HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1953.07.2061 Burllrlgame - Callfonnla JuIy 2O, 1955 A reguLar meetlng of the Bunllngame Clty Counoll wes held on the above glven date. Heetlng callcd to onden at 8:O0 P.M. - Hayon Slmonds ln the Chain. RolL Call: Pnesent - Councllmon: Atsaten-Bynd-Love-lflolrgen-$lmondsAbsent CounclLmen: None The mlnutes of the prevlous regu3.ar meottng of July 6, 1955, eB sub-mltted to uembens of the Councll, wero unan{mously appnoved andadopted oa motlon of Councllnen Love and seeonded by 0ouncllman B5rnd. Blds for the saLe of clty owned lots - Lot 12 and l,ot 15, Block 56,Eeston Addltlon lifo. 5, scheduled fon submlsslon on thts date, xerc opened and read ag folloss: Parken Johnstone Lot 12 Lot 15 1605 Sestmoon Road Burllngame, Callfonnla $4,31I.OO RutJr l[. Bureau 4O7 Hlllsbonough B1vd., San Mateo, Callfonnla. $4,266.00 Penlnsule Cltd.es Constmctlon Co. 85O Wcst Angus StrcetSm Bntrno, CaLtfornLa Iots 12 end 15 $O,gOO.OO L \Otfi dcposlt accompanlcd the blds. trre Clty rhglneer ras instrue-ted to gubmlt a neoomnendatlon prlon to the tlose of thc meetlng. A lctter datcd July 17, L955, wes read I?onr the Civl1 Senvice Com-nlsslon, reconmendlng that a contract to eontlnue examlnatlon gerv-lces for the Clvl1 Servlce Conmlsalon, be aocepted for the penlod1955-1954. CounoLlaan Love uoved that the Counoll concur tir tU,enecommendatlon and lntnoduoed for passago, Resolutlon t{o. 49-59,to onten lnto an agreoment wlth the State Pensonnel Boand fon ttrepenformencc of senvLces ln the pIannlng, sclredullng, prcparatlon,eongtrtrctlon and ratlng of cxentnatLons for L955-54. -The uotion-was ceconded by Cor.rnaL}nan Byrd and adopted unanlnously on rolLcall of members. A Letter dated..J.yly 10, 1955, yaE need fnom.E. R. Stal1lngs, CountyHanlger, submlttlns fon cor:nclI consldenatlon, a copy of i i'oodSaaltatlon Ondlnenec, propoaed by the DLrectolr of glifth and Welfancof. the gounlY. fhe Letten advlses that the Boand of Supenvironslntcnd to edopt the propos ed ordlnencc lf lt appcans th;t a substan-tial ntrmben of cltles llkew,lsc_adopt a slnlLan-6rdlnence. Speaklng -on tle subJect, CounoLlmen Byrd stated that the elty wouLd bine1itt'by adoptLng an ordlnance that vas unifonm ln reLatl6n to othens inthe gluntl and, suggegted tJrat inasmuch a.s the proposed, ordlaa3ccprovLdes fon a schedule of feos, that the subJect-be nefenr.cd tothc Cfq Attorney fon study and-nocommondatLoi. Ihe Clty Attonneyflas so lnsh:uoted. A letter dated Jury- 16, 1955, was nead from Glenn T. Mecaffuey,applylng fon a permolt to 1n!taL1 tro 2,OOO galJ.on undergrround'6""-o-llnc gtonage tanks at ?o1 Cillfonnta Dnlve] A 1etten ias als6 neadffom the Bureau of Fife Pneventlon, advlglng that al.l provislons ofthe E[ne P:rcvontlon Code have_been oomplled-w1th and nicomenaing- - lFet the pertlt be g:ranted. Couael.Lunan f6rra moved concurrence wlththe nceommend,atlon of tlre Flo" Depantnent- and that the pernft Ui- -- 9l?nt99r seoon€led. !y Counallnan Love and unanlmously cai'rled,. TheClty.Attonncy wes lnstruct"{ tg pneparc an ordln.rr"L anor-t.ri th;exlstlng-ondlnance to pnovidc fon a-untforn stonago capacliy"t;--confona to modonn Servlce Statloa requkements. - Uayo:r Slnonds stated that a roquest has beon recelved firon tbe f,lbr-ary Board that en e1lglb1e 1lst be establlshed for the posltlon ofboth Senlor Llbra:r1an and JunLon lJlblrarlan. The Clvl1 Se:rvloe Con-mlgslon rar requcsted to gepare an ellglblo llst for the posltlonc requos ted. A Letter clatcil JuIy 20, 1953, wag need fuon the Clvll Servlce CoE-mlssion, submlttlng for. Councll conslderatlon end action, a r.evlaed copy of the Clv11 Serylce Rules and Regu).atlona of the Clty of Bu:r-llrrgame. Councllnan Atrater noved that the Councll c onour 1n ttr erecoonendatlon of tho Ctvll Servlco Comlssl.on ancl lntroduced forpassage, Rcsolutlon I[o. 