HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1952.01.21f 3+2 Bu::15.nqame, Ca1ifo::nia January 21, L952 A relular meetinq of the City Council was held date. lieetin'r cal-1ed to order at B:15 p.m. - Li Chair. on ay the above gLven or Atwater ln thd Ro1I CaI1:Present - Councilmen: Atwater-B Absent - CouncLlmen: Nono yrd-Hunt- Love -S imonds The minutes of the reqular moe tinfl of Jarnlary 7t !952t as submltted to memberg- of the City Council and as posted on the Bulletin Board in the City Ha11, were unanimous 1y appr"oved as submLtted on motLon of Councilfran Love and seconded uy Councthran Simonds. The nrlrnrtes of tbe spec5.aL meeting of January' Lzt !952, as submltted to members and as poited, were uninimous Iy approved on motion of Councilman Love and seconded by Councllman Hunt. Bids for lnsurance coverafe fon the City of Burllngamo r scheduled for openl.ng at thls tlme, wero read as follows: Burli ame-San illateo Insurance Ag ents Ass ociation The Nevu Zealand Insurance Co. Ltd. ceneral Liabilit o nti ri ts:Each Persontt Ac cldent i .1,i Lo oa Prooertv Damafle .L].m1tS : Automobiles bqq].-+J_l--4lgIJ Llmi ts -lrplerlx-s-sue&eLimlts: Each PersonIt Accidont Each Accldent i) so,ooo.oo 20o, oo0.00 1O0, O00. 00 ) 30o, oo0. oo ) 10,OOO. OO 25, 00o. o0 oo. oo oo.00 10o, ooo. oo ) 3OO, O0O. OO ) 10, ooo.00 25, O00. O0 Dlsct.yer GaJ-. .o1 751.75 790.98 1857.50 1899.08 1046.'t2 1141.88 ll tl 5or 0 2O0, O ) ) Each Person Acci-dent Eactr Porsontr Accident trb.r'mers Insurance Gr Llmlts of IiabilltyTotal pneniun - 50-200-l-o One yea:: Councllman Slmonds moved that the fo::egolng proposals be referred to the Purchasing Agent and to ttre City Attorney for s tudy and recomrenda- tlon to the Clty Counc11, seconded by Councllman Hunt and unan'l mous ly canr'led. Lrlmlts of liability 10O-5Oe-25 Total p::emium - One year ( 21 Bids f o:: gas oline February 1, 1952 as follorvs: Tide Water EiE-s-_t_"3-Qr.I.-c.s1p-.qp-y_ Gasollne Posted Base Priceexc. FeEegul-ar -S-Jg- Ethyl .21 4937.66 55s5.39 for ttle twelve month pe::iod., beginnlngto January 31, 1953, were opened and reaal rls Price $.18 (Max) .20 200 to 399 gaIs.ti 199 ga1s. Add-$.oo5 per gaI.tt .O1 r n 40 Bu Each Persontr Accident =F-l-r_ She1l ol-1 C o_mp-qnf, GasoLlne Posted Base Prlce exc. Fed. Tax 11 n r-l.f 1l.l Buyer I s Price .176 (lr1ax) .196 .18 (Today I s ) .205to 199 add {j.OI Dls ct. F6F-dAr. Regular $.19Ethvl .21 2oo73gg qa1s. add less than 4O ga1s. $.01 $. re (l{ax) .0125 11975per g,a1; 4oh99 add I.oy' .raI. 4. Oy' recular 4.5y' pren ::n .5y' add Seaslde Oil C ompany Regular Ethyl Unaon Ul- I \, Onpany .19 .24 n'1 L . o14 Regula:r Ethyl Adil {i.oo5 per .o1 .o1 zoo/399 .:a1; 40 .19 .215 q€!1. Relular .19Ethyl .21 Pnices are not ma:iimum ''I O .2L Jos. L. Castor Co.*[nid?i=aEaE)-- Ee,Iular .19 . O21 . 169Ethly .21 .O21 .189 Prlces basod on delivery of 400; not maxirnum prices Add Iy' per" gaI fYom 40 to 199 sals; l/zy' per ga1. for 20O to 599 qa1s. The bids were referred to the Purchaslng Agent and to the City Attorney fo:: review and a reconmendatlon to be submLtted at the speclal meeting of the City Councll January 23, i-952. A letter dated January 9, 1952, vras read f:r om the Burl5-ngame ?Iar:llqq Comnlsslon, advising that a petitlon to rezone a portl-on of BunJ-lngane Terrace Subdivislon from rrfirsttr to trsecondrr resl,dentlaL zone, had been subnitted to the Planning CotnnlssLon and