HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1955.10.17r 355 Bunllnsame Cel1fornLa Octqben 17, 1955 CALL TO ORDER A negulan meetlng of the Burllngame Ctty Cor:ncl1 was held on the above8lven date. The meetlng was calIed to brd.er at 8:1O orclock, potloMayon Morgan in the Chain. SALUTE TO THE FLAG At word. fnom_Mayon Mongan, all arose and were led by filchand I{1II andMlchael Ilhlr Cub Scouts, Tnoop No. L4, ln the Salute-and. the pled.ge ofAlleglance to the F1ag. INVOCATION The Revenend Fr:ed Ha111we11, Flnst Baptlst Church, Bunllngame, gave thefnvocatlon. ROLL CALL Bynd - Johns on -Mongan -Roo th-Thaye r None 1955, was nead fnom the Clty Clerk, sub-llst for" the posltlon of Pank Department A letter", dated Octobenmlttlng the followlng eltglb Gror:ndsman: Wl11lam Cunt Reynolds Robert Dlnes Nelson John D. Flahenty Kenneth Dale Gllreath James E. For:d Pnesent - Councllmen:Absent - Counellmen: M]NUIES PREVI OUS I,{EETING The mlnutes of !h" pnevlous meeting of Octoben 3, 1955r &s submltted tomembens of the_Corrncl1, were r:nanlmously approved and aAopted. on motlonof Councllman Byrd, wlth an amendment t-o tnhtcate that thl meetlng wasadJounned ln nespect to and ln honor of the memory of the flrst Mlyor ofBunllngsme, Edward F. Tneadwell, who passed i-n delth, September 27", lgbs.The motlon was seconded by Councllman Rooth and unanimouity carnlei. PRESENTAT]ON OF AWARD David !.S" and Rlcha:rd Casho, Burllngame High Sehoo1 Students, were pub11c1y commended by Mayor Mongan, on behalf of the -Ctty Coirncil ana [,fre RecreatLon 9ggryffslone fon thelr servlces as volunteen leaders durlng the Summen of1955 Recrsatlon Depanta.ent Pr ogram. COMMUN]CATIONS 1. ELIGII3I,E tIU GROI}N MAN. PARK 6, 1e Rand Street, San Mateo Chula Vlsta Ave.'e Bunlingamelflalnut Avenue, Burllngeme Peck Avenue, San Blateo Donnelly Ave,, Bunllngarne The 11st was necelved fon fltlng ln the personnel necords of the City. 2.TTON TO LANDSCAPE CHlTECT A letten, dated October 15, 1955, was nead fnom the park Commlssion,r€commen{l*S that a landscape anchltect be employed to pnepane plans fonthe_development of canyorx pnopenty ln Ray Park. -The suir;ebt wai nefennedto Councllman Johnson for consultatlon witn the Park comritssion onobtalnlng more lnfonmation. 7.Ja INDUSTRTAL ASSESSMM{T DISTRICT S UBCOI{TRACTOR CHANGE A letten, dated October 15r 1955e w&s read from G. J. Ma.:ln, Dlrectonof hrb11e lJtlonks, recommendlng that the nequost of the E. T. Haas Companyecontnactor for the lmprovement of the BunlLngame Industrlal Tnact Assess- ment Dlstnlct, to chango the pavlng subcontracton, be appnoved. Councll- man Bynd moved concurrence wlth the recommendatlon and that the nequest of the E. T. Haas Company be gnanted, seconded by CouncLlman Rooth and unenlmously cannled. 724 1035 729 l-634 t220 356 4o SOUT}IERN PACIF C COMPA}TT REQIiEST TO CONSTRU CT DR]LL TRACK A letter, dated Octobei: 6, 19551 wBS read from the SouthennPaciflc Company, submlttlng an eppllcatlon for a permlt to constructand operate a drllI tnaek across Roll-lns Road. Councllman Byrd movedeoncurrence and lntnoduced fon pass&g€r RESOLUTf0N N0. ?8-55, grant-lng the Southern Paclflc Company permLssLon to eonstruct and operatea drill tnack across Ro1llns Road, seeonded by CouncLlman Rooth andadopted unanlmously on noII call of membens. 