HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1953.07.0658 Burllngaue - CallfornLaJuly 6, 1955 Ro1I CalI:Present - C ouncl. lnen : Atwater-Byrd-Love-Morgan-SLmondsAbsent - Councifmen: None f A letter dated July 5, L953, was Martr, edvlslng that C. J. Slmms, 1955 Weed Abatement program, hasof cornpl.etlon has been submLtted tlre County Recorder. CouncLlmallzed ln accondance wlth contract errd unanimous Iy canrled. read Ilom Dlrector of Publlc Works Contracto:r for Dlscl-ng under the completed hls contnact and a noticeto the Clty C1erk for fl1lng wlth Love moved that payment be author- terms, seconded by C ouncl lman Mongan A letter dated July 5, 1953, wag read l1nom G. J. Ma:rr, Dlrector of Publl c Worksr advlslng that the Nu-Lawn Chemlcal C ompany has completedlts contract as of June 26, 1955, for mlscellaneous spraylng under theCltyt" Weed Abaternent pr.ogram fon 1955, and a notice of completlon has been submltted to the Clty Clerk fo:r ft ling wlth the County Recorder. Councllman I.,ove moved that paynent be authonized in accondance wlth terns of the contract, seconded by Councl1man Morgan and uaanlmous 1y car:rl ed. A regular meetlng of tho Burllngane Clty Councll ras hold on the above glven date. Meetlng ca1led to onder at 8:15 p.m., the Councll havlng ffu.st net on thls date as a Boerd of Equallzetlon as requLredby law. Tbe mlnutes of the prevLous regular meetlng of June 15, 1953, as sub-nltted to members of the Councll, were unanLmously approved and ad- opted on motLon of CouncL lman Atwate:r and second.ed by Councllman Love. The nrlnutes of the adJourned meetlng of June 22, L953, ss submlttedto members of the Councll, yyero unanl.mous 1y approved and adopted on motlon of Councllnan Mor gan, seconded by Councllnan BJrrd, lv1th the corr:ectlon that the mlnutes lndlcate that CouncL}man Love was ex- cused flom tJr e meetlng. The mlnutes of the speclel consent meetlng of June 27, L963, as sub-nltted to merabers of the Councl1, were unanLmously approved and ad- opted on motLon of C ouncl lman Byrd aJrd aeconded by Councllman Love. A letter dated July 3, 1955, was r€ad Ilon G. J. Marr, Dlnecto:: of Pub11c Wo::ks, submlttlng for Councll adoptLon, a resolutLon applylngfor an allotnent under Chapte:r 20 ftrnds, Statutes of 1946, for the constructlon of the Clty of 'Burl!.ngame ta Se$erage System Improve- ments, ln the amount of $7Lro58.55. The communl.catlon advlsed that the plans and speciflcatl ons have been conrpLeted by Hart:y N. Jenka, Consultdng Sanltany Englneen and were submltted fon Councll approvaL and adoptlon. Councl lman Byrd lntroduced arrd moved fon passag€, ResolutLoa No. 46-55, acceptl.ng the plans and speclflcatlons as eub-mltted, seconded by C ouncl lman Morgal and adopted unanlmously on ro11call of nerobers. Councllman Byrd lntnoduced and moved for: passage, Resolution No. 4?-53, Authorlzlng George J. Marr, DLrector of Publlc Wonks, as agent for the Clty of Bunllngane, to appLy for the a11ot- ment under Chapten 20, Statutes of 1946, ln the amount of $711058.55, seconded by Councl lman Atwater and adopted unanlmous 1y on noII calLof merdbens. A motlon was lnb:oduced by Counc l1man Byrd that the Dlnector of Publlc Works be authorlzed to advertLse for blds on theproject at such tlme as authorizatLon for: tho expendlture is neceLved flom the State Department of Flnance, seconded by Counc!.Inan Mo::gan and unanlmous Iy canrled. A letten dated June 50, 1953, traa read from G. J. ![arr, Dl"rector of Pub11c lt\lonks, advlslng that the Cyclone Fence Dlvlslon of tJ:e Amer -lcan Stee1 & Wlre Company, has conpleted Lts contract for mlscellau- eous fence constructlon at llashlngton fark, Ray Park and the Ray Park Pressune Tank, as of June 19, 1953, and tha t a notLce of comple-tlon hae been submltted tothe Clty Clerk fo:. flllng wlth the County Reconder. CouncLlman Morgan moved that paynent be authorlzed ln ac- cordance vrlth contract terus, seconded by CounclLrrran Atwaten arrd unan- lmous ly carrled. 