HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1955.09.06396 CALL TO ORDER At wond fnom Mayor llongan, all eros€ and were 1ed by Canol lrlolfe and Sandy Duff, Ginl Soout Tnoop No. LTO' ln the Salute and the Pledge of Alleglance to the F1ag. INVOCATION The Revenend Ray F, Klblen, Jr.r ?astone Iruthenan Chunch of the Good Shephend, gave the lnvoeatlon. ROLL CALL: The minutes of the neguLar: meetlng of August 15, 1955, as submlt-ted to membens of the Councl1, were unanLmously appnoved on motlonof Councllman Bynd and seconded by Cor:ncllnran Rooth. The mlnutes of the adJounned meetlng of August 22, L955, as submltted to membens of the Council, were unanlmously appnoved on motlon of Councl.lman Rooth and seconded by Councllmari Thayen. BIDS . PROJECB MCS.69 CONSTNUCTION PONTION ROLLINS hOEO The Chalr roquested the Ctty Clenk to nead a communlcatlon ad- dnessed to the Ctty Counell negardlng tho positlon of the Clty lnnelatlon to the blds for the pnoposed constnuctlon of a portlonof Rolllns Road scheduled fon opening on thls date. A memo datedJuly 15r 1955 was nead theneaften from the Dlneeton of Publlc Wonks, advlslng that the estimated cost of the Cltyls contnlbu-tions to be made to the Bunllngame Assessment ln the Ro1llns Road anea, appnoxlmated $60r000.00r-pnesently budgeted and authonlzed by the State as the Clty of Bunllngamers allocatlon of aval1ab1e Gae Tax Funds. the memo fur.then advlsed that Lnasmueh as Gas Tax monles may not be used for dr"alnage facllltlesr the City lntendsto pave the entlne wtdth of Ro11lns Road fnom Broadway to the Easton Cr"eek ehannel, install cunbs and guttens wlthln thosellmlts, at the same cost as submltted ln the pnevlous estlmate.The btds recelved btere ther"eaften opened and declaned as fol lows 3 BIDS . PROJECT MCS-59 Items 1 thnu I lncl-us Lve Pnesent Councllmen3 Absent Counellmen! MINUTES PRE1IIOUS IIMETTI{G E. T. Heas Company Belnont, Callfornla Lor*nle Pavlng Oompany San Fnanclsco, Callfornla Oscar C. Holmes Rednood Clty, Cali.for"nla Bragato Pavlng Company Belmont, Callfonnla Bynd - Johns on-Mongan-Ro o t h-Thayen None S32r s9B.T5 $33,276.8o $35,a40.50 $43, 369.25 Bonds accompanied the fonegolng. Bur"llngame - Callfonnla Septemben 5, 1955 A negulan meetlng of the Br.r:r1lngame Clty CounclL was held on the above glven date. The moetlng was called to orden at B:0! p.m. Mayon Mongan ln the Chaln. SALUTE TO FLAG t-337 The blds wer"e neferr ed to the Clty Attorney and to the Clty Engtneen fon study and neport pnlon to the tenmlnatlon of the meetlng. IIEARING CHAS. F. SCHIIETZ - APPLICATICN CO}TTRACTORIS YAFD Mayon Morgan announeed the.t this was the tlme and place scheduled for"a publlc heanlng on an appllcatlon submltted by Chas. F. Schuetz, Jr. for a use permlt to constnuct a Genenal Contnactorrs Yi.r:d at 1300 Baysho.ne Boulevand, adJacent to and appnoxlmatoly 1000 feet nonth ofthe Bnoadway overpass. A letten dated July 1$, 1955 was nead from the Bunllngarne Clty Plannlng Commtsslon, advlslng that following a pubIle heanlng, tho Commlsslon membens had voted to necormend appnoval of the appllcatlon wlth centaln pnovlslons. A letten was funther. rnead fnom