HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1953.07.27I 65 a Burltngarlo - CaLlfonnia July ??tltt 1955 A meeting of ttre &u'}[ngane Clty Counoll wes heLd. on the above glven date as per ad.Journuent of July 2O, 1955. The meetlng was oall,ed to onder at 8!OO P. ![. - ilayon Sluonds ln th,e Chaln. RolL Call: Pnesent - Counellnan: Atwaten-Iove-Morgaa-St-monds Absent - Counellnen: Byrd Councllman By-nd was exeuged f?om the meetlng on motlon of Counell- man love, seoonded by CounclLman Morgan and unanlnously carnled. Mayon $Lnonds stated. the purpose fon the adJourned meotlng wes to aonduet a pubLlc heanlng on the proposed 1953-1954 budget. flx6p" belng no one pnesent to questlon the pi.oposed budgct, Counollman Love lntnoduced, for passage, ResoLutlon No. 55-55r rAdoptlng Budget of the City of Burllngeme fon the Flscal Yea:r" Endlng June50, 19558, seconded by CorxrclLman Atwater ard unanluously oarnled on roll- oall of nembens. Ondlnanoe No. 554, entltled trAn Ondlnence RepeaS.lng Sectlon 825of the Ordlnance C6fl6 of the Clty of Bunl,lngsrle and Adoptlng a l{ew Sectlon 825 of sald ord.lnance Coder Elxlng ahd Establtshtngthe Classlflcatlon of Fosltlons and Employrment and the Conpen--gatlon and Salar"les Iherefoni, wes lntiodueed by CounclLnrair Ioveand gJ.ven flnst neadtng. Ordlnance No. 595 entltLed rAn 0rdlnence Amendlng the OndinanoeOode of the Clly of BurLlngane by Repealing Ordliance I![o. 526 ;dadopttng a ses seotlon 412 EElrre the sala:ry of the ctty crerki, wa,s lnfinoduoed by CounclLman Irove and. given- flnst neadlig. ' Ondinance IIo. 556 entltled rAn Ordlnenee Amendlng the OndlnanceCode of the Clty of Bu:rllngane By Repeallng Ordltarrce [o. s27 ardAdoptlng a Hew Sectlon 414-Ftxla! tnb Salaiy of the Clty-Treasurenrwa{t lntnoduced by CounclLrsan Love and glven- flrst readl-irg, T+"og beLng*no frrnther buslness, the meeting wes regularly adJounn-ed at 8125 P. M. Respe ctftrlly subnlt ted EMBERT T'HITE CITY CtrERtr APPROVED! ?-/,{4 ] u. s. sIuoNDS r JB. XArcN