punsuant to a publlc hearing, the petition was tabled for study and further consideration. '.fhe cormrunication was filedfor ffrture reference. A letter dated Januar.y 14, 1952, was read fron the Board of Fire Commlssloners, certifylng that the Fire Departltent Rules and .rie:ulations as previously submitted, have been approved by theCivil Service Commission. Action by the Councll on the final approval of the Rules and Requlatlons, was delayed. rintil a further revlew was made by the entlre Council. A letter. clated. Janua ry !4, 1952, was nead fnoi, the llecreation Coi::nission requ.esting that au,thorization be rranted to SuperLntendent of Recreation, E. L. Li'rcoln, to attend the Califor;1ia Ilecreation conferenee to be held. in lresno, Feb rua:"y 19 throu.:h the 22nd. Counci1 Byrd r;roved concurr,ence vri th the recorrunendation and that Superintendent Lincoln be sranted per- mission to attend the Conference, vith an expense aLl-ovrance in an amount not to exceed ,$75.00. The notion was seconded by Councilnan Ilunt and unanimous 1y carrl-od. A letter dated Janua:ry 18, 1952, was xead llorn the Bur1in.;ame iiu.nicipal Eraployees t Association, advising that the nembershlp had voted to- enclorse a proposed p1an, introduced by the members of the police ancl Fire Departments of the AssocLation to roduce ihe current s5.x'day week to a five-day week for ?ollce and a rJdu-ctlon in hours for Firenen lrorn 6? to 60 hours per rveek and requestinX Councll conslderation in the qranting of the - fi;p;;;i:- -iil; ;;bi""t was hetd f or stucly and rurrher coilsideration. Richjtlel4 011 Conpany 344 A letter dated January 11, 1952, was read from ltirs. llarie Conrbs, L525 Callfornla Drlve, citing s nenace in con:coction with an open dLtch along the southsLde of the above premises, and nequestlng that the City take such action to alleviate the conditlon. The subject was referned to the City Engineer. City Engineer l{anr advised thet cLty cr.ews will be notlfied to conduct a close patrol to see that debrls does not collect in the c::eek bed. The City Attorney advisedthat 1ega11y the Clty can not enter prLvate propor.ty to eonstruct a ba::rler. The City'Clerlc was lnstrrtcted to acknor''rledge the letter. A letter dated January 16, 1952, was read fborn Walte:" 1I,1. CrLbblns, a representatlve of the Park-Ad Conpany, submitting a proposal rvhereby the Park-Ad Company will install a b::acket devise clamped onto pa::klng meter.s with 6rr x Bn ads fastened to the bracket. Theletter advlsed that the Ctty vrilJ. not be ca11ed upon to make an lnves tment, 'but that the Park-Ad Company, through the sale ofadvertislng, vrilJ- pay the ciby 2Ul of the gross receipts collected each month. I1r. Cribbins, in attendance at the meetlng, ad.d::es- sed the CouncLl submi.tting further lnforrnatlon on the proposed advertising 'p1an and'infbrmlng the members that it ls estimatedthat the clty should collect S8,OOO.O0 or rilore each year. lhe subJect was held for f\rrth.en s tu-dy. A letter dated January 7-4, 1952, was read from Kenneth Deedlerof the Burll.ngame and San lrrlateo Brldge C1ubs, compllmentlngSuperlntendent of Recreation, E. L. Llncoln, for his coopenatLon and assLstance in providing rec::eatLon programs for children aswell as fo:: adults. The Clerk was lnstrrcted to acknowledge theLetter and that Superi-ntendent Lincoln be notifl-ed of the recolptof the letter of appreciation. A letter dated January 11, 1952, rvas r.ead fYom Herman G. I'e1son, 1249 Balboa Avenue, conce::n5.ng the application of the Lowr'1e Pavlng Company to constnrct an asphalt plant on the Bayshore Boulevard 1n the Clty of Burllrganre and requestlng that the Council does not grant permisslon for such construction of an indus trialplant wlthin the confines of th.e City of Bu::1lngame. The Clty Clerk was Lnstructed to aelcirowledge recelpt of the letter and to enclosoa copy of the Cltyt" ordl"nance pertalnlr4S to the subJect. Repo::ts for the nonth of December, 1951, rlere read flom theBurllngane Fi.re Depa::tment, the Police Department, the City Jud.ge,the Library and the Department of Publlc Wonks and ordered flIed. 4_ copy of a wire, dated January 14, 1952, addresi(ent Atwater was reacl f?om the- San lilateo Countyquarters, adv5.sing that the Red Cross is prepare emergency food, sheltor and clothin; ln a case o Idayon Atwater i-n behalf of the Council, expressef6:: receipt of the wLre. r sed t Red Cdtofand app o Itiayor II.ross rleadl provide emerqency. reclatLon C ouncj,lman Love reported that a commlttee has the subJect of theerection of Service Club Signs st111 under consLderation. llayor Atwater announced that a meeting hatl been held wtth repre-sentatives of ttre Chamber of Cormrerce on the progran of beautifyingthe entnance to Burlingame at B::oadway and the Bayshone Servl.c6road. The City Cler.k read a letter llom John H. Dore, ovmer ofp::ope::ty ln that vlclnlty, ln vhL ch the ormer agreed to coope:rateby removlng unslghtly fences and bulLdings and to plant treos asdl::ected by the Council. I.'or the bcnefj-t of tl lose in attenciance, lla.yor /'tv'rater stated thatthe investl;ating conrnllttee on the proposed constrt',.ction of an\ asphalt plant in the CiW, has been actlve and a f\rttrer meeting' was to be held luesday evenlng. cjuesti-oned by the I'iayor on the s tatr.r.s _of trre proposed r.ri d.eningof Chapin Avenue, the City Attorney ad.vised U:at- the Tit1ecompany has subnrr-tted the necessar-y tltle reports. The next step, l?:_Ali":::y advised, r.roul.d be for the Cour:cil to adopt a liesolu_rr-on o-L' lntention' lyi1i ch resohrtion si-rouId clearly splcify thecharacter of flre improver:ient ;; ;;-;;;". I Councllnan Love moved that the Clty Treasurer be authorl"zed to honor warrants for clalus Nos. 158? to 17lI inclusive, ln the amount of .fi31r272.66, whlch clair.rs have been duly audited and epproved fon payment. The motlon was seconded by Councl-1man Hunt and'unanlmously camied. S tudents lY om ttre San li{ateo Junior College lvere introduced and welcomed by the li{ayor. }MRBERT K. IITI]TEClty Clerk Approved: 345 IUrs. Oscar Thaye:r, promlnent in garden cl"ubs I actlvlties, addres- sed. the Councii, entering a p:rotest on the request of the Park-Ad C ompany to place advertlslng dlsplays on Parking Meters wlthin the Ctty of Burllngame. George McQueen of the Burllngame Advance, also entered a protest on the same subJect. ilins. Henry Boos suggested tha t while the Council is conslderlng the matter,putttctty be given notifylng tl. e residents of the proposal' offered the Clty by the Park-Ad Company. There being no f\rr ttrer business, Councilman ilunt noved that the raee ting adjourn to meet lvednesday evening, Janu.ary 23, at I p.m.r secondeci by Councilman Love and u.nanimous ly earried. Respectfully subriritted, rt4,-^ H. ]EI]'I AT I,[ayo]3