HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1953.04.0626 Burlingame - Cellfornla Aprll 6, 1955. A regular meeting of the Burlingano City Council wes held on the above given date. Meeting calIed to orden at 8:00 p.m. - Mayor Byrdin the Chair. The mi-nutes of the regular moetlng of MarcLr 16, 1955, were unanimous-Iy approved. and adopted on motion of CouncLlman Atwater and secondedby Councilman Love. the minutes of the Special Meetlng of March 21, 1955, were approved. arrd adopted on motlon of Councilmen Simondse s€c- onded by Councilman Atwater and unanimously cerri-ed. flhe minutes ofthe adjourned meeting of Merch 28, 1955, were unani:mously approved.and adopted on motion of Councilman Morgan and seeonded by Councilman Simonds. A letter: dated April 5, 1953, wes read J?om G. J. Mam, Direetor ofPublic Ifforksr pecomrnendlng the appnoval of the Plans and Speclflca-tj-ons for the proposed resurfeclng of portions of majo:: city stnootswithin the City of Burlingame. Councilmen Love moved coneurrenc@ inthe recornnrendation and lntr:oduced for passeger Resolution No. ll-53,rApprovlng Speclflcetlons for tho Resurfeclng of ?ortions of DwightRoad, Bellevue Avenue, Park Road, Burlingame Avenue, Ralston Avenueand Primrose Road, and Authorizing the Invltation of Blds ltril:en Approv-ed by-the State Highway Comrnisslon." The motlon was seconded bycouncilman Atwater and adopted upon ro11 call of members. A letter dated Aprl1 S, 1953, was read flom G.J. Marr, girector ofPubllc Works, reeomrhend.lng the acceptance of the plans and spoclfl-catlons for the proposed repair and resurfacing of tennis courts inWashington Park and requesting the authorlzation to advertLse forbids for the proposed. project. Couneilman Morgsn moved coneurrenccln the recommend.ation end i.ntroducod for passege, Resolution ]tT^o. 18-??, rt4ccepting the Plans aqd speciilcatl-ons end. Grantlng Au-thorlzatlon to Advertiso for Bid,sil, seconded by Councilman Atwitorand adopted upon ro11 cell of members. A letter dated Aprll 3, 1955, was read from Director of Publlc llrlorksMarr, submitting for Councll approval plans and speclficetlons fortho proposed construction of fencing of Ray Pank Pressure Tank slte,Washington Park Ter:riis Cor.rts, Totland Playground Ar.ea end a portionof the aree bordering Ray Park Playground and &1111s Cneek, tho fin-ancing for the proposed fenclng establlshed ln the current flscalyeer budget. Councilman Atwater moved that the Council accept theplens and specifications as submitted and that the DLrector of Pub-llc Works be authorlzed to advertise for blds for ttre mlseellaneousfencing of elty property. Ele motlon was seconded by CouncilnanSimonds ard unanimously carried. A letter dated Aprl1 1, 1955, wes reed from Pol1ce Chief R. C. Theuer, rcconimend.ing the lnstallatlon of a flashe:: signal at the intensec-tion of Peninsula Avenue and Callfornla Drlve. The communl"cEtlon ad-vlsed that the meterial is avallabl-e and the only expense involvedwould bo for the payment of electnj-city to operate the slgnel. TheClerk was instructed to notlf! the Chief of Po1lce that the subJectwill be held for discusslon end study by the Cor:ncl1 and notlcc ofCouncll dlsposition wilL be rendered in the near future. t)re regular order of business was tempora::Lly d.ispensed wlth to pen-mit &tr. A::thun J. Barr.ett, Jn., attonney l"epresenting p::ope::ty own-ers of the Broadway fndustrlal Area to present a petitlon slgned bysald property oumers, for the construction of lmprovements by spec-leI assessment and assessment bond aets. The petition was &ccompao-led by e CortLflcate that the Fetition for Acqulsltlon and Constnuc-tlon trlxceods Sixty Pencent. Councilman Simonds moved that tho pet- 1ti.on for the road lmprovement to the Broadway Industrlel Area be necelved end referred to the City Attorney for his study and ection, seconded by Councllman Love end unanlmously eern5.ed. Rol-l CaIl! Present - Councllmen: Atwater-Byrd-Iove-Morgan-Slmonds Abs ent Corrnci luen: None r 27 The regular order of business wes resuned wlth ttre Clerk readlng a letter-dated Aprtl 2, 1953, lYom the Burlingane Municipel Employeos t Assoclation, expressing appneciatlon to the Councll for lts coop@r- etion and prompt actlon ln obtelnlng &n ectuerlal survey fo:: the new rotlrcment p1an. .The