HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1953.08.0266 BunJ,lngane - CalLfonnla August 3, L955 A reguS.al? Beetlng of the Burllngane Ctty Councll wes held on the above glven dete. Meetlng oalled to onder at B:OO P. trf. - Hayor Slmonds ln the Chalr. RolI Cal1 3 PrcEent - Councllnen: Atwater-Love-!fiorgan-SlmondsAbsent - Councll-men: Byrd 0n motlon of Gouncllnan Iovo, seconded by Councllman Morgan end unan- lmousLy earrLed, Councllnan Byrd rveE excused. Ttre mlnutes of the prevlous negulan nretlng of Jrrly 20, 1955, aasubmlttod to members of the Councll rene amended. to lnclude ln theparsgreph precedlng the laEt panagr"aph, the notatlon thpt tire cou-pletc statement made by CouncLl^nan Morgan Ls on flle ln the offlceof the City C1erk. llhe mlnutes were thereupon epproved and adopted on notLon of Councllaan tove, secorded by Cor:ncllman Atweter and, unanlmously carrled. fhe mlnutes of tho ad.Journed meetlng of Ju1.y 27, L955, as subnlttedto uombers of the Councll, v6re una"rlmously approved ard adopted onmotion of Councl.lman Morgen and seconded by Counollman tove. A letten dated July 1?, 1955, was read Ilom the Ctvll Servlce Com-ml.ssion subetttlng ttre follorlng eJ.lglb1e llst as the resuLt of erecent examlnatlon for PoLlcemen: 1. IUallace R. Ceth.er 2. Edward.L. Kerrtgan 5. Ed,sa:rd E. Bannard 4. Dona1d A. Bogers 195 Eaet Bellevuo Ave., San Mateo 9OI Burllngame AYo., Bun}lngane LB52 Evengneen Stroet, San Mateo 167 East Hlllsdale, San Mateo 5. OLiven I1. ilc0oralok 1116A Chula Vlsta Ave., BunlLngame On motlon of Councllman Atweter the above Llst was accepted as ttrcestablLshed Clty of Bunll.ngemo ellgtble Ilst fon tJre positlon ofpollceraan, seconded by CouncLlman Love and unanlmously carrl.ed. A lotter dated July 29, L955, was nead fnom the ClvlL Servloe Coa-mLesloa, submlttlng the result of recent exenlnatlons fon tlre foLlow- Lng positlons: Gnoundsnen: 1 Robert B. Sutton 26O East Lane, Burllngamoa UtlLltyaan: 1. Robert G. Huff 48 Park Road, Br.r:r1!.ngame 2. Ennest M. Fopplano 326 - 28th Avenue, San Mateo On motlon of CouncLlman Morgan, seconded by Councllman Atwaten andunenlmously cannled, the above llsts rere eetabll.shed as tho Cltyof Burllngame ellglble lLst for ttre posLtlons of gr.ound,sman and ut111t1man. A letter dated July 51, 1955, was lread flom tbe Burllngame Clty Plan-ning Comalselon, ln ntrlch the Councll were advlsed that the PlannirrgComnisslon has defeated a motlon by a vote of four to tb.reer rocom-nonding concurnence ln a pernlt granted by the Callforsrla State Dlv-lsr.on of Hlghwaye to enoct two bus shelters at the lntersectlon of EI Cemlno ReaI and RoEod.ale Avenue. A Letter" wes aLso read flom the Ray Park Improvement Club urgently requesting that favorable actlon bo consldered. QucstLoned by ttre Councll, Clty Englneen ![arr advised 67 thet the Plannlng Connlssl.on at its negular neetlng, had expressed no opposltlon to the plans fon the propoeed bulldlngs. Counelluan Mongan movod that the Counol.l eoncun rlt'b the permlsslon granted by the-Callforrr1a State Dlvlslon of Elghrays for an encroachment pennlt to ereot tro bus shelters on State propenty at the sltes speelfled, seconded by Counci}man Atrvaten ar,rd unqnlmouely oanrLed. A letter dated JuIy 31, 1,955, waE read fnom the Burllngarne Clty Plan- frlng CorrralssLon, advlslng that the CormLsslon had appnoved a motlon by C vote of foun to th:pee, that the Locatlon of a conerete ulx pLant pi.oposed by Andnew t. Ylaeehten on Land zoned ilLndustnlalr would be of pnoper use and would not constltute a nulsance as outl.l.ned by the present ordlnance. !trayor Slu.onda stated that the subJect wouLd be held ln abeyanee untll the neguLar neetlng of the Couneil on Trresday, Septenber 8r L955. Councllman tove moved that a publle hearlng be soheduled for Septembe! 