5O-55, rAoceptlng the Clvl1 Servlce Rulos and Regulatlons ag Arended!, seconded by Councl Inan Iove arrd unan-lmously carrled. A petltlon, subnltted by Edrand Buedy, 1233 Bellevuc Avenue, LnbehaLf of eleven prope:rty ormern, was readl, ln ri?rloh lt was roquoat-ed that a tro-hour panklng zons be €stabllshod on Bellevue Aveaue,betreen Pr"lnros e Road anil Lorton Avenuc. Chle f of Pollce Theuen ragrequested to conduct a sursey and submlt hLs recomlend.atlon to theClty Attorney so thst the subJcct nay b6 Lncluded tn the currentstudy bclng medo of tlr cltyt! parklng problens. A lettcr dated June 18, 1953, nag read lbom Rl chard P. Mlnor, Chalr- nan of the Cltlzcngr Off-street Parklng Coomlttee, advlstng that tbonthe knowledge galned durlng a necent trlp to the Clty of Er:reka, lt wag hle oplnion that the only mettrod to so1v6 a cltyls pa:rklng pnob-Ien would be to agsegs tho bustness prope rty owner and that e-portlonof the costs b6 borne by the olty through lts Panklng Meter hrnd.ryor Sinondg stated that the subJect rould be oontlnued under iUn- finlshed Buslnesg . tr A lctter dated July 13, 1955, was read fnon Edtard J. Jose, 1324Uontero Avenuc, conpllnentlng the CIW Councll on lts adnlnlstnatlonof the Clty and expresslng the oplnlon that clty managenent t;rpe of goyenDnent sou1d not be an lmprovement 1n the Clty of Burllrgane.fhe Clerk res lnstructed to acknowledge the oomunlcatlon. A letter dated July 16, 1953, ras read f:ron Flank E. Olson, BuslnessRepresentatlve of the Bulldlng and Cons tnuctlon llnades Councll of San Mateo County, calIlng the Courrcltts attentlon to a vlolatlon lnthe Clty of Bunllrganets bulldlng and zonlng ord!.nanccs at 1510 llcl-lands Avenue, rbe rcln a rnrlt-lplc drelllng ls belng enected Ln aslng1e fanlly zoned area. .[ayor Slnonds stated that a perrlt had been lcsued to tbe orner by the Bul1tl1ng fnspeetor for the const ruc-tlon of e s lngle-fanlly resldenoo and that subgequent to an Lnvcat-lgatlon, lt ras :reported that the bulldtng Ls non belng conatruct6dto per.nlt eddltlonal occupancy. Questioned by ilayor Simonds, Bullal-lng Inspeotorr Wttson advlsed that l*ten ttre per.alt was tssued, Lt waslssued slth th€ ornerr8 asErlrancc that lt tould b6 a slngle-iantly resldence but that Lt res deslgned for convergion lnto three apant- ments gbould the a:rea be nczoncd for apartme nt use. trbltowlng otherlrregularltles noted, the Bullding Inspector ras lna tructed. to conferrlth the Clty Attorney for doternlnatlon aa to the coufse of actlonto bc taken. Roports flon the ELre Department, the Pollce Depantment and ttr e De-partment of Publlc lYorks for the month of .Iune, L953, rene read, ackronledge d and ordencd fl1ed. UI{FTNISHED BUSINESS: C ouael.Inan Ircve movcd thet the pnoposal submltted by the fl.nn ofRoblneon, I{owell & Co., Certlfled Publle Accountantgr of San &an-c1aoo, to audlt the accountg of tlle Clty of Bu:rllngane, for theflscal year endlng Juno 5O, 1953, ln en anount aot to exoeed $BPS.OO,b6 acccpted. The notlon rae gecondcd by Couacl lmaa ldorgan and unan- lmous ly cernLed. Councl laan Xor gan movsd that the Ct tJ, Attorney bc autho:rlzed to cm-ploy a s tenographer to agslst tbe Attorney 1n ttro nenovatlon of theParkllg and Tisffls Ondlnarlcc of the Clty- of Burllngame, seconded byCouncllman Byrd ard unanlnors Iy cerr!,cd. 62 63 CtW EngLnoer tr[arn reco&nct]ded that the bld subnltted by Parken Johnstons for the saLe of clty-owned Lot ![o. L2, BJ.ook 56, Easton Addltlon: ![o. 5, and the bld for the sale of aity-owned Lot Ho. 15, Block 56, Easton Additlon I{o. 5, subml.tted by Ruth M. Bureau, beaocepted, CounclLnan Byrd uoved that the bld subnltted by Panker Johnstone for the sale of tot L2, Block 56, Easton Addltton No. 5,ln the auount of $er511.OO be accepted, seconded by CounclLmanAtwater, and unanlmousl.y earrled. CouncLluan Bynd moved that thebtd of Ruth M. Bu::oau, ln the araount of $4r 266.00 for the punchaseof tot 15, Block 56, Easton Addltlon ilo. 5, be aecepted, secondedby Councllman Love end unanl.nously carried. CouneLlman toy-e lntro- ducod for paosag€r RoeoLutlon ilo.