HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1954.07.19A regular meetlng of the Burlingame Ctty Courrcll was held on the above glven datel Meetlng called to order at B:11 P. M. - Mayor Atwater ln the Chafi,. B_rry !14gg4qe_:_ gql!1[gl n1q July 19, L95l+, 169 r &s suhnltted. to adopted on rnotion Ro1l Ca1I: Presont Councllmen: Absent Councllmen: Atwate r-Bynd,- Love-rlor gan- Rooth None Tlre mlnutes of the previous meetlng of July 6, 1954, as submltted to members of the Councll, were unanlrnously appnoved and adopted on motionof Councllman Morgan and second.ed. by CounclLman Love. Ihe mlnutes of the ad.Journed meeting of July 10, L95l+ membens of the Councll, were unanlmously approved andof Gouncllman Love and. second.ed by Councllman Rooth. In response to pubS.tc advertlsement dated July f, ],951+, lnvltlng blds for" the audlt of tb.e accounts of the Clty of Burllngame for the flscalyear L953-r-95l.+, the followlng btds wero opened. and read; Hl:*::"3"i1$"Hl::::::...... o.,,.,........,.. o..g 950.00 ' Roblnson, trtoweLL & Co. San Fnanclsco, Cg11forn14..................o..... 925.OO Dale B. Wolfe San Frarrclsco, Ca1 ifornia..... ! r...... o... o. o r..11000.00 John G. Mdddux San Mateol Ca1,1for.rr1,8........... o...... r.... o... 850.00 C. G. Ilhlenberg & Co Rgdwood. City, Callf ornle.......... ' '..... t...... 900.00 Ihe foregolng blds wene neferred to the Cor:ncll Flnance Comltteefor nevlew and recomrrendatlon as to acceptarlce. A bld fon the legaL advertlsement fon the ye&r July 1, L954 toJnne 30, 1955, hras necelved fnom the Advence-Starr-quotlng thefolLowlng rates fon the years For: the Flrst Insentlon........................$ 1.!0 per square Each Subseqrent Insertlotro.. o t...... ....... t. ... .90 pen square The fonegolsg bld was accepted by Resolutlon No. t&-51+ lntroduoed by Councllman Love, seconded by Councllman Bynd. and unanlmously carrl.ed on roIL cal1 of mernbers, and the Mayor autho:rized to execute a.rr &gpo6- ment wlth the PenLnsula Newspapens Incorporated for and ln behalf oftJ:e Clty. Mayor Atwaten lntroducod Mn. Arthur Barnett and Mr. Robert W. Harnlson, Iega1 counsellors, employed to p::epare all lega1 documents for ttre pro- posed lmprovements to the Bnoadway Industrlal area propentles. Mr.Harrlson submLtted a map lndlcating the ter:rltor.y proposed to bo ln-cluded ln the Assessmoat Dlstrlct and the lands to be acqulred for thelmprovements'. The Cor:nelL were ad.vlsed. that the next Counsll proeedunenequlred the adoptlon of a nesolutlon appnovlng the map. Questlonedby the Councll, City Brglneen Marr advlsed. that hls offlce has not revlewed the map. Resolutlon lilo. 46-51+' was theneaften lntnodueed. by Councllman ByrdpItAppr:ovlng Map Ind.lcatlng tands to be Tat<en and Atqulned For Pnopoied rmprovements Punsuant to Resolutlon No. \3-54, And By A Botrnd.any LlneThe Tennltory Pnoposed to be Included ln the Assessment Dlstnlct FonSald Improvementstt wlth the' sttpulatlon lneLudod ln tho Resolutlonthat the appnoval of the map berrsubJect to examlnatlon and sueh cor-rectlons and amendments, lf &ryr as the Clty Engineen rnay d.een rr€coss- I -l L7t) apyr such correctLons or amendments to be thereafter approved by sald. Cormcll.ir The motlon was seconded by Councllman Love and adopted unanlmously on ro11 caLl of members. Mr. Harrd-son advLsed that subsequent to the adoptlon of the foregolng resolution, and Ord.inance was r:equlned declaning the intention of the Clty Councll to ord.er the Lmprovements, the aequlsltlon of property necissary and. the schedullng of a public hearing. 