HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1955.08.01-1'r" ea Burllngame Cq1_lfotniq Ausust 1, L955 A negulan meetlng of the Burllngame Clty Councll was held on t'tre aboveglvcn date. The raeetlng was caIled to order at 8:00 P. M. - Mayon I{ongan ln the Chah. SALU?E ?O FLAO At word from Mayor FIongqn, a1J. anoqe and. wene Led'by Ketth Sntth snd Davld Shanp, Boy Soout-Tn6op No. 18, ln the SaLute ind the Plefue of Al1-eglance to thc EIag I}IVOCATf ON The Reverend Mynon Henrell, Pastor Flrst Mothodlst Chu::ch, Burllngane, gave the Invooatlon. ROLL CALL: Pnesent Cor:ncllmen: Johnson-Morgan-Booth-Thayer Absent Councllmea: Byrd (Arnlved at 9:10 P.M.) Hlnutes of the Meettng of July l8th, approved as submltted.. l,layor Morgan stated that Councilman Byrd ls presently ln sesslon wtth menlbens of the Hlllbnee Clty Councll conferrlng on proposed plans for the munlclpal drmp. Councllman Rooth rnoved that Councllman Byrd be excused, secoaded by Councilman Johnson end unanlmously eamled.. HEARING CHAS. F. SCHUETZ, APP.LICATION '|USE PE;RmIT. rf Mayon Morgan ennounced tbat thls was the tLme and place scheduled. for a lubJ.le hearlng on the appllcatlon of Chas. F. Sehuetz for a ttus6 permltn to construct a Genenal Contractort s Yand at LJ0O Bayshone Boulevard. There belng no pnotests recelved, elther verba3-ly or wnLt-ten, the Clty Clenk nead e letten from tho Burllngame Clty P3.annlng Commlsslon, dated. July 1J, L955, neeommending approval wtth centaln provlslons. Questloned by the Couac11, Mr. Sehuetz advised that the area has been band.-naked, but he has been unable to obtain tho mater'laL toft11 the pnoperty. fn a dlscusslon on an appropr"late grad.lng fon propertles wlthln thelndustrlal dlstrlct, and ln funther rosponse to Councll lnqulny, Mtr. Schuetz advlsed that he pnoposed to ft1I ttre property to an elevatlonof one foot below the crolrn of the Bayshone fl1ghway. Flayon Morgan referned to comcunlcatlons necelved prevlously fnom the San Mateo County Departnent of Publlc Health, and. the Superlor Bus & AmbuLanee Company, notlng the unsanitary and unslghtly eondltlon in whlch the propenty ls being malntalned and expressed hLs concern, rel- ati.ve to a health hazard, Follorlng further dlsousslon, Councllman Rooth moved that the heanLag be contj.nued untll bhe Councll meetlng of September 5, L955, secouded by CounclLman Thayen and unanfuaously carrled.. Mr. Schuetz was requested to lnltlate conrectlve rreasunos to elftmln- ate the unslgbtly'eond.ltlon d.urlng tho latenlm. BIDS: ffir l{organ annou[ced that ln conforrnance wlth l-egal notlce, bld.s on- the sale of clty-owned propenty on Anlta Road. and on Rolllns Road, were sched.uled to be neeeLved on 'thls d.ate. [he followlng blds Here oponed and deelaned. as-foIlows: (e) ANrTA RoAD - ho.x L00t (Appnalsal Value) - $5,150.00) J. B. CarrLllo Company 500 Vfu"glnla Avenuo San Mateor Callfornla..... . . . .... ............ R. FLatland LZAS Hanrlson Stneet, San Franclsco, Callfonnla.............r...... Sragg,gg Deposlt ehecks accompanled. the foregolng blds. 5 r5oo.oo 323 CouncLlman Rooth stated that the propenty ls sunplus to the needs of the Clty and 1n vlew of the pnobablllty of comblning all rmrnlclpal panklng and stonage ar:eas wLthln one locale, lt was hls recorrlmendatlonthat the propenty to be sold to the hlghest bldden. In nesponse to Councll lnqulry, the Clby Attonney advlsed that a reso-lutlon ls necessary 1n the aoeeptance of the offer and that the purch- eser theneafter is entltled to possession of the property upon oxocu- tlon. and deltvery of the deed. Counollman Rooth Lntrodueed, errd. moved, the p&ssege of Resolutlon No.q-55, rrondenlng SaIe to R. Elatland., NW 40t Anlta Road x L00t Pontlonof Lot 5, B1-oS-19r Lyon and Hoag Subdlvlston, ln the sr:m of $5r500.00tt, seconded by Councllman Johnson and, unanlmously earnled on ro11 eaII of membens present (u) RoLLTNS noAD - 0.8[ ac. MoL (Appralsal Value - $]21200.00) clyde R. Ryan (C. R. Palnt Co.) 155 BeLla Vlsta DriveBrrr"llngane, Callfonnta,. ........................