HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1953.06.2756 Burllngam€ - Cellfornla June 27, 1953. A speclal meet!.ng of the Bu:r1lngame Clty CounclL was heLd on th6 ebove glven date - all members havlng been notlfLed ln advance and consenttng to holdtng the meetlng. Ro11 CeIl: Present - Councl lmen:Absent - Councl lmen: Atwa ter-Byrd-Love -l[or gan-Slnonds None the meetlng wes cal1ed to order at Chalr. 1O:1O a.m. - Mayor Slnonds ln the Mayor Slmonds announced that an lnvltatlon has been extended to the membens of the Councl 1 ard members of the Plannlng Commlsslon to meetwlth the developers of the Ml11.s Estate, Tuesdey mornlng, June 3O, 1953, at 9:OO a.m. at the MllLs Manslon on EI Camlno Real. Fcr the lnfornatlon of the Coulcll, Mayon Slmonds lnformed tbe nen- ber:s that ltns. Chrlstlne Baker of 1516 Ralston Avenu6, has alLegedly constnucted llvlng quarters over a getrqge at th€ rear of her apant-nent house at the abovementloned address. Ilayor Slnonds suggestedthat an lnvestlgatlon and report be made and a copy of such reportbe subnltted to the Clty Attorney. Councl lnan Atwater nov€d thst anlnvostlgatlon be conducted by the Bulldtng Departnent, the Flre De-partnent and the Departnent of Pub1lc Ilealth and a report be subnlt-ted to the City Atteney, wlth authorlzatlon that ln the event thereis a vlolatl,on, he prepare and f[Ie a corrplalnt 1n the Superlon Cor::r.t.rhe motLon was seconded by Councllman Byrd and unanl.mous Iy carrled. Cou-ac1lnan Byrd moved ttrat a dlrrner noetlng be arranged wLth nem-bers of the Councl l and Clvll S6rvlc6 Commls sL one:ra some tlme durlng ttr e montJr of July to dlscuss per.tlnent subJects nelatlng to the Con- nlss r.on and that subsequent meetings be aranged at later ttates with membens of ttre sevenal Comnlsslons of the Clty. The motlon ras sec- onded by Coundllman Atwater and unanLmous ly carrled. Resolution No. 45-53, entltled rDkectlng Preparatlon of Plans andSpeclflcatlons For Modenrr Llgbting on PortLons of lloward Avenue andPrlnrose Roadr rras Lnt::oduced by C ouncl lman Bylrat r*r o moved Lts pass-age, seconded by Couacl lman Atwater and adopted unanlmous 1y on nollcall of nember s. Councllman Love lntroduced for dlscnsslon, the subJect of the nurb erof vacant stores wlthln tbe Clty of Bul.llngame and expressed tJreoplnlon that the Councll shou1d take tlr e lnltlattve by suggestlngthat the Chanber of Comme:lce encourage m@s buslness. Each Colrnal l-man concurred ln the- statenent made by Councllman Love. fbllowlnga dlscusslon, Councl lman Bynd moved tLat a meetlng be scheduled f6'rpTuesday, July ?, 1n th6 Councll Chmber s of the city EaL1, at gsOO ot clock p.m. ard an lnvltatlon be extended. to the m6rchants, propetp- !I orners r the Broadway Deve).opment Associatlon and the enoiclway In-dustrtal Associatlon to dlscuss the vltal problem. fhe notl.on waoseconded by Councl lnan Atwater and unanlmous 1y carrled. Mayor Slnonds announced that an lnvltatlon had been extended to theCouncl1, from the Chlld:rent s Assoclatlon of San Mateo, to attend anopen house and dedlcatLon of the recently opened Oak Grove Day Nurs -ery at 1024 Os-I< Gtiove Avenue, Burllngame, on July 2, at g:O0 p.m. At the suggestlon of Mayo:r Slmonds, Counci'l man Atwater moved thst acoomunlcatl on be dlrected to plannlng consultant Mann, :requestlng hlsoplnlon and reeommendatl on on the advlsabillty of obtilnlng a c op-y ofthe recently adopted subdlvLslon ordlnance of'tre clty of San uateoto be used as a gulde tn the preparatlon of the Subdlvlslon Ordln-ance_of -the_Clty of Bur.Ll ngame. The motlon was seconded by Councll-man B]rrd and unanlmous ly ca:rrled.. The clty Attonney was 1i:stnuctedto confer wlth !rlr. Mann on the subJect. lllayon slnonds rellnqulshed the chefu. temporarlly to vLce-ltrayor I,ove1n order to lntrotluce a motlon thet a teiegram 6e s ent to Ul S. Sen-ators Kuchel and Knowland, ard Representatlve yor:nger, ard a letterto Senator Parkman and As e emblfrmon Dg]ytg and Cr,664oo, u:rgLng thei:l --td( support to the CallfornLa Statea southern crosslng of the bay.'man Byrd and r.rnanlious 1y car-ried Leglslature Measure providlng for The motl.on was seconded by Councll- y clenk was lnstnucted to wrlte letters to the members ofllagarne Auxlllany Flrenen and to the nembers of the HilLs- FLne Deparfuient, comrnendlng them fon their asslstance lnto mlnlmlze losses dlrlng a necent fllre at 1200 Bellevue BurlJ.ngame. ftene p9lgg no f\rthen busl.ness, the meetl.ng was regularJ.y adJourn-ed at 11:30 A.M. Respe ctf\rIly submL t ted }TERBERT CITY CIERK APPROVED: a Ilre Cltthe Bur, borough helping Avenue, Zt */ u. s. SIMoNDS, JR. MAYON