HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1955.11.0760 Burllnglume, CaL.lfonnig Novemle:r ?' L955 CALL TO ORDER A negulan meetlng of the Brrllngamo Ctty Councll was held on the above glven date. The meetlng was caIled to order at 8:O5 otclock pomo - VLee Meyor Bynd ln th6 Chaln. SATUTE TO THE FLAG At wond from VLce Mayor Blnrd, all arose and were Lod and 8111 Thompson, Gub Scoutsl Tnoup No. 14, in the S P1edge of Alleglance to the Flag. INVoCATIgT{ QUAKER PTONEEB RUBBER ITTLLS San Fnanclsco, CaLifornla JOIIN F. WANDLATII Rl-verae CaIlfo:rnia by a1 Bnuce ImaLute and tbe The Revenend Geonge T. Poters, Ftnst hesbyterlan Cburch of Bun- llngarne B{ve the lnvooatlon. ROLL CALL Prosent - Councllmen: B3rrd,-Johnson-Rooth-lhayenAbsent - CounclLmen: Mongan Counellman Booth moved tbst Mayon Mongan bo excused, because of apnevlous business commitmentl decond.ed. by Cor:ncl1man Thayen and un- anlmously camlod. MII{TITES PRE1rjOUS IuEETTNG The mlnutes of the prevlous meotlng of Octoben L?e 1955, as submlttedto mombers of the CounclL wero unanLmously appnoved and adoptod. on motLon of CounclLman Rooth and. second.ed. by Councllman Johnson, wltha conrectlon noted to the matter. of nMunlcLpa3. Dump Ropont- DeveLopmentrr to nead ttthe stonage of not moie than- flfty or slxtyyards of f111 * one tlmon. HEARfNG (lVee_d and Rubbtsh Abatement 1956). Tho Chaln announced that thls was the time and place schoduLed for heanlng obJeetlons to the pnoposed nemoval of weeds as decl,ared. lnResolutlon No. 75-55r adopted 0otober 17, L955. Theno belng no ppo-tests recelved eLthen verba1ly or rrrltton, CouncLlman Rooth lntno- duced and moved the passage of ResoLutlon Noo 79-55 TTORDERING DESTRUCTION OF MOXTOUS $[D DAN@ROUS WEEDS AI{D RUBBTSH A NUTSANCE IN THE CITY OF BURLINGAI,IEr, seconded. by Councllman Johnson and unan- Lmously adopted. on no1L cal1 of members present. QUOIATIO$S - h.rnchase of Fllre fiose At the nequest of tho Chalr, Lt was movod by CounclLnan Rooth that the next onden of buslness be the conslderation of quotatlons forthe punchase of flre hoser ES author"lzed. by the Flnance Commltteet seconded by Cor:nclLman Johnson and unenlmously oa.nnLed. The foLlowlng proposals were recelved, openod. and decla.ned asfollows: FIRE EOSE - 5O FI. LENCTHS Z-! tt-n 1-1 ll $t.oo pen ft. $t.J.5 pen ft. double cotton d.acron Jacket $1.5g per ft. $1.09 per ft. double cotton dacnon jacket ASSOCTAfED FIRE EQUIPMB{T CO.o": T"r"., callfornl" ?:!t?i, : t AMER.ICAN RUBBER IIIA$I'FACTUBING CO.oakrand' callfornla z-t/zn - doubla L-L/zt' - tloubreL-l/zn - d,oubLo 361 z-t/zn L-L/Z,, $1.8o per ft. $1.25 per: ft. ouble cotton d.acron Jacketouble cotton Jackot $L.48 per ft. $ .82 per ft. eotton dacron Jacketcotton Jacketcotton d,acron Jacket S1.15 per ft. $1.52 per ft. $ .84 p€r ft.L. $. CURTIS & SONS Oak1and., Ce1lforflla cotton dacron Jackotcotton Jacket ALl material guaranteed. to meet test pressuro of 4OO pouxds p€n squarelnch. The quotatlsn of John F. Wardlow does not carry thLs commltment. Tho Flre Chlef and the'Clty Attor.ney were requested to evaluate the pro- posaLs and to submlt a rocou.nondatlon. COMilIUNICAT]ONS I SISTENS OF MERCY SCHOOL REQI'EST FOR FME SERVICE Z-t/2" - doublel-l/?tt - double AJ.I quotatlons FOB Bur.llngame and subJect & casA. dlseount, wlth the ex-ceptlon of Assoclated Flro Equlpment Company. A 16tter. dated. November 5, 1955, was read fron the Board. of FLne CommlssLonors, Ln