ELlnon R. Canson, Attonnoy'fon Char'les I'. Schuotz Co.r dated August 11, A955, advlslng that the use penmlt, lf gnanted, would enable Mn. $chuetz t,o deveLop the pnoperty and to exent a posltlve control over aetivltles affectlng the use of the 1and. fn reply to Councllman Roothro lnqulntes, Mr. Schuetz advlsed that lts use would be conflned strlctly to tliat of a contnactonrs equlpment and stonage yand and, ln applylng fon such*penmlt, _lt was ndt to be eonfused ilftft frfs Uustnessbi itrrown as the nAbbott-Companyn and the trstandar"d Wnoeklng Companyr, openated wlthln the Clty of San Car'los . Counellman Bynd expressed hls opposltlon to the gnantlng of the penmlt, based qn the fact that a correct grade has not been establlehed lnthat ar;ea, and 1f such penmlt wene appnovedr &h unfavorablo pneeedent would be establlshed. Mayon Mongan nemlnded Mn. Schuetz of pnevlous Councll noquests that he clean the dobris and malntaln the propenty in an attnactlv€ rl&nrr€pr Fo1lowlng funthen dlscussion, Cor:ncllman Byrd prefaced a motlon by statlng that othen propenty owners wlthln the vlclnlty have complledwlth the Cltyrs request to place sufflelent ftIl to establlsh e proper gnado and, untll detenmlnatlon by the Planning Comml.sslon that the proper amount of f111 has been pJ.aeed'ln the aree now unden dlscusslon, he would move that the applleatlon be denled, without pneJudlce. The motlon was seconded by Councllman Rooth and unanlmously cannled. COMMUNTCATTONS 1 a APPTICATION WEE TOTS NIIRSERY SCHOOL A lotter, datgd August 24, L959, was nead from the Bunllngame Ctty Plannlng ComrnlssLon, advlstng thet subsequent to a publlc heanlng on.en appllcatlon fon a vanlance submltted by Mlss Gatl L. Genlschen, 1630 Sacr.amento Str"eet, San Fnanelsco, to contlnue the openatlon of the Wee Tots Nu:rseny School t 7OO Penlnsula Avenue, Bunllngame, the Cornmlsslon neeonoarended tha! the vanlanee be gnanted, with the follow- lng pr"ovlons: (t ) ttrat peori,lsslon be gnqnted-to Mlss Gertsehen, pelsonatlyefon a penlod of flve yeansl (Z) that upon extenston of lrre leasel- Mlss Girrlsehen appear befone the Qommlsslon; ^(3) that the numben of-chlldnen be Limitbh to fonty; and (t+l that upon-explnatlonof ttre State license, the vanlance shal1 cease. Councllnan fhayen advlsed that the matten has been thonoughly revlewed by the Plannlng Corurnlss lon and thenefone moved that the Councll concur wlth tho necommendatlon and that the varlance be gnanted ln conform&nce to tho etlpuLatlons, secondod by Corrncllman Johnson and unanimously car.nLed. 338 2.EI,ECTRICAL PR ODUCTS CORPORATTON . TLLUMINATED R OOF STGN A letter, dated August 2l+' 1955, was nead fnom the Clty Plan- nlng Commtsslon, advlslng that a pub1lc heanlng had been conducted on an applleatLon fon a speclal penmlt, submitted by the Electnlcal Pnoducts Conponatlon, 950 30th Stneet, Oakland, fon the punpose of enectllg an lllumlnated noof llgn on the pnopenty of tLe Golden Brands Distnlbutlng Company, 9l+0 CanoLen Avenue, Burllngame. It was the oplnlon of the Commlsslon that the pnoposdd slgn would oonfonm to the ttuses pnohlbltedff pnovlslons of Ondinanee No. 56L, and thenefone