5. RECOMTilIENDATIOI'l MURCHISON DR I VE -TROUSDALE AVENUE ARTERIAL STOPS A letter, dated 0etoben 14, 1955, was read from R. C. Theuer,Chlef af Pollce, recommending that Mur"chlson Drlve and Trousdale Avenue be created artenial stops fon trafflc enterlng El CamJno Bealfrom the west. RESOLUTIOI{ NO. 76-55, rfDesignatLng the Intersectlonsof Trousdale Avenue and the E1 Camlno Real and Munchison Drive and theE1 Camlno ReaI Stop IntensectLons and Requl::lng All Vehlcles Proceed-lng Eastenly on Trousdale Avenuo and on Murehison DrLvo to Stop Atthe Entnances to El Camlno Realtr, Eres lntroduced by Councllman Bynd, who moved lts passage, seconded by Counellman Johnson and adopted un- anlmousl-y on nol1 call of membens. 6. PENINSULA HUMANE SOCIETY.INC. - RENE1ryAL OF CONTRACT A letten, dated 0ctobet '1, 1955, was read fnom the Peninsula EumaneSoclety, Inc., requesting the nenewal of tts contract wlth the Cltyfon an addltlonal flscal- year at the same rate pnesently ln effect. Councilman Rooth lntnoduced and moved the passage of RESOLUTION N0. 74-55 t rrAuthor"l zi..ng the Contlnuatlon of Agneement wlth Peninsula Humane Soeiety, dated November 1, l-952ff , second.ed by Councilmanfhayen and unanimously camLed on r"o11 call of nembers. REPORTS OF OF"FICERS Reports frorn the Flne Departuent and the Depantment of Publlc Wonks,for the month of Septomben 1955, and the PolLce Depantment, fon tho month of August 1955, srer6 neceived, aclo:owledged and placed on flle. RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTfON N0. 75-55, rtDeclar lng Noxlous and Dangerous Weeds and Rubbish a Nufsancsrwas lntroduced by Coirncllman Byrd., who moved ltspassager seeonded by Councllmen Thayer and rrnantmously cernled on r"oL1call of membens. (ScheduLing l{ovemben ?, 1955 as public heanlng.) RE[qLV!]_O]{_NO. 77 -55, rtAcce ptlng Deed of Dedicatlon of Easement FnomAtlantle Llfe fnsurance Company, a Corporatlon, dated Septembep 8r 1955tt, was introduced for passage on motlon of Councllman Rooth, seconded by Councllman Bynd aad adopted r:nanlmously on no11 eaLl ofmembers. (Easement to eonstruct, nepair, malntaln and openate an undorground flre alarm and street llghtlng system, Block 7, Mt1lsEstate No. 5. ) ORDINANCEi CONSIDERATION OF ORDTNANCES : ORDINANCE o 606 f'An Ondlna:oce Arnending the Ord lnance Code of the Clt vf trPank envison ttoame to trPar.k Par"k Supe nlntendentn and rrAssistant Chief of PolLce r to trLleutenant of PolL ce tt an d By Addlng the Job CLasslflcatlon of nFLre Inspecto::rt to DlvLslon I of Sectlon 825 of Sald Code and Provldlng fon the Compensa- tlon of Sald Job ClassLflcatlon of itFine Inspectorn was given second neadlng. 0n motlon of Councllman Johnson, sgconded by Councllmart Byrd, sald ordlnance passed 1ts second reading and was adopted unan- lmously by the following vote: Ayes: Qouncllmen: Byrd-Johnson-Morgan-Rooth-Thayen Noes: Cor:ncllmen: None Absent Cor:ncLlmen: None the Job Classlflcatlon o enLntendon and rtAsslstent Park Supenv lsorft t sup ol'Asslstant lng trt 357 OnDfNIIiCE NO. 607, oOf Intentl-on to Vacate Publtc Utlllty Easements ln ffid5M111sda1e1ndustn1a1Park,Brrn11ngame,Ca]1forn1ao,was glven second neadLng. 0n motion of Cor:nclLman Roothe seconded by Councllman tsyrd, said ordlnance passed its second neading and was adopted by tho follovrlng vote I Ayes : CouncLlmen: By::d-Johnson-Morgan-Rooth-ThayenNoes: CorrncLLmen: None Absent Corrncllmen: None oRDTIIANCE N0. 