HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1953.06.15t-49 Burllngarr,o - Callforrrla June 15, 1955. .4. regulan meeting of the furllngaue Clty Councll was held on the above gJ.ven date. MeetLng ealled to onder at 8:0O P.M. - Mayon Slmonds ln the 6ha1n. Ro1I Call! Present - Councllmen: Atwater-Love-Morgan-SimondsA.bsent Counel lman: By:rd On motlon of CounclLnan Morgan, seconded by Councllman Love and unan- lmously earnled, Councllman Blrrd was excused beoause of llIness. The mlnutes of the previous meetlng of June 1, 1955, were unanlmously approved and ad.opted on motlon of CounclLuan Love and seconded by Councllnan lltorgan. Blds for pnoposed Lmprovements to Chapln Avenue (PnoJect 52-48) scheduLed to be recelved on June 15, 1953, sere opened publtclyr ox- amlned ad read ag followst ,OTAL BfD Fnarrk H. Smith, fnc. rP. 0. Box 726 San Mateo, CallforzrLa.$o2r B6s.6E FFed D. Sperry, 3r3. e504 E1 CanLno Real M1Ilbrae, Callfornla.$bs, 68s. oo L. C. Smtth 225 - 19th Avenue $+grzgg.IoSar Mateo, Callfornla. Fay fmpnovement Conpan loL Canollna Stneet $611884.60San Fnanclsco, Callfornla. Bnagato Pavlng Co., L65o old County Road, $+9r418.?BBelmont, Callfornla. The blds rere neferred to the Clty Englneer for checklng. Hayon Slmonds ennounced that thLs ras the tlne and, pLace for recelv- 1ng protests on Besolutlon of Intentloa [o. 7'l-52t and the Englneertsreport. The Clty CLenk nead lettens of pnotest ftled ln the Offlce of theClty C1erk. ilayon Sl.monds stated that because of the,numben of wrlt-ten protests recelved and the faet that the agenda was length3.y, theCouncll were of the oplnlon that a contLnuatlon of the heanlng shouLdbe sctreduled for an adJounned meetln-g of the Council. An adJounnedmeetlng was thereupon scfreduled for Headsy, June 22, lg5g, ai g:OO otelock P.U. at *rlah tLme lnterested pensons deslrlng to speak wou1dbe glven the oppontunlty to do ooo Blds necelved ln nesponse to a publlstred notlce adventlstng the sub-mls-slon of pnoposals to eudlt the Ctty of Burllngamets flninclal rec-ords fon the flscal year erdlng June 5O, 1955, rere opened and reades follorvs: Etlleford & Slltshlre L7?,8 Belnont Avenue, Fbesno, Californla. Dale B. EoLfe 958 Russ Bullding San Fnenclsco 4, Call.fonnia. C. G. Ilhlenberg & Co. eRuss Bulldlng San FnancLsoo, Callfbrnla. $ B?b.oo $lrooo.oo pen dlem :rate, Ln an aaouat not to exceed $1rooo.oO 5t) CounclLman tove moved that tho btds be reeelved ad held fon actlon'at the next regular meeting of the Counall, seeonded by Councllmen , Morgan and unanLmously cerrled. In conforulty wlth the CitSrts adventl.sment for blds for the publl-catlon of olty legals for the Ctty of Bunllngane, dtrrlng the flsaalye?r July 1" 1955, and erdlng June EO, l,g54, the Ctty CLerk openedand nead the followlng bld: The Advance-ster $1.9s per Bquare fon the flrgtBurltngame, califonnl.a. iasertlon of any not!.ce and S .75 per squere fon subsequent lnsentLons of the same ncfi lce. Councll,nan Love moved that the btd be accepted and. lntroduced forpassage, Resoluti.on No. 57-5St to enter lnto an agroement wlth theAdvanee-Star for the publlshiag of alL legaL aotlceE for the year beglnnLng July 1, L955 and endlng June 5o, L954, ard authorlzing ttre_Mayor to exeeute sald agreenent tn behalf of the Clty, secondedby Councllman Mongen and adopted unanlmousLy on ro11 oall of membenspresent. Blds fon the sale of Lots 12 and. 15, Block 56, Easton Addttl.on No. 5, owned by the Clty of Br.rrllngaue, sohcduled fon submlsslon on thlsd'ate' were opened' and read' ,aston Addltloa No. Etot 12 Lot 15 Jack Glang L476 Highway Road, Burlingame