0rdlnance No. 555,ttAn 0rd1nane6 Declarlng Intentlon of the Clty Councll. to Orden the Wldenlng of Portlon of Rollins Boad, &he Openlng Andr/Or Extendlng of Other Boads, The Hnlanglng of a Dralnage Easenent, The Acquirlng of Stte for Drainage Pu:uping Statlon and. the Acqulsltlon of Property neeessary for AlL Thereofrr and scheduling the tlme for publlc hear- lng, Augrist 16, L95\r 8:00 P. M. ln the CouncLL Chambens of the Clty HaI1, rf,as Lntroduced fon passage on motlon of Counctlme.n Mongan, sec- onded. by Councllman Bynd and urxanlmously carnied on ro11 call of mem- bers. A letten d.ated Jul-y 16, 195\, was nead from the Clty Clerk, submLttlng the followlng e11glb1e 1lsts es established. by the Clvl1 Servlce Com- mlsslon as the nesult of recent oral examlnatlotxs. Groundsman: James C. Grlffin Lloyd H. OtNeal Rlchard E. Brounlng Ralph E. Keeth ut llitJl_trqrl j Rlchard E. Brownlng Ralph E. Keeth Lloyd I1. OtNea1 12h San Mateo Drlve, 235 Anl-ta Road, Burl 901 Vletory Ave., S. 532 vLctory Ay6r., S. SanMateo lngame S. F. S.F. 901 Vlctory Ave,, S.S.F. 532 vtctory Ave., S.S.F. 235 Lrri-ta Road, Burlinga:no A letter dated Ju1y th, L954, was nead from Geo. J. Marr, Submlttlng copLes of Memorarldum of Agreemont for Expendltr:re of .Gas Tax AlLo- catlon for Majon Clty Streets for the flscal year L955. TLre conrnUrr- Lcatlon advlsed that the agroement is fon the purpose of bud.geting gas tax funds fon the exlenslort of Callfornla Dr'lve, the resurfacing 6f ntoomfteld Boad from Ienlnsula Avenue to Burllngame Avenue, and the br:dgeting of the amount of $23r 252.00 for the malntenance 6f all streets for the flscal year. Resolutlon No. l+5-51+, rrAdoptlng Budget and. Approvlng Memorandum of Agreement for E:ipendlturs of Gas Tax Allocatlon for MaJon Clty Stneetsrrr was Lntnoduced for passage on motion of Councllman Morgan, secondod. by Councllmsn Byrd and unanlmousS.y adopted. oa ro11 call of membens. A letten dated July 16, L954, was read from Geo. J. Marr, Dlnector of Publlc Wonks, submltting a notlee of the lntentlon of Mr. Frank Andenr son to retlre from Clty servicer effectlve August 3L, l95l+. Hlgh pralse was paid to Mr. Andenson fon his outstandlng servlces for ttre past fonty years and on motlon of Councllman BXrd, the netlrement notloe was aceepted, seconded by Councllman Love and unanlmously caD-nLed. 0n motlon of Councllman Love, seconded by Councllman Byrnd and unanlmously carrledp Mr, Anderson was granted, an addltlonal ttro weoks vaeatlon pnlor to the effectlve date of hls retlnement. A letter dated. July L5, L954, was read from G. J. Marr, DLnector of Publlc Works, requestlng the appoLntment of two gnoundsmen for service 1n the Pank Departrlent. Cor:ncllman Morgan moved. that No. 1 on the e11gtb1e Ust, James C, GrlffLn, be appolnted to ttre positlon of grorrndsman, effectlve August 1, L95l+, subJect to the satlsfactony passlng of a medlcal examlnation, seconded by Councllman Byrd and trnanlmously canrLed.. No. 2 on the e11glb1e llst, tloyd H. OtNeal, tras appolnted. to the posltloa of groundsman, effectlve August J-rl95l+' and subJect to the passlng of a medlcal examination, on motlon lntro- d.uced by Councllman Morgan, second.ed. by Councllman Byrd and unanlmous- 1y carrled,. A letter dated July 13, 1954, was read. fnon the Civll Servlce Colflm1s- slon, recommendlng the aceeptance of a contnact wlth the Callfonnla State Personnel Boand, fo:r eooperatlve personnel servlces fon the flscal year, July 1, L954 to June 30, L955. A meetl-ng was sched.uled, by the Councll to confer with the Clvll Servlce Comralsslon on the evening of July 21, L954, 8:00 orclock P. M. I x71 A letter dated. July 16, 1954, was read fnom the Burllngsr e Clty P1-annlng Conmlssionr--advlslng that aE a pub1lc hearlng the appl-l- catlon submlttod. by FIp. 0scar Person, fon a varlance to permlt the constmctlon and erection of a gasollne statLon on hls prope.rty, had. been necormrended fon approval, subJect to permie slon betng obtained. fnom the State Dlvtsion of illgfrways to use a portlon of State prop- enty to provlde an Lngress and egness to the proposod statlon. A Councll pubIlc heanlng was scheduled for the next negulan Counell meetlng, Augpst 2, ]95l+, at. B:00 P. M. A letten dated July 16, l95l+, was read from the Burllngarae Clty Plannlng Conmrlsslon, notlfylng the CounclL of a pubIlc heanlng held on July 11, 1954, on the classlflcation of a pontlon of the M1L1sEstate. The comrmrnleatlon advLsed. that the Comrdsslon r-manlmously voted to recornnend that the pnoperty consistlng of |t363.2L acr6s, more or less, borrnd.ed. on the northeast by the Southenn Pacl.fie Ral1- road rlght-of-w&yr southeast by Burllngame V111age, Penlnsula lIosplt- &1, Ray Park and Burlingame Mano:r; on the southwest by Skyllne Boule- vand and on the nonthwest by dtvldlng l1ne of Burllngarae and Mtllbraett be zoned. as Lndleated on an aceompanyi-ng lllapo Ordlnance No.556, eo-tltled. rrAn Ord.lnance Amend!-ng Sectlon 190,+, Artlcle 50, Pant X of the Ordlnance Code of the Clty of Br:rlingame Dlvldlng the Clty lnto Dis-trlcts By Pnovldlng for the CLasslflcatlon of Centai.n Areas of Land.Wtttrtn tire Cltyrr, *w&s introduced by Councllman Love for flrst neadlng. I{n. Fr"ed Letrmanr Vlce Pnesldent of the Burllngame Imp:rovoment Clubs Councll regrrested that a letter dated June 13, L954, be read and entened upon the neeords at thls tlme. fhe Clty Clerk read the cofi- munlcatlon from the Improvement Clubs Couneil, 1n wh.leh the Clty Coun- cl1 were advised of the followlng actlon taken by the Inprovement Clubs Councll: a resolutlon unglng afflllate clubs to take lega1 stepsto, by lnltlatlve, establLsh an ordLnance for the Clty of Burllnga:neto provide (1) R-1 residentlal zonLng rorest of the Southern Paclfic Railnoad rlght-of-Hay; (2) C-2, Commencial zonlng east of the SouthernPaclflc Railroad, (3) a mlnlnrum 1ot slze of 61500 square-foot area and.(l+) ml-nlrmrm eLevatlons of 10 feet agove sea 1eve1 fon aneas west ofthe Bayshore and. mlnirmrm elevatlon of 9 feet above sea 1eveI for area east of the Bayshone. I'lx.e comrmrnlcatLon was aclorowledged and flled. 0rdlnance No. 552, entltled trAn Or',il,nance Amendlng Sectlon 190[, Art- lcJ.e !0, Part X, of the 0nd.lnance Cod.e of the Clty of Burllngame Dlr-ldlng the Clty Into Dlstnlcts by Provl-d.ing For the Classlflcatlon ofCertaln Areas of Land wlthln the Cltyr' (Mll1sda1e No. l as a |tM-lr,) Flrst fndustnlaL Distrlctrtr was glven seeond readlng. Councllman Rooth moved that Ord.lnance No. 552 be ad.opted, second.ed by Councll- man Byrd. Speaklng on the questlon, Mr. Wa1ten Amstrupr Presldent of the Burlingame Gate ftnpnovement C1ub, requested that a letter fromthat organLzatlon, Ln reference to the subJect, dated July 17, J-95l+, be read. The comrnrnlcatlon urgently nequested that the proposed. plans submitted by the constnuctlon company to d.eveLop a cormlerclal anea l-n Ml11sda1e SubdlvlsLon No. 1, bo amonded to the extent that the :rail- road spur track be dlverted east nattrer than paraIlel to the existlng tnacks and that the fronts of commerclal establLshments face the pro- posed access noad east of the eucalyptus grove. . Mr. Robert Gans, delegate from th.e Bunllngamo Gate Impnovement C1ub,also expressed oppositlon to the proposed p1an, and urged, the appolnt- ment of a commlttee to outll.ne an archltectural control program, Clty EtrgLneen Mann, questi.oned by the Couacll, stated that a set-backof twenty-flve feet Ls pnoposed and that the maJorlty of the trees Lntho eucalyptus gr.ove weuld. remaln. In nesponse to Councll lnqulry,Mr. L. E. Welsenberg, engtneer for" the d.eveloper conflrmed a formententatlve agneement that the twenty-flve foot strlp would be dedlcated.to the Clty. Mr. James HlmmeJ-, Secretany of the Burllngame Improvement Clubs Cor.:n- c11- suggested that a commLttee of three be appolnted to study plans contnolLing anehltectural desl.gns and to be ompowered to approve oradlsapprove BG.ch pLans to the advantege of both ttre Clty and the d.evel-operr Ee also urged that provlslon be made for set-backs, maxlrrum1ot coverage and proper f111 elevatlons ln the lndustrlal area. One memben of the Cornmlttee to be a member of the Burllngamo Tmpnovement CLubs CounclL. I IL72 Mr. Richard Bnoback, nember of the fun1lngann Cltlzensr Conrnltteer questloned. whether the Clty Eegineer was conversant wlth the draln- age pLans to whlch he was advlsed that the Ctty Englneer has approved. the pLan. Mr. Robent Ganibaldl, menrber of the furlJngane Village ImprovementCIub, stated hls lntentlon to cLrculate a petltlon amont the nesl- dents of the Clty, ln l*rlch the voters of Burlingame may declde, byba1lot, on the zonlng of the MllLs Estate. Councilman Love expraessed opposltion to lnitlet*,ve zoalng ard urged. ttre publlc to pLace lts confldence ln the clty government. Mr. John Hafstad,, flold engineer for the Telephone Corryany and Chaln- man protem of a Bunllngame Cltlzenst Corunittee, expressed hls oppos-ltlon to the eonduet thus far in the proceedings of the Mllls Estate and. urged the engagement of a f lrra of emlnent plannoxso Followlng fr:rther dlscusslon from the fIoor, a ro11 eaI1 vote was requested. by the Chalr: Ayes: Councllmen: Atwater-Bynd-Love-Mongan-Rooth Noes: Counellmen: None Ond,lnance No,553rftAmendlng Sectlon BO:. of the Ordinance Cod.e of theClty of Burllngane To ProvLde For Offlce Hours of the Clty Depantmentstl was glven iecond. read,lng and, upon motlon of Councllman Byrdl seconded, by Cor:nelLrran Morgan, unanLmously adopted by the foI1ow1ng vote: Ayes: Councllmen: Atwaten-Byrd.-Love-Morgan-Rooth Noes: Councllmen: None Absent Councilmen: None 0rdlnance No. 551+, tfAn ondLnance Amendlng Seetlon BO5 of the ondinance Code of the Clty of Bu::Lingame To Provlde for Days and Hor-rs of Errploy- ment of Clty Enployeestt was glven second neadlng. Councllman Rooth moved the pissage of Ord.lnance No. 55lr+, seconded. by Couneilman Love and ad.opted. unanlmously by the followlng vote: Ayes: Counellmen: Atwater-Byrd-Love-Florgan-Rooth Noes: Councllmen: None Absent Councllmen: None I]NFINISI{ED BUST NESS : L. Appralsal of clty-om:ed. property and, the roquest of Safeway Stores, Inc. to purchaso. J. A. Bnanson, attorney representlng the Safeway Stores, Inc. submltted a proposal and a Cashlorrs Check in the amount of $312.50as a deposlt on the punchase of a trlangular pontlon of Lot L1A' Block 1, Town of Burllnga$re, ouned. by the clty and. appralsed by the San Mateo-Bu:r11ng&m6 Real Estate Board. ln the amor:nt of $3r125.OA.flre Councll were advised that the Arnenloan Trust Company has signt-fled lts wllllngness to qultcleim lts revensLonal. nlglrts lnsofar as the trlangular portlon ls coneerned. pnovld.ed tho property J-n guestlon Is sold by the Clty to ttre Safeway Stores, Inc. CouncLlman Byrd movedthat the Clty Attorrrey be lnstnrcted to pnepare the approprlate"res- olutlon affectlng the proposed sa1e, seconded by Cor:ncllman Morgan and unanlmously earrled. 2. Vlolatlon ln conduet of busLuess 901 Burllngane Avenue. Luther M. Cann, attorney representlng Mrs. Manlan Coonlan, the lessee, stated hLs reallzatlon of the exlstence of a technlcalvlolatlon. Mr. Carn requested to see that an approprlate permlt"to conduct the business of a boardlng-house and/or roomlng-house was applled for. The matter was contlnued for an addltlonal thlrty days. 3. Resubdlvislon of fheo. G. Pleyer lots ln Ray Park (Cneated by the abandonment of Valdlvla Way. ) x73 Councllman Rooth moved that the Corrncll accept the tentatlve map and that a ten foot easernent be granted for publlc ut11lty pur-poies. The motion was seconded by Corrncllman Byrd and r:nanlrnously canried. The Clty Attonney advlsed. that the subJect w111 now bo re- ferced to the Plannlng Commlsslon for a reeonu@ndatlon as to appnovalof a flnal map. Mrs. Leona C1ark, Presldent of the Burlingame Chanrber of Commerce, reponted that Mlss JacqueJ.lne Figone, recent wlnner of the Bunllnga.ne Dream Girl Contest, had. been eel-ectod to represent Burllngame ln the San Mateo County FLesta Dneam GlrL Contest, to be eonducted at theFlesta Grounds, Tlrursd,ay, tr:oJ.y 22, 1954. Clalms, Nos. 5589 to 5711 lncluslvee ln the araount of $85r 352.27 duly aud,ited, were ondered drawn on the Clty Treasuny for thelr respectlve amountsr orr motlon of Councllman Blnrdr' second.ed by Councllmalx Love and unanimously carnled. Payroll wamants, for the month of June, Nos. SfBl to 856L, ln the anouht of $53r1BB.l+0, were appnoved, on motion of Cor:ncllman Byrd., seconded by Councllman l,ove and uranimously cannled. Mrs. Mlldred Gnens, a membor of the Recreatlon Consnlsslon, w&s u[&D- lmously neappolnted to that posltlon on rnotlon of Councllman Lover and seconded by Cor:nclLman Rooth. On motlon of CouncLlman Bynd and seconded by Councl-lman Morgan, ALbert Gordon lres unanlmously reappoi.nted. as a member of the Board.of Flne Commlssloners. fhe reappointment of Enrll Schulz to ttre ClvlI Senvlce Connrlsslon was unanlmously confLnnrod on motlon of Councllman l,ove and seconded.by Councllman Rooth. CounclLman Bynd hres excused. fnom attendance at the regulan meetlngsof the Councl1, August 2 and 16, L954, whl1e on vacation duning t[atperlod, on motlon of Councllman Lover second,ed by Councilman Rooth and unanlmously carrLed. The neot!.ng was regularly adJourrred, at 11:140 P. M. ln honor of Mn. Frank Andenson, Pank Superlntendent, who ls retlnlng as an employeeof the Clty of Burllngamo fon the past forty-one years. Respectfully submlt ted . hIIIITE CITY CLERK APPROVED: /*4*-4 H. KENT MA