recommended that the &P-pllcatlon be denled. ' Cor:nell"man BSrnd moved that the metter: be agaln refePred to the Plannlng CommlssLon, wlthout pneJudlee, fon posslbl-e trecorl- sldenatlon durlng lts curpent dellbenatlons on the new proposedItsign ondlnanee". The motlon was seconded by Councllman Johnson. Speaklng on the questlon, Councllman Rooth questlored Plan- ' nlng Consultant Mann, who advlsed that lt Ls pnoposed to enect an tllumlnated slgn, fifteen feet tn hetght and fontX-elght feet ln wldth (f5t x LEr ). Upon fu:rthen cor:nclt queryr Ptannlng Consultant Mann advlsed that ln glvlng consldenatlon to the applleatLon, the Commlsslon and the appllcant enter"ed lnto no negotlatlons to alter: the slze of the slgn to confonm to tho pr6posed nslgn ondLnancerr. Mayon Mongan stated that the matter has been pnevLousfy b9- fore the Councll and noJected and, ln hls oplnlon, the Councll should not dlscouMge a menchant of tho Clty of Burllngameo Ee funthen stated that he should pnefon to see lt agaln nefenned to the Plannlng Commlsslon fon funther considenatlon unden the pnovislons of the pnoposed slgn ondLnance. Counollman Rooth express,ed oppositlon and steted that lnhls oplnion the proposed erectlon would benefit the Sen Fnanclseo Bnewlng Conponatlon so1e1y. Councllnan fhayer expressed her opposltlon to a1]- methods oftrblllboand advent ls Ing" . fn a vote on the motlon, the nesuLt was announeed es folLows: Ayos Councllmen3 B3n'd-Jotrnson-Horgen Noes CouncLlmeni' Rooth Abstelnlng Councllmen: Thayen 3 a CONSTRUCTIOI{ DRAFT TEST PIT FI.RE HOUSE.NO. 1 A letter, dated Septemben 2 t 1955, was nead fnom G. J. Manne Dlnecton of Publtc Wonks, submlttlng a rrevised eopy of pJ.ans and speclflcatlons and englneenls cost estlmate fon the constnuetlon of a Dr:aft Test Plt at Flne StatLon No, L. Tho subJect matten was nefer"ned to CouncLlman Rooth, Chalnman of the Councll Flne CommLttee. AWARD MCS PROJECT NO. 69 - CONSTRUCT]ON PORTTON ROLTINS ROAD Dlnector of Publlc t{onks Mann advlsed that upon revlew of the blds submltted fon the constr"uetlon of a pontlon of Rolltns Road, It was necouuaended that the contnaet be awarded to the l-owest fesponslble bldder, the E. T. Haas Company, ln the sum of $321598.75. Counellman Bynd moved that the Counell concu]r wtth the -necommendatlon and lntnodu ed'fon passage Resolutlon No. 68-55-,nAwand1ngContnactfor'Pr:oJectMCs$o.-69,eonsffi Rol1lns Road, to the E. T.--Haas Company, and Authonlzlrg the Mayon to Execute Agneementt'r s€condbd by Councllman Thayen arxl adopted unanlmously on nol1 call of membens. 339 COMMUNfCAI fONS ( Cont lnued ) l+.PROPGED A}jIEI{DI{ENT SECTTONS 1305 -1306 ORDINANCE CODE A letton, dated Septemben 1, 1959, was nead fnom Chlef of Pollee, R. C. Tfreren, neconunerrdlng amenameirti to Sectlons 1305-and 1306 of the Ordlnance C;d;; fer^tainlng to the dlschange of -P. B. Guns and ei" niif"r ana ihe-use of Sltng-Shots wlthln thg clty Ilmlts of gur:ffng;me. The communleatlon-was nefenned to Councllmry Pyrdf-.Cnainmin oi the 0ounc11 Pollee Oonmltteer to consult wlth the Clty Attonney and the Chtef of Poltee on the appnopniate altenatlon to the Ondlnance Code. c)a CITT-OW}IED PROPERTY ON ROLLTNS ROAD A Letten, dated August 18, 1955, uas read fnomthe Boand of Flre Commlsslonsr r.