HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1953.05.0437 Burlingame - California May 4, 1953 A'regular meetlng of the Btrrllngame Clty Councll ruas held on the above given date. Meetlng ca11ed to onden at 8:OO p.m. Mayor Simondsin the Chalr. Ro1l CaII: Present - Cor:ncilmen: Atwater-Byrd-Love-Morgan-Slmond.s Abs ent Counci.lmen: None The mlnutes of the r"eg.rlar meetlng of Aprll 20, 1955, as submittedto members of the Counell were unanlmously approved and. ad.opted on motion of Councllman Atwaten and seconded by Councllman Love. The minutes of the special consent meetlng of Aprl1 25, 1955' as submltted to member:s of the Councll were appnoved and adopted on motion of Councilman Byrd, seconded by Councilman Atwaten, with one eoryectlon noted. Bids for the resu::facing of po:rtlons of Burllngame Avenue, Howard Avenue, Bellerme Avenue, Dwlglrt Road, Park Road, Halston Avenue and Pnlmrose Road, scheduled to be recelved on this date, were opened and read as follows Total Douglass & Woodhouse 1 Winslow St., Redwood Ctty. ...... o..........$ 3'7 r579.5O -."! Fay lmprovement CompanylOi Carolina Street, San Francisco. . . .. . r .. ..$ L. C. Snith Company225 19th A\tenue, San Mateo .r....o..........$ Bragato Paving Company 1650 01d. County Road,, Belmont, ....r..........$ Lowrj-e Pavi-ng Company 1?55 Evars Avenue, San FbHncisco... .....S F?ank W. Smittr CompanyP. 0. Box 726r Sarr I'{ateo.... t ................S Bid bonds aceompanled above bids. 46r598.27 441567.O4 45r 541* OO 43 1239 .2O 42 r'l50.5O The foregoing bids were referred to ttre City Enpneer arrd to theCity Attorney for study and recommendation of award to be submittedprlor.to the elose of the meeting. A letter dated May 1, 1953, was read from Di-reetor of Publlc Works Ma::r, submittlng a copy of plans and speclflcatlons for the resr:rf- acLng of portlons'of the followlng secondary streets wlthln the Clty: Crescent Avenue De Soto Avenue Benito AvenueCastillo Avenue Monter:o Avenue Carlos Avenue Coh;inbus Avenue Hale Drlve F.oppy Drlve Barrlolhet to Ralston Avenue El1lside Drlve to Hale Drlve Hillslde Drive to Adeline Drlve Hillslde Drive-Hale Drlve Hlllslde Drlve to Hale Dnlve Hillslde Drlve to Hale Drive H1llstde Drive to Adellne Drive Benito Avenue to Vancouver Avenue Adellne Drive to Vaneouver The communlcation advlsed that $2OrOOO. has been budgeted fcr" the fonegolng project. Councilman Atwater" moved that the Dlrector of Public filorks be author'lzed to advertise for the projeet and that bids be opened at tJ:e regular meeting of May 18, 1955. TLre motion was second.ed by Councllman Byrd and rmanlmously carrled. A letter dated May 1, 1953, was read from G. J. Maru, Dlrector ofPublic Works, advlslng that IuIr. Ba1ph K. Read has lndlcated that hedoes not wish to accept the posltlon of gardener-eeuipment operato:r and 1t was requested that an ellglble 11st be established for the above classiflcation to f111 an exlstlng vacancy ln the Park Depart- 38 ment. Councilman Morgan moved that the Clvll Service Commlsslon beinstructed to prepare an examination to establlsh an eIlglble listas requested, seconded by Councilman Byrd and unanlmously carrled. A letter dated May 1, 1955, was read f?om G. J. Ma::r, Director ofPublic l4iorks, requesttng permission to expend the amount of $2rOOO. 