HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1954.07.10_I 166 Bunllngane - CaLlfor.rala July 10, 1951+. A regulan meetlng of the City Couacll ras held on the above glven date, ." per adJournment of July 6, L95l+. Meeting caIled to orderat lL:$$ A. M., Mayor Atwater presld.lng. RoI1 CaI1: Pnesent - Councllmen3 Atnater-B5rrd-Love-Morgan-Rooth Absent - Cor:nclLaen: None The rneetlng was negulanly adJpald by the CouncLl to John J Resolutlon No. 41-5h, trTnansferrlng Fr:nd.s Pnovlded ln ttre 1953-1954 Annual Budget to the General Ftnd of the Cltyrt was lntroduced. by CounclLman tover $oconded by Councilman Byrd and unanlmously canrLede on ro11 call of members. Actlon on ttre petltlon, submltted by owners of mcre than slxty per- oeat of the area knotrn as the Broadway Indust:rlaL area, at the reg-ular rreetlng of the Clty Councll, July 5, L954, and scheduled fon Councll dlspositlon on thls date, Idas held Ln abeyance with thepetltlonens requested to confen with R. P. Etienne Propertles, Inc. concernlng a pnoposed. change In street wLd.ths. Or.dlnarce No. 553, entltled t'An Ordlnance &aeurdlng Sectlon 801 ofthe Ondinance Code of the Clty of BurUngame To Pnovlde fon Offlce Eours of Clty Departmentsn was Lntroduced by Councllman Love fonflrst readlng. 0rdlnanc e No . 55\, ffAn OrdLnance Anendlng Seetlon 805 of tlr,e Ordln- anco Code of the Clty of Burlilganre to Bnovlde for Days and Hounsof Employment of Clty trtrnployeest[, lntnoduced by Councllman BJT d, was glven flrst neadLng. At the request of Mayor Atwater, members of the Councllr oD roll ca11, unanlmously consented to the hol.ding of a speclal rreetlng, Satu::day monalng, July lJ, L95l+, 10:10 A. M. ourned, at L:[0 P.M. wtth trlbute. Hartnett, recently retlred as Captaln of the Pollce Department. Respeetfully submt tted EEBBERT K. WH TE CITY CLERK APPROVED: #<{"* H. KET{T ATWA HAYOB