@cotrtraendlng that clty-owned pnoperty on Rollins Road be r"etalned by the City as a future slte for: a flne statlon, eestof the nallnoad tnacks. Ihe communleatlon wel recelved and placed on f lIe for futut'e nefenerrco r 6. FTRE AI,ARM PROTECTTON - MERCY HTGH SCHOOL A letten, dated August 29, 1955, uas nead fr"om R. E. Moorby, Flne Chlef , submltting a Letten fnom flanold A. t{nlght, requestlng lnfonmation negandlng the posstblllty of establlshlng a tle-ln tothe Cltyts ffu"e alanm system so that, ln the event of a sernlousflne, the Bunllngane Flne Depantment may be dlnectly notlfled. The communlcatLon ras nefenned to the Flne Chlef and to the Fine Commlsslonfon study and necommendatlon. 7 . OtA MATSoNETTEI'1L5[_Erlt1!!sqrqe A1q4ue A }e!ter., dated August 29r..1955, was nead fnom Madame and Monslen Chanles Bovye, pnopnletons of-rtla Malsonett.o, 1l+6h Bunllngame Avenue, suggesting that ln the lntenest of and fon the oncounagement andthe pnotectlon of local menchants, nlght panklng be I1mlted on Bunllngame Avenue . The communlcatlon was nefenred to Cor:ncllmanRoothr Chalrman Cor:ncL1 Parklng Commlttee. B. TOPPTNG OF TREES IN EA.SEMENTS A letter, dated August J-7, L955r was read from Mn. and Mps. D. R. VoLonte, L234 Ber"nal Avenue, requosttng an eanly declslon fnom theCouncll In negand to the Ctty topplng tnees located ulthln the Clty easements. Cor:ncl1man Byrd ln clanl.fylng the posltion of the Clty advlsed that an easement ls pnivate pnopenty, used by the uttllty companles sclely ln ttro senvlelng of theln facllltles. Councllman Bynd stated that the Clty may not legally dlspatch crews to penfonm servlees as nequested ln the eomrmrnlcatlon. RECESS A neoess Bras deelaned by the Cheln at 9:00 prrrrr CALL TO ORDEA, The meotlng neconvened et 9:10 p.m. The Chaln lntnoduedd Aar.on Jackson, actlng Clty Attonney durlng the absenee of Clty Attor.ney Kar.mel fnom the C lty. COMMUNfCTiTf ONS (Contlnued ) 9. A letten fnom Mns. Isabello B. Hfunmel, 1l+21 E1 Camino Bea1, was nead, expresslng opposltlon to the Cltyts oxpendlture of 1tsallocatlon of Gas Tax Funds on lmpnovements to the old lndustrlalarea. fhe communleatLon was flIed. --'t 340 A letten, dated Septembep_Ir j-955, lras read fnom several pnopentyowners and nesldente in Nonth Bunllngame, pnotestlng an allegei' sewa8e _disposal dnalnage problem wlthln the Oity. Mayon MorEanadvlsed that a publlc hearlng to explone the alleged inadequacy ofthe seua.ge dnainage system wlthln the Clty of BrlrLingame fraa"birenscheduled'wlth membens of the Cltyts PubLic Utllttle; Comnrlsslonand the Publlc Health and safety Conmlssion on Hs{nesday, ,September B, 1955, Councll Chambers, &t 8:OO prrll WARRANT APPROVAL 10.SEWAGE COMPLAINT F rLED Wanrants Nos. 7356 and 7h16, held fon nevlew at the last negularmeetLng, 1{or3o appnovedr BS necommended, by Counellman Bynd, " Chalr.man of the Councll FLnance Commltteo. COUNCILII{AN D(CUSED counellman Blrnd was exeused fnom the meetlng at 9220 prrlr REPORTS OF OTFICIERS Ieponts fnom the Eeeneetlon Depantmentr the