HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1953.06.22r Burllngane - Callfornla June 22, 1953 A regular meeting of the Burlingame Clty Counell was held on the above glven date, as per ad'journnrent of the neeting held June 15,1955. Meetlng caIled to onder at 8:0O P.M. - Mayor Simonds ln the ChaLn. Roll ca1ll Present - cor:ncLrmen: Atwater-Byrd-Morgan-slmonde Absent - Counell-ueal Love Mayor Simonds announced that thls was the tl-ue atrd place for 16-celvlng pnotests on ResoLutlon of Intentlon to Constnuct Improve-aents oa Chapln Avenue, (No. 7'l-52) and ttre Englneerls Report. EbeClty Clenk read lettens of pnotest flom the followlng: F. T. Juels tot G, Bloek 10, Bunllngame Land Mantha C. Ochs Iot F, Block 10, tsurllngame ted Roxle A. Lanler Dorothy f. Ames lot M, BJ.oc! 1,O, Burllngme Land tr)nma T. Sandl.dge George E. Sandldge tot H, Block 11, Burllngane Land Hattle A. ZllLmer AntoLnette B. Zlllmer Iot G, BJ,ock 11, Bunllngane tand Jessle N. Ifitrrphy t/S tnt. Portloa Lot 14, Block lL Bu:rllngame Land, Ral,mund B. Burlltzen Lot F, B3-ock L1, Burllngame tand z/S tnt. Pontlon Lot 14, Bloek 11and Lot D, Block 11, Burlingame Land. C. A. Tonello BessLe Tonello Truetees Eanry L. Ml1LerR. 0. Boyer George Warden Lot B, Block 11, Bur.llagaue Isnd A letten was read f?om May E. Brldge, owner of Lot A, Block 11, Burllngame Land Co. favorlng the proposed lmprovement. Mayon Slmonds lnvlted those deslrlng to express opposltlon to speakat thls tlme. Mlss HattLe Z11lmen, addressed the Chair, and statedthat she dld not definltely oppose the proposed improvement, butdeslred a clanlfLcatLon as to the procedure ln whlch the palment ofthe assessment ls to be made snd also as to the colleetLon of the amount due the orflner for property to be acqulred. Ernest A. llli.lson,attorney for the proposed pnoJect, answered the lnqulny and statedthat a settl-ement Ln cash may be made or lt nay be applled as e c::ed-lt on tho assessment. FFank B. Ingersoll, attornoy, representtng Carl A. and Bessle Sorello,entered a protest on the grornds that the assessment 1s arbltrany,unfalr and not equallzed on a basis of benefit denived. There beLng no furthen protests, Mayor Slmonds lnvlted those favor-lng ttre lmprovement to speak. 0. C. Mononey, 1408 ChapJ.n Avenue; Dante P. tembl, representlng the St. Francls Investment Company, orun- en of the pnopenty on whlch ttre Lueky Store ts located; J. T. Chlap-elone, L427 Chapln Avenue; YU. J. Molr, L424 Chapln Avenue; AnthurHelaz, 1468 Chapln Avenuei Geo. S. Reed, 1440 Chapln Avenue; HeLenBridge, ropresentlng her mothen, May E. Brldge; and F. D. Lorenz, owners of propenty on Chapln Avenue, verbally expressed thelr favonto the proposed lmprovement. Upoa lnqulry of Councilman Byrd, Clty Engi-neer Marr advlsed that p::o-tests _flIed on atl estimp.ted anea basls, approxlmated Z$fi end oaa f?ont footage basis, 28lf. 51 >ibt) 'There belng no I\urther dlscusslon, Ilayon Slmonds ordered the hea:ring closed. 0n motlon by Cor:nel1man Byrd, seconded by Councllman Mongan and unanlmously canrled by nol1 ca13,, Resolutlon No. 41-55 trOverruL- lng Pnotests on Regolutlon of Intentlon No. 77-52r was adopted. On motlon of Councllman Morgan, seconded by CouncLlman Byrd and unanimously carnled by toLl eaLL, Resolutlon No. 42-53, sAdopt- lng Englneerts Report Conflrmlng the Assessment and Ondenlng the'lfforktt was adopted. On motlon by Councllman Atwater, seconded by Councllnan Byrd and unanlmously carrted by roll cal3-, Resolutloa No. 43-53 rAwarding Contract to the Low BLdden, t. C. Smlth Co., ln the Amorrht of $49,293.1On, wes adopted. Councllman Mongan moved that a warrarit be lssued to the County C1enk of the County of San Mateo, ln the amount of $?r 881.92, fonthe deposlt to be made 1n orden to obtaln an onder fon lmmedLatepossessi.on and use of the propenty requlred for the stneet wldenlngprlrposes. Ihe motlon was seconded by Councllman Atwater and unan- Lmous ly caruled. On motLon by Councilman Bynd, seconded by Councilman Morgan and unanLnously cannted by noll cal1, Resolutlon No. 44-53 rDetenmlnlng fhat Publl.c Interest and NecessLty Requlne the Acqulsltlon of Ease- nrents and Dlrectlng the Flllng of Erolnent Domaln Pnoceedlngstr wag ad.opted. At the suggestlon of tlre Clty Attorney, Councl lnan Bynd moved thatthe mlnutes lndieate that the neadlng of the foregolag Resolutlorrs was walved" seconded by Councllnan Morgan and uaanlmously carrled. There belng no Itrther business, the meetlng was regularly adJourn- od at 8:45 P. M. Respe ctI\r11y submlt ted HERBERI K. }TEITE CTTY CIERK APPROVED:7a / u. s. srMolIDS, JRrr MAYOR