HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1952.05.19379 Bu::1lngame - CaIi fornia May 19, 1952. A regular meeting of the Burlingame City CouncJ-I was held on the a.bove glven date. Lleetlng calIed to order at B:3O p.m. - M&yor Byrd inthe Chair. Ro11 Catl: Present --douncilmen: Atwater-Byrd-Love-Dlorgan-SlmondsAbsent --Councilmen: None The mj.nutes of the previous meeti4g of Aprl1 5, 1952, as submlttedto members of the Corrncil and as posted on the Bulletin Board, were unanimous 1y approved and adopted upon motion of Councilman Love errd seconded by C ouncllman Morgan. A letter dated May 15' 1952, was read from the Clvil Serrrice Com-misslon, submlttlng the follovdng el1gib1e lLsts as the result ofrecent o::aI examl-natl,ons : l,[aintenance ll{an - lst Class: Joseph llt. Quadt Malnterrance trtlan 8O7 Acacia Drlve, Br::: lingamo Rober"t G. Bannerot 512 Prlmrose Boad, Bur,llngame The 1lsts as submitted were accepted upon motlon of Councilman Sfmonds, s econded by C ouncllman L.,ov e and unanlmous 1y carrl-ed. A lottc:: dated May-L4, lr952, was read flom the Board of ELre Com-missloners, necommendlng that bids be caIled for the constructLonof a drafting plt and reflector. Councilman L[organ movod that bidsbe requestecl as provi.ded for ln the bond Lssue and in accord.ancewith tJ:e plans and speclflcatLons as submitted by the Clty Engineer,, seconded by C ounc iIman Love and rrnanlmous 1y carrled. By unanimousconsent of the Councl1, Clty Englne er l,{arr rrras authonlzLd to selectthe tlme for the pnesentatlon of tho above mentloned blds. A letter d.ated May 14, !952, was read fr"om the Boa::d of trlbr e Com-mlssloners, advislng that the ILre Depar.tmont Rules and Regulatlonshave been approved by the Clvi1 Senvice Comrission, the City Attor-ney and the Chairman of t he trtre Conr::it tee of the Councl-I, Cnd itwas the recorcnendatl on of the trll::e Commlssion that the rules aldre-gulatlons be approved and adopted. CouncLlman Morgan, Chalrman ofthe CounctMre Conanittee, advlsed that pursuant to a study made ofthe pr.opos ed nules and regulations, vrith the above glentloned offic-ia1s, lt rvas determined that lf approved., the ru-Ies and r"egrllatlons would ald ln the adnlnlstratLon and the efflcl-ency of the trLne De-partment. Councllman Morgan the::eupon lntroduced and. moved. thepassage of ResoLutl,on No. 23-52, aicepti-ng and adopting the Rules andRegulati.ons of the Br:rllnlane FIre Department, seconded by Councllman Love and unanimous 1y carx.led upon ro11 cal-l of mombens. A lette:r d.ated. Iilai L6, 1952, vras read fi:om IUrs. lfuonne I,{. Sl1va,Secrotary-Coord.lnator of the Recreatlon Department, ::equesti.ngthat pennisslon be granted to he:: for a two weeks Ieave, wlthoutpay, 5.n additlon to he:r ::egular two weeks vacatLon pe:r16d. Theletter was endorsed by Rocreatlon Superlnt endent Lrl"nco1n and for- wa:rcled. for Council app::oval. Upon motlon of Councllnsn f,ove,seconded by Councilnan Atwater and. unanimous 1y ear::led, the twoweekg leave, wlthout pay, d.r:r !:g JuJ.y was [tranted.. A fetter d.atetl ftlay 15, 1952r was read I]om Recreation SuperlntendentLlnco].n, advislng tb-a t the Clty Electrlcl-an has called altentlon toootr€ctlons that should be made conce::nlng the electrLc cont::oI paneLfor the