HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1954.09.20191 A negular neetl Bunllngame - CaLlfornla September 20, f.95h ng of the Burllngame Clty_CouncL1 was held on the abovcetlng called to ord.er at 6:10 p. Irl - Vtce-Mayor Roothlven d.ate. He n the Chaln. g 1: RolI CaII: Pnesent - Cor:ncllmen: Byrd-Love-I.Iorgan-Rooth Absent CorrnclLmen: Atwaten Counollman Love moved. that Flayon Atwater be exeused, due to 11Lness, seconded by Councllman Bynd and, unanlmously carnled.. The mlnutes of the prevlous meetlng of Septeriber J, as submlttod to membens of the Councll rrere unanlmously appnoved and, ad.opted on motlonof CounetLnan Morgan and, seoonded by CounclLman Bynd.. HEARINGS. Vlee-Mayon Rooth announcod that a publlc hearlng was sched.uled. on thls date to glve consldenatlon to an qppllcatlon reeolved from E. L. Stack,ln whloh a vanlance lras requested. to alLow the constructlon of a storage room above qn exlsting ganage on tot B, Block L5, Burllngame Grove Sub- divLslon. Ttre Clty CLenk nead, a lettor dated August 3A, 195\, frorn the BurLlngameClty PJ.arenlng CormrlesLon, ad.vislng that follorllng study and consideratlon by the Cornmrlsslon, it was reconmended that the appllcatlon be gnanted. Ilre Clty C}erk ad.vlsed that a, n6w plot plan had, been f lLed by the appLlcant. Councl.lnan Love questl.onod Plannlng CommtssLon Chalrman llendenson corl- cernlng the po11cy of the Comntsslon Ln approvlng variance nequeststhat permlt an appS.lcant to construet above a garage. Comnlssionen Ilend.erson stated. that the ComruLsslon had. approved the fonegolng appIl- eatlon although it ls the deslre of the Comml.sslon to dlscontlaue suehpractlue. CounclLraan Love stated hls opposltlon to bulldlng structunes above garages as not belng cond,uclve to good pIannlng. If. L. Stack, the petltloner, advlsed the Counell that the bulLdlng world enhance the general appearanoe of the property end, would not be used pnesently or ln the futurer &s a dwellirlg. M?. Stack expressed.hls rllll.ngness to post a bond to that effect. A letter dated $eptember LB, L95\, :relatlng to the subJect, was read fr:om the Burllngame Clvle Improvement Club, obJeetlng to ttre pnoposed congtnuctlon on the basis that lt would. establlsh a pneeod.ent under the new zonlng ordlnance of the etty and urglng the Councll to pnoteet the lntenests and best future development of the Ctty of Bunllngame as a whoLe. Councll.man Byrd, stated, that the proposed, eonstnuctlon would perrrlt the owner to utlllze hls property to the ful-lest and as in many cases throughout the elty, w,henel.n only one garage ls exlstent, lt would provt.de the necesseny storage space. Councllman Byrd thereupon lntno- dueed, a motlon that the applloatlon be gnqnted,, wtth a stlpulatlon thatthe vertlcal dletanoe from the floon to the oelllng be llntted to a maxiunun hetght of slx feet. Councllmaa Bynd. stated. that lf the motLonls appnoved., lt was hls suggestlon that the Clty Councll recommend. to the Plannlng Comlsslon that on future appJ.lcatlons of a sLmLlar nature,ttrat consLde::atlon be gi.ven to lmposlng celllng helght restrlctlons. Councllman Morgan second.ed the motlon and stated that ln hls oplnlonr. the petltloner ln thls lnstance, menits favonable conslderatlon. The motLon wag unanlmousLy carnled. Vlce-Mayor Rooth announced that a seeond. hearLng was soheduled on thls date to consld.on an appllcatlon subrdtted, by Dn. Aubrey B. Pllgrlm for a specLal per.mlt to openate a chlropnactor offLce ln hls home, L239 Oak Gnove Avenue. a92 A Letter d.ated August 3A, J-95l+, was read fnom the Burllngame Clty Plan- nlng Conunlsslon, advlslng that the app3.lcatLon, aften due consr.d.eratlon, had been denled,. Planrrlng Comlssion Chalrtnan Henderson was questloned by the CounclL relatlve to the deel.slon of the Cormlsslon to recoruaend the denlaL of the appllcatlon. ConrolssLonen Hendenson advLsed that at the tlme the appllcatl"on was reeelved by the Conmrlsslon, tkre proposed. plans rrere lndeflnlte and because of the apparent substand.ard condlt-lon of the establlshraent, the Cormlsslon had rocomnended. that the re- quest be denled.. In nesponse to CouneLl lnqui.nies, Dr. Pllgrlm outlined tentative plans fon the i-mprovement of the proporty. FollowLng funthen dlscusston, CounclLman Love moved that actlon be wlthhold unttl the next regular meeting of the Counell, to pennlt tlmo ln whleh membens may v5.ew theproperty. The motlon was seeond.ed. by Councllman Byrd and. unanLmously earrled. COI{MUNICATIONS A letter dated, September 17, 1954, was road fnom G. J. F1arr, Dlrectcnr of Publle Works, submltttng plans and. specLflcations for the pnoposed constructlon of the nontheasterly orre-half of Callforrrla Dnlve exten- slon. BesoLutLon No. 56-Hi rfApproving Plans and SpecLftcatlons Fon the Constuctlon of the NortheasterJ.y One-Ea1f of Cal1f ornla Drive Ex- tenslon, and. AuthonLzlng tbe Department of PubLlc Works to Advertlse for Blds Upon Approval of PLans and Speelficatlons by the State lltgh- way Dgpartnentlr wag lntnoduced by Councllman Byrd. for passagor s€cond,- ed by Councl.lman Mongan and. adoptod unanl.mousJ.y on no11 caLL of mem- bers. A Letter d.ated September L7, 195\, was read from the Boand of F'lne Com- missloners, nequestlng the creatlon of the positlon of Flne lnspector ln the Flre Department. Councll-man Byrd rnoved that the subJect be re- fenred. to the Chalnnan of the Councll FLre Conmlttee for the submlssr.on of a report to the Counell at the next neguLar rneetlng, seeond.ed by Councllman Love and unanlmousLy cannled.. A letten dated Septemben 18, L95l+, H&s rsad. from the Clvll Senvlce CorunlssLon, submtttlng the folLowtng e1lgible Llst for Deputy Pollce Chlef, as a result of receat. onal examlnatlons: Lawreace Funlo, 22 Bancroft Boad, Bunllngame The Ctty CLe rk was lnstrtrcted to notlfy membens of ttre ClviL Senvl.ce Cornmlsslon to meet wlth the -City Councll on Saturd.ay mornlng, Septemben 25, L954, 10;00 orclock A. 1[. to confer on the above and the sevena]. matters now pendlng on porsonnel subJects. A letter dated Soptember 7 t L95l+, w&s read fnom the Board of Suporvls- ors, San i{ateo County, requestlng that a. r.epresentatlve from the Clty CotrncLl be deslgnated to appean at e heanlng, tuesday, Scptember Zlt l95l+, at 2;3O prrr., ln the Court House, Redwood. Clty, to dlscuss and, to obtatn oplnlons reLatlvs to the advlsabl3.tty of Lnaugurating a census tnact progran ln the County of San Mateo. Councilman Bynd. moved that Councllman Rooth represent the City CounolL at the proposed. meet- lng, secoadod by Councll,man Love and cel:rled.. A letten dated Septemben 16, L95l+, was read fi:om Levy Bros. Dsp&ntment Stone, requostlng perrnisslon to remove all the sycsmore trees ln fnont of 1ts stone on Bunllrlgame Avenue qnd on Prilnrose Road.. CouncLLman Morgan moved that the reguest be gnanted, seoonded by CounctLman Byr"d, Questloned. by the Councll, Park SupenvLson Francand recotmtend.ed that no replacerents be made and that upon removal of the tnees, the area bo paved.. fhe motlon was ttrereafter unanlmously approved. REPORTS OF OFFIC 5RS Reponts fr.om the Flre Doparbnrent, the Recreatlon Departmant, the Pollce Deparb:nont, the Publle Llbrary and the Deparfunent of Pub1lc Works, for