responso to Councll lnqulry, confirmlng a p:revious liocom- mendation made ln 1953 not to onter lnto any agroement on slnllat: alrrange- ment to pnovlde flre protectlon for the School. Councllman Rooth stated lt was hls understandlng ths SLsters of Mercey wene agklng, at the present t5.me, for permlsslon to corrnect to theuunlclpal fLre ala:rm systom and aLso that they wero wl1Ilng to absorb aL1costs Lncldental to such Lnstallatlon. Clty At t or:ney Karmel, 1n answer to the Chelr, obseflred that by con-sentlng to mako the lnstaLLatLon as requested, the Clty 1s placlng itselfin a posltlon, contrary to statutes, whe::eln Lt may be contended in-thofutur e that thero was an agreement by lmpllcation to furnLsh flneprotectL on. The Attortroy further suggestod that If the CounclL wlshas to entetllnto an a:rrangenent wlth the Schoolr g11 condLttors as to the non-r.esponslbLllty of the Clty shoulal b6 p"6sent€d to the appllcant In wrltlng;that lt be rmrtual ly under"stood that the Clty lncws no obllgatlon torendor fLne se::vl.c6, assumes no expense 1n connectioa w"lth the maLntenatceof the ckcuit to the School, and that the arnang ement may be dLscontlnued.at any tlme By the Clty. Mombe?s thereaften concurysd that tho conrmrnicatlon be referned to theClty Attomey for' ::epLy. 2. FINE COI'I'IROL AT CITT DUMP A letter dated Noyembor 5, L955, was r.ead from the Boand Conmlssl oners p"esentLng the followlng concluslons, as reques Councj.1, wlth referenco to the burnlng at the Ctty Drrnp. of te FIr e d. by tho 1. Srvo additL onel fLre hycirants be lnstaI1ed.2. A.t th6 present.tlme, thene is no oLti hose avalLablo to leaveat the Dump.3. . Thet tbe Po1lco, ln thefu da13.y rounds, patrol tho Durnp.4. That no sa]-vaglng of eombustl.bles be al1owed. and materLal be burled each dayr5. Po::tab1e pump wlth sprlnkJ.e:rs be provi6d, so that the Drmp Oper.aton can wot down the anea da3.!.y. FIRE HOSE - 50 FT. LE}IGTES 362 The commr:nlcatlon was refonred to the hrbltc Utllltles Cownisslonfor study and x.ecommendatLon thereafter to the Clty Cor:ncll. 3. RESIGNATION - tr'renk John Eres. Flre iepartment A letter dated, October J.7; 1955, was nead fnom Flne ChLef R. E. Moor"by, submlttlng a neslgnatlon fnom Hoseman Fnank John Eres, to become effectlve November 6, 1955. The Chaln accepted the reslg-natLon wlth negnet and ondered 1t flled. 4.PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSTON REC OMMENDATIONS A Letter dated Novomben 2, 1955, was noad fnom the hrbltcUtllltles Cornmlssion presentLng the followlng suggestLons, ln nepLyto reconmendatlons subnltted to the Councll 6y tf,e Bu:rllngame Gate- fmprovement Club and referned,.to the Cornmlsgt6rx. (1) That the Clty add en additional stneot sweoper so that more fnequent coverege could be glvene and. that theplck-up tnuok follow noro closely the sweepor to avold,the leaves belng blotnn away before the pick up Ls made. (2) That an educatlon program be consLderod. through the news-papers requestlng that househ.oldens nefrain from sweepLngcllpptngs and debnls lnto tho guttopsr (5) That some ty?e of sultibLc lnsent accompany the waterbllls designed to lmpnovo the housekeepLng of front yards. (4) flrat lettons be dLnected to clvlc groups suggestlng the above as a cLvic actlvlty by house to house educatlon. Gr:oups such as thel0fCA mlght be contactod fon tbls pnoJect. In commontlng on the above, the Chain stated: (1) Funds aro not avallabLe in the pnesent budget fon the prp- chase of an addltLonal sweeper. However, tho pnesent equlpment ls wor.klng the equlvalent of a day and a half each day durtng the FaLL s€&sono ftems 2, 5 and 4 were referred to the Chamber of Commerce fonconslderatLon. 