$ 6ro1o.oo J. B. CannLlLo Company 500 Vtrglnla Avenrrel San Mateo, Callfonnl&.......... r............... 21100.00 Deposlt cheeks accompanLod the f,onegolng blds. CouncLlman Rooth noved that the blds submltted fon clty-owned property on RoLllns Road. be reJected, seconded by CouncLlman Johnson and unan- 5-mously carr{.ed.. COMMUNICATIONS: 1 o LORTON AVM\iUE RESURFACING COMPI,ETION - JOB NO. 55-I A letten dated f,u]..y 21 , L955, wes read. fnom G. J. Ma.rn, Dlnecton of Pub1lc Works, advLsLng that the Lownle Pavi.ng Cortpany, has completed the nesunfaclng of Lorton Avenue from Penlnsula Avenue to Bellevue Avenuc and. reeonmrend.lng that the proJect be aceepted, effectlve July 22, t955. Counollman Rooth moved that the Council concur wlth the reeomnrendatlon and Job Ne. 55-7 ln the annount of $91817.05 be accepted as complete, secondod by Councllman Thayer and unanlmously earrled. 2. AMENDMESiTS TO ZONING ORDINANCE. A letten datod July 28, 1955, was nead fnom'the Burlingame Clty Plan-nlng Coramlsslon, advlslng that a.publlc hearing had been conducted onnevlslons of Seetlons L926 and 1971 of the Zonlng Ondlnance and lt was recommended that the amendment be ad.opted as proposed. The proposed amendments were held for Councll study on motLon of Councllman Roothr seconded. by CouncLlman Ihayen and unanlmously carried. 3. VARIANCE - 216 HOWAnD AVENUE. - Rachel A. and. Alexander M. Jackson owners. A letten dated July 28, 1955, was read. fnom the &rnllngame Clty Plan-nlng Commlsslon, recommendlng bhat an applLcatlon for a vanlance topermlt the extenslon of the pnesenb non-eonformLng use by convertlng two rear rooms at 216 Horfand Avenue, lnto store space, be approved. Councllman Johnson movod concumenee wlth the recommendatlon and that a varLance be grented, with tho provlslon that thene berrno vested.rlght ln the usetr as recomrnended by the Plannlng ConrnLsslon. fhe motlon was seconded by CouncLlman ttr.ayen and unanimously carrded.. 4.FINAL MAP - PORTION 0F MILLS FSTATE NO, 5. A letter dated August 1, 1955, was nead. from the Brrrllngame Clty Plan-nlng Commlsslon, recommendlng that the Flnal Map, portlon of MlIIs Estate No. 5, be approved,. Councilman Rooth advlsed that caneful conslderatlon has been glven tothe flnal map by the Plannlng Comtrisslon and. that the Counell ls fu11y acqualnted. wlth the plaa through study of the tentatlve map. Councll- man Rooth moved that the Councll concur ln the necornnrendatlon of the Plannlng Conmlssion and. Lntroduced for passagor Resolutlon No. 6l+-55,rrApprovlng F1na1 Map, Pontlon of MlIIs Estate No. 5", seconded by Coun-ellBan fhayen and adopted unanlmously on noIl call of members. f --l 324 L. E. Welsenberg, representlng the trousd.ale Constructlon CompanYr pubI1c1y arnounaed that the Tnousd.ale Constnuetloa Company ls pLeased. lo_donatg to the Qlty, a ftfty foot dnalnage channel easenrcnt pat"a1-le1Ing the pnopertlel of the Lowrlo Pavlng-Company, together wlth a paneel wlth a fnontage of one hr:ndned thlrty-flve foet on oId Bayshone IIlghway, for munlclpal ft1I purposes and dralnage channel. Mayon Mor- garrr on behalf of the Clty Cor:ncl1 and the resLd.ents of Burllngamoe cort- mend.ed I.{r. Welsenberg. 5.VARIANCE - NORIH BURIJNGAME WOMANIS CLUB.l21L Paloma Avenue. A letter dated July 29r L955, $as read. from the Bunlir.garno Ctty Plan- nlng Commlsslon, advislqg that a publlc heanlng had. been eonducted on an appllcatlon fon a variance, submltted by the North Burllngame Wom- an["s C]-ub, fon porrnLsslon to use the lower fLoor of thelr proporty on 121L Pal-oma Avenue as club rooms and to contlnue the use of the up-stalrs &s an apartment. fhe Commlsslon theneafter recomnended that the vanlance be gnanted, rrlth the provlslon that It be contLnued untlL such tlme as a leaso r*lth Mr. Robent E. Fenranti, fon panklng lot prlv- llegesr ft&y explre, Councllman Thayer moved that the CounclL coneur wlth the necommend.