Rec::eation Bulldlngs ln the reir'of Washington park. Th;letten was accompanled_ by a report flom Clty Electrlclan I{111s,::ecomnending tha! panel control powen for ttre Carnlage Eouse and thosurrounding fJ.ood llghts be transferred to the carrla€ge rlous e at anapproximate cost of $5O.0O, and that household type sirvlce be ln-stalled ln the Cottage at an approxl_mate cost of $5S.OO. The Clty 380 Etectrlclants report firther suggested that lt would be feaslble ,to lnsta1I a 41000 volt cent:'aL control paneI, extend.ing to 1lgbt r and power areas of the park, lncludlng the ball dlamond, the tenriis cou::ts and all othe:: facllities. Councilman Slnonds moved concur- :rence r,tth the :recorsnendati on .wittr refenence to changes in the rec- reation bulldings in the rear of Washlngton Park and that tl. e pro- posed changes be made irnmediately, seconded by Councilman Atwater and r.rnanimous Iy carried. Ttre Councll inst::ucted Ctty Englneor MarPto request the Clty ElectrLclan to survey the tennls cour.ts and submit a report on the condltlon of ttre tri::5.ng. A letter dated 1\{ay 15, 1952, was read lbom E;- L. Lincolnr Recrea-tion Superint endent, advis ing that he ]rad met wit}' a representatlveof a contracting company, regarding the pavlng conditlon of thetennis courts ln TJashlngton Pa::k. Three cost estimates as fb3n- lshed by the contracting flrm were submLtted. the subject was nefer::ed to CouncLlman Morgan, Clrairman of the Becreatlon Co?lrmltteeof the Council, for f\rther study, and report to the Council. A letter dated lrday 16, 1952, was read f?om E. C. Theuer, Chief of Po1Ice, advlsLng that pursuant to Council request, an investlgation had been made on an application received 1?oB lfu. John P. Dl11lng,for permission to operate a Idarltal Guldance Center at 329 Primros eRoad. The letter f\rrther advLsed tl:a t replles received from r:efer- ences contacted lndicated the above type of enterprLse, were notfavorable. Councilman S lmonds stated that in conformlty lt"t th thereplies received and the lnvestigation made by the Pol1ce Department and members of t.}"e Council, the Councll could not Justify wlthln thei:: mlnds of the granting of permisslon for an enterprise of thls type in the Clty of Burllry3ame. Councilman Simonds ther.erfpon movedthat the applicatlon for tire operati.on of a Marltal Guldance Cente:: be denled, seconded by Councl}aan Ivlorgan and r.rranlmous Iy ca::::ied. A letter, dated Ilay 16, 1952, was read fr"om G.J. Marr, Director of PubLic Worksl recom'nending the adoptlon of a resolutLon declaringthe follorlng streets to be added to the Cltyrs meJor st?eet system and that a ::equest be embodled wi thln the Resolution seeking the approval of the Department of Pub1lc Works of the State of Callf-ornia for suctr dlslgnatLon: Br::rlingame Avenue to Eoward Ave.,Bellevue Avenue to EI Canino Real E1 C arrino Real to Occid ental Ave. E1 Camlno Real to Humbold.t Road, Howard Avenue to PenLnsula Avenue Occidental Avenue to EI C eralno RealEl Camlno Beal to Alva:rado Avenue Almer Roatl to Califo::nia Drlve,EI Camlno Real to Vancouver AvenueEl Cemino Real to California D::ive r Councilman lrove lntroduced and moved the passage of ResolutlonNo. 