the month of August, 195\, were read, acknowledged and pLaced on flle. -l tgB RESOLUTIONS Resolution No. 5l+-51+ ttAuthonlzlng Executlon of Agreoment Wlth San Dlateo Corrnty Scavengen Company Relatlve to Hand.Ilng Ganbago ln Clty of Bun- llngametf was latnoduced by Councllman lilorgan who moved lts passa.ge, seconded. by CounclLman Byrd and adopted unanlmously on noLl celL of membors. ORDINANCES Ond.lnanco No.56l,rrAn Ondinance Repeallng Sectlon 1933 of the Ordln- arrce Code of the Cnty of BunLlngarne and Adoptlng a New SectLon 1933 Pnovldlng fon PermtsitUle Uses 6f Pnopenty Wtthln-M-L (tlght Industrial) Dtstr.lctstr sas glvea seoond r.ead,lng. CounclLman Love moved the passage of Ondlnance $o. 561., seconded by CounclLman Bynd and adopted unantmous- 1y by the followlng vote: Ayes: Cor.urclLrnen: Byrd,-Lov6-Ffo3gsn-Rooth Noeg: CounciLmon: None Absent Councllmen: Atwato:r Ord,lnance lilo. 562, rfAn Ordlnance Amendlng Seetlon l,222.6 of the Ordln- ence Code of the Clty of Burlingame By Prohlblting the Daytlme Stopptng and, Panklng of AutomoblLes on Lorton Avenue fnom BelLevue Avenue to Howar.d Avenue for More Ikran One Hounn lras lntroducod by Cor-rnclLman Byrd fon flrst read.lng. ondlnanee t{o. 563, An ordlnaace Amendlng Sectlon 1725.1 of the Ord,in- anee Code of the Clty of Br.rrllngarne By Pnovldlng Fon An Incnease Ln the Rate of Sewer RentaL Charges for Dlschange of Sewage Into on Through the_Sewen System of the City of Burllngamen was Lntnoduced by Councllman l,ove and glven fLrst neadlng. Ond.Lnance No. 56|.+, rrAn Ondl.nanoe Ordenlng the Impnovements Described.ln 0rdlnance No. 560, Ad.opted August 16, 195h, To Be Mad,e; And Dlnect-lng fhe Clty Attor;roey to Bnlng Actlons For Dondemnatlon of Pnopenty To Be Acqulred Therefortt wes introduced. for flrst readlng by Councll- man Byrd.. (Proceedlngs relatlve to Easton Ind.ustrlal lmprovements.) A letter dated Septemben 19r L954, H&s subrdtted by ropresentatlvesof the Burllngame fiupnovement Clubs Counoll ln attendanee. After some dlscusslon, the Clty Clerk was lnstructed to nead. the comnrunLcatlon,ln whlch the CounclL was requested to suspend furthen actl.on on a1L funthen proceed.lngs estabHshlng Ro1llns Road lndustnlal area as an assessment Dlstrtct untlL assuranoe ls glvea that the assessment dLs-tnlct untlL assurance is glven that the assessment dlstrlct w111 l-n- eLude tnee scneenlngs, a mlnlmum Lot slze of 101000 squane feet, aflfteen foot set-bask, a ].ot coverege of a maxLrmrm area not to exceod. seventy pencent anil other nelated stLpulatlons. Mt:. Oscan Pensorlr representlng the Easton Industnlal Assoclation, ob- Jected to the incluslon of the abovementlonod. polnte 1n the for.matlonof the assossment district. MF. Person expressod the approval of tbeIndustnlel Associetlon to ooopenate wlth the Impnovement Clubs Councll on l.ts proposal to plant a screonlng stnlp but opposed the Lnoluslonof any new anrcndmsnte that would^ requlne a revislon ln legaJ. Froaoed-lngs thus fan cond.ucted. CouneLLman Bynd advl.sed. that the proposed proJeet has been under con-sldenatlon fon a long perlod of time and the.Counctl ls desLrous of eLlmlnatlng rrhat may be ter.nod. Ha dust bowl ln the summer and a mrd hoLe ln the wlntenrt. Councllraan Byrd suggested that the proposals asoutllned ln the BurLingarne Impnoveruent Clubs Councll eommunlcatlon maybe amtcably solved by consultatlon and wlth the coopenatlon of the lndus trlaL Assocl.atlon. Councllman tove polnted. to the fact that the Largest portlon of the exponse lnvolved ln the proposed assessment dlstnlet would. be bor.noby the pnoperty owner and on that basls the Councll should not anblt-narl1y lrrpose restrLctions. Vlce-Mayon Rooth closed the dlseusslon wlth ttre remlnder that the solefunetion of the Councll at thls tine ls to lnltlate pnoceed.lngs to ac-qulne Land.s that are to be lnclud.ed. ln the pr:oposed agsossmont dlstniet. 194 CTAIMS AND P APPNOVAL CLalms, Nos . 5829 to 5955, incluslve, ln the amount or $52r 776.81+, duly audlted,, were approved and wamants ord.ered dnarrn on the Clty Tneasunyln theln respectlve araountsr orr motLon of CouncLLman Byrdr seconded. by CounclLman Love and. r:nanlmously carnled. Payroll warrents for the month of August, 195b, I{os. 8738 to 9301r Ln-cluslve, ln the amount of $53r77Lr$3; were approved. on motlon of Coun- cllman Byndp seeonded. by CounclLman Love and, unanlmously earrled,. UNETNISI{ED BUSTI{ESS L. Chlef of Pollce Theuer ad.vLsed. that 1n response to a CounclL inqulnyall tarloabs ope::atlng withln the City are conforming with pnovLslons outLlned ln Ordlnance No. hlJ, regulatlng the use and openatlon of taxl- eabg. 2. Chlef of Pollce fheuer recomnended the d,lscontLnuance ln use of the panklng slgn prohlbltlng overnlght panklng on the cltyts panklng lot ad.Jacent to the Burllnga:ne Southsrn Paclflc Dopot. 3, Clty r:ngLnee! Ivlanr advlsed that the Paolflc Gas and E1eotnlc Co..wllL complete the lnstaLlatlon of an eLecbrlc ltght on Sumrner Avenue shortly. h. CounclLman Byrd, at hls requeste w&s.granted an addltLonal two weeksln whlch to submlt a neport relatlve to (1) reoreatlonal facl}tttes fon the Clty ln the I,IlILs Estate and Qt acqulsltlon'of Land fon the pnr?ose of estqbltshtng a bnanch Llbrany ln the M1l}s Estate. 5. Councll-raan Morgan, at hls nequest, was granted an extenslon of ;two weeks ln whlch to submlt a neport on a nequest necelvod fnom the Char ber of Cornmence that the buslness dlstntct streets be swept on Satund.ays. 6. Councllman Morgan ad.vlsed that an lnvegtlgatton has been mader 8s nequested by !{lr. George TrolLman, of the lange tneoa fnontlng hls prop- enty at 11L6-LL20 EL Camlno Real and lt was rooommonded. that the tneesln question be trimred at euch time as the Park Depantment t s wonk sched.- uIe permitg. Mr. Wa1ter Arnstnup, PnesLdent of the Burllngame Gate Improvement C1ub, reqrested. a report on the status of hls request that a tnuck route be establlshed rlthin the Clty and, was aesured, that a repont would be forthaoralng wlthln e reasorrabLe perlod of tlme. Ffu. Horard l{atklnson, 151& Bennal Avenue, clted posslble vlolatLons of the Cttyr s BulLdlng Cod,e being conducted. wlthln the clty and was re- quested to submLt a Ilst of the alleged vloLatlons to the Clty Btglneen and to the Bull,dlng Inspeeton. NEW BUSINESS: PlsnnLng Consultant Mann subnltted for CounclL consLderatLon, a pnoposed amendrnent to be lncluded, ln the Ordlnance Cod.e, regulatlng future d,raln- age structures and faclLltles withln the Cltyr &s reconunended la a survey r6port submLtted by Hamy N. Jsrks, Sanltary Sewen Consultant. Coqncllman Love extended an lavltatlon to lndustnial property owners and membene of the City CounclL to attend a luncheon Fnlday noon, September 2\, J-95l+, at Bobts on Broadway, at uhLch 6lp6 *Irr Chester Lafferty, In- d,ustrlal Manager of the Southern Paclflc Rallroad Corpany, wlLL speak on the subJeot of IndustnY. Thene belng no further buslnoss the neetlng r*ao adJour,rgd at 10:[0 P.M. ln honor of and ln the memory of ALLen F. Hard, forrner Mayon and formen !funlcLpal Judge of the Clty of Br.r1lngame, who passed 1n d.eathl Septem- ber 2O, L954. Respectfully s ubrdt ted . tllilrE, APPROVED:g$u.***4)'6.- EEABGE$ E. ROOTH' VICE.MAYOR CITY CLERK l