Llbrany, the FlreDepantmenf, the Pqqk Depantmentr the Pol1ee--Depantment, for themonth of duly, 1955, and_the County of San Mateo Health Depant- rnentr_for'the months of .June and JuIIr 1955, were acknowLedged and placed on flle. RESOLUTIONS EesqIuEgIr \o._b1-55 trRegulatlng Parklng Ms;.n Time Limlts on Br6adway lvenuett ias lntnod.uced by Councll- man Rooth, who moved lts passagor seconded by Councilman Thayon and unanimously carnled on ro11 call of members present. CONSIDERATTON OF ORDINANCES Councllman Rooth moved that Ondlnance lilo. 500 itPnohlblttng arrdRegulattng Eanly Monntng Parklng and Addtng a New Sectton-tZZ7Prohlbltlng, Llmtting and Regulatlng Panklng of Vehlcles onPubllc Stneets Between the Houns of Bwo Ot0l.ock and Slx Ot0lock A.M,H scheduLed for" seeond neadlng, be held until a fu1lCouncil ls pnesent. The motlon was seconded by Counellman Johnson and r:nanlmously carr:led. TNTRODUOTION OT ORDTNANCES Ondlnance No. 501 NAN OROTNANCE CHANGIIIG TI{E NAII{E oF RoLLrNs RoADffin was amended to nead. rfAN oRDfNA$cE CHANGTN$ rI{E NAI'IE 0F ROLLINS ROAD TO"N0RTH CAROLAN AVENUET' on motlon ofCouncLlman Roothr B€conded by Councllman Johnson and r.manlmouslycanr.led. Councllman Rooth theneaf ter. lntnoduced OndlnanceNo. 60:- fon finst neadlng. - Ondl.nance No. 602 'IA},IENDING TEE oRDINANCE CoDE oF TI{E CITY oFffirNG To DrvrsroN 5-A, pART v, ARTTcLE 12, A NEt.l SECTION No. 1235.tb PROVIDING FOR TI{E PURCHASE, ACQUISITION, INSTALLATTON, oPERATT0N, MATNTENANCE, SUPERVrSIoN, REGULATToN AND CONTROL OF T}IE USE OF PARKING METERS UPON PUBLIC OFF- STREET PARKING LOTStt was lntnoduced by Councllman Rsef,h sn6glven flrst neadlng. I 34L Counellman tfohnson 1. Attended the last regular meetlng of tho Recneatlon Commlsslon. 2. ionfenod wtth membene of the Pa:pk Comnlsslon and the RecneatlonCommlsslon on the need fon asphalt pavlng at the entnanee tothe Ray Pank Playground. 3. Consulted the__Clty E]eetfleian who advlsed that the installatlonof llghts ln washlngton Pank would be programm€d soon. I+. Attended luneheon meetlng of the Bunllngame Chamber of CommeneeE:recutlve Boand at whleh tlmo tnltal plans fon U. N. Day wene-dlscussed. Cor:ncl1man J6fonson advlseh trrat menehants hlvepunchased seventy-flve flags wlth eccompanying unlts to be usedln a sldewalk.dlsplay 91 appnopnlate anh pltnlotle holiday" "rralt uas nequested that the city-lnsta11 thi r"eceptaele unlls. 5, Recommended_-and. so moved that Davld Lage and Rlehard. Casho,Bunllngame Htgtr SchooL students, who volunteened thelr senirreesdunlng the summen Hecneatlon Depar:tnent pnogrs.mr be lssued acomnendatlon ewand to be slgned-by the Mlyoi. ihe motlon wasseconded by councllman Thayen and-r,rnanlmoisly carnled. COUNCIL COMMTTTEE FEPORTS CouncLlman R ooth 1, 2. Off-stneet Panklng plan as yet unden considenatlon by the cltlzens tOff-Stneet Pankln! commfttee. Negotlatlons pen$lng ulth the owner of a potontlal panking 1oton Bnoadway and rragr:na Avenues. Councllman Thayen 1 Attended last negulan meeting of the Publlc tlbnany Boar.d. ANNOUNCEI(ENTS UNFTNISHED BU SINESS 1 a PROPERTY ACQUIS I?ION AT DUMP STTE !