81 1955, ln the Counei.l Chanbens of the CltyHaIl, et 83OO p.m., seeonded by Councllnan Atwater. Speaklng on thequcstlon, Councllman Mongan stated that the subJect has been delayedfon a corcldeneble perlod and Ln hls oplnion lt shouLd be plaoed onthe agenda at the next reguJ.ar aeetlng. Corurcllnan Sorgan f\rnther suggested that at the next Munlclpal Elcetlon, the voterps be pernlt-ted to doclde the Wpe lad.ustny desLred, vltbin the Clty of BurLlngaue. Councllman Love stated that ln hls oplntron the Councll should beglven opportunlty to study ttre Lssue for a perLod of at least thirtydays. '[re motlon wag voted upon and carrLed as follows: Ayesl CouncLlsen: Atweten-tove-Slmonds Noee r CounclLmen: Morgan Absent Councll"men: Byrd lre lfty Clenk wes Lnstructed to pubLlsh notlce of publlc hearlng.fon two suecesslvc weekg, the lest notlee to be pubJ.lshed not leisthan flve d,ays prlor to the scheduled, hearlng. t{r. Jmeg Hlme1,represetltlng the Burl.lngane Clvlo T[elfene teague, addressed l|xe 0om-nlsslon, statlng that hls organlzatl.on coneunred wlth the recormend-atl.on that the lgsue be placed on the ballot at the next !{uniclpalElectlon and that the IeLfare L,eague rould pledgc ltself to abldeby the declsion deterrl.ned by tJre eleatlon. A- letten expnesslng eppnecietlon for the necent wago adJustnentsglverl by the City Cotrncll, waa read from the BurLlngme-Clvll Senv-lce fuployoesf AssooLatl.on, and ordercd f[].ed. | ,rport of the BurJ.lngane PubLio Libnary for ttre month of June, l^955r-and_the Annual Report of the Burlligane Flne Dopentment f6ntbe fLqcqJ._y9s, JuLy 1, 19Ea tlrough June 3o, lgsS rbne nead andordened f[Ied. Ordtnance No. 554 entltled {An Ordlnance Repeallng Sectlon B2E ofthe Ordlnance Code of the Clty of BunllnganL and fdoptlng a l{er Sec-tlon 825 of Sald Ordlnance 9ode, ELxtng and nstabllshlng the Class-lfleatlon of Posltlons and Eaplo;ment and the Compensation and SaL-anLes Therefort wes glven geoond- read,lng. otr motion of CouncllmanLgvct seconded b-y_CouncLlman Atsater, the foregolng ordlnance waaadopted by the follorving vote: Ayes: Coutxcllmen: Atwaten-Lqyg-I{ergan-Sfunonde Noes: Counollmen: None Absent Councllmenl Bynd o::dlnanee No. 535 entl tled rAn ordlaance Araonding the ondlnance Codeof__the_Clt4 of .Pgr1lngee By Repeallng Ordlnance Fo. 526 and Adoptlnga '![er sectlon 4Lz _Flxlng the Se]"any of thc clty OLerkr was given s_econd neadlng. On motlon of Councllman Ahte,rr.seconded by douneilnanHgngan, ordlnance No. 558 wes adopted by the folrowlng vole: Ayes: Councll-menl Atrater-Love-Uorgan-Slmonds Noes: Councllmenl None Absent Couacllnen: Byzd Ordlnance I{o. 556 entltled sAn Ordlnance Amendlng the Ordlnar:ce Codeof the Clty of Bunllngame By Repeallng Ordl-nanee No. 5n and Adopt-lng a IIeu Sectlon 414 ltLxlng the Salary of the Ctty Treasrrer' wagglven seoond neadlng. On motlon of Councllmaa