HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1952.04.15366 Burlingam Apr11 e - Californla.15, 1952. .A meeting of the Burlir45ane City CounciL was held on the above glvendate. Meetlng ca11ed to order at 8:0O p.m. - Mayor Atwater ln the Chalr. RoII Call:Present - Councilmen: Atwater-Byr.d-Hunt-Lrov e -S imonds Absent - Councl] rnen! Ilone Mayor Atwater caIIed for the canvass of the votes of the General L{unlcipal Electlon ln the City of Bur lingame, held on the 8th dayof Aprl1, 1952. The City Clerk opened the esvelopes of th.e va.rLousprecincts in drich were enclosed the taI1y sheets. The resuLt:was announc ed. as fol-Iows: rOR COUNCIU,{EN: TOTAL VOTE CASI ATWATER IOYE I"{ATTHE}YS MoCANN ],NORGAN TMITE-INSPRECINCT A 2L2 B 215 c 219 D e06 E 234 F 280 G f84 H 304 r 185 J 210 ta ooo L 276 u 225 N 195 o 226 ? 208 e __aqTOTAL 5959 The total nudb er was 3r 959. H. Kent Atwate::, Dan fl. Love, Jr.duly elected Councilmen of the Clof four years. 155 '164 79 A4 t42 L55 ].64 99 65 t27 158 178 80 69 L33 27g 223 115 88 155 139 158 64 68 115 zzs rl54 rz1 loe ros ffH#$"-r 120 145 A4 72 97 r59 166 95 69 98 188 241, 14I A4 145 200 213 9,7 ?9 158 165 L64 94 90 1S5 152 a64 A4 4A a}z ELnsen-165 179 1O0 69 114 hower: l- 156 169 88 64 155 v2 2A9 76 59 .2462762 5087 157t_ 1259 2295 of votes cast 1n said Consolidated Precincts 158 174 144 162 a2 65 _t oo 72 of7 ]-20 IT.R]TE-I NS , and L. B. L{organ were declaredty of Burlingame for the f\rlI tex'm TDR CITY CI.ERK And TOR CITY TREASUNEN PRECIN UIII]TE c0E A B 190 198 201 494 193 198 CT 367 R CITY CLERK and I,oR CITY TREA ( continued ) T'RITE.INS Robert Menard 1Robert l'{enard I L{::s. Gr.ens 1 .PRECl]']CT D t1 F H I J K I M. N 0 P ,"4 SII{ITE ]-74 201 t62 oon L75 184 orrq. OAA 204 180 201 185 24l- c0E L84 198 2st 161 2Al 178 ta? 274 244 204 479 201 ]-77 24l- - Clerk- Treas. - Treas. TOTAL ** ""* Eerbert K, VJhite and Ida H. Coer we::e declaredCity Clerk and City Treasurer respectively, ofBurllngame, for. the f\rlI term of four years. ABSENIM BALLOTS: }OR COUNCILIIAN: ?auI Pe::lsslna 1- Clerk Sophie Hartung 1 - Treas. duly elected the Clty of AT]rATM IOVE },IATTEEI'VS l,{cCANN MORGAN IOR CITY CI.ERK: 34 58 i.o 15 l_9 TIH]TE FOR C]TY TREASURER: c0E Resol-utLon No. 18-52 ttDeclarlng Resu1t of $lunlcLpal ElectLon fonthe year 1952, was lntroduced by CounclJ:nan SLmonds who moved ltspassage, seconded by C orxrc i lman Byrd and. adopted r:-nanimous 1y uponro11 call of members. 58 3A Upon motlon of CouncLlman B5rrd, seconded by Councllman Slmonds anal unanimous J.y ca:rnied, CouncLlman At[ate" was netalned as l\[ayo:r r::atlIthe regular meetlng of the Clty Cor:ncl1 Aprtl 21, !952. The Oath of Offtce havlng been admlnistered to Clty Clerk ll9hi te by6. Kent Atwater, the Ctty Clerk theneupon admlnistbred the Oath o1'OffLce to the elected offlclals. The Total Absentee votes cast was 40. 368 Retirlng CouncLlnan Huit exp::essed hls ploasure fon tJ"e prlvllege of servLng the Clty of BurlJ.ngame for. the past twenty-three years,stating he had taken the oak of offlce on slx occasions. Roy 1[. Seag?aves, P:resident of the Burlingame Inter-C1ub Councl].of lmprovement C1ubs, Joseph Peterson, Vlce-president of ttre BurLln- ga.me IrJ.ons Club, Granvllle Browrring, ExecutLve Secretary of the Bur'-lingane Chamber of Commer:ce and Jos eph OrBrtenr rmomber of the Mer- chants ConnrLttee of the Chamber of Comnerce, each Ln tur,:e, congrat-ulated the newly elected offlcials. Marllyn Paul, student at the BurlLngame Hlgh Sohool, announced thatAprt1 22nd had been selected. as Student Government Day and Lnvitedthe publlc to attend the Council meetl-ng on the evenlng of that date. There being no transactlon of business, ttre meetS.ng was regularlyadjourned on motion of CounciLman Love and secondetl by C ouncl lmari " Byrd. Respectf\r.11y submlt ted APPROVED: Clty Clerk K. 1I]IHITE l/abt H. KENT Mayors Ell;-