-atlon of the Plannlng ConuaLsslon and. that the varlance be granted, sub- Ject to the provlslon pertalnlng to pankLng faellltles, seconded by Councllman Rooth and r:nanlmously carried. 6. RECOMMENDAIION.TO PLACE TWTVU-}/IINUTE I'MTERS COHNER IIOWARD AVE}IUE AND PARK ROAD. A letter dated July 28 " L955, was nead from R. C. Theuen, Chlef of Pol- lcer recommendlng ifrat i.n response to several requestsn that twelve mlnute metens be pS.aced at the conner of Park Road and Eoward Avenue, for the purpose of read.enlng a greater tu::n-over ln parklng f aellltles. Councllman Rooth moved eoncur3r?once with the recoumondatlon, seconded by Councllman Johnson and unani"mously earrled. 7.PffiSONNEL TRANSFER FROM CITY CLERKI S OFFICE TO POL]CE DEPARTMENT. A letter dated. July 28, L955, was read fnom R. C. fheuen, Chlef of Pollce, reguestlng that the posltlon of Typlst-Clenk ln the Po11oe De- pantneent be fllIed and that Mrs. Clyde Wonnall be pe:rnltted to trans- fer from the Offlee of the Clty Clerk to the PoLlce Department as ap- proved by the Clty Clerk and the Civl1 Servlce Commission. Councllman Thayen moved that tho Councll concur ln the nequest and that l{rs. Clyde B. WornalL, b6 compensated as provLded ln ttre thlrd range classlflcatlon for the posltton of fyplst-C3.erk, ln recognltlon of prlor senvice, seconded by CounclLman Johnson and unalLmousLy car- nled.. B.APPOINTMENT SENIOR CLERK-STENOGRAPHEB - CIIY CLERKIS OFFICE. A letten dated August 1, L955, was nead. from the Clty C1erk, request- ing that an appolntment be made to f111 the posltlon of Sealon-Clenk Stenographer ln the Offlce of the Clty Clerkr ore&ted by a v&cancy. Councl-lman Rooth rnoved that the next eL1gtb1e on the Ctvl1 Servlce1lst, Mns. Ida Cooper, 1-224 Vancouver Avenue, be appolnted Senlon Clenk- Stenographer, subJect to Clvll Servlce Rules and Regulatlons, seeonded by Councllman Ttrayer and unanlmously canrl-ed. o/a COMMENDATION C]TY DEPARTMENTS A letter dated July 28, L955, was read from R. E. Moonby, Fine Chlef, compllmentiag and comnendlng the Po11ce and Stneet Departmonts of theClty and the members of the Auxlllany Flnemen on the splendid assist- ance rendered the Flre Deparbment durlng a :recent flre. The coilIlluf,t- lcatlon was acknowledged and. plaeod on fiLe. 10. COMMENDATION CITY COUN A lette:r dated July 29r L955, was read. from the BurlLngaare ClvlL Sen- vlce Bnployeest AssocLatLon, Ine., thanklng the members of the Clty Councll for lts consid.eratlon ln grantlag necent uage lncreases and expresslng commendatlon for the Councllts pr6mptness 1n effeituatlng the date of the lncrease. The letter uas acknowledged and. pLaeed oa flle. REPORTS OF OFFICERS A neport fnom 6[6 Burli.ngame Recreatlon Department for the June, L955, was acknor^rledged and placed on flIe.Month of 325 RESOLU?IONS: None ORDINAIICES FIRST READTN G and INTRODUCTION 0rdlnance No. 599 nan Ord.lnance Amend.lng the Ordlnance Code of the @by 21100 of Sald Code and anoe of Permlttr was ln reading. Addlng Thereto a New Sub-Sectlon (a) To Sectlon Provld,lng for Bulldlng PermLt Fees Befone Issu- troduced. by Councllman Rooth and glven first COUNCII, COMMITTEE REPORTS Counollman Johnson conmended Dlnector of Publle Wonks Manr and. hlsstaff fon thelr promp tness in remedytng a sLdewalk condltlon at the southoast eornen of the Recreatlon Commrnlty Centen Buildlng. Coun- cllman Johnson also reported. on her attend.ance at the last regular meetlng of the Reeneatlon CommlssLon and the speolal Jolnt meeti"ngof the Counell, the Clvll Service Corurilsslon and Board of Dlrectons of the Bunlingame Clvl1 Servlce Bnployeosr Assoclation. CouncLlman Booth advlsed that the nequest of emp loyees seeklng speclal adnisfment=ii Asletng funther c ons ld.ened by the Budget Commlttee and areport sha1l be rendered at the next regular meetlng of the CounelL. Councllman Rooth furthen advlsed that a report ls expected momentarily from the Cltlzenst Off-Stneet Parklng CommLttee on the parklng prograln for the Ctty of Burllngameo Councllman Tha5rer re ported on hen attendance at the Jolnt meeting wlth @esentat1ves,theCtvi1Sorv1ceComm1ss1onarrdmember"sof the Clty CouncLl-, and hen attendence al-soe wlth other ctty offlelals,at a heanLng ln Sac:ramento, eonducted by the State Allocatlon Board ofthe State FLnance Depantment. fn refernlng to the hearlng ln Sac:ra.rrento, Mayor Morgan stated thatthe State Al-Iocatlon Board. had upheld. lts prevlous actlon ln approvlng the Cltyrs appllcatlon for state funds to assLst ln the flnanelng of a dralnage proJect, thereby ovennuling an obJectlon flled by an lmpnove- ment club organlzatLon. Councllman Booth ln commentlng furthen on the hearlng, pnotested. thetrdelayLng tactlestr employed by Mr. James HLrmnel, Burlingame Clvlc Im- provenent C1ub1 Inc.l offl.cer, thereby causlng the Clty Councll to needlessly expend baxpayerst funds 1n defendtng the Cltyts posltlon. UNFINTSHED BUSIIiESS Mayor Morgan requested neports on the followlng mattens of unflnlshed. business: 1. Street Lightlng Progrqm.The Clty Ehglneer ad.vlsed that due tostr concrete workers and the dellvery of cop-por cabIe, the proJeet has momentanlly been d.e1ayed. 2, Sgperlotlrsl4{ &nbutqn9q_$eles_q,A_'__p1iqpef-t1 qc,qglsltlo4 1fo1 th_e creatton of a nor* Munlc 1 . clt y Englneer Marr advLeed that hes curren y prepare oe er on ths subJeot and recomaend.ed that a meetlng wlth the Clty Councll be scheduled ln the near- futune. 3.Police Rlfle Rry1ge-f;4ol9_ct. Chief of Police fheuen neponted thatdellveiy oa the concneto blocks was ant t955. lclpated Thunsdg,y, August 11, a Clty-owned unlnhablted. pnoperty on Cabnillo Avenuo . Clty Englneen d. and a map pro- pursue the mat- c 11. rep6rted-TEat-Toundar:y lEfts Eave Seen deterffinepared. Mayor Mongan requested that Councllman Johnsonter for report at the next regulan meetlng of the Coun, 5. Fees fon electrlcal 1nsta11atlon. Clty Eleetrlclan HlIIs reported.that the preparatlon of a proposed. new sehed,ule ls nearlng completlon. 6. IfunleLpal Dump. Mayor Morgan neported that 7r3OO yards of fill has been obtained., of whlch 1r3O0 yard.s 1s belng resenved. fon top so1l fon tnee plantlng pursposos. Counellman Byrd, appeanlng at the meeting durlng the d.lscussLon on the Munlclpal Dump, reponted on h1s meetlng with the.I"tLllbnae Clty Council, 1n which the Clty of Mll1bnae has_ expreased willlngness to share Jolnt-1y 1n the operatlon of a Muntclpal FL11. Cor.rrctlman Byrd further-re- r 326 ponted, thet sueh gost may not exceed $I10O.OO to $500.00 per month, may be as low as $200.00 pen month. and Councllman Byrd reconmended that negotlatLons be commenced to purchase seven and one-half acres of tldeland propenty for munlelpal dump pur- poses r oD whlch the Ctty of BunLLrlgame, has for some tlme been placing f111. A motlon was theneafter lntroduced by Councllman Bynd that theCtty enter lnto negotiatlons for the purchaie of approxlmitety seven arrd one-half acres t zt a prlce not to exceed $500.00 per aere. The mo-tlon was seconded by Couneilman Rooth and unanimously carnled. 