Borgan, aeconded by Counellman love, Ondlnance No. 536 wes adopted by the foLlorlng vote: Ayes: CounclLnen: Atwater-Lov€-fongarr-SLmond.s NoesS Councllmea: None Absent Councll,men: Byrd OrdLnance No. 537 entitled rAn Ondlnence Amendlng Seetlon L4t7 of tJroOrdinance Code of tlt Clty of Bunlingan06 By Per"nitttng an Increase lnthe Amount of Storage of Inflarmrable tlquldsr wes lntnoduced by Cowr-cllman Love and glven flnst neadlng. Rcsolutlon No. 51-55, rFlxlng Tax Rate of the Clty of Bu:rllngane fonthe E[sea1 Yean 1955 - ].954r was lntroduoed by Coirncllnan love r*romoved_lte passeg€r seconded by Councllnan Atwiten and adopted unan-lmously on rolL oalL of membelrs present, A cLalm lsfltnst- the Clty of BurLlrlgame for property damages ln thegmollt of $70.81, presented by !ilrs. A. G. Wbsttott-,845 fra1nUt Avenue,Bunll.ngame, was referned to th_e Clty Attorney for" ieport to tfre Clty ' Councl.l as to the Cltyts Iiablllty. Councllman Mongan_ stated that he had voted afflrmatlvel.y on the motlonto approve the- Llbrary_budget-a1d lhe motlon to estabLlih the Llb3anytax rate fon the ffseal yein L955-1954, but lt was hls oplnion that - the law nnden whloh the Llbrary presently firnetlons, stro-ula be revlse6to pemtt offlclale elected to assune th; cltyrg responsl,blHtles, tomalntain contnol g-r tlg purehase! and operatiin of tLe Llbr*y. -io *olanlfloatlon ol lhu Ctty Councllts posltlon, Ctty Attonney Xinmei aa-vlsed that he statutos of the state regulate the itrnctlong-oi p"Uff"Ilbt'arles and only-?y-f"glslatLve Acts-nay the proceaure Ue ctringia,Councllman Love calLed attentlon to the fict tab cfty Couacil seleotsthe members "f !19 Llbnary Board end the expendltuno-of publlc fundsto openate the Ltbnary ls control|ed by a birdget approv"h by the CfryCouncll. Couaclrp*-Mor$an stated tfral the clty or gurrtng;une !.s the9+y ctty on_the PenlnsuLa that does not quali$ the-poweni of ltsLlbnary Boand, and lnquired as to r*rethen ordtnairces nly not be iaopt-ed.-tg lmpose lfunltatlons. Ctty attorney Ka:rmeL edvlsed that tSere lsnothl-ng !!9 ctty Councll nay ai P"! to irovlde ron irrE nrnas to open-ate the Llbnany although the gtatutes pi'ovlde that a member of thlclty counclL ryay be appolnted a neuben- of the r,iunary Boand. uayorSlaonds stated that each year the Counotl appofnts oir" memben of theCouncLL to serve on e Llbrany Conmlttee to ilEet wlth tfrJ f,fUrary itanaend t'hat he was opposod to a-memben of the Counctl belng "ppoini"a- toserve also on the .IaUT""y Boand. Thene belng no furthei aiscuesil. on,the next orden of busl,ness wes resumed. Mayon ,slnonds subBltted the nsme of A. F. Mettock for neappointuentas a memben of thg-Plannlng CornrntsgLon. Oa notion oi Couillffman-ioru,seconded by^Councl}aan Atwaten, lrlr. Mattockts ""appoi"tment w&s 1111&o-lmously conflrned. Councllman love moved thet actLon be temponartly wlthheld. on the adop-tlon of a resblutlon to Lncnease the houi.fy rai6s i;r part timc and.temporany. employees, and a nesolutlon to alcept the etneet work recent-1y completed' on certaLn porti.ons of tle Clty itneuts. Ihe motLon wasseconded by councllnan Morgan and unanrmousiy carrled. 8"1"-being no f\rnther bustneEs, the meeting was regularly adJoprned.at 9:1O p.m, 68 APPROIIED: Bcspe ctfu3.ly submltted -,ilr1*^*r^r/hEERBERT tr. trff]TEClty Clenk I h \ u. s. sIMolIDS, JR IIAYOR