HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1954.10.04I 195 Burllngame - Callfonnla Octobe:r l.r, J.95l+. A regulan meeti.ng of the Bunllngame Clty CounclL was held on tbe abov6 given datel l*leetlng ealled to ord.er at B:11 P. Iil. - Mayor Atwater p::esldlng, ' RolL CaIL: Pnesent - Councll-men: Atwater-Bynd-tov6-M63ggn-Rooth Absent - Councllmen: None The mlnutes of the regulan meetlng of September 20, 195\t as submlt- ted to members of the Council, were unanlmously approved. for adoption, on motlon of Councllman Love and seconded, by Councllman Mongan. Mayor Atwater announced that thls was the tlme set, pursuant to pub- llshed. notlce, fon openlng blds for the constructlon of the nonth- easterly one-tralf of Callfornla Dnlve, wher:eupon the bld.s were opetl- ed and declared as follons: BIDS: E. T. Haas Co. e ftems 1 - 5 lncluslve Bg1mont, Callfornia. r...................... r......$10r190.88 Lowrle Pavlng Co.p Itenrs I - 5 ineluslve San trtranclsco, CaIl f ........... ... o.... o ! r.. r.....$ 91 653.t7 Bond.s accompanl-ed the f or:egolng blds. CounclLman Morgan moved, that the blds be referred to the Clty Engln- eer and to the Clty Attorney for nevlew and. recomnend,atlon prlor to the tenmlnatLon of the meetlng, seconddd. by 0ouncllman Byrd and unan- lmously cannled. COMMUNICAT]ONS: A letter d.ated September 28, 195\, was read from the City Planning Conmrisslon, advlslng that a varLance appllcatlon submitted by Otto Kramen, D. C., for tho practlee of chlnopnacttes oa-ppopbfty located.at L230 Vancouver Avenue, had been denled, subsequent to a Cornmlss- lon publlc hearlng, September 27, L954, and. lt was the t:ecoilrmendatlonof the Commlsslon that the pnovlsLons of Ondlnance No. 539, prohtbit- ing the foregolng type of buslness, bo upheld. Mayor Atwater seheduled.October 26, L95\, fon a Councll publlc hear-lng on the appllcation submltted by Otto Kramer.. Upon lnvltatlon of the Counc1l, Dr. K:ramer briefly outlined plans for the operatj-on ofhls pnactlce and Ln response to Couneil" lnquiry stated that resldentswlthin the fumedlate rad.ius aro not opposed. to the practlce of ehlro-practics on hls pnoperty. Ehe subJect was contlnuod untll the sched- uLed pub11c hearing. A letter dated Soptemben 28, 195\, was read from the City Plannlng ComnLssLon, advlslng that at a pub11c heari-ng, Septembe" 27, 195\,the Corunlssl-on had, voted. to recomnend that an appllcation for a UsePermlt, submitted by Attorney J' McGahlo, representing the Standard. 011 Comp4riy, to erect a gasoli.ne servlce statlon on a portlon of Lot 5, Bl-ock 3., Mllls Estate I{o. 1 Subdivlslon, be granted. Councllman Rooth advlsed tbat the appllcatlon eomplies with pnovisions 1n the ond,lnance code and. thereupon moved that the Councll concur wlththe necomnend.atl-on of the Plannlng CorwnLssion ttrat the penmlt be grant- odr seconded by'CouncLlman Byrd and unanimously carrled. A letten d.ated September 30, L95\, was read from G. J. Manr, Dlreetorof Pub11c injorks, submlttlng a copy of plans and speclflcatlons, cost estLmate and an assessment dlagrara for the pnoposed street llghtlng lmprovement on portions of Howand Avenue, Pnlmrose Road, Lorton Avonue, Park Road. and lllghland Avenue. CounclLman Morgan Lntroduced. and moved the passage of Resolutton No. 57-54, rrAcceptlng P1ans, Speclflcatlons, I -l 196 Cost Estimate and. Assessment Dlagram fon the Establlshment of a Street Llghting Dlstrlct on Pontlons of Howard. Avenue, Pnimrose Road., Lorton Avenue, Pank Road. and. Hlghland Avenuetr, seconded by Councllman Byrd and unanlmously ad.opted. on ro11 call of members. A letter d.ated September 28, L954, was nead from G. J. Marn, Dlrectorof Pub1lc Works, recortraondlng that the request of Clty &nployee, Chas.E. Burn, for a transfen from the Str"eet Dopantment to the Park Depart- ment be granted.. Actlon was withheld pendlng a conference wlth the DLnector of Pub1lc Works. A letter dated September 2\, l-95l+, was read fnom Canl Fnoerer, Clty Manager, Clty of Alameda, notifying the Councll that the Board of Port Cornmlssioners of tho Port of Oak1and, has applled for a Department of the Arrny permlt to perforu dredglng and f1L11ng openatlons for the pro- posed. expanslon of the 0akland Airport and that such per"mLt, 1f granted, may pose a thregt to the proposed. constructlon of the Southenn Crosslng, consid.ered of vltaL econondc lmpont*nce to Northern Callfornia. fhe cornmunlcatLon appealed for aLd. from the Clty of Burllngame 1n the €rr- d.onsement of the request of the Clty of Alameda that a publlc hearlng be conducted. by the Army Englneens pnlon to the grantlng of the permlt. Councl"lman Byrd. moved. that the Councll concur wlth the request and ln-r tr"oduced. fon passage Resolutton No. 58-51+ rrRequesting the Corps of En-glneers, United States Army, To }IoLd A Fubltc Heaning 0n [he Appllc- atlon of The Port of Oakland.rr second.ed by Councilman Mongan and. adopt- ed unanlmously on ro11 calL of membens. Councllman Love moved. that the Clty Cl,erk be lnstructod to dlrect a communlcation to Congnessmah Arthun J. Youngen, sollcltlng hts endorse- ment that publlc heanlngs on the above subJect be heId,, seconded. by Councllman Morgan and unanLmously carnled. A letter dated 0ctober 1, l95l+, w&s read. from Dan E. Andor:sen, Seere-tary of the Nonth San Mateo County Councl1s, extondlng an lnvLtatlonto tho City of Burlingame to Joln the C1tles of Daly Clty, Co1ma, South San Fnanclqeor San Bruno, &nd Ml11bnae, in the organlzatlon of the$orth San Mateo County Councl1s. Cor:neilman Love-stated that the alms and purposes of the organlzation Justtfy eonsld.enatlon by the Clty Councll to accept the lnvitatlon and. thereupon moved that the Councilpartlclpate by acceptlng membenshlp ln the organlzatlon, s econdod by CounctLman Rooth and unanimously ca:rrled. REPORTS OF OFFICERS: Reports f::om the RecreatLon Depantment, and the Depantment of Publle Health and Welfare for the month of JuIy, L95l+, were read and placed on fl1e. RESOLUTIONS: None. ORDINANCES: Ord.lnance No, 562, rrAn 0nd.1nanc6 Amendlng Secti on l-222.6 of the Ordln- anee Code of the Clty of &rnllngarle By P::ohlbttlng the Daytlme Stop-plng and. Parklng of Automoblles on L,orton Avenue from Bellevue Avenueto Howard Avenue For More tttan Or:e llourttwas gtven second neadlng. Coun- clLrnan Love moved the adoptlon of Ondlnance lilo. 562, seconded by Cor.rn- cllman Bynd and ad.opted by the foll,owlng vote: Ayes: Councllmen: Atwater-Byrd.-f,ove-Mongan-Rooth vNoes: CouncLlmen: None Absent Cor:nclLmen: None ord.lnance No. 563, ttA* Ondlnance Amendlng Sectlon 1725.L of the ondln- ance Code of the ulty of Burllnga.rne By Provldlng for An Increase ln flre Rate of Eeuer Rental Charges for Dlschange of Sewage Into or fhnoughIhe Sewen System of the 01ty of Burllngamen, was given second read,lng. Councllman Bynd. moved the ad.optlon of OrdLna:rce No. 563, second.ed by Cour:cilman Morgan and. unanlmously canrled by the followlng vote: 797 Ayos: Councllmen: Atwaten-Byrd-Love-Morgan-Rooth Noes: Councllmen: None Absent Councllmen: None CounelLman Byrd. moved .tbat actlon on Ord.inancg No. 56\, rrOrdenlng Im- provements and tfre Coriaemnatlon of Propertytr-(Easton Ind.ustrlal) Ue wttfrfreta unttl the next meetLng of the Clty Councll, 0etober 26, L95\, seconded by Counellman Morgan and unanimously carnLed. A letter dated. September 17, L95l+, was read from Mrs. 0. A. RLeman, Chalrman of Clvlc Affalrs, Burlingvlelr Garden C1ub, suggesting the appolntment of a Pank CommissLon for the Ctty of Burltngarre. Cot n- clImaa Love moved. that the subJect matten be refenred t o the CounciL Park Commlttee for study and. report at the next negulan meetlrrg ofthe City Councll, October 25, L954. UNFI}E SIIED BUSIT{ESS : 1. Cor.rncllmsn Byrdr Chairman of the Councll Recreatlon Commltteer ad.vlsed. that a fu1l repont w111 be submittod at the next CouncLl moeting, nelatlve to recreational faclllttes wlthln the Mtlls Estate. 2. CouneLlman Morgan, Chalrma:r nf the Councll Street Conunlttee, ad- vLsed that a report would be glven at the next regular meetlng onthe nequest of the Chamber of Conm.erce that the stneets wlthln the business dlstricts be swept on Saturd.ay mornings. 3. 0n reconunend.atlon of Cor:ncllman Morgan and, Chlef of Pollce Theuer, Councilman Love moved that the Clty Attorney bo lnstructed to prepare an ondlnance nevenslng the dlrectlon of trafflc on the streets of Capuchino Avenue and, Paloma Avenue, between Bnoad.way and LincoLn Av- enue, to provLde a mora€ aecesslble lngress lnto the cltytg Parklng Lot. 4. Councllman Rooth and Councllman Love advlsed that an lnspectlon had been made of the pnendses located. at, 1239 Oak Grove Avenuer ppo- posed, for use as a chlroptnactlc offlce to be openated. by Dn. AubreyPtlgrlm and lt was determLned that all requlrements have been coil- pJ.ied wlth. CounciLman Rooth moved that the permlt be granted to Dr.Pllgrlm and. upon hls terminatLon of buslness oporatlon, that the pen- mit" be,nevoked,, seconded. by Councllaan Love and, unanimously canrled. NEW BUSII.{ESS: Ctty Englneen Manr and Clty Attorney Karrnel, subsequent to nevlew ofthe blds submttted at the opening of the meetlng, reconlmended thatthe lowest responslble bldder, the Lowrle Pavlng Co.p be award.ed thebld for the constructlon of the no::theasterLy one-half of Califonnla Dnlve, ln the totaL "arqount of $9 ,653,L7. Councilman Morgan mo.vod. concurrence with t[e neeommend.atlon and. intnod.ucod for. pass&Bor Res-olntlon No. 59-51+,'Authorlzing the Mayon to Execute ap Agneeileirt wlththe Lowr"ie Pavlng Co., the Lowest Erallflod bldder, ln the stlpulated amount, seconded by CounctLman Byrd and unanlmously canrled on nol-1call of membens. Councllman Love movod that the City CounclL and. authonLzed. head.s of d.epartments be. pe.nmltted to attend ths forthcomlng League of Ca1lf-ornla Clties Conference, to be held 1n Los Angeles, Octoben 1Jth -zOth, L95l+, wlth expenses as provlded. ln the budget, ln the amountof $125.00, seconded, by Councllaan:;pynd and. unanlmously earried. Mayor Atwater airnor:.nced that a meetlng had been scheduled Olth r[6111-bers of the Clty Councll- and. Clvll Sorvl,ce Commlsslon, Satund.ay ilot3r1-ing, October 9th, 195\-, at L0330 A. M. There belng no funther buslness, ttye meetlng was regulanly ad.Jounned.at 9:40 P. M. to neetiin regular: sessLon on the 26t}:, df Octobe:r, 195\,at B:00 P. M. Respectfu1Iy submltted APPROVED:HERBERT K. WHITE CITT CLtrRK H. KM{T ATWATFE I![AYOR d+*