Jos" L. PeLeg:rtnl Burllngame, Call fornla. $4r go1. oo $4 r?5z.oo Pa:rker" Johnstone 1605 IYestmoor Road, Bun}lngame $4, zse. oo Jos. A. Bouquet 1460 Bernal Avenue, Bur11n69ame Total both r.ots $6rooo,oo Ruth M. Bureau 4O7 Htllsborough Blvd.;San Mateo S4rUL.OO John Sorensen L4OB El Camlno ReaI, Bu:r1!.ngame $A,ZOO.O0 $I,?OO.OO Buel G. Pnofttt 826 lrYalnut Avenue, Burll ngame $5, 1ZS. OO $A, IAS. OO Margaret P. Delnes 79 Pnosper StreetrSan }banclsco $SrS06.00 -- Hlchael F. Jones 742 - 17th Avenue, San Franclsco S2,?60.00 The blds were referred to the Ctty Englneen and to the CIW Attorneyfor study and recommendatlon. A lotter" d.ated June L2, 1956, waa read from the Clvl1 Serviee Cornnls-sion, subtultting the fol}owlng ltst for the positlon of Gerder€r-Equlpment Operator: 1. Joseph Maehado 817 Alpino Avenue, Burlingame 2. Ennest 1i11. Cu11ln l,223 EI Caolno Real, Burllngame Councllman Morgan moved that the above be accepted as the estabLLshedeltglble ltst fon the posltlon of Ga::dener-Equlpment Operaton, seoond-ed by Councllman Love and unanlmously canrled. r cr ,A letten dated. June 5, 1953, was read f?om G. J. Marr, Dlreaton of Fublle ltorks, advlslng that',Iob No. 53-15 for the Resurfaclng of Ten- nls CouFts has been completed as of June 5, L955, by the contraotors, Mallot and Petersorr-Bundy. Councl].man Love moved acceptance of the contract and tho Clty Clerk was lnstructed to ftle a notlce of com-pletlon wlth the Couirty Recorder, seconded by CouncLlman Horgan and unanlmous1y carnled. A letter dated June L2, L955, was read f?om Dlrector of Publlc Works Marn, requestlng the appointment of a Gardenen-Equlpuent Operator to f111 a vacaney ln the Park'Department. CounclLman Atwater moved. that No. 1 on the el-tglble Ilst, Joseph Machado, be appolnted to the Pos-1tlon, effectlve June 16, 1955, ard subJect to the passlng of a sat- Lsfactory medlcal exalnatlon, seconded. by CouncLLman Morgan and unanlmously carnLed. A letter dated June 1, L955, was nead f?om Vlctor A. Manginl, Deanof Boys and Tracl< Coach for the Burllngame trlg[ School, coumendlngPollce Sergeant torln Todd for his actlvlties ln connection wlth thetrack tearn of the Elgh School. The Ctty Clerk was lnstructed to w:nite to Sergeant Todd expresslng Councll appneclatlon and to send.a copy of Mr. Manginlts Letter to both Sergeant Tod.d and to the Chlef of Police. fri.e Clty Clerk was also instrLrcted to acknowS.edgethe letter recelved. f?om Mr. Manglnl. A letter d.ated June 11, 1953, was read from the Burllngame Chamberof Commerce requesting a meetlng wlth tJre Clty Councll and membersof the Chamber"ts Flood Control Commlttee, for the purpose of explor- 1ng ways and means of solvl.ng tho maJon fLood pnoblems and thelrcontrol for the Clty. qre Ctty C1.erk was instnucted to nottf)r the Flood Control Comarlttee to meet wtth the Clty Counc1l, Saturday morn-lng, June zoth, at g:5O A.M. A letter dated May 25, 1953, was nead f?om the Burllngame Chamber of Commerce, submlttlng a copy of a proposed contract betveen the Cltyof Bur"lingame and the Chamber of Comnerce for the year beglnningJuly 1, 1955, and end,Lng June 5O, L954, fon en advertislng approp:rl-ation. Councllman Love lntroduced. and moved the passage of Besol-ution No. 58-55, acceptlng the contract for advertlslng and promo-tlon, and autho:rlzlng the Mayon to exeeute the agneement, secondedby Counellman Itlorgen and unanlmously carrled by ro11 call of memberspresent. The Clty Clerk was lnstructed to request the Chanben of Conune:roe to submit for Councll perusual an ltenrlzed budget on theexpendltures to be Lncunred under the appropri.atlon. A letter dated June 1, 1953, was read fnom The Advance-Star, advls-lng that the Advance-Star:, has been delegated as tb.e offlclal dally newspaper of the County to publieLze tb.