5o DAMAGE pO EIICALYHTUS ANp CYPRESS TREEp A letter datod November 4, L955, was nead f rom Jules F'fanoardrPark Superlntendent, r"eportJ.ng the damage to Ctty Trees nesulting fnom the cuttlng of roots to constnuct a drLveway at the tr'lnstPnesbytenlen Chu-nch, Easton Dnlve and Balboa Avenue. Couneilman Rooth oxpnessed concenn as the Councll had been as- sured at the time the plans fon the eongtructlon were orlglnally pnesented for appnoval that every precaution would be taken to pro-tect the tnees. In ensulng dlscusslon, Councll membens rrnanimously agreed. to acloser rostrictlon on such matters ln the futuro. ft was theneaften moved by Cor-rncllman Johnson that as a pant of the r:ules of pro- cedu:re, the City Clenk be lnstnucted to fur,:rish copies of Councll mLnutes to all Clty Commlsslons, seconded. by Councllman Thayen end unanimously carnLed on noLl call of memberso 6.ACCEPTANCE STORM DRAINAGE IMPNOVENMNTS A letten dated Novemben 7e L955, was read fnom G. J. Ma:rne Dh'ecton of Publlo Wonks, advlslng that Oscal C. Eolmes, IEGo, bas completed the eonstructLon of Stonm Dnalnage Improvements Unlt #t krrown as Easton Creek Reloeatlon - fon a total- cost of $SO,S89.49 - and recommendlng that the pnoJect be accopted, effectlve November 7, 1955. 363 ResoLutlon No. 81-55, Acce pting I[or.k For Constructl Dralnag€ f@tov enent s Perfonned by 0scar C. Eolmes, fnc. on 0f Sto:nr - Job No. 54-2211 was lntroduced by Councllman Roothr who moved lts passage, seconded by Councllman Johnsonr and unanLmous 1y oarrled on lioll call of members. 7.ACCEITA}ICE SPREEE LIGETING IMPROVffiiI}INT DISTRICT #l A 16tter dat 6d Novomber 4, l-955, was read f rom G. J. MameDlrector of hrbIlc Wo"ks, advlslng that R. Flat1and, Contractor, has comploted the p:roJect as authorLzod In Job. No. 55-52r Street Ltght ing fmprovenent on Howard Avenue and slde streets, 'f@ a total cost of ff29r4O4.94, a.nd ro commendllng that the pnoJect be accopted, effeetlve Novembe:: 2, 1955. Besolutlon No. 89-5€ nAcce ptlng Work for Street Lig[tlng fmpnovementDlstrlct No. 1 Perf ot lo€d-by R, Flat1and,Cont:ractonr - Job No. 53-32t1 was lntroduced by Councllman Roothr vrtro mor od 1ts passage, socorded by Councllnan Thayer, and unanlmousLy csrrled on ro11 call of menbers. o RESIGNATION . W es].e-y D. Co'ke, Water Dopa:rtment A lette:: dated Novemben 4, 1955, was lread from 6. J. MErr., Dlrectonof Pub11c Works, subnlttlng a treslgnatLon llom T,Iate:r Sorvleoman lVesleyD. Coke, to b ecome effectlve October L5, 1955, and requostlng that theposltlon be flIled at the oarllest posslble tlate. The Chalr acceptedthe resLgn.ation wlth regret arxd ordered lt placed on fl1e. 9. STANDARD OIL COMPA]'I-T APPLICATION TO INCRE,ASE STORAGE CAPACITY A lette:r dated Novemben 1, 1955, iyas read from the Stenda:cd 01I Company of CalLf @n!.a ::equestLng permis slon to Lnstall 6 - 2500 gal-Ion undor"ground gasolLne storag€ tanks at a proposed servlce station on E1 Camlno Real and T:rousdale Drlve. RECESS A L5 nlnute receaa ras caLLed by the Chaln at 9:OO otclock p.n. CAtrL TO ORDER The moetlng was oalled to onder at 9:15 pom. by Vlce Mayor By?d. 10. KM{NETH PAZACreRI,E'Y REqUEST! EOBBY SHOP/GIIEST ROOM A lette:r 'd.ated Octobe? 