{ayon Mongan announeed the following: 1. The-teague of Callfornla Cltles Annual Conferenee, Septemben 1B-2I,ln San Fnanelseo, ,at whleh tlme members of the cfly Cbu"cii- anaDepantment Heads rould be 18 attendanoe. A speclar inirrtatror, *ruextended to nembens of the 9lty-9q*issl.ons t; attend meetlngs of-spectal lntenest to them. The- city clenlf w_as *qr:e.t"a to sE nolrrythe membens of the several Commlssions of the Ci$y.- - ?-, the blnth of a son to Flne Chlef and Mrs. R. E. !{oonby onSeptemtrer 5 t L955. 3r {1nual Tnlck Blcycle Basebal} Eryq,- sponsoned by the Burlingame Ifue^Depar"tmelt, September 2), L959, it rrucrr time trre Haiif;oonpay Dgns Drll1 Tearn-wlLl entei.tain-.- The p"o"""or wlll be usedto ald ln the malntenanco of the membons of tne Auxillany finemenof Brs'11ngeme. The Chaln connrended FLneman uiirran stneinre-onhls tnalnlng of the Au,riltany Flnencen. hr Effectlvg lSntembe! 7, L955, all cltleg designated as oslxth crassncltles shall-hencefonlrr ue-[rnown as ooenenai"i;;, citres;- - -i ?he 91ty clenk nead a memorandum, dated september 6, t9SS, fr.om9lty Englnger Mannr reeommendlng trral_the Clty'aitonney negotlate wlththe eounsel fon the Burllngame Shone Land eomlanyr-f" tne i""prn*tio"of 1ege1 doeunents to consu$mate an onlglnal rg"l"il;t wheieui irr"-c,lty wourd neeetve rltle to appnoxrmateiy i+;;;;;-';| such ttme asthe entlne 7* aones is f 111ed^ Ly tfre Ci#. L --I 342- A commlrnleatlon, dated August 31, 1955, was nead fnom l,eonG. Seynanian, Genenal Cor:nse1, Bunl|ngame Shone Land Company, advlslng that the offered pnl.ce of $500.00 an acre by the Ctty tothe Bunltngame Shone Land Company ls not acceptable and that subsequent to the conveyance of the 3.5 aeres agreed !o, the valueof the nemalnden of the acneage, shal1 appnoxlmately S40r000.00. The foregolng communLeatlons were held fon conslderatlon bythe Councll as a whole. 2. TRAFFIC SIGNAL TNSTALLATIONS The Chaln advlsed that the lnsta1lat1on of tnafflc slgnalllghts at tho lnter.sectlons of Chapln Avenue and E1 CamLno Reel ana at Carrnellta Avenue ard EI Caralno Real ls expeeted to bc eompleted by Decemben l, L955. 5e IMPROVEMENTS TO RAY PARK PI.AYGROUND AREA ' flie City En6ilneer was requested to obtain an estlmate on the cost of-plaElng ttblacktoftt at the entnance, fnom the fenceto the curb, to the Ray Pank Playgnor:nd and theneaften to submit a necommendatlon to the Coune11. l+-FLAGS AND UNTTS CouncLlman Johnson moved that the Englneening Depantment be authonizod to pnepane the sldewalks fon the lnstallatlon of f1ag hol-der unlts, seeonded by CounelLman fhayen and unanl- mously oannled. Ihe Clty Englnee:r-Iss requested to have the pnoJeLt completed pnlon to United Natlons Day, 0ctoben 2[, ]-955. CHANGE OF COUNCIL MffiTING NIGIIT Councllman Rooth moved that the next negulan rneetlng of the City Councll be obanged fnom the 19th of Septemben, L955' to the 21st of Seplemben, 1955, to penmlt rnembens 'of the Councll to attend. the league of Ca]lfonnia Cllles Annual Conference. Iho motlon was sec6nded by Councllman Johrxon and unanlmously eannled. ADJOIJRNMENT fhe moetlng was negulanly gdjou::ned at 10!00 prlnr Rospeetfully submltted, HERBEBT K. WHITE CITT CLF K , L. B. MAYOR N