-e Arurual San Mateo CouatyFtesta and the 95th Annlvensary of San Mateo County and requestingthat the city subscrlbe to an amount of {p260.00 for a full page ad-ventlsement. Councilman Mongan moved that a letter be dire-cted to th.e Chamber of Commerce, advertlslng agents for the City of Bunlln-game, recolulaendlng that the Charfier of Commeree enter lnto a co[-tract wlth the Advance-Star for advertlsing purposes Ln connectlonylth publlclzlng the forthcomlng Flesta, ln an aaouat not to exoeed $260.OO. Ihe motlon was seconded by Councllman tove and unanLmouslycanrled. A letten dated. June 9, 1953, was :read Ilom Chas. W. Rooth, Presldentof the 8ay Pa:rk Improvement C3.ub, advislng that the Improvement Clubhas recelved permlsslon to or:ect two bus shelters on State Hlg[waypropenty oa E1 CamLno Real and ::equestlng conourrence by the Ctty ofBurllngame. The subJect was referned to the Plannlng Connrlssion fonstudy and recorrrnend.atlon. A letter dated May 1O, 1955, was nead flom E. B. Whlte, Countywlde Ar.ea Coordlnator, Cr:rould Obse:rver Conps, roqu.esting appnoval of theproposed locatlon of a rTnl-Clty Gnound Observen Postn to be erectedon top of the Burllngame E[re Towen at PaIm and Callfornla Dr:lves.Ihe comrmrnlcatlon advl-sed that the nequest has been submltted to theBurllngame Ftre Comulsslon ard. an endongement therefon was obtalnedf?om the Flre Commlsslon, subJeet to the appnoval of the Ctty Attor-ney and, the Bulldlng fnspector. The subJect matten was refenred tothe members of the Plannlng Comrlsslon for th,eLlr recommend&tion. As ,5a / the pnoposod Post is t Attonney was instructe 11abi11ty. o be constructed on CLty property, the Cltyd to submlt a unrLtten oplnlon as to the CLtyts A letten dated June L2, L953r._was read from tho Borden Company, 6x-pressLng appreci.atlon to the furllngarne Clty Councll and to the Bun-llngane Pollce Department for the splendld. servlce provJ.ded the Bon-den Company durlng the past years. The communLcatLon was fl1ed andthe Clty Clerk lnstructea to-acknowl.ed,ge its receLpt. A letter dated. Jr:ne 1O, 1955, was read. Jlom the Burllngame Indus-trLal Assoclatlon, Inc., advislng that subsequent to action takenby the Council ln adoptlng a ResoLutlon granting that the lmprove-ments and work be done ln the Ind.ustrla1 Area under the lrtuniclpal Improvement Aet of 1913, the matter had been glyen I\rthen consLd-eratlon by the aembers of the Industnlal Area. The Council wasJ\rthen advLsed that the owners wouLd prefen that such lmpnovementpnoceedlngs be eonducted under the Inprovement Act of 1911, Dlvlslon7 of the Stneets and Hlgfrways Code of Callfornla, wlth serlal bondsfon unpald assessments to be lssued under that Act rathe:r than undenthe L913 and 1935 Acts. Clty Attorney KarmeL thereupon spoke bnleflyon the advantages under the 1911 Act lnsofar as the lntenests of ttrepnoperty owners are @ncerned and lntr.odusod. M:1. Robent W. Ha:rrlson,Attorney, representtng the property owners and the fnd.ustrlal Assoe-iatlon, who explalned ln detall to the Council, the dlfference be-tween dolng the work unden the lglL lmprovement Act and under theL9L3 fmpnovement Act. Thereafterr at the suggestlon of the Clty At-torney, the CouncL} granted the appllcatlon oi the owners arrd Coun-clIman Love l-ntrod,uced and moved the passege of Resolution No. 59-55which amended Resolution No. 32-53, provldlng for the eonstructlonof lmprovements