25, 1955, was neadl from Kenneth and Vlvl anFazackerley, 1552 Clrpress Avenuo, requestlng permLssS.on to e reet a hbbby shop,/gue * noom additLon to an exLstlng gar.age bulldlng at the abovE address. The eommunlcatLon was reforred to the Plarurtng Commlsslonfor lts study and leportr 11. BUSIIIESS AND PRoFESSIONAL WoMENTS CLUB oPPoSfNc RE]IIIoVAL TREBS A letter: d.ated October 26, 1955, was nead fr.om the Burllngane Buslness and Professlonal lflomenrs Club enterlng opposition to the ne- tsova1 of trees on EL Canrlno ReeJ. o:: elsewhene ln the City of Burlingamo. C ouncLLman Johns on moved that the letten be achlowlefued and the Womonrs Club advLsed that the protoctlon of the t:roes withln the CLty ls offlnst lmpor tance to the CouncLl but that lt has no Jurlsdlctlon ove:r' thetnees on the Stat6 Hl.ghryay, seconded by Councl lman Thayen and r:nanJ.mously ca.rtalodo 12.BILIEOARD RESTRI CTI ONS BAYSEORE FBEEWAY In reply to Councll lnqulry, the Flre Chlef recomrendeal that the request be- gi.arrt ed antt lt was tL.6neafte:: movsd by Councl lman dooth thatthe appllcatlon as sUbnltted be approved ln accordance wlth the recom- nendat lon of the Flne Chlef, seconded by Councllman Thaye:r and irnanS.mously carnl. e cl. A Letter. dated october 31e 1955, was read from Phl11p N. Llllentha1,J:r., 111 Sutter St:reet, San Fbanclsco, urging that the Ctty of Br:r1lnganeestabllsh roadslde restrictlons on billboards on the Bayshore F?eeway. 364. Plannine Consu]-tant Mann advlsed the Councll that at the present tlme blllboaids ar.e prohlbtted on the Bayshone Fneoway ln BurLLrrgame ln accondance with the provlsions of the zonlng ondinance. CouncLl-man Rooth requestod that the Plannlng Consultant check the valldity of the subdlvlslon sLgn as er:ected by the d,evelopors of the illl11sdaIe Park Lroar The Clty Clenk was lnstnrcted to aohrowJ.edge tho cornmr:ntcatlonof Mn. ttllenthaL and to secure fnom the cl.tles of Los Angelese Oakland, Santa Barbara snd Sallnas coples of thelr ordLnances coYer- lng such nestrlctlons. 13.PHIIINSUI,A BUILDERS ' EXCHAN GE FTRE RESTSTANT }',IATMIALS A Letter dated Octobe:r 14, 1955e w&s nead. fnom the PenLnsula BuLLderst Exchange urglng the use of Fire-nesistant buiLdlng ruater- laIs 1n aLL constructlon whereln plywood lnterlor-wa1I flhlsh ls belng appIled. The corumnLcatLon was nefemed to the Bulldlng In- specton- and to the Plannlng CommlssLon for consld.enatLon and. fon comment thoneaften to the Clty Council. L4.CONSIDERATION FOR WTDEN ING OF BR o ADTAY A letten dated Novemben 4, 1955, was neadfnom the A.V.R. Realty Company, 1165 Bnoadway, requesting that the Clty consLden the pos-' slble wLdenlng of Bnoadway 2-l/2 to 5 feet. tho Realty Company'ex- plained tha..t they are contempLattng the romodellng of t helr bulld- lng at L163 Bnoadway ln Decemben and would be wi1Ilng to set thefront of the bulldlng back approxS.mately 5 feet If the widentng of ' tho stneet were to be appnoved. Cor:ncll membeng agneed. that the conu,m.urLcatlon should be passed. to the Plannlng CorumLsslon for study and rooomnendatLon thereafter to t he Clty Councll. The Clty Ergjlneer" was requested to prepare an appnoximate oost estimate of t he suggested wldening. Vlee Mayon Bynd stated he would contact lulr. Anderson of the Realty Company and ask fon hls coopenatlon ln postponlng sny alter- atlons to the bulldtag for porhaps 6O to 9O days so