'in the present flscal year budget fon the grading, surfaclng anddralning the Hil1s Reservoln Access Road. Councllmirn Bfrd moved con- currence 1n the request arrd tt.e City Engineer was authorized to pre- pare and advertlse for bids, seconded. by Councl}nan Morgan and unan- imously carried. A letter dated April 29, 1953, was nead from DLrector of hrbllc Works Marr, advislng that Mr. Adolph Po}lak, employed as Serviceman-lst class, in the llrater Department, has submitted hls reslgnatlon and retirement, to become effectlve Aprll 50, 1955. The communL-catlon requested that an eligtble llst for the above classlflcation be established to ftII the existing vacaney. CounclLman Byrd movedthat t2-e resignation be accepted, seconded by Councllman Morgan and unanimously carried. Councilman Byrd moved fUrther that a letter of commendation, signed by each member of the Councj-1, be communicatedto Mr. Po}lak, seconded by Councilman Love and unanlmously cannled. Councilman Love moved that the Civ11 Service Cornmlssion be instructedto establlsh an ellgible lis t for the posltion of lYater Serviceman,lst classr &s recommended byttre DLrector of Public Works, secondedby CounciLman Atwater and unanlmously carried. A letter dated l\[ay 1, 1953, was read. from R. C. Theuen, Chlef ofPolice, r6questing permisslon to attend the Californla State Peaceofflcers confenence in the clty of san Jose, from May 11 to May 14,inclusive. The communi.catlon advlsed that the date for the forth- coming Coirference has been advanced from the month of October tothat of the month of May. Mayon Slmonds stated that as the a1lo-cation for CIonfe::ence expense was not ln the current budget, ChiefTheuer ha$ expressbd his wi1ll-ngness to attend the May Conferenceat his-own expense. There being no obJection, permlssion was grant-ed to Chief Theuen. A letter dated Aprll 27, 1953, was read from Stevenson Paclfic Com- Pan}r ::equesting permls sion to remove a sma1l 280 gallon underg::oundstonage tank and tb install a 2rO00 gaIlon tank at'-a service statlonon the southeast corner of Californla Drlve and Bayswater .Avenue. Aletter dated. Aprl1 3O, 1955, was also read fnom the Burlingarire FLne Department advising that an iirspdetion of the locatlon has been'madeand all provisLons of the Flre Pi:eventlon Code have been complLedwith and 1t was recommended that approval be glven to the granting ofa permit. Councilman Love moved concurrence in the recommendation and the $tevenson Paclfle Company srere gnanted permission to lnsta}la storage tank as nequested, seconded by Councilman Morgan and. unan-lmously carried. The Clty Clerk was instructed to so nottfy the Stevenson Pacifle Company. A letter dated April 21, 1955, was read from Roy 1[I. seagnaves, pres- ident of the Interclub Councll of Burli-ngaure Improvement C1ubs, sub-mlttlng a copy of a transcript of action taken by the fnterclub Coun-clI relatlve to appllcations reeelved by the Planning CoromLsslon forpnoposed concrete mlx plants and materlals yards together wlth F€colt-mend.ations for the f\rtr:re planning of the clty. Tkre communicatlon andsubJect matter were referred to the Planning Commisslon for its cor1-sideration and study in the current hearlngs on the recodlfication ofthe zoning ordlnanees of the elty. The City Clenk was lnstructed toadvise Mr, Seagraves of the actlon taken by_ the Council. A letter dated April 10, 1955, was read from C. G. Illrlenberg & Co.erequesting a renerual of the engagement to examine the books and. ac-eounts of the Clty for the year ending June 50, 1955. Thene belngno objections, the communlcation was recelved and plaeed on fl1e iorconsideration at the approprlate time. A letter dated April 29,1953, was read from 0. S. Breyfogle, Advisorof the Explorer Post #1..57, Boy scouts of America, in response to aCouncil request as to the Sea Scouts lntentlon relative to curb paint-ing. The Council were advised that the assigned terrltory for the pro- Ject.was descrlbed as (t) Broad.way, north, to lnclude all of Ray Park, and. (2) Skyllne