to the Coqictl indLcate a maJor coverage they wire not comple te - nlth 11 merchants not favoring erfoncement irnd 85 recom-qerdllg th_e enforcemont of the two houz, law on the pa::klng 1ots.Conslderablo dLscusslon was held on the subJect and- trIay6y-93*6stated that tile problon ls of muctl concern io the CounLiI. Actionwas vlthheld at thii time, wlth LIayor By::d. requesti.ng that an invl-tation bo extended. tbrough Gnanville Brorrrning. Execuf,ive secr.etaryof the Chambe:: of Comlerce, to the me::chants -to attend the nextmeotLng of the Clty Councll, to contlnue th6 dlscusslon. A letter_ datett.Iday ],2, -!952, was read f?om the Ls.w firm of Lllff slr, ff3ry, ^01"olt Adarrs & Charle_s, c onvgylng a deed of property to ther,1ty of Bur llngame executed by. the Fanarna Realty Co., dedii:atlng anarrow ^strlp- of land representlng the no::theastLrly i:alf of a sec-tion of La lilesa Drlve. he Clty Attorney and th.e City trgine e:rhavlng lndlcated tlolr approval of the t6rms speclfleh in-ttre pro-posa1, Counci lman Simonds int::oduced and moved- the passa6;e of - 386 Resolutlon No. 27-52, acceptLng the Deed flom the Panama Realty Co. and aurthorizlng the lrlayor to execute the Deed fo:: and in behalfof the Ctty of Burlingame, seconded.by Councilnan ltlor"gan alrd adop-ted unanimously upon ro11 call of members present. A letter dated lviay 19, 1952, was nead. flom Rocreation Superlntend-ent Llncoln, directLng Counoll attentlon to acts of vandallsm oc-cu::rlng at the Recreation Buildings l-n the Cityr s Parks. .The sub-ject was referred to the PolLco Department fon investigatLon errd,report to the Council. The Ctty Clerk was Lnstructcd to send a' copy of the above letter to the Br:r lingame ftqr::ovement C1ubs, tlreschools anal P. T. A. groups, urglng thelr support in the educationof chlldren to respect public property. -l petition, dated LIay 28e 19.52, signed by p::operty owners ln tholndustrlal area of Burlingame, rras read, urglng that an assessmentdistrLct Jlom the Bayshon e to the Skyltne be forme d to provLde forthe payment of improvements to the d::alnage faclllttes nmnLng lntothe bay tideland aueas. Pre Clty C1e::k was instructed to not{f}the petitioners that.the subJ.ect ls under consideration and wl11be studLed by the City EngS.neer, the Clty Attorney and a Council commlttee, ln an effort to provide ways and means to eliminate ,r. storm drainage probLems vrlthln the City. A repo:rt fir om the Lib:ra::y, for the month of Aprll, 1952, was reatl and ordered fl1etl. Ordinance No. 524, nAmending the Ordlrj.ancs Code of the Ctty of Burllngame By.0.d.d5.ng ltrereto a New Sectlon 1O45 Relatlng to theRegulatlon, ControL and Lricense Fee of Persons Conductlng tbe Bus-lness of Auctlonoersn was given second ::eading. C ouncll:nan S Lmonds moved the passage of the foregoing Ordinance, seconded by Councll- man Morgan and adopte-d by the followlng vote: Ayes: Couneilmen: Byrd-Lrove-t{organ-SLmondsNoes: Councilmen: None- Absent CouncLlman: Atwater ondinance No. 525, entitlod ItAn ordLnance Amend.lngq the ordLnance Code of the City of Burlinge.ne: Addlng a II6s 5""1ron 1625: trtx-ing Charges and Rates for DisposLng l,Iaterl,a1, Bubblsh, Rel\rse gnd Garden Cuttlngs at the Ctty F111 Located Hear the Serag€ DisposalPlantn was lnfroduce{ by C6unci lman Love and given flrit neabI'ng; Questioned by lllr. B. tr. Burbank as to the proposed charges, May6:rByrd acquainted I1b. Burbarik with facts reLatlve to the operatlonof the EL11 and statod that there woui-d be no clrarge to Burllngameresidents. aqd any cJrarge to outsiders would be left to the dls-c::etion of the F111 Opelrato". Ivlay or ById, on behirlf of the Counctl, conplimentod Street Foreman Yll1son, lire Chlef Leis and Park Sup6r.lntendent Anclerson, fon theLrparticipation in the recent CLeen-Up I?eek DrLve. I,{ayon Byrd announced that June A7 , l-952, was des ignated Br.rr llngalaeBlood Bank Dayrr Ln the eurrent Red Cross drive for contrl-butionsto the Blood Bank. Ilayor Bynd reminded the public to exercLse the right and privilegeto vote at the Jrure P::imarles, Jsn5 3, 1952. 14rs. Elllnor IJag6 was appointed an assistant to f.I.ank B. Pe::kins,Secretary of the Burlingan e Clty Planning C or,rmiss ion, upon motLonof Council-nran Slnonds, seconded by C ouncl lman Love and unenimous 1ycarrie d. There being no f\:rther transacti"on of business, the meetlng wasr.egularly ad j ou.r'ned upon motion of C oi:nclIman Love and. secondeilby C ounci lman lriorgan. Respectf\rI1y PPRO ]IERBERT K. W}UTEClty Clerk ANDRE]W C. BYRD Mayor tted