7. Se11l.ng qe1r1rlqes anqlon menehand.lse by Cormnlsslon members,CttyAttornef Karmel rendered. an opinlon that members of the varlous Consnls-slons of the Clty, wlth the exception of the Library Board., ane not af-fected by the Statutes of the State, pnohlbl.tlng clty offlclals fnombeing members of flnqrs sellLng se::vices and/or merchandlse to the Cttyof BIrllngs.me. The Ctty Attoiney was roquested to submlt hls find.fngito the Chalnmen of the Corsnlsslorlso B. Overnlght Pa4kl-ag. Chlef of i'oIlce Theuer recorunaended that B,n orp- dlnanC-e-Te prepafed-To negulate the manner ln whloh vehlcles parked wlthout beneflt of ganage on parklng speco, may be identlfLed. TheClty Attorney was lnstr.ucted to prepare an appropnlate ondLnanee forlntroductlon at the next regular meetlng of the Clty Counc11. 9. Hatch Lane.clty-GffiEe sldewalks. City Erglneer Marr" suggested that a neetlng wlth the scheduled to dlscuss engineenirrg costs to removlng the 10. Proposed Clty Englneer 0ffllce. Councllman Bynd moved that the Clty enter-Info negotf atfon.s- fo-n t-hE purchase of a nesldenco at 121+4 Bellern:e Avenue, in the sum of $231000.00, through lts agent, H. Kent Atwater,J?., second.ed by Cormcllman Rooth and unanlmously carried. 11. Broadway Tr.ucklng Froblem. Chief of Pollce Theuer advlsed that a report w111 be submltted at a laten date. 12. Walter Hasty property -151+3 Howard. Avonue. Mayor Morgan advlsed been recelved from the pnoperty owner re-that ssldlng next doon to the subJect property. The Councll was advlsedthat the i11ega1 constnuctLon has been dlscontj-nued, wlth some plumb- lng yet to be removed. The Clty Clenk was ther:eafter requested. tonotlfy the complalnagt that the Councll has no Jurlsdlction beyond the prevontJ-on of vlolatlons 1n the buildlng cod.es of ttre Clty. 13.Parking Meter Tlme Llrrlt.the clty Attonney was lnstructed, topnepa ordtaance changlng the parking moters wlthln the buslnoss dlstrlcts of Burllngame and Broadway, to pnovlde for an elghty mlnute parklng meter time 1liltlt and tho establlshment of an elght houn parking limlt on the eity-or,noed lot at the rear of the Pollce Statlon. 14.Installatlon Trafflc Slsnal s - Carmelita Avenue Chapln Avenue. The Clty Clerk ad.vlsod that the orden has been placed and. work to pro- ceed pending necelpt of and executlon of necessary contracts. 15.Reference to newspaper a:rticles re: Sewer situatlon ln Burllngame. The City Engineer was requested to repor"t on recont newspapen antLeLes refenned to alleged sewer lnad.equacies. Flp. Marr advLsed that the par-tlcular sewer in questlon 1s menely a 1ocal condltlon and. due matnly to numerous acts of vandallsm. Upon fur:then Councll Lnquiry, Mr. Mann stat- ed that eonrplalnts on selder. condltlons ane glven lmoediate attentlon when notlfLcatlon ls recelved by the Department of Pub11c Wonks. 16. Draftlng Plt,Clty Eeglneer Marn advlsed that wlth the cooperat-lon of the Fine Chle f, plans and speclfLcatlons are cumently belng re- vlewed wtth posslble report at the next meetlng of the Counc11. NEW BUSTNESS: 1. APPOINTMENTS TO PUBIJC HEAL'IE AND SAFETT COMMISSION. Mayor Morgan submltted the narno of L. Wllber Smith, 1811 Davls Dnlvee as a memben of the Publlc Hoalth and Safety Cormlssloa. fhe appolnt- ment was unanlmously conf;lrmed on motlon of Councllraan Byrd and second- ed by CounclLman Rooth. I I 327 The name of Jacob H. Cord.sen, 1BOB Davis Drlvee lr&s submltted by Mayor. Hongan fon appolntraent to the Cor,unisslon on Publlc Health andSa?ety. the appolntment was unanlmously confLrmed on motlon of Coun- cLlman Rooth and sec.ond.ed, by Councllman Bynd. 2. ORGANIZATTONAL }METINGS SCHEDULM. The Clty Clerk was lnstrueted to schsduLe and to so notlfy rnembers of the Eealth and Safety Comnlsslon of an orgeniz.atLonaL meetlng at 10:00 orclock, &r m., Satunday, August 6, 1955, and. an onganltratLonal meetlng of the Publlc Utllltles Corarnlsslon at 11:00 6'r'e1ock, &. B.r Saturday, August 6, 7.955, ADJOURNMS{T: Ihene bei-ng no funthen business, the meetLng rdas regularl-y adJournedat 1"0:0! p. m. Respectfully submltted., K. WHITE CITY CLERK L. B. IiIORGAN MAYOR I I A