Bou1evar.d., east, to Caliiornia Drive. A simil-ar re- quest submitted. at a previ-ous Council meeting by James Muzzy and Dave 39 \flheelwnigfrt was also read. Councllman Love moved'that the Explorer Troop of Boy Seouts be permitted to proceed wlth thel:: projeet lnthe area so designated in thein request, seconded by Councllman Byrd and unanimously carrled. Councilman Morgar moved that James Maazy "and Dave Wheelvr,right be granted permlssion to proceed'with a similer: program wlth the exception of the area desi-gnated for the Explorer Troop, seconded by Councllman Atwater and unani.mously carrled. A letter dated. April 2'1 , 1955, was read f?om Lt. CoI.'H. H. Co11ins, reo.u-estlng that a proclamatlon be lssued deslgnating Saturday, May16, 1955, as Armed Forces Day and extendLng an lnvltation to thepubllc to attend the nOpen Houser at either the Presidio of San Fran-cisco or at Moffett Fleld. Mayon Simonds stated that he wotild issue appropri.ate statements to the newspapers publiclzing the event forthe benefit of the pubIlc. A letter dated Ap:ri1 28, 1955, was re&d from M. A. Grant, County En-gineer and Road Commissioner, advlslng that subsequent to a Council r:equest, the Road Department wil-I loan 1ts clam shell equlpment ona trlal basls, for use on the Burlingame FilI at such tlme as thectty nay require lts operation, providlng the clty will bear the op-eratlng cost ammounting to $50.00 per day. Mayor Simonds statedthat he has requested Councilman Byrd to continue the program for improved condltlons at ttr.e FilI, lnstltuted d.urlng hls term as Mayor.Councilman Morgan thereupon moved that Councllman Byrd be auttrorlzedto pursue tLre matten and submit reports to the members of the Councllon the f\rture development of the projeet, The motlon was seconded by Councilman Love and unanimously carried. A letter dated April 30, l-953, was read {?om Don Helbush, Chalrmanof Soci.al and Cornnunlty lYelfare of the San Mateo Elks Lodge #aAtZ,extendlng a:: invitation to the members of the Councll to attend the Annua1 Mothers t Day ?nogram to be held Sunday, May 1O, 1985, fbom1:oo p.il1. to 2:00 p.Br., &t the crystar sprlngs Home fcr the Aged.The City Clerk was lnstructed to aeknowledge the communlcation wlththanks and to assure the members of the Elks Lodge that as many ofthe members of the Councll as possible would attend. A letter dated May 1, 1955, was read from J. A. Bransono formerBurlin*game Munlclpal Judge, expresslng hls appreeiatlon for thetr"ibute paid to him by" members of the-Counc11 at the recent Commun- f_ty Dinnen. The letten was recelved, placed on fLle and the CltyClerk lnstr.ucted to acknowledge its reteipt, {lyot Simonds caI}ed upon Clty Englneer Marr for a r eport on hlsfindin5gs ln eonnection with the bids for the resurfactng of maJorcity streets.- -City Engineer l$arn advised ttrat it was t[e City"At-to-rneyts and h1s necommendation that the bld submltted by the"firmof Douglass & woodhouse, ln the amount od $5zrs?g.so, th; low bidder,be accepted. Councilman Byrd moved that tkie 0ounc11-concur in therecommendatlon and lntroduced fon passage, Resolutlon No. z4-s3,accepttng the btd flom Douglass & woodhouse in the amount of $37r579._50, and aglhorlf frg the Mayor to execute a contract therefor,seconded by Councllman Love and adopted unanlmously upon roll calLof members. Resolutlons for the continuatlon of proceedlngs for the proposed.chapln Avenue rmprovement ProJect, usre read as follows: Besolution No. 25-53, ttAmendi-ng Resoluti.on No. 76-52 Entltled rEm-ploying-Englneers and Attopneyitr. 0n motLon of Counci.lman f.,ove,s_econded_by Councllman Atwater and unanlmously carried., ResolutionNo. 