24-52, nAdd_ing Certaj.n Streets to the Sys tem of MaJor StreetEln ttre Clty of Burl lngamer, seconded by Counclluan Slnronds'and unan-lmously carrled upon ro11 call of members.' A letter dated May 15, 1952, was ::ead llom G. J. Ma::r r Dlrector ofhrbllc Works, transml,ttLng a lette? fYon l,{r. W. E. ?Iate, D5.sposa1Plant Operator, r'eportlng on hls recent. attendance at the Californla Sewage Works Assoclation ConventL on in Santa Cruz. The ebnrm:.nlcatLon was acknowlodiled and o::dered flLed. A lette:: dated }rlay 15, 1952, was read fnom Directo:: of Publlc VllorksG. J. Marr, reportlng on a study made of f\rtr:r e developments to beconsidered to a1l6vlate present unfavorabLe eonditlons pertalnlngto storm ylaters in the lndustrlal anea of the City of Bu::11nga.ne. The repor.t advised. that the cost of ttro propos€d irork may be ap-portloned enong the va::lous px'operty orrners r"ecelving beneflt. Mayor Byr4 announced that a meeting has been scheduled for Mondayevening, May 26, at 7:5O p.n. The-City Clerk was i.nstructed tonotlfy the -members of -the Plannlng CorrnissLon, tlre plarrnlng Con-sultant and lnterested property oirrers to meet wlth the meibers ofthe Councll at that time. A letter daied Llay 15, 1952, was read Ilom G. J. Dla:er r submlt tLngfo:: Council approval, a pnoposal by HarrT N. enks, Consultlng Sin- Park Road Pnimros e Road Iloward Avenue Bayswater Avenue Highland Avenue Bur llngame Avenue Adellne Drive Ftonlbunda Avenue Broadway Rosedale Avenue 381 i.tary Erglneer, for perfo::ming cel"taLn consultant work in connec-,tion wlth the survey of the Cityts sanitery sewer system and recom- 4endlng that an appropr.iation for the anount sttputatetl be approved.l,tr. Jer&s r cormunlcatlon ad.vls ed that upon receLpt of Councll- auth-o::lzatlon, the englneer.Lng' fee lvould be in an amount not to exseed $1r5O0. . A f\rthen communlcation was r.ead flom yrllsey & Co., ClvllE-ngLnee::s, dated. May !4, !952, submlttlng a proposal'to perionm theabove mentlonod service fo? a total_'fee not to exceed {!1;SOO.Counclluan l4grgan stated tira t lnasmuch as the City has ::6ce1ved twoldentleal blds and the finm of ilrils ey & Co. ls rnaintalned in Bur- -1lng1ge, he would introduce a motion- that the pnopos aI- submitteilby wtrsey & co. be accepted. The motlon vras sLcoid.ed by c ounc l}oanSlmonds. Speal<1n6 on the motion, Councllman Slmonds sti.ted. tfra tthe Councll is well awa:r s of the excellent englneenLng servlces-p-er.formed. by-SI1lsey & Cq., but consideratLon should bE glven totle fact_that Harr.y X. Jeriks has vrorked in conJunctton illth the 9l!y of Burllngame for a numb er of years, ls fi.lrlllar vrlth ilreCltyts sewer p:roblems and is consld6red 6n expert on s ewe:: matte::s, !:avlng been the o::Lglnal consultant on the construction of the Bur-llngame sewer p1ant. c ouncllnan Love also stated that vihile he lsas a rule Ln favo:: of. awarding bLds or contracts to 1ocaI firms,he concurz'ed ln the statements made by counci lman slmonds. couirctl- man, Atwater also spoke ln favor of acceptl.ng the pnoposal submLttedby. Har.ry N. Jenks- Fbllowlng f\rrthe r. discussionr- th'e notion vasvoted upon - Councilnen !,twater, Love and Slrrondi vdting no, Coun-cilman MoTgan votl!