608of the Ordlnance , nAn 0rdlnanee Amendlng Sectlon 1971, Antlcle 5O, Part X, Code of the City of BurLlngame Dlvlding the Clty lntoDlstr'lets and Regulatlng the Use of Sald Dlstr"lcts By Addlng to Sald Sectlon Subsection F Requlrlng the Provlslon of Parklng Spaces fo:r Com- menclal Buildings Ln Retall Commenclal (C-1) and Servlce BusLness (C-2) Dlstrlctsn, wa.s glven second, readlng. 0n motlon of Councllman Rooth, seconded by CouncLlman Johnson, sald ordJ.nance passed lts second readlng and was adopted by the followlng vote: Ayes: Councllmen: Bynd-Johnson-Mor"gan-Rooth-ThayenNoes: CouneLlmen: None Absent Councllmen: None " OBDfIIANCE ]Lq_-qgg, rfAn 0ndlnance Auending Seetlon 1926, Artlcle 50, Pant X,ffioaooftheC1tyofBur11ngameD1vld1ngtheC1tyintoDlstricts and Regulatlng the Use of Said Dlstnlcts by Authorlzlng the Ebectlon of Garages .on the Front Portions of Lots ln Certaln Aneas and Unden Certain Condltlonsne $r&s glven second neadlng. On motlon of Cor:ncllman Rooth, seconded by .Councllman Thayer, sald ondl-nance passed lts seeond rea.dl-ng and was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Counellmen: Byrd-Johnson-Morgan-Rooth-ThayenNoes; Gor"rrcllmen: I{one Absent Counellmen: None MTINICIPAL DUMP REPCHT ON DE\ELOPMENTS Mayon Mongan announcod that the members of the Councll had reacled an amicabLe dompnomLse on the operatlon of the munlelpal dump and Councllman Byrd was requested by the Chalr to outllne a proposal designecl as a co::rectlve measure ln whieh to dlspose of tnash and nubblsh. Councllman Bynd, pnlon to relatlng the proposal, dlrected the foLlowLng recommenda-tlons ln the operatlon of the dump to the attentlon and for the consld- enatlon of the FLre Commlsslonl lnstallation of fire hydrants; The avalleblllty of sui.plus fine hose and./or flne apparatus; A dal1y fLre patnol; noutlne dlspatch of fLne equlpment; and Purehase of sal-t water: pump t o compaet the mater1a1. Counellman Byrd advlsed that the pnoposal lncludes (q) the operation of the dump by the pnesent operaton fon an addLtlonal thnee months at a fee of $8OO.OO pen month; (b) the use of a bulldozer for purposes of spreadingtho fllIi (o) cleaning and cleanlng all debnls; and (d) the stonage of-not morse than flve or s lx yards of ft1l at one tlmo. In fur:ther comment, Mayon Morgan advlsed that salvage matenlal w111 not bestock-plIed, al-1 combustible materlal w111 be pushed ovor every day, com- paeted and. cove:red by f111, and the Clty wt11 provlde fo:: and dellver asufflclent quantlty of f111 as nequlned. A further. motlon was lntroduced by Cor.rncllmaL B;rnd., seconded by Councllman Rooth, that a sum not to exceed $5,O00,OO be alloeated and authorLzed fonthe pur"chase of f111. Followlng a sho::t discusslon, the motlorl w&s urr- anLmously carnled. RECESS The Ghai:: declaned a recess at 9:O5 pon{. CALL TO ORDEN (1) (z) (5) (4) The meeting was called to order at 9:25 p.m. 358 DEPART MENTAL BEPORT ON FIRES AT CITY DUMP Commu::icatlons the Department Commlsslon and concerning the on fiIe. from the Boand of Flre Commlsstonens, the Flne Depantment, of hrblic Ileatth and lilelfarer the Publlc Health and Safety the Dl::ector of Publlc Works, submS.ttlng r4ecommendatlons mr.rnlclpal dump were received, aclorowledged and placed BURLINGAME GATE IMPR OYE},{ENT CLIIB RECOI/II\IENDAT]ONS Refenenco was made by Mayon Morgan to L copy of ttre-mLnutBs of the Burllngame Gate Impn6vem-ent Club, September.