Clerk wes lnstructed to aclcnowledge the lotter. A letter deted. Merch 19, 1955, was rcad. from Donald J. Mlller, ettor- reX, repr@sentlng VIlIIlem J. C:rosby, Jr. in whleh e request was mede to- extend a:a additionel three months to the varl-ance grantod to Lot IB, Block 5, Town of Bur11ngnltr6, ovncd by Mr. Crosby. Councllmen Simonds moved, that the oxtensloR &s requested, be granted to July 1, 1955, seconded by Councllmen Atweter and unanlmously carnied. A letter dated Mench 16, 1955, w&s reed fbom S. D. Soule, Englneer, in behalf of Mr. O. Pararna, lL0? tseninsular Avenue, San Mateor 13- quasting a resubdlvlslon of Lots 1 and 2, Bloek 48 of Lyon and Hoag Subdlvislon, located at the southeasterly corner of Bayswater Avenuo and Vlctorla Roed. A pubLlc heening wes scheduled for the next r@g-ular meetlng of Aprl1 20, 1955. The City Clerk was instructed to comply wlth Iegel rcqulrements nocess&ry ln ttre notlflcatlon to prop- cnty o$ners. A letter was read flom James Muzzy and Dave Iftreelwrl&t r"equestlngpennisslon to paint house numbers on clty curbs. Mayor Byrd advi.sedthet the Councll had prevlously grented s uch permisslon to the $ea Scouts Explorer Troop. Councllman Slnonds moved that the Clty Attor- ney be lnstructed to ascertaln f:rom the Sea Scouts thel:: lntentlonsrelative to curb palntlng and that the subject be held unt1I the next regulan meeting. flre motion was eeconded by Councllmen Morgan and r:.nenlmous Iy carnled. A letter dated March 5O, L955, wes reed f?om Archie L. Offleld lnbehalf of hls cllent, the Rlchard 0. Hails of 617 Chapin Lane, 6x-presslng appneclation for the prompt and efflclcnt work dlsplayed by the Elre Department during a r.ecent flre. The Councll also cortr- mendod the members of the Flre Dapertment end lnstructed the Chiefof the Etre Depantment to post e copy of the letter on the Flrc Do-partment Bulletln Board. A.letter dated lfiarch 25, 1955, wes read from Elmer A. Robertsl cofl-pllmenting the Bu::lingame Chemben of Commerce and the personnel ofthe Park Department for the beautlful street decoretlons, 0fflcla1sof the Chamber of Commerce ln attendance were commend.ed by Mayor Byrdon behalf of the Councl1. A letten deted March 23, 1955, ftom Elmer A, Robertsr- requestingacti.on to elleviate a waten dnalnage condltlon exlstent at tkre ap-proach to the new Broadway Post Offlce, was neferred to Dlrecton ofhrblic Works Marn for repor.t et tlre next meetlng of the Counci-l. ThaClerk was lnstrue-ted to eclmowledge M::. Robentsi lott"n. A letter deted. March 16, 1955, wes read f?om H. Rlchand Otllara, 1540 Be.yshe e lIlghway, urging the members of the Council to consider appli-cetions for brlnglng addltlonal lndustry into the City of Bur1lngam6, end partlcl.llarly refe::ning to an applica-tlon recelved for a permi-t tobuild a concrete mix plant in the industrlel eree. The Clerk ures in-structed to notlfy Mr. OtHera that pr.esently threre is nothlng offlclalbefo::e the City Council or the City Flanning Commission. The Clerkwes ftrrther inst:ucted to submit e eopy of Mr. OIl{arals conmuni.cationto the Plennlng Commlsslon. A letter dated March 24, 1955, $r&s reed fi:om the Burl-lngame Ciate Im-provement Club, advlslng thEt e unanlmous vote of the membens tekenat a recent meetl-ng lndicated oppositlon to the proposed constructlonof e concrete mlx plant ln Bu:rllng&r!16. The Clerk wes lnstructed. tosubmit a copy of the communlcation to the Plennlng Commlsslon and. toalso advlse the Burl"i.ngaroe Gete fmprovement Club inat not}ling offlclalis befonc tho Councll or the Commission. A letter dated- 49""tl 24, 1953, ws.s read from the San Mateo County De-partment of Publlc ileelth and lfelf&ro, reportlng on an investlgallon medo subsequent to a CounclJ- request, to determine whethen violatlonsof State 1aw or 1ocel ordinanees exlsted at the Nonrne Moorc School,Located at 14OB Edgehl11 Drlve. frre letter advls ed. that sunvey ln-dlceted no vlolations. A report from the Chlef of Poliee wes iead ed.- 28 vislng thet laws ere not bei-ng vlolated by the parking of veh1c1es.A ftrther report was read from the Houslng Sanitarien advising thete combined flre, buildlng and health inspection revealed no vLola-tions. Letters of cornmendation on Mrs. Norma Moorels conduct of theschool wer6 also read from Mrs. Caroly C. