HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1954.09.07196 Burllngame Califor"nia September 7 t 1954 A negular meetlng of the Burllngame Clty Council was held on the abov6 givon datel Meetlng called to order by Mayor Atwater at B:30 P. M. Ro11 Ca-l1-: Pnesent Councilmen: Atwater-Byrd-Love-Mongan-Rooth Absent Councilmen: None The mlnutes of the prevtous meetlr:g of August i6, 1954, as submLtted to membens € the Councll were approved on motlon of Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Bynd and. unanJ-mously carrled, with a correc- tlon noted that the study meetlng of the Plannlng Cormnlssion shalL be sbhodutibd. on the rtsecond-Monday of each month.tl Mayor Atwater announced that ln conformance with Ond.lnance No. 560, declarlng the lntentlon of the Clty Councll to order the wldenlng of portS.ons of Rollins Road and. related lmprovements, the acqulsltlon of lan6s, the lnstal-latlon of a dnainage pumplng statlon and the enlange- ment of a d.ralnage easement, a public hearlng was scheduled on thls date, fon the purpose of heaning protests against sald proposed. lmprov- menti, A letter dated August 31-, L95\, was read from the Bekins Van. and Stonage Co.e10A0 Broadr,ray, Burlingalne, entering a protest on the basls that lts Company 1s not wlthin the lmmedlate vj.cinlty of the pro- posed improvement. In reply to Councll lnqulr:y, Mr. Bobert W. Hannlson, 1ega} counsellor, representlng the Eastcn Industrlal propenty owners, aavised. that favorable action taken by the Councll at this tlme would instltute proceedings for. the acqulsltion of lands and easements and, at such tlme as constructlon is to corsnence, protests on assessments to be lmposed may be glven consld.eration. MP. Lee l{am, englneen for the proposed. lmprovement, ad.vlsod that the Bekins Van and Storage Co. has been lncluded in the assessment distnict in ord.er that lt may share 1n the cost of the installatlon of the proposed drainage pump- ing station and the enlangement of a drainage easement. Councilman Byr:d thereupon moved. that the protest of the Beklns Van and Storage Co. be denled, on the basls that benefits will be conferred upon that Company and property by the proposed enlangement of drainage faclllt- les within that 1oca1lty. The motlon was seconded. by Councllman Mongan and unanimously carrled.. Councilman Byrd further moved that the Clty Attorney be Lnstructed to prepare an ondlnance to lnstltute proceedlngs to acqulre the lands necessary for the p::oposed. lndust::1aI property lmprovement, for pres- entatlon at the next regular meeting of the City Councl1, seconded by Councllman Love. Speaklng on the question, Councllman Morgan suggest- ed that the ordlnance include stLpulatlons for, (1) approprlate sefeenlngi:(2) fifteen foot set-backl and (:) that buildlng eonstruc- tlon be limlted to not mone than seventy pencent of the 8ro&r Mayor Atwater concurred. Mr. Oscar Person, ownor of property 1n the proposed assessment dis- trict, advlsed that members of the Easton Industrial Association and members of the Brirllngame Improvement Clubs Council are devislng plans for rend"ering the area more attractlve and. a conferenco 1s contemplated with representatlves of the Paclflc Telephone and Telegraph C-o-mpany and. the Southern Paclfic Company to seek their cooperatlon. I{r. Person urged that such a provision not be included. in the ordj.nance. Mf. Anthur Barrett, 1egaI dounsello:: for the Easton Industrlal proper- ty orornens, advised that the sole function of the Clty Council at thls time is to lnstitute proceedings fon the acquisltlon of lands and at a l-aten date, upon submisslon of maps, plans and speclfications for appnoval, the Corrncil may, by resolution, lnclude provlsions for lartd- sLLping and further improvements. The motion was thereafter unanlmous- ly earrled, A letter dated September 1, 195\, was read from G. J. Mann, Directon of Pr.rblic Works, recommendlng that the contract wlth the E. T. Haas Company for the constructlon of intenceptlng sewers and additlons to the' Cilyr g Sewenage Treatrnent Pumptrrg !}anl, completed August 2l+, _ 1951+, b; aecepted.. Resolution No. 53-54, rrAcceptlng I^iork Dono Und.er 787 Contract for Sewerage System fmprovementslr was irJfiroduced fo:r passage by Councllman Byrd. Councllman Byrd advised that the City of Burlln- game now owns and operates a treatment plant wlth a capaci.ty to servo a populatlon of 35r0O0 and at a cost conslderabl-y lower than estlmated.. The motlon was seconded by Councllman Love and ad,opted. unani-mously on ro11 call of members. A letten dated September 3, L954, was read. from G. J. Marn, submittlng the reslgnatlon of Fr.ank J. Donnel1y, rrtraten Depantment Service Man, first cIass, to become effective September 2\, 7954. The conrmunieatj.on necommends that the reslgnatlon be accepted. wlth regret and that an ellglbIe 1lst be establlshed. for the positlon of Water Servlce Man, lst Classr prior.:'to the effective date of the reslgnatlon. Councllman l{organ moved that the Councll concur wlth the necommend.atlon and that a letter of eornnendation be dlnected to I4r. Donne11y, seconded by Councllman Bynd. and unanimously carrled.. Councllman Morgan, further moved that the Clvil Servlce CommLsslon bo lnstructed to establish anellgibIe list in aceondance wlth the recoilrmendatlon of Director of Pub-1ic 1^Iorks Marr, seconded by Councllman Rooth and. unanimously carried.. A letten dated August 27, 195\, was read from R. C. Theuen, Chief of Po11ce, advlslng that ln confonmance wlth a request submltted by JamesL. Porter of the Millen Drug Company, relatlve to parklng on Lonton Avenue, a sunvey has been conducted with the following recommendatlons submltted for Council approval; (1) ftrat ttre tlme Ilmit be changed onLorton Avenue "between Bellevue Avenue and Howard Avenue from two hoursto one hour; (2) ftat ttre meters be resot to provlde twenty-two f oot spaces instead of the eighteen feet now existent and to provi-de twin par.klng in conformlty with other streets, i.e. Primrose Road.; and.(3) fhat the suggested half-hour meters be left to the discretlon ofthe Po1lce Department. Counellman Love moved that the City Attorney be j.nstructed to ?ropare an ord.lnance embodylng the flrst two Fecorl- mendations on1y, deleting the thind to penmlt funther Council study, seconded by Counclhnan furd and unanimously carrled. A letter dated August 27, 1954r'was read fnom R. C. Theuer, Chief of Po1lce, submlttlng a letter from the Burllngame-San Mateo Klwanis C1ub,in uLrleh the Councll was requested to approve the granting of a permlt to the Klwanls Club fon the pnrpose of erectlng stands at vanlous loc-ations in the business distrlct for the sale of peanuts. The Councll was advlsed. that the proposed. sale will be conducted fon the penlod con:rnencing Thursd.ay, September Z)rd, through September 25, l95LL, andproflts derived to bo malntalned for yoefhr'welfare purposes. Councll- man Love moved that the Klwanls Club be penmltted to conduct the pro- posed. sale on the d.eslgnated dates, provided the clty is released fnom any and. all 11abi1lty. The mlbtlon was seconded by Councilman Byrd and unanlmously cannLed. A letter dated August 27, 195[, was read. from R. C, Theuer, Chlef ofPo1lee, advising that ln response to a request that the pub1le park-lng 1ot on Broadway and Paloraa Avenue be lmproved, the subJect ls under conslderatlon. Councilman Morgan moved. that the communlcatlon be flled, seconded by Councllman Love and. unanimously carriod.. A letter dated August 30, l95l+, was read from the Clty Plannlng Com- mj-sslon, advlslng that the appllcation of H. L. Stack for a permLtto constnuct a stonage room over a garage at 12h1 Lagr:na Avenue, had been approved subsequent to a Plannlng Comnission Publlc Hearlng. ACounci-l public heanlng was sched.uled fon Septeinber 2A, L954. A letter datod August 30, 1954, from the Burlingame Clty Plannlng Com-mlssion, advlsl-ng that the appllcatlon of Moody J. Ilerrry for the sub-dlvlslon of Parcel 14 of the Etlenne Industnlal Tnact has been approved, was recej.ved and. placed. on fl1e. A letten dated Auguet 30, 1954, rdas read fnom the Burllngame City Plan- nl-ng Cormisslon, advlsLng that the appllcatlon fon the issuance of apermlt to eonduct a ChJ-ropnactorts offlce at L239 OakGrove Avenue, has been denled subsequent to Comnrlssion stud.y and" consideration. A Coun-cl1 publlc ?rearing was scheduled. fon the next regular meeting, Septem- ben 20, 195\, and the Clty Clenk lnstructed to request that the Chalr- man of the Plannlng Commlssion appear on that date to cl-te Consnlsslon reasons fon the denlal of the penmit. I r 188 A letter dated August 30, 195\, was read from the Burllflgame Clty Plan- ning Cormnisslon, advislng that a public hearing was held on the app1l- cation of Mrs. Helen Magee to permlt the operation of a boarding homefor fou:: per"sons at 915 El Camlno Rea1, and at the coneluslon of the hearing, the Commlssion reconmend.ed that a speelal use pemllt be grant- ed 66 Mrs. Magee for the operation of the boa::ding home. Councilman Byrd moved concurrence in the recorlmendati-on and that a speclaL use per- mit be granted to the petltloner, Mrs. Helen Magoe, seconded by Coun- cllman Morgan and unanlmously carcLed. A letter d.ated August 30, L95\, was read. fr"om the Burlingame Clty PIan- nlng Commission, advlsing that at the conciluslon of a publie hoaring he1d on the proposed changes to Sectlon 1933 of the Ordlnance Coder provld.lng fon certain permitted useri 1n the M-1 distnlcts, the ConsaLs- slon voted to recommend that the Ond.inanee be amended, September 20,195\, the next r"egular meeting of the Council, was scheduled. for a Councll public heaning. A letter clated. August 2\, 195\, was read from the Burllngame Recne-atlon Corunission, submittlng the foIlowlng recommendati-ons, subse-qrient to an extenslve stud.y on the matter of recreatlonal facilltlesfor the Clty of Burlingame in the M1l1s Estate: (L) Ttrat at least seven acres ad.Jacent to the pnoposod, elementary school site in the souttrwest portion of the Hll1s Estate, bo aequlred by the Clty:, (2) That at least two more areas west of the fnternpdlate School be set asid.e fon use as smal1 playflelds, and (3) that the Mi1ls Creek area, pr"oposed as a nature study park, be acquLned. by the City. The sub-ject was referred. to Councllman Byrdy Chiarman of the Councll Rec:re-atlon Conmittee, for consultation wlth membe:rs of the Recreatlon Colts-mlssion. The Clty Clerk was lnstructed. to so noti-fy the Recreatton Corcnlsslon. A letter dated August 2\, L954, was read from l{arny C. Koch, Coo::d.- inaton of Civ11 Defense, San Mateo County, requesting that a delegateor d.elegates be appolnted from the Clty Councj.l, to represent the Clty and to serve as members of a Joint Cltles and County Clvil Dofense Plannlng Board of San Mate6 Countf. Mayor Atwater spoke brlefly on the fortnatlon of the Plannlng Board. and 1ts pur3pose to provld.e secu"-lty and. safety 1n tlmes of d.lsaster. Councl]man Rooth was selected by Mayor Atwater to represent the Clty Councll and to act on mattersof pollcy. A lettbn d.ated August 13, 195\, was read fnom Mr. Geonge Trol1man, 1&01 Trollman Avenue, ruquestlng that an lnvestigatlon be mad.e of the excessi.vely Lange tr"ees ln front of hls property at 1116 and 1120EI Camlno Rea1, aepiiving the neighborhood o?' sunllLtt. the subJect was referned to Councl-lman Morgan, Chillrman of the Councll Tnees and Pank Cormrlttee. A letter dated August 261 795\, hras read. from Wllliam M. Lenclonl,l$/ Marln Drlve, Burll-ngame, submitting an appllcation to obtaln a franchise and. llcense to operate a taxlcab servlce ln the neqr M111s- dale subdLvLslon, The subJect was refemed to Councll Police Com- n-ittee Chairrnsn, Councllman Love. Couneilman Love nequested aetlng Chief of Pollce, Lt. Funio, to investigate the a11eged. report that sevenal tacLcabs operating wlthtn the clty are violatlng the faxl- eab ondS-nance, provlding for the metering of all taxicabs withln thoClty of Burlingame. Councllman Love fu.nthen requested that a report lndicatlng vlolatlons and cause of violation be subnrltted withln the next thlnty days. A letter dated September 3, 195\, was read from the Burlingame Charn- ber of Cornnerce, requesting that the Cltyrs buslness stneets be swept on Saturdays to render the stroets j-n an acceptablo condi.tion over the week-end. The subJect was referued. to Councilman Morgan, Chair- man of the Council Street Committee, for a neport to the Council A letter dated. August 31, 3-95l+t was read from the San Mateo County Scavenger Co. rolatlve to the ronetral of the ganbage franchise in which the proposed rates would be based to conform wlth the City of San Mateo, provld.lng a unlform ganbage servlce charge throughout both citles. The sbhedule of rates proposed. is as follows: 189 to to to to 1 15 26 33 Capaclty of Coqt-4lqer Moqthly Ch4rge_ galIon containePS........ r... o........$gallon containeIS.. r.................. ga1Lon contalrrerS.....o...o........... 1 gallon containePS......o.............. 1 Councllman Rooth introdueed. Resolutlon No. 5l+-51+, Granting Franchlse to the San Mateo County Scavenger Company and Authorizlng the_"Execu- tlon of Agreement Between the Clty of Burllngame and the San I'lateo County Scavengen Company Relatlve to the Handllng of Garbage in theClty of Burllngame. In conformance with 1ega1 requlnements, the pro- posed franchlse was eontlnued for flnal dlsposltion at the next reg- ulan meetlng of the Clty CouncLl, Septembon 20, L954. A letter dated. August 31, L95l+, was read from the San Mateo County Scavenger Company, requestlng renewal of the Gard.en Ptck-Up Servlce Apneement for an additlonal flve years, effectLve Octoben 1r. 1954, and to senvlce the presently sorvlced, areas fon the sum of $1r000.00pon month. Councllman Rooth stated that the amount as requested ls stlpulated 1n the current bud.get and therefore, lntnoduced for passage, Reso1utlorl No. 55-51+, [Authorlzlng the Executlon of An Agreement Wlth the San Mateo 0ounty Scaverrger Company, a Corporatlon, For the Collec-tion and Dl'sposal of Dry Refuse, Rubblsh and. Garden Cuttings Withln theClty of Burllngametr seconded by Councllman Byr.d. Speaklng on the motlon, Corrncllman Love stated hls opposltlon to the renelral on a flve-year bas-ls. Councllman Morgan suggested that action be withhold for an ad.dlt- 1onal two weeks to glve consj-d.eratlon to whethen the cltlzonry of Bur- llngame deslre the iervLce at a cost of $1r000o p€r month and to fur.- ther conslder the feaslblllty of the Clty penformlng the service. Councllman Byr"d expressed hls approval to the servlce on the flve-y:ea::plan and suggested that lt be contracted on the basls of ..a., bld.. Councllman l{or.gan and Councll-man Love each opposed the latter sugges- tion. Followlng funther conslderatlon and dlscussion, Mayor Atwater called for a vote on the motlon: Ayes: Councllmen: Atwater-Byrd.-illorgan-Rooth Noes: Councllment Love Absent Counci-lmen: None Tho Annual Report of the Bunllngame Flre Department fo:: the flsealyear 1953 - 1954, was nead, acla:orrledged and placod. on fl1e, Council- man l'{organ suggested that the Chalrmart of the Councll Flre Commlttee be lnstnucted by the Mayor to confer wlth the Chlef of the Flre Depant- ment on the lattert s suggestlon that addltlonal personnel be employed.to meet the domands of the department due to the expanslon of the Clty. Ondlnance No. 561, entltled rtAn Ordlnance Repeallng Sectlon 1933 ofthe Ordlnance Code of the Clty of Burlingame and Adoptlng a New Sectlon I-933 Pnovldlng for Permlsslble Uses of Property Wlthln M-I (Llght In- d.ustrlal-) nfstnictsrr and. schedullng September 20, L95\, for pub1lc hearing, was introduced by Councilman Mongan for flrst neadlng. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: State Personnel Board Contract for cooperatlve examlnatlon services was held for discussion wlth members of the City Councll and the Civil Servlee CommLsslon. A heartng on the Bunllngame Guest House, 9Ol-9O7 Burllngame Aveilrer appllcatlon was continued for the second meetlng of the Clty Councllln Octoben, L954. ?he Clty Englneer was lnstructed. to ascentaln from the Paclflc Gas andElectrtc Company, as to when an electrlc light may be erected on Summer A.venuer BS prevlously requested. Mayor Atwaten reportod. on the result of a confenence held wlth repre- sentatlves of the Penlnsula Humane Society in whlch the Clty was assuned of more efflclent senvlce 1n the futune. L5 25 5o 75 00 25 32 5o 190 Mayor Atwatbr advlsed that the Pollee Departmelt sla1l be lnstructed to- lnvestlgate the parklng regulatlons on the Cityt s publlc p?rlllg facility oF San Franclsco Wator Departmentrs rlght-of-w{y on Callfon- nia Dnlve and. to ascentaLn lf a permlt has been obtalned on all new build.tng construction and./or bulldlng repaLrs wlthln the Clty. In response to Council lnquiry, Ctty Englneer Marr advlsed tl:at no fur- ther report has been recelved. from the County of San Mateo on its alr po11utlon proJect. Councllman l{organ lnqulr:ed as to whether an examLnatlon has been sched- uled for the posltlon of Flre Inspector and was advlsed that the sub- Jectr BS vre11 as sevenal requests for salary and classlflcatlon revis- lons &re presently under conslderation. Members of the Ftre and Pollee Departments were commended. for the prompt and efficient manner in whlch a recent grass fire ln Ml1lsdale was controlled, A Claj-m agalnst the City la the sum of $101000.00 presonted by Ray A. Soskin, ln behalf of Judlth Ann Soskln, a mlnon, for lnJurLes lncurred whtle uslng Bunlingame Hlgh School swlnunlng faclltties, was reJected and refenred. to the Cityt s lnsurar.ce canrier, on motion of CouncLlman Mongan, seconded. by Councllman Rooth and unanlmously caryled. The meetlng was regulartry adJourned at 10:45 P. M. Respectfully submltted HERBERT . WHITE C]TY CLERK APPR OVED: JfrT-* H. I(ENT ATWA MAYOB a