€ xee. councllman slmond.s thereupon*introduceda motLon ttrat L[r. Jerrks be emrployed as the consultan-t engi.neer top€rfor:m such dutles as specifled in hls letter, and. for d fee notto-exceed. $l-,soo.oo. trl motion was seconded 6y counci:_man Atwaterarld camiod, v/ith CouncLlman Llor.gan abstaining ib om votlng. { .19!t"* dated M_ay- 16, 1952, was read. fieom G. J. IUam, Dfu:ector of I"blt-g wo:rksr submlttlng two agreements p::epared by th. e Southe::nPaclflc conpany and requesting the passage -ot a neiolutlon autho:r-izln-g- the executlon of the agreements peruttt:.ng ttre ctty to installa cable under the Southern Paclflc Companyr s ri[nt of way at Broad-way and callfornia D::ive in order to coor6li.nate-s ignal c6ntrols wi fl]track clrcults. I{rayor:lByrd. stated tha t the Clty Electrician hasbeen working fol some time to perfect a system ihat r.ii11 permlt the .co--ordinetiolr of signals^and his plan has-proven that it -wiL1 Ue'fooI pr.oof. B The ulty clerk was lnstruct6d to forward. a letter toC-lty-Electriclan Hll1s' expnessing Councl,l app::eciation. ResolutionNo..25-52, auttrorlzlng the exectttlon of the agreement with thesouthern Paclfic company, was lntrod.uced by c or:nc lLrran sLmond.s whomoved_ Its adoptlon, second.ed by cor.rncilman- Love and adopted unan-illous Iy upon ro11 call of members. A Letter dated llay ].5, 1952, was read fyom DLrector of hrblic liJo:rksMarn, requ€stlng tliat an appoi.ntment be made fon the classLficationof lvlglnlen*nce Man - Ist C1e.ss. Councl }oan Love moved ttrai- wo. ton the I1st for the.cLasslflcatlon, Jos eph IlI. euadt r be appolnied,effectlve_June- 1, 1952, and sulJect to the usual re[uir"miit", sec-onded by Councl lman SLmorrds and unanl,mous J.y carrled. purs uani to arequest flom G. J. l,[am, Di::ecto:: of publtc yforks r ln a letter datedIlf 15, 1952, C ouncilmair Slmonds movecl ttrat the CivlL servlce Com-mlssion be lnstructed. to create an e11gible rlst for the cLassifl-catlon.of uttllty man, s e cond.ed. by councl}nan r.rov e and unanlmouslycarr"l ed. A-Letter dated May. L5, 1952, was read flon the Burlingame L5-ons !]ub, 1$v-1slng that the Board of Dlrectors and membe::Ehip of theLlons C lub haye voled approval of a plan fo:: the rehabilitatlongI -ttr " Gmst_ Ltansl-o-n and_ submlt ting, for" Council cons Lde::atl-on, afJ-ve_point plan. M"y9f prrd on beii.u of the councll congratuiatettthe Bu::llngame Er. ons club membershJ.p for Lts clvLc efforti and in-structed, qe C1!f C 1er"k to add:ress a Lette:: to the llons Club ex- lressing. CounclL- appreciation, and to notlf)r the mernbers oi tfro fj?ry+S ConmJ.sslon, the Recreation Cormlssion, the City Attorney Td",1 LlglT Club^Co{n-ritt-eer_to meet nLth the C6uncll on-tfre "vening91':.ay z6bh, !952, Clty Ha1L, B:OO p.m., to dlscuss the subjectf\r the r - A^letten dated_ May 12, 1952, was read. from the Burllrvjene Chamberof. Commerce, - attaching a copy of a proposed cont::act 6etween theu+ty 9f- Bulllngame and the Chamber of Cormerce for the ye ar begln_ning July 1, 1952 and ending June 3O, l9SB, for an adveitlslng ap- 382 A letter dated Apr1l 16, 1952, was read fYom Ray Paloma Avenue, Burlingame, requesting permis s ion acre parcel at 3016 Hl sldo DrLve, was refemed C onmis s 1on. Respoctfully subml PPROVED:HMBERT K. fiIEITE Clty Clerk propriatlon. Resolution No. 26-52, authorlzing the Mayor for and in behalf of the City of Burlingame to execute the agreement, for tb"b advertlsing and promotlon of Uae ulty of Burllngame in the amount of $1r8O0. fo:: the perlod above stated, was lntroduced !y CounciLmsn Lrove, dro movod 1ts passage, seconded. by C ouncl luan Sil.nonds and.addptbd unaaLrcoBs 1y upon ro11 caLl of members. 0. to to Driske11, 1458 r esubdl-vLde an ttr.e Plarmlng A corur.rnlcatlon received f?om the Peninsula lIosp itil Cltipens Can-paigr Conrnittee was read requestlng Councll endo:rs ement of rthe fortheoming Peni.nsula Hospltal Bond lssue to complete the project. Malntalnlng a pollcy prevlously establlshed.not to endorse a par'- tlcular 1ssue, each Councilman expressod hls lndlviduaL ondorso- ment ard appz.oval of the urgontly needed p::oJect. the Clty Clerk was lnstructed to so notlf! the Cornrnlttee. Reports f?om the jtre Department, the Police Department, the Llbrary and the Department of Publlc V{orks r wer6 read, acknowledgod and o::d6red. filed. Resolutlon No. 22-52, Authorlzlng the Executton of an..Agreement ni ththe Pacillc Gas & Electri.c Company to crlos s an ex5.st5.ng easement on Pealnsula Avenue and the Bayshore, was lntroduced by C ouncilsan Love rdro moved Lts passagee seconded by Councllnan Simonds and adopted' unanlmous 1y upon ro11 call of members. OrdLnarlce No* 525 entltled n4n Ordlnance Amen&ing the Ordlnance Code of the ulty of Bu::1lnge.rne by Amend.ing Soctlon 928 as Amended Augus t 21, 1950, Ftxing the Due Date of the Paynent of faxes as of December Tenthn, was given second readlng. C ouncilnan Love novedthe adoptlon of ttre foregolng ordlnance, seconded by Councl'lrnan Slmonds and caruied by the followlng vote: Ayes: CounclLmen: Atwate:r-Byrd-Lovo-Morgan-SlmondsNoes: CouncL}nen! None Absent Councllmen: None Clains, Nr.:nrb er 2091 to 2213, with the exceptlon of nur,rb ers of 2110and 2201, ln the amor.rnt of $281465.61, properly vouched for, weleauthorized to be pald fY'om the City Treasuz.y for their respective amorrnts upon motion of Councllman Love, seconded by C ounci knan l\lorgan and. unan j.mous 1y carri ed . Upon motion of Courrcilman Love, seconded by C or:nci lman Slnonds and unanimously carried, the payroll for the month of Aprl1, 1952, inthe amount of $43r55O.06 was approved. Mayor B1rrd, on behalf of the City CouncLl and the citj.zens of Bur-lingane, complimentecl Po1ice Chlef Theuer and the members of hisdepartment for the outstard ing rvork perforrne d by that department inthe t:rainlng of the BurLingar.re SchooLs Junj.or Trafftc Patrols. ChiefLeLs and the members of the Fir e Department were also congatulatedfor tlme donated in behalf of the city-wide trClean-Up Seek. It Students flom the San llateo Junj-o:: College were introduced' and wel c omed. Jos eph !tI. Quadt, nevrly appointed Str"eet l,lalntenance Llsfl, first cIass,was j-ntroduced by Street For" eman Charles Wilson. L{r. Quailt thantred.the members of the Cou.ncil for confirmation of tris appointrnent. The City Attorney vras instructed to prepare an Ord.inance establish-ing a schedule of charges to be inposed. at the Ltunicipal Ell-1 to besubmltted at the next negu]-ar neeting of the City Counci.L. The::e belng no f\rrther buslness, the neeti-ng was adjourned at 1O:OOp.m. upon motion of C orrrrc l" lman Atwater and seconded by Councilarer love. Iliayor c.B ted