HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1953.05.184L BURLII{GAME . CALIFORNIA May 18, 1955. A regular meetlng of the Burllngame City Councll was held on the above given date. Meetlng called to onder at 8:OO P.M. - Mayor Si-monds ln the Chal.n. Ro11 Ca11: Present Councllnea: Atwater-Byr"d-Love-Morgan-Simond.s $bsent - Councllmen: None The mlnutes of the prevlous meetLng of May 4, L955, as submltted to membens of the Councll were unanlmously approved and adopted upon motlon of Councllman Atwater and seconded by Councllman tove. Blds, seheduled to be receLved on thls date, fon the nesurfactng of secondary stneets wlthln the City of Burllngame, yrere opened and ncad as followst notal Sperry & Mc0ue sb+ Pi caml.no Rea1. $ 171994.00 Ml11brae, Callfornla. Lowrle Paving Co., fnc. 1?55 Evans Avenue San Franclsco, Californla S lgrBz?.oo Mc0amon-lHunderlieh Co.,P. 0. Box 559 Palo AIto, Callfornla.S zorb6o.oo The Fay fmprovement Company 101 Carolina Stneet San franel-sco, CalLfornla $ rgr65?.go L. C. Smlth Company225 19th Avenue San Mateo, Caltfornla.$ l8rB?s.oo Frank Il. Smlth Box 726 San Mateo, Callfornla S 1?rBB5.oo Douglass & Woodhouse 1 Wlnslow Stneet, Redwood Clty, Cal1S rnia.S 19rB14.oo Bragato Pavlng Company 1650 01d County Road Belmont, Callforn1a.$ 19r886.oo BLd bonds accompanled above blds. The foregolng blds were nefenned to the City B:glneer. and to theClty Attorney fo:r perusal and necornmendatlon to the Councll prlorto the closo of ttre meeting. The r"egulan order of buslness was temporarlly dlspensed wlth tnorder to lntnoduce and. weLcome two vLsitons f?om Gemrany, tourlngthe Unlted States to study the role of the eltlzen in the form-ulatlon of publlc pollcy ln LocaL government. Mayor" Simonds lntro-duced fT.nst, Dr. Albert Wlld, County Councllon of Heldenheim, vtrhospoke of hls pleasure 1n belng pemrltted to vislt the Unlted States. Max l{ufschmLdt, Buerge:rmelsten of Malnz-EeLsenau, was next lntro- duced and through his lnterpneten, Dr. Hugo Koehler, Pnofe'ssot3Emenltus, spoke a few appnopnlate words. the regulan onder of buslness was resumed wlth the Clty Clerk read-lng a letten dated May 15, 1955, fnom the Clvl1 Servlce Commlsslon,submittlng the followlng eltglble llsts: L2 -I- hd Tree Trlmmer: 1. Dodge C. Pardee2. Hubert Mahan Servlce Man - lst Class 1. EFank J. Donnelly2. Charles E. Engle A letter dated May 15, 1953, was rlng penmi.sslon to extend a drivewadltlonal fifteen feet, to eliminat J-222 Oak Grove Ave., Burlingane 22'7 E1m Street, San Mateo 111 Hlghland Avenue, Burlingame 562 Mllitary Tfay, San Mateo f?om Wl1llam J. Bourne, nequest-t 85 California Drlve to an ad- hardshlp ln galnlng access to Service Man 1. Chanles E. Engle Utl11ty Man 562 Mtlitary Way, San Mateo ll$esley D. Coke Edward L. Kerrlgan 1129 EL Camino Rea1, Burllng*re 9OI Bunlingame Avenue, Burltngame The foregolng lists were unanimously accepted as submltted by theClvl1 Service Cornmlsslon upon motlon of Councilman Atwater and second- ed by Councilman Mongan. A letten dated May 15, 1953, was read fbom G. J. Marr, Director of Pub1lc Works, submitttng the resignatlon of L,lr. T{ayne Mornow, employ- ed as a Utillty Man ln the Street Depantment the nesl-gnation to beeffective May 21, 1953. Councllman Bynd moved that the neslgnatlon be accepted and a Letter dLrectod to Mn. Morrow commending hlm on hl-s years of servlce to the Clty of Burllngame, seconded by CounclLnran Love and unanimously carrled. A letter dated May 15, 1955, was::ead fbom G. J. Marr, Director ofPublic lUorks, requesting that an appointment for ttre positlon of a Tree Trimmer ln the Park Dopartment be made, to be effective June 1,1955. Councllman Love moved that No. L, on the ellglble 11st, DodgeC. Pardee, be appolnted to the posltlon as requested, effeetlve June1, 1953 and subject to the requlrements as contalned in the Civll Service Rules and Regulatlons. A letter dated May 15, 1955, was read f?om Dfu"eetor of Pub11c Works Marr, requestlng the appolntment of (1) Water Servlce Man, lst Class and. (2) Water Service Man. CouncLlman Morgan moved that No. 1 on theellgib1e 1lst, Flank J. Dorurelly, be appointed to the posLtlon of Water ServJ"ce Man, lst Clttss, effectlve June 1, 1955, and tat theprovlslons of the Clvll Service Br.iles and Regulatlons be complledwlth, seconded. by Councllman Atwater and unanimously carrled, Coun- e11man Byrd moved that Chas. E. Engle, No. 1 on the e11g1bLe 1ist for Waten ServLce Man, be appointed to that posltlon, effectLve June 1, 1955, and subject to Clvl1 Servlce Rules and Regulatlons, seconded by Counclldan Morgan and unanlmously carrled. A letter dated May 15, 1955, lvas nead from trtLsey & Co. requesttngthe resubdlvlslon of Lots 5 and 6, Block 8, Burlingame Gardens, owned by lvlrs. Carl Sch1euse, 9O'l Larkspur Drive. The letter was referuedto the Clty Plannlng Commlssion. A letter dated, May L4, 1955, was read Jbom the Burlingame City Plan-ning Comnlssion, advislng that a request J?om the finm of Pratt & Mitche11, for permisslon to subdivide Lots I and 2, Block 1, Burlln- garne Park No. 3, has been glven consideration by the Com,isslon andlt was reeommended that the subdLvlslon be gtranted. Councilhan At-water moved that a publie Councll hearlng on the subJect be held at the next regular meeting of the Council on June 1, 1955, seconded by Councilman Love and unanimously carnied. A letter dated May !4, 1955, was nead f?om l\[rs. C. L. Deze11, 1251 Capuchino Avenue, requestlng perm5-ssion to use the prem5-ses as a DayNursery. The subJect was referred to the tr'lre Department, the Bulld-lng lnspector and to the Health Department fo:r lnvestlgatlon, and a hearing was scheduled for the reg5ulan meetlng of the City Councll on June 1, 1953, to trean oppositlon, if any, on theuse of the property as a Nursery. a1 2 eadyaea r 43 hls buslness at the rear of a lot at 99 Cal-lforztla Drlve. Questlon- ed by the Councl1, Ctty Englneer Marr advlsed that the pnoperty ls ln a commer"clal area and aecordlng to existing ordlnance regulations a varlance ls requlred. The subject therefore uas referred to the Clty Planning CommlssLon. it letter d.ated May 15, 1953, was read f?om the Standard.011 Compeol requesting that a per"nrit be Lssued to replace four underground gas- ollne stonage tanks wlth four 2r5OO ga11on unde::ground tanks at Servlce Statlon.No. 5199 at the corner of Howard and Prlmrose Avenues. A letter dated May 15, 1953, was also nead f?om the Bureau of FIre Prevention and Publlc Safety, r:ecommending that a permit as requested above be issued. Cor:ncllman Byrd moved. that the recommendation be a.ccepted and a permlt be granted, seconded by Councllman Love. Speaking on the questS-on, Councllman Byrd suggested that the Councll glve consldenation to (1) the adoptLon of a po1lcy to ellmlnate the procedure now being followed in grantlng permlts to o11 companles, and (2) the nevlslon of ordinance requLrements to establlsh a uniform storage capaci.ty throughout the city. Mayor Slmonds requested the Clty Attonney, the Clty &rglneer and the Fire Chlef to confer and study the proposals as suggested by Councl]man Byrd. A letter dated May 15, 1953, \ilas read from the Burllngame Chamben of Commence, erpressing appreclatlon to the Counci-I Ln provldlng new fenclng and nesurfaclng to the Washlngton Park Tennis Cor:rts, The CIOfk was lnstnucted to aeknowledge the letter. Letters were read f?om Howard G. Dodge, Manager of the USLTA JunLor IIand. Court Champlonshlps, and Herbert H. Lauder, President of the Peninsula Tennis C1ub, expresslng appreciatlon for the lmprovements to the tennls courts. [he Clty Clenk was l-nstructed to acknowledge both communications. A letter dated May 5, 1955, was read from Mrs. R. J. Costa, 711 Bayswaten Avenue, u::glng consi.deration 1n the eonstruction of a \ Munlclpal Pool. Mrs. Costa, in attendance, addressed the CttyCouncil, and offened her servlces ln establlshlng the fact that a Municlpal Pool 1s needed. Mayor Slmonds appol-nted Councilman Byrd,orlginator of the proposal to construct a poo1, to meet wlth Mrs. Costa and other lntenested groups to determlne ways and means to pnovlde for a Municipal Poo1. A letter dated May IB, 1955, was read from E. G. Steln, Houslng $anltarLan, advislng that a comblned fire, structunal, housing and sani-tary lnspection has been made of the prenises loeated at 1551 Balboa Avenue, ovrned by ltlrs. Marguerlte Tooker-Powel1 and many vlo-lations noted. ltre Councll was advlsed that an offlcl-al AbatementNotlce, giving thlnty d.ays ln whlch to coruect vtolAtions had been forwar"ded to l\[rs. Tooken-Powel1 on ttre l8th of May, 1955. The CltyClerk was lnstrueted to place the subJect fo:r Counell attentlon onthe Councll agenda for the meetlng of June 15, 1955. The Clerk wasrequested to place the subJect relatlve to the E1let propenty onLorton Avenue, also on the Agenda for the meetlng of June 15. An rAgneement to Grant Easementtr submLtted by Joe E. and WL1ma E.Schoales, was read. Councllman Love lntroduced and moved th.e pass- age of Resolutlon No. 31-55, rrAeceptlng Promi,le of Joe E. Schoales and lYl1ma E. Schoales to Create and Gnant an Easement for fngressand Egress Oven the Rear Ten Feet of Lot 15, Block 5, Burlingame Grove, As Per Map Filed ln Book B of tr{rys at Page fhlrtyr, secondedby Counellman Atwaten and adopted unanimously on ro11 caII. Pnloir to the lntroductlon of Resolution No. 32-53, trfir. Arthun J.Barnett, {o:, attorney, representing propenty owners ln the BroadwayIndustrlal Anea, pnesented an amended petltlon prevlously flIed forthe constructlon of lmprovements by special assessment, to lncludein panagraph 2 of ttre onlginal petltlon, a provlsion for the improve-ment of Ro1llns Road f?om Broadway to the Grove Avenue Creek, and theacqulsltlon of such land as is necessary so that Rollins Road shal1be sixty feet ln wldth. Mr. Barnett advlsed that more than slxtypercent of the property owners ln the area have attached theln sig-natures to the amended petition. Councilman Morgan moved that theamendment to the petltion be accepted, second.ed by Councl}iran Bynd 44 and u3anlmously carrled. Councilman Mongan introduced and moved thepassage of Resolution No. 32-53 - ItResolutlon of Tntention to Con-struct fmpnovements on Rollins Road llrom Broadway to G?ove Avenue Creek and to Acquire and fmprove Marsten Road f?om Rollins Road to Grove Avenue Creekr, seconded by Councllman Byrd and adopted rnarr-lmously upon ro11 call of members. Resolution No. 55-55 ItAppointing Englneer and Fixlng Compensationr,in connection wlth ttre lmprovement of Ro11lns Road and roads to beacgulred was lntroduced by Councilman Byrd who moved lts passage, seconded by Councllman Love and adopted unanlmously upon roll- callof members. Councllman Atwater moved that Joseph J. Phil11ps, appraLser, benotifled that the Council desires tJ:at if avalIable, that he nego-late for the acquisitlon of necessary property to proceed wlth the improvement work proposed ln the Broadway Industrial Area. The.motlon was seconded by Councilman Byrd and unanimously earried. Reports f?om the Librd?Tt the Elre Department, the 3olice Department,and the Department of Publlc lfiIorks for the month of Aprll, 1953, wereread, acknowledged and ordered flIed. A letter dated May 15, L955, was read from E. R. Stallings, County Manager, requestlng that the Mayors and member"s of the Clty Councllsof the various clties ln the county to meet wlth the Board of Super-visors, wednesdqy, May 20, 1953, at ttre counthouse, 2z3o P.M. toagain conslder (1) Flood contnol; (2) Unlform ordlnance relative tofood establlshments and (3) A Unifled effort to obtaLn reduced water'rates flom the Clty and County of San Fbanclsco, Mayor SLmonds ap-pointed Councllman Byrd and Cormcilman Atwaten to attend and to nep-resent the City Cor-rrcL1 of the City of Burlingame. A letter" dated May 18, 1955, was read. flom Ftre Chief LeLs, ad.vlsingthat the week-of May 24 through May 5O has been deslgnated nArrrrual Clean-up Week" for Br.rrlingame. The comnunlcation re{uests author-lzatlon to (1) hang banrers and flags in the business distrlct an-nounclng the DrLve and (2) that the il[ater Department Office addressenvelopes to be sent to all householders. Questloned. by the Councll,Clty Engineer Manr advlsed that due to a manpower shortlge, only theequLpment Lf availabler Bay be used. Followlng a dlscusslon on- thesubjectr_the Council granted authorization to the requests speelfledand the Fire Chlef was lnstnucted to notlf}r the householders ln anappropniately worded communlcatlon the pnocedure to be followed thisyear. City Engineer Manr and City Attorney Karmel recormended that the bldof F?ank $I. Smlth, for the resurfaclng of secondany stneets wlthlnthe clty o! Burlingane, be aceepted Ln the amount or $lzrgga. coun-ellman Py"d lntroduced and moved the passage of Resolutlon No. 34-A3trAccepting t!e Bid of Fbank W. Smitlr for t[e nesurfaclng of portlonsof Crescent Avenue, De Soto Avenue, Benito Avenue, Castillo ATenue,Montero Avenue, Columbus..Avenue, Carlos Avenue, Hale Drlve and poppyDri.ve, Ln the amqun! of $1ZrBB3, and Autho::tzing the Mayor to SxeeirteA Contract Thenelorn, seconded by Courrcilman Loie and aitopted unan-imously upon ro11 call of members. A letter dated Y"y-18, 1955, was read fuom the central. pump company,requestll8 perml-ssion to lnsta11 a storage tank at the E ana W Unlirn0i1 Servlce Statlon at Humboldt and Bayshone Blvd. and. neferred tothe F5.::e Department for recommendation. A letten dated May_15, 1953, wag nead f?om the Noble company, sub-mitting copies of drawings pertLnent to the proposed translt-mixconcrete p1ant, an appllcation for the eonstnuction of whlch is nowunden consideration by the Ctty Planning Corumlsslon. fhere belng noobjections, the complete set of plans and speciflcations as submlttedby the Noble Company were recelved and referred to ttre membens of thePJ-annlng Commission commlttee cunrently stud.ylng the applicatlon forthe pnoposed constructlon of a concrete mlx plant, wlth instructionsthat a report on thein findlngs be submltted- to the City Councl1. Mayo:r Slmonds stated that he ls in receipt of a somnunication fbomttre teague of Californla CltLes, advlsing that an attempt is belng 45 inade to deprlve 1ocal governments of thelr" home rule taxlng powers by pnoposing leglslature to provl-d.e for a t/Z pencent lncreaso lnthe state sales tax. Councllman Byrd moved that the Councll go on record opposing the proposed leSlslation and that s.n appropnlate com- municatlon be forwanded to AssemblJnnan Danlel Creedon, seconded by Corurcllman Love and unanlmously carcled. The Clty Clerk was lnstnrcted. to advLse the Burllngame Munlcipal Em- ployees I AssocLatlon that the Councll will presently consider depart- mental budget requests for the comlng yean and a meetlng w111 be seheduled ln the nean future wlth representatl-ves of the employeesto d,iscuss ttr.elr salary lncrease requests. Councllman Byrd. moved that the Clty Clerk be lnstrueted to ad.ver-tlse fon bLds for the sale of clty-owned Lots as fol-lows: (1) fotL2, (2) Lot 15, or (5) Lots LZ and 15, Block 56, Easton Subdlvlsionand to s chedule ttre openlng of the blds for the regl lan meetlng of June 15, 1955, the motlon was seconded by Councilman tove and unan-lmously ca::ried. Clai-ms Nos, 3644 to 3759 incluslve, duly audlted, in the amount of S54r068.24, were authorlzed d.nawn on the city treasury fon their re-spective amou.ntsr oil motlon of Cor:ncllman Love, second.ed by Councll- man Atwater and unanlmously carrled. Mr. James H. Himmel, Vlce-Presldent of the Burlingame Civl1 Welfare League, questloned the Council nelatLve to the fbtr:re development ofclty property north of the lndustrial area and suggested that unLformgrade llnes be establlshed prlor to development ln the area. Mayor Slmonds advLsed that the subJect w111 be dlscussed wlttr both membersof the Councll and those of the Plannlng Commlsslon, !!ere belng no furthen buslness, the meetlng was adjounned at11:45 P. M. Respectfully submltted HERBERT K. $IHTTE CTTY CI,EBI( A}PROVED: J u. s. grMoNDS, JR., [,IAYOR (I d