\4r.1955: ln whlch the followlng requests-were submltted for Councll attentlon: (1) Mone frequent trlps by the street sweepel in Burllngame Gate area. Refenred tb trre Publtc utlllttes commLsslon. Q) Sld.ewalk nepalrs. Clty Englneon reguested to advlse mernbers of the Impr:ovement Club sldewalks pnoposed to be nepalred. (5) Waten rrurr-off ln gutters. Refenred to the Publlc Utllltles Commls slon. (4) Tnash plck-up dates. Referl.ed to the Publtc Utllltles CommlssLon. (5) Two-way trefflc on Cambr'ldge and 0xford Roads be made or16-w&Yr Refenred to the llealth and Safety Commisslon. (6) Traffic Survey of resldentlal anoa. Referred to the Health and Safety Commisslon. (Zl Dlsposltlon of the six oucalyptus trees nemainlng on_t4e poTtlon of Et Camino Real nlght-of-way under construction. Roferned to Ctty Sr.gLneer Marn fon neply. DTVISTON OF HIGIIWAYS RE: ADVERTIS ]NG DISPLAY A communlcatlon, dated Octoben 3, 1955e was read, from the Dlvislon of Eighwaysr ln response to a nequest for an E:cnoachment Penmlt, in conneetlon rivttf, the proposed lnstallatLon of a Neon slgn on E1 Camlno Real- readlng ttAuto Rbw - Callfornla Dnivert. The communlcatlon ad- vlsed that the proposed sLgn could not bo conslderod as othen than an ad.vertislng display arid as sueh ls pnohlblted fnom State Hlghway nlghts of w&3ro The Clty Clerk was lnstnucted to notlfy automoblle dealens. SMOG ON DISTRT Mayor Mo:rgan nefenrod to e commrrnlcatlon recelved fnom County C1erk, Jo[n Bnrning, concerrring the proposed formatlon of a Nlne County Smog a3d Alr Pollutlon Dlstrlct. Mayor Morgan advised that at a meetlng on October 18, 1955, it was hls lntentlon to nomlnate Councllplan Byrd as a cand.ldate to represent the cLtles of the County of San uiateo. RESOLUTION SUBMITTED BY PENINSULA COUN CTL OF CHURCHES A eommunicatLon, dated 0ctober 7, 1955, was read fnom the Peninsula Cor;ncll of Churches, submlttlng a nesolutlon of commendatlon to the Clty Council foi, lts offtcial recognitlon of Unlted Natlons Week. Tfre communicatlon was receLved, aclcnowledged and placed on flle. COI/IMITTL]E Councllman Johnsog Flnal program 1n readlness for: Unlted NatLons Week and. ceremonles commemoratlng the event. . Attendance at the Park CommLssion meetlng, October 15, 1955. S tss9 IJ}fFINISHED B{IS INESS Clty-owned r:nlnhabited propertv on Cabrlllo Avenuo CounclLman Johnson moved. that lnforraal btds be adventlsed for cLty-owned r:ntr*rabited pnoperty on Cabnlll-o Avenue and seheduled f or opening _at the next negular mebtlng of tho Clty Councll. Tho motlon was seconded by I CouncLlman Byrd and unanlmously car:nLed.. I- NEW BUSINESS Cor.:ncl1man Johnson moved. that the Clty Attorney and the Chtef of Po1lce eonfer and thereafter submlt a reeommendation to the Ctty Councll on the advlsablllty of amendlng the'cr:rnent tnafflc ordlnance to ellmlnate thertow-awayr pnovlslon. Tho motlon nas seconded by Councllman Thayer and unani.mously eamled. CLAIMS Werrants, Nos. ?608 thnough 7743, ln the amount of $trOr205.86r duly audltled, were authonized drawn on the Ctty Tneasury ln thelr respectlve amounts on motlon of Councllman Byrd, seconded by Councllman Rooth and rrnanlmously cannled. PAImOT/L WABRAI{TS Paypoll Warrants, September 1955, Sos. 5419 th:rough 3775, in t he amountof $57r835.47, werie approved on motlon of Councllman Byrd, seconded by CorrncLlman Booth and unanlmously car"rLed. ADJOURNMEIIT Counclfunan Byrd moved that the Councll adJourn ln nespect to the memonyof for:me:: Waten CommLssloner, lflnlsten M. Cooke who passed. ln death, Octoben 1, 1955, seconded by Councilman Thayer and unanlmously cannled. Bespectfully subrnlt ted, K. lVhlteClty Clerk APPRO L. B. MO Mayon L