HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1954.11.01203 Bur3.lngame CalLfornla November 1, l95l+ A regular meotlng of the Burllngame Clty Councll was held on the above given date Mee[lrrg ca11ed to order at B:15 p.IBr - Mayor Atwaten pnesldlng. RoI1 Ca11 - Present Councllmen: Atsater-Byrd-Love-Morgan-Booth Absent CounclLmen: None Ttre mlnutes of the pnevlous meetLng of October 26, 195\r a.s submltted. to nembens of the 0ounc11 were unanlmously appnoved and adopted on mo- tlon of CounclLman Byrd and seconded by Couneilman Rooth. I{EARlNGS Mayor Atwaten a.nnounced that thls was the time scheduled by the CouneLl for" a hearlng on a nequest submltted by Leo C. Fagan for a- varLancc to conduct a ctr{ta care ana day nursery on premls.es located at J00 Penlosu- 1a Avenue. A letter d.ated Octoben 26, 195\, was nead from the Clty Plannlng Conimls- slon, advlsfng that at the publlc heanlng conducted. by the Plannlng CormrLsslon on the subJect, l-t was recommended that the varlance be approved, wlth the stlpulation that the operator of the pnoposed nursery school, Mrs. Grace Kortlck, be gnanted. a personal permlt for a perlod. of three years and that upon explratlon of the three years, an appllca-tlon ls to be nesubmitted to ttre Plannlrlg Commlsslon. Lettens from Eugene C. Signarowltz, dated Octoben 18 l954r Audre.y S. Clay, 701 Winchester Drive, DP. and r{rs. W1l1iam B. McCreery, 1509 Los-Montes Drlve, and John Tryk1and, 215 Prlmrose Road, Burllngame, favorlng the contlnuatlon at the new locatlon of the Nunsery Sehool, were read.. I{ugh Rosaaen, 1l+l+0 Canlos Avenue, lnlns. Leona Clank, Presld.ent of the Burllngame Chamber of Conraerce and others in attendance, verbally ex- pressed thelr appnoval. Councll-man Byrd. moved that the Councll concur wlth the recommendatlonof the Plannlng Commlssion and the varlance gnanted wlth the stlpula-tlon that a personal penmlt be gnanted as recornnended by the Plannlng Commlsslon. The motlon was seeondod by Councilman Mongan and unanlmous- 1y carrled. COUMUNICATIONS A letten d.atod 0ctober 27, 1954, was nead from the Clv11 Servlce Com- mlsslon submltttng the followlng eliglble ltst for Gardener as the re- suLt of Oral Examinatlons: 1. Ganth D. Erlckson 1040 Inver:nes,s Drlve San Carlos, Callfornia The list was acknowledged and. placed on flIe. A letter dated October 25, A95l.+, was read from Flre Chief R. E. i-loorby, raecomraendlng that the nequest of Mlss Bernadlne Pucclo, Alarm 0perator for a leave of absence, without pa1r, for one week, effective Novemben 15th through lrloverrrber 19th, be granted. Councilman Rooth moved that the recommendatlon be concurred in and. the leave granted as requested, seeonded by Counellman Morgan and unanlmously ca::rled. A letter d.ated October 28, l95l+, was read from Eugene l'1. Howell, Publlc Health Englneen, Depantment of Pub1lc llealth and. Welfare, San Mateo County, submltting coples of a trsanitatlon Guldd For Falns Cincuses Cannlvalsrr d.eveloped and prlnted by the State Department of Publtc Health and contalnlng standards nequined by vanlous State Acts deallng wlth restaurants and food dlspensens. The cormmrnlcatlon requested the Clty Council to give consld.eratlon to the adopti.on of a health penmlt type ofOndlnance to nend.er" the f ood sanltatlon program more adeqrrate. The subject matter was refer::ed to tho Clty Attonney for study and repontto ffre Councll. 204 A letter d.ated Octoben 29r L95l+, was read fnom R. C. Theuer, Chlef of Po1ice, requesting that an appointment be made to the posltlon of Patrolman to f111 a vacancy created by the illness of Offlcer Donven Kreeger, presently conflned at the Penlnsula Hospltal. Chlef Theuer was authorlzed to employ the next eliglb1e on the llst for Patrolmen on a temporany basis ln conformance wlth Civll Service Rules and Regulations. A Letter dated october 2$, 195\, was read" from the Broadway Develop- ment Assoclation, submlttlng a comprehenslve proposal relatlve to the parklng and tnaffi-c eondltlons ln the Bnoadway-Burllngame area. Councllman Morgan moved that the proposals contalned in the communl- catlon be held fon further conslderatlon untll Saturday mornlng, Bt whlch tlme a Councll rieetlng