25-55 was unanimously adopted. Resoluti.on No. .26-ss, nAmendlng Resolutlon No. 7y-sz EntitledtResolutlon of fntention to Construct fmprovementstd. on motlonof Councllman-Byrd, seconded_by Councilman Morgan and unanlmouslycarrled, Resolution No. 26-55 was adopted. The Enginegr of Work-plesented his repor_t pursuent to the MunlcipalImprovement Aet of 1915 and Resolutton No. ZT-SA (as a*enaedl. --th; report consisted of maps and descriptions of the lands and easenentsto be acqulred, plans and speclficaiions, estimate of costs and ex-penses, and dlagram and assessment. The Report was examlned. and con-sldened by the Councll and ordered flIed. F\rrther resoLufi-ons wer6read as follows: 40 .Resolution No. 27-53t entitled tPreliminary Approval of EngineerrgRoport.r On motion by Councilman Morgan, seconAea by CoundllmanByrd and unanlmously carrled, Resolution No. 2?-b5 was adopted. Besolutlon No. 28-53, entltled rEstablishing Prevalling Wage Scaletr.0n motlon of Councl]man B;rrd, seconded by Councilman Atwater andunanimously carrled, Resolutlon No. 28-55 was adopted. Resol"utLon No. _29-53, entltled rrAppointing Time and place of llearlngProtests"ln'Relatlon to Proposed Acclulsitf ons and fmpr:ovements and.Dlrectlng Notice.r 0n motlon by Councllman Atwater, seconded by CounclLman Byrd and unanimously carried, ResoLutlon No. 29-55 was adop ted. ResolutLon No. 30-55 entltled trcarring fon sealed proposalsil. onmotlo! by Councilman Morgan, s econded by Counctlman Byrd and. unan-lmously carnled, Resolution No. 3O-b5 was adopted. Mayor Simonds requested the City Clerk to wrLte to the Broadway De-velopment Assoeiation commending the Assoeiation on the succesi ofthe Annual Kiddlest Parade, setilrday, May z, 19b5. The clty clerk vrl&s further requested to forwand a cernmunlcatLon of appreciatlon tothe Students of Burlingand HiSr School for t}.elr participatlon LnStudent Government Day, Apr1l-28, Igbg. MlVo:: Slmonds stated that the Council is in receipt of the d.escrlp-tion of property oranred by the City and that an lnvestLgation rd1l-be made for lts dlsposltlon ln the near future. the foLlowing Council committees and chainmen were announced byMayor Simonds: Flnance Cononittee Plannl Commlttee Qan R. Love, Jr. Chairman Andrew C. ByrdE. Kent Atwater Andrew C. ByrdrChairman ..j Recreation Committee Flre Comrnittee Andrew C. ByrdrChalrman Dan R. Love, Chairman Libr Commlttee Bul1di Comrnl ttee L. B. MorganrChairman Parks, Trees CommltteeH. Kent Atwater, Chairma4 Po1ice Committee L. B. Morgan, Chairman Water Commi-ttee L, B. Morgan, Chairrran .H.'.K'bnt Atwater, Chairman larking Lot Committee Lt tin Committee L. B. Morgan, Chairman Andrew C. Byrd, Chalrman Reporting verbally on a petition submitted previously by the fndus-t1lal Improvement Assoclati.on and referred to the City Attorney,City Attorney Karmel advlsed that first consid.eratlon in the sbttle-ment of the existent condition ln the industrial area of the cLty,should be given to the allevlatlon of the storm v,rater problem, butthat to date the propenty oumers 1n the vicinity have expressed theirunwillingness to partlclpate in the formation of an assessment dls-trict in whlch a solutlon to the storm water situatlon would be ln-cluded. Following consldenable dj-scusslon, Mayor Simonds stated thathe would lnvlte lnterested property owners to meet with membens ofthe council saturday mornlng, May 9, 1955, at 1o:oo a.Kr., for a dis-cusslon on the subJect. There being no ft.lnther business,at 9125 p.rtr. the meeting was re65u1an1y adjourned. Hespectf\rIly submi tted APFRO\ED: H. Kent Atvrater, Chairman ivil Defense Comrnittee u,,4.IIERBERT K. ITHITE Clty Clenku. s. srMoNDS, JR. MAYOR jl,A,zue