59 A letten dated July 2, 1955, was read f?om Edward S. Goetze, Pnes- Ident of the Recreatlon Commlsslon, advislng that Supe nintendent of Parks, FFank Anderson and Clty Engi.neer, G. J. Marr, have been ln-vlted to meet wLth the members of the Comaissl-on at lts next reg-ular meetlng of July 27, to explore the mattens of provldtng rLdesfor cLrlldren ln certaln play areas and. the dovelopment of the creek srea ln Ray Park as a plcnlc grounds. The communLcatLon and the sr:bJect contained therein referred to Park Superlntendent Anderson and-to Clty Englnoen Marr and. an lnvltatlon extended to Councll mem- bens to attend also on ttrat date. A Letter dated July 5, L953, was read f?om Ttlm. J. Molr, L424 Chapln Avenue, Burllngame, recomrnending that a tnafflc slgnal be lnstalledat the lntersectl-on of E1 Camlno Beal and Chapln Avenue. Tb.e recom- mendatlon was supplemented by a letter recelved f?om Mr. J. C.Ernst, Presld.ent of Lucy Stores, fnc., ln whlch attentlon was caLledto the exlstlng hazardous condLtlon and. the antlclpated lncrease ofthe haza-nd nfren the proJect for the wLdenLng of Chapln Avenue lscanpleted. Mayor Slmonds advLsed that the rnatter has been referredto the Chlef of Po1lce and. to the Clty Englneer Marr to obtaln an estlmate of eost and pertLnent informatlon for the proposed lnstaII-atlon flom the DlvlsLon of Htgfrways of the State of-Californla.The Clty Clerk was lnstructed to advl,se Mr. Molr. A Letten dated July 5, 1955, wss nead IYom Lester Immerman and,Ernest Wa1kup, submlttlng an appllcatlon for the transfen of the Used Can Llcense of Keough & Klnsley, 1299 Howand Avenuo. The sub- Ject matter was nefe:rned to the Chlef of Po1l,ce and the 'applLcantsto be notlfled of the 1ega1 procedrrre requlred ln applylng for UsedCar Permlts. 0rdlnance No. 535, rAn Ordlnance Amendl-ng Sub-sectlon rcf of Sectlon One of Sectlon 1279 of the 0rdlnance Cod.e of the Ctty of Bu:rllngeneby Strlklng the Tgond tremalnt and Substltuttng Therefon the Wordtlolterrilr was given second readlng. Councllman Love moved the pass- age of Ondlnan.ce No. 555, seconded by Cor.rnel.lman Morgan and adopted,by the followlng vote: Ayes: CouncLlmen: Atwater-B;md-Love-Morgan-Slmond.sNoes: Councllmen: None Absent Councllmen: None Resolutlon No. 48-55 'rAmendlng Resolutlon No. 44-53, Chapln Avenuefmprovement, PnoJect No, 52-48, By Addlng |flheneto Pi.nagrLph 8n, waglntroduced by Councllman Byrd who moved lts passage, seconded byCouncllman Atwater and adopted unanlmously on roLl caLl of members. UNFTNIS}IED BUSTNESS: 1. Audlt of Cltyrs flnenclal neeor.d.s for the year 1952-1953. The 9r!f crerk nead i ura submitted by Roblnson, N6we1l & co., crockerBulldlngr S&n F?ancLsco, ln the amount of $825.OO. Tbe uiA was 1r€-celved and placed on flLe for conslderatlon at a later date. 2. Sale of clty-owned lots. Councllman Atwater moved that the bldsneceLved at a prevlous meetlng of the Councll be reJected, secondedby Councllman tove and unanlmously caruled. A Jtrtlier motlon waslntroduced by Councllman Atwater that tJre Clty Clenk re-advertLsefor blds for the sale of Lot 12 and tot 15, Biock b6, Easton Subdlv- lllotr and that the notice to blddens tnclude that: (1) a deposlt oflvrt 9t the bld w111 be requlred; (z) no comrnisslon wlti ue pfua uythe Clty and (3) the Clty wlLl nequlre ttrat a flve foot easlment 6egranted to the_Clty on Lot 15r Block 56. The motlon was second.ed, byCounellman B;nrd and r:lanlmously cannled. Mayon Slmonds made the foIlowlng announcements: An lnvltatlon had been extended to the members of the City Councllto attend the Burllngare Post No. 165, AmerLcan tegLon AniruaL