r:nden the 1911 Improvement Act and the lssuanoe ofbonds unden the 1911 Jmprovenrent Act, second.ed by Councllman Morganand, adopted. unanLmously upon ro11 call, of memberi. Councllman L6vemoved, seconded by Counetl^man Atwater" and unanlmously carnled, that Panagnaph 4 on Page 2 of ResoLutlon No. 52-55 be amended on lts faceso that as amended sald, panagnaph 4 shall read as folLows z a4. Allof sald work and lmprovements are to be constnucted at the pJ.aces and ln the particuLar locations, of the forms, slzes, dlmenslons .rsnd matenials, and at the llnos, gnades and elevatlons shown anddelLneated on the pIans, p:roflIes and. specifleatlons to be adoptedthe:refon by the Clty Councll of said Clty and thereafter flIeil tnthe Offloe of the Ctty Englneer of sald Oity.tt Resolutlon No. 40-59,employlng Robent }Y. Herrison and Arthur" I[. Barrett, Jr. as attonneysto cond.uct alL of the 1egal wonk ln connection wlth the lmpnovementsof Ro11lns Road, was introduced. by CounclLnan Morgan uf,ro mbved, ltspassage, seeonded. by Councllman Love and unanlmously carrLed uponnoIl ca].l of members. UNFTNTSI{ED BUSINESS: 1. Chas. ElLet property - Lorton Aver*re, The Clty CLenk advlsed,that a pe:nrlt had been obtalnod June LZ to raze the structure. CttyEngineer Manr stated tbat the penmlt dld not lndlcate the tlme thework wouLd commence but lt would be completed wlthln ninety daye f?om date of lssue. 2. Howard Avenue Street Ltgtrtlng. Ctty Attorney l(amel ad.vLsed.that he ls preparlng the ResoLutlon of Intentlon to proceed wlthtbe street l1gh.tlng prognam on Howard Avenue for Councll actlon atthe next nogu3.ar meetlng. Reports fr"om the PoJ.loe, Ftre and. Department of PubLlc Works, forthe month of May, 1955, reere nead and fiIed,. Ordlnance lilo. 555 entltled nln Ordlnance Amend,lng Sub-sectlon rct of Sectlon One of Sectlon L279 of tbe Ordlnance Code of the Cltyof Burllngame^.Bg Strlklng the Uord trnemainn and Substltr.rting fhere-fon the lHord, trLoltenr was Lntroduced. by Councllman tove and-gi.venfl:.st neadlng. Clalns Nos. 376A to 5898 lncluslve, ln the mor:nt of $49r0L6.1?,duly audited., were authorlzed. dnawn on the Ctty Treasury fon thdLrrespective anounts, on motlou of Councllman tove, seconded by Coun- cllman Atwaten and unanirnously oanrrLed. r 53 May PaynoLl Sarrantsr Nos. 5560 to 3899 lnclusive, ln the amount of $461591.99, were approved. on motion of Councllnan Love, seconded by Councl.lman Atwater and unanimousLy camlod. Clty Attorney Karme1 submltted, a repont on the blds recelved forthe saLe of cLty-cwned. Lots and stated that there was a questlon agto whothen the bld received f?on the Burllngame Town and CountnyRealty Company lneluded s sernmlsslon fee. Councllman Love movedthat actlon on the bids be held ln abeyance untiL the next reguLan meetl.ng of the Council, secbnded by Councllnan Mor"gan and unanlmous-ly carrled. trflr. Janes Himmel, Vlce-Presldent of the Bu:rllngarne Clvlc Welfane teague, present at the meetlnt, submlttod a map of a proposed. devel- opment planr prepgred by htm and end.orsed by the Burllngame Clvle WeLfare League. &r. HlmrelL outLlned ln detall the proposed devel- opment pLan for the area between the Southern Paclfic RLght-of-Way and the Bayshore }Ilgfrway, extendlng I?on south of Bnoadway to If111-brae Avenue, at the concluslon of nhich ho was oompllmented by the CouncLl for h1s clvlc lnterest. Ihere belng no firrther busl.ness, the ueetLng was regulanly adJor.r:cn- ed. at LO:SO p.tn. to meet Monday, June 22, 1955, at 830O p.m. Respeotfully submltted HffiBffiT a CTTY CIfiRK h APPROVED: u. s. sil[olTDs, JR. !{aY0n \