was to be scheduled wlth the Off-Street Parklng Commlttee. The motlon was seconded by Councilman Bynd and, unanimously carrj.ed. fhe Clty Clerk was lnstructod to notlfy Mr'. E. R. Yerlngton, Presldent of the Bnoadway Development Associatlon. MF. iienry A. Luna, 12hl+ Paloma Avenue, questioned. pnevlous Council actlon in recomrnendlng the revensal ln the dlrectton of traffic on Paloma Avenue and an lnvltatlon was extended to Mr. Luna to attend the proposed Saturday mornlng meetlng. Mr. Luna called attention to the unsightly appearance of the H. R. Pank Plumblng Co. e l23O Bnoadway and the possible health menace. Councllman Morgan advlsed that the lot ln questlon ls contemplated for purchase by the Clty fon lncluslon ln the off-street parklng plan but lf a health menace exlsts, lt was hls recommendatlon that the matter be nefenned to the Health Department. Councllman Love moved that the CIty Clerk be lnstructed to conrnunlcate wlth the Department of Publlc nealth re- questing that an lnspectlon be conducted. The motion was second,ed by Councllman Morgan and unanlmously canried. Councllman Byrd statedthat the lot ln quostlon w111 be consld.ened at the pnoposed Satunday monnlng meeting. A letten dated October 20, 1954, was read from Fred" W. LeLrmanr Pnesident Burli.ngame Improvement Clubs Ccuncll, offerlng asslstance in the es- tablishment of a 'rcover-and-f111rr method 1n the operatlon of the Munlci- pal Fl1lr &s recommended ln a report obtained by the County Smog Con- tnol Commlttee fnom the Allon Englneering AssocLates, Inc. Mayor Atwater advised that the cornmunlcation would be placed on fl1o pendlng the necelpt of a complete repont from Allon Enginoerlng Assoclates, subsequent to a meeting schedulod at the Court House, Redwood City' Thursday, November 4. A letter d.ated October 28, 1g54, was nead from Bernard. W, Ford., 123 Be11a Vista Dr"lve, Bunllngarne, requestlng the nemoval of the bnick anches on Easton Drive, west of Benlto Avenue. A hearlng was sched.uled. for the Councll meetlng of November I-5, L954. The Clty Clerk was re- quested to lnclude the Board of Trustees of the Bunlingame Elementary School on the maillng 1lst of notlees to be prepaned and forwarded to lnterested per"sorls. A lotten dated October 29, L954, was nead fnom Rlchard P. Mlnor, Chalr- rnan of the Off-Str:eet Panklng Conrnlttee, nequestlng that a meetlng bo held wlth members of the City Councll and Bu::Llngame menchants and p::ope::ty owiiers to dlscuss off-street parklng for Burllngame. A meetlng was scheduled by Mayon Atrrater for Satunday mornlng, November 6, l95Ll, 10:30 4 . lll. A letter dated 0ctoben 29r 1954, hras read from the Bunllngame Clty Plan- nlng Conmrlsslon, advising that a pubIle hearlng had been conducted on a var"iance applicatlon, submltted by A. Mernll1 llo1man, 1700 Quesada Way, Burli-ngame. A Councll-pubIlc heanlng was theneupon scheduled for November 15, L95l+, at B:o0 otclock p.m. A letten fnom Hugh Rosaaen, Secretary Burlingame Civic Improvement C1ub, was nead, requestlng that the proposal to assess the resldents of the streets 1n North Burllngame, nor:th from Broadway between E1 Camino Real and Callfornla Drlve, fo:r wldenlng of streets wlthln that anea be glven conslderablo consldenation. Councllman Rooth moved that the subject matter be referred to the Plannlng Cormalsslon for conslderatlon and, study, seeonded by Councllman l4organ and. unanlmousJ.y canrled. Councll members offered. the suggestlon that 1n the lntenest of uniformlty' that the Burllngame Impnovement Clubs Couneil serve as a rrclearing-housett for I 205 communlcations necelved from the several Impnovement C1ubs of the Clty. A l-ette:: from Hugh Rosaaen, Secretany, Burllngarne Civlc Impnovement Club, was read, suggestlng that the Councll enter a protest with tho Southern Pacifle Company on the latterts pnoposal to lncnease lts natesof fare. Councllman Rooth advlsed that the subJect 1s presently unden stud.y by the ltiorth Corrnty Councll of l,luniclpallties and will be dlscus- sed at the meetlng of that group on November 10. Councilman Rooth moved. that the eomnunl"catlon be neferred to the Burllngame Improvement Clubs Councll for lts conmrents, seconded by Counellman i{organ and unani.mously carried. CounciLman Love suggested that ln hls oplnlon,all pnoposed utillty rate incneases should be opposed by the Improvement Clubs Counc11. Councllman Morgan concurrod. Councilman Byrd statedthat hearings on proposed nate lncreases are conducted by the State PubLlc Utl1lty Cornmlsslon and protests filed must be substantlated byfactual j-nfonmatlon and evldence, At the nequest of Hr. Lehman, President of the Impnovement. Clubs Counc11, Councllman Love.ad.visedthat he would nequest a nepresentative of the Southern Paclflc Company tc, be pnesent at a meetlng of the Improvement Clubs Counc11. A letten dated, Actober 27, 1954, was read. from the Hammensleys fanily,22[ Dwight Road, expressing appreciatlon to the Councll for actlon lnpnovldlng for the 1nstallatlon of street L1ghts 1n the 200 block of Dwlght Road.. RESOLUTIOi\iS None r FIRST READING ONDINANCES Ordlnance No. 5&', RtrPEALING ARTT0LE 51 of PART x oF THE oRDINANCE CoDE OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME AND ADOPTING A NEW ART]CLE 51 OF PART X OF TIIE ORD]}iANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF BURL]NGAME PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISI{MENT 0F iifRE ZONES WITHIN THE CITY: REPEALfNG ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH: AND HECTTING THE EMERGENCY REQUIRING THIS ORDINANCE TO BE EFFECTIVE UPON IfS PASSAGE, was lntroduced for first neadlng by Councll- man Rooth. Ordlnance No. 565, AN ORDINANCE AI,IENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY oF BUBLINGAME BY REPEALIIIG SECTTON 928 THEnEOF AS AT,IENDED, 'pRoVrDlNG FCR T}IE DUE DATE AND NOTICE OF TIT.E PAYMENT OF TAXES: AII-ID ORDAINING A NEW SqC?]ON 928 PROVTDTNG FOR THE PAYJ,IENT OF TAXES AND GIVING NOTTCE 0F' DUE DATES AND DELINQUENT DATES FOR THE PAYI,IENT TIIEHEOF was lntrod.uced.for flrst readlng by CounclLman Eynd. 0rd,lnanee No. 56br1AN oBDTNANoE AMEl{DrNc rlIE oRDTNAN0E coDE oF THE crTy OF BURLINGAME BY REPEALTNG SECTION 930 THEREOF AND ORDAINING A NEI,{ S5CTION 930 PROVTDTNG FOR DELINqUENT PENALTIES UPON UNPAID PROPERTY TAXES was introduced fon flnst neading by Councllman Byrd. Ordlnance No. 561, AN oRDTNANCE AI,IENDTNG TIrE oRDTNANCE coDE oF rHE crry 0F BURLfNGAI4E; CREATING A PARK CO]"IHISSION; AND PROVIDING F'oR ITS oRGANI- ZATION, TERI{S 0F ITS MEMBERS, OFFICERS, POWERS AND DUTIES was introducedby Councilraan liiorgan for flrst neadJ.ng. UNFINISHED BUS]NESS The City Clerk was j-nstnucted to notlfy the Civl1 Servlce Commlssion tocneate e11gib1e lists for the posltions of (a) Deputy Chief of Pollce and (b) irlre Depantment Inspector. A nequest fnom Dinector of Pub1lc'!,Iorks Marr for the appointment of agardener in the Park Department, was read and on motion of Councilmanl4organ, seconded by Councllman Bynd and. rrnanlmously canr:ied, Mr. GanthD. Erlckson, eliglble fon appolntment was appoS.nted to the position ofgandener, effectlve Novemben 1, 195\, subject to Civl1 Service Rulesand Regulatlons. NEW BUSTNESS Mrs. Leona C1ank, Presldent of the Bu::L1ngame Chanrber of Commerce,speaklng in behalf of the Bunlingame Avenue merchants, suggested thatdlagonal parklng be establlshed on Chapln Avenue prlon to the Hollday Season fon the convenlence of downtorrn shoppers. The Clty Clenk was ?06 lnstructed to plaee the subJect matter on the Councll agonda for the Saturday mornlng meetlng. Councllman Love, Councll Pollee Conunlttee Chalnman, dlrocted the Chlef of Pollce to lnstruct offlcers ln hls department that lnformatlonpertalning to the d.epantment, avallable for publlcatlon, be released to all newspapers. Mr. Alfred Doerlng, former memben of the Bu::llngame Becreation Com- mlssl-on, suggested that ln formj-ng the pnoposed Park Conrnlssi-on, that it be considored ln relatlonship to the Recreation Commlsslon. Mayon Atwater ur:ged the citlzens of Bunllngarne to exerclse the nlght and prlvlloge afford.ed each by votlng at the forthcomlng General Blectlon, Tuesday, November 2, l95l+. There belng no further buslness, the meetlng was adjourned to meet Satunday mor:ning, November 6, 195\, at 10:J0 &.n. Re spe e tfr,r-lly submlt ted. ADJOURN}.{ENT APPROVED: H. KENT I,fAYOR ER K.TE CITY CLIIRK