-5L-55, tAuthorlzlng the Mayor to Exeeute the Deed, Ln behalf of the Clty Councl1,, for the Sale ofLot L2, Block 56, Easton Aditltlon I{o. 5r, seconded by CouncllnanBfrd and adopted unaninously-,on noLl caLl of nembens. Rogolutlon Ho. -52-55r rAuthorlzlng the Mayor to Execute a Deed. for the Salc ofLot 15, Block 56, Easton Additlon No. 5t, vas lntroduced by Councll- man tove, wtro noved its passege , secondecl by Cor:ncllman Atwater and adopted unanLnously by ro11 call of members. Mayor Slmonds rGquested Mr. Rlchard Minor, Chalrrnan of the CltlzenstOff-Street Parktng Corumlttee to neport on the subJeot of Off-StreetPanklng. Mr'. HInor advlsed that the Coumlttee has reached lts dools- 1ot, and that the pLan outLlned provldes adequate off-atneet panklngfor Br,rrllngame and the Bnoadway business dlstnlcts, for both the consumelP as welL ag for the merchant and the euployee. !Ir. Mlnor ad-vt$ed that some englneerlng work w111 be ncqulned in the proparatlonof the plottlng of lotse the assessment distrlct and the alLocatlonof costs to the varlous pnopenty own€,rsr. fn addltton, [p. If,lnon ad-vlsed that th.e Cormlttee wlLL request that a bnochune of the entlrepran bo pubJ.lshed for subml-sslon to each property owner ln theasseEsment dlstnlct and that publlc meetlngs be held to dlscuss thoproposed plan. Mayor Slmondsr orr beh&Lf of the Council, thanked !d1. _Mlnor, to{ the many hou:ps he has contrlbuted ln the compllatlonof facts and flgures. CouncLLman Mongen, Chafu.nan of the CbunctLOff-Stnoet Panklng Comralttee, moved that the nepont be accepted arrilrcferred to the Clty Engineer fon pnellnlnany study relatlvl toengtneerlng costs and thet parklng meten firnds ln Lxcess of the costdeducted for th,e maintenance of pir:klng metens, tnafflc control an6Clvl1 Defense be contnLbuted ae tbe cltyts shai.e ln the redemptlonof the foposed off-etneet panklag bonds. fhe motlon wae gccLndedby Councllman Byrd and. unanlmously carniod. C1alns Nos. 5899 to 4040 lnclusivc, duly audlted, ln the amount of tror89?.52r-rene authorlzed drarn 6n trrl Clty rn6asury on motLoa ofCouncllnan Love, secondod by Counctluan Atwaler end uiranlmously car-nied. layroll wannants for the month of June, Nos. ggOO to 4264, lneluslve,ln the amount of $e4r549.46, uere appn6ved on motlon of councllmanLove, seconded by corrncl}nerl Byrd ana unanlnousry canrLod. t clalm agalnst the. Clty of Bunlllganie, presented by Hrs. Leroy E.Pneston, for propgrtl-grry*sq tn the m6ult or $e.es, was reJ""i"a-and nefenred to tle Cttyrs-insurence eannler, .i, nollon of dounol]--man Mongan, scconded by Counollnan tove and rrnanlmously oamled. trtr. Jemes Elmre1l, VLce-Pnosld,ent of the &rnltngane Clvle Selfaref,eague, cdvlsed that at a meetLng heLd on JuIy IE, Igsg, tfre minuershad voted, to suggest that the clty Councll apiotnl a ctirze""i-cor-nlttee to study tle ploposal of tLe foruatloif of a Clty ltanagen-ora- cflf Adulnlstnaton fort of goverment. Hayon slmonai stat[d ttrature councll would take the raaf,ten ,nden consider;,t;;. 1-n rgf1y- to necent newspapor publlcity concernlng the {\rnctlons ofthe Bunli.nggme LLbreny Eqoar- Councllian Horgaa Eraorrf"a rrir-po"ft-lon on the lssuo by reading il"on a preps.lred. Jtetenuni to the effecttlat-14-hlg opl.nlon the pnesent larunher whlch the Llbn""y ol"".io"should be nevisgd tg-pennlt elected offlolala to agsune ttrl rlspo*-tbtJ.lty of the firncttons of tJre publla tibnany. B4 Thene bel,ng no ftrther busLness, the Corrncll noguLarly adJournedto mect Honday, July 27, L956, at 8:00 P. il. Respe ctftrL1-y subnl tted AP}BOVID:ud rt u. s. sMol{Ds, JR. e }TArcR EERBERT tr. THTTEcIlY Ctmr