that the request mlght be thonoughly studlod-by the various Gity agencLes. " REPORTS OEHTCERS Reports from tho PoLlce Depantment, the Recreation Depantmente and. the Llbnary for the month of September, 1955, and the Pank Depar"tment for the month of Octobenl 1955, were necelvede aolmowledged and pLaced on flIe. RESOLUT]ONS Moved by CounclLman Rooth that actlon on RESOLUTION N0. ?8-55,nAuthorlzLng Exeeutlon 0f Agreement Between Clty of Burllnga.rne and. Bomeo Jolyrf be postponed r.rntlL the next meetlng of the Clty Cou.uclle secondod by Cor:nclLman Thayer end unanlmously oanr5.€d. In commeattng further, CouncLlman Rooth stated. he felt all mattens per"talnlng to the admlnlstratlon of the Dump operatlon should be LhonoughJ.y studied befone the above-mentloned agreenent is executod. The City Attonney obsenved, Ln answen to the Chal.n, that there Ls a vaLld oral- agreement p:resently ln effect between the Ctty and Romeo Joly. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCES ondinenco Noe 6LO, ItAn Ord.lnance Repeallng Subsectlon D of Sectlon @ Part X, of the Ondlnance Codo of the Ctty cif Br:rL1ngame Regulattng Lot Llmltatlons and Lot Regulrements fo:r R-I Dlstnlcts (f'tnst Residenttal) and Enactl.ng a New Subsectlon D, Sectlon L926, A:rtlcJ.e SOe Part X, of Sald Ordlnance Code Regul-atlng tot Llnl'tatlons and tot Requinementsn lras Lntroduced by Cor:ncLlman Rooth and glven flnst readlng. 365 (a) Councllman Bvr.d. Reconmonded thet the trensfer of pornlts to operete two new cabsfron Mns. Cecella Par.kel, L155 Callfornla Drive; to tho new owners beheld for an addLttona-1 two reeks. (b) ^CouncL lna:r Jobng on Extended her appreclatlon to the Chamber of Commerce r the Park Do-partnent, the !'1ro Depa::tmontp and to ldns. Ida Cooper. of the Clty ClenktsOffice fo:r-_theln cooperatloa ln the programmlng of the lotb Annlversaryof Unlted Natlons Day. NEIU BUSTNESS 1. FEE SCIIEDUIE FOR C]TY DUMP Councllman Rooth asked for cla::lflcatlon on the status of the feeschedulo as authorlzed by Ordlnanco No. 525, and was advlsed by theDlrector of Publlc Works that at the present time, the openato:r of the Drmp 1s not collectlng foes from private or comme?cial use::s. Corrncll menrbe:rs ag:re ed. that a fee schedule appllcable to commerclalusers and to r:esldents outside of the City should recolve immedlate con-s-lderatlon. A spoclal meetlng was thereaften scheduled for S atu::daye Itlovenben L2, 1.955, at 10:OO a.m. 2.EXTEND ELIGIBI,E I,IST - Second Assis tant Flre Chlef Eer er t6Clty Clerk APPROVED: There bolng _no f,u.nthe:r tnansactlon of buslness, the moetlng was theneafterregulalIy ad Jou:ooeil at 1O:15 otolock p.m. Respe ctfuJ.ly eubnLt ted, i COUNCIT COMMITTEE REPONTS councllman Rooth advls ed tho councll menbers that the clvir ssnvleeLlst for Seeond Asslstant Chlef tn the Flre Departnmt wl1l expfue on November L5, 1955. It was noved by Councl lEEn Rooth that the Llst beextend,ed for one year, sooonilecl by Councl.Lrnan Johnson. Ay€s: Councllnen! Johnson-Rooth-Thayer l{oes: Councllmen: BJniat Absent Councllmen! Morgan Motion oa.rrl.ed. CI,AIMS 1. A cLelm prcsented by B. G. Bu:rbenkr 1529 La Mesa Drlve, Burllngane,for r.eplaeement of perrsonal property ln the amount of $++.bS as F6- Joctedl and r: ef e:rre dl. to tho Cltytg lnsurance calrrletr, on motlon ofcounoll.nran Roothe scconded by councllnan Thay6" end- unqnlmously carrled. ADJOIIRNUHW l^rt ,<.t A. ,C. BYRD Vlce-Mayot?