fnstal-latlon of offlcens, at the Leglon Ha1i, Thursday eientng, July 16,1955, at 8:3O p.m. Mr. James TormeYr San Mateo County Superlntendent of Schools andChalnman of the San Mateo County Arne:rican-Korean Comr:rlttee, has ad-vlse{ that the second week Ln JuIy has been deslenated ttAid to KoreavYeekn and that contrlbuttoni--mai-6e- na:.Iea -to-frrl- r6i*"y. r 6t! The followlng names were submitted by Mayon Simonds for appolntmentor reappolntment to the severaL Commlssions of the Clty of BurlLng- ame: Clvl1 Service CommlssLon: A. W . Cnrmp and Henny Baceala. Councll- uan Love moved that-1.-Wl Crump be reappolnted to the Ctvl1 Service CommLsslon, seconded by Cor.rncilman Atwater and unanlmously conftrmed.The reappolntment of Henry Baccala as Civll Service Comnl-ssloner was unanlmously conflnmed on motlon of Councllman BSed and seconded by Councllrran Morgan. Recreatlon Coqmlsslo_q:_ Edward S. Goetze and Gilbert Otshaughnesay.d that Edward S. Goetze be neappointed to tireRecreatlon CommLsslon, seconded by CounclLman Byrd and unanlmouslyconflrmed. Councllman Byrd moved, seconded by Councllman Morgan and unanLmously conflrmed, that Gllbent 0tshaughnessy be appolntedto the Becreation Commlsslon. tlbrary Boand: A. B. Cargl.Il and Mrs. Clara Damm. Councllman Love moved that A. B. Carglll be appolnted a meroben of the Llbr.ary Boand, seconded by Councllman Atwater and unanimously conflrmed. The ap-pointment of }Irs. Clana Damm was unanlmously conflrmed on motLon of Councllman Love and seconded. by CounclLman Atwater. Mayor SLmonds requested that a Letter be directed on behalf of theCouncll, to Edward A. Grens fI, congratulatlng hLm on his rr€a,p-penfect schoLastlc record durlng hls college tenm at the Untver"sltyof Callfornia. A letter was aLso lnstnucted to be sent to hismotherr Mns. Mlldned B. Grens, a member of the Burllngsme Recrea-tlon Commlsslon. Mayor Slmondsr orl behalf of the Councll, lnstructed Clty Attorney Kanruel to prepane the legaI pnocedure necessany for the eontLnuatlonof the Clty of Burllngame vs. Clty of Mlllbrae suLt presently tn theAppellate Courts and to eruploy lega1 counsel that may be nequlred tocontLnue the sult. In commentlng on flre recent publlctty 1n 1ocaI nowspapers relatlveto the possibllity of the Seals Baseball Team of San Banclsco locat-lng ln the Ctty of Burllngame, Counclfunan Morgan moved that e letterbe dlrected. to illr. Paul Fagan, ownen of the Soals, expresslng theapproval of the Councl1, second.ed by Councllman Atwater and unanlmous-Iy cannied. Councllman Love reported that he had recelved numerous complaints re1-atlve to the burning and smoke condltlon at the Munleipal PlII andstated that ftir. Jolf, the 0perator, had suggested the creatlon of a new sl"te north of Broadway. Fcllowing consLdenable dlscusslon on thesubJect and remedles to all,evLate the present conditlon, Mayon Slmondsinstructed Clty Englneen Marr t o explore the posstbltty of construct- i.ng a ::oadway over the exlstlng sewer lLne Ln order to obaln access toaddltlonel property to be used fon nubblsh purposes. Clty Attorney KsnmeL was instructed to continue hls conferences wlth the Burllngame Shoreland Company ln negotiatlng fon propenty to be used to expand theMuntclpal F111. Ctty Attorney KarueL srlggested that ln antlcipatlon of the present and the flrture Ughtlng projects proposed for the buslness d,lstrlctsof the Clty of Burllngame, a conference be held wtth offlclals of th.eutlllttes companles, to dlscuss the eventual removal of power polesln the Cttyrs buslness dlstnicts. The Clty Engtneer was lnstructedto pnoceed as suggested by the Clty Attorney. There belng no Ibrthen buslnesse the meetLng was regulanly adJor:rnedat 9!35 p.m. Bespe ctftrlly submitted APIBOVED:HERBENT . WIITTE ?(("d\4.,, zgtL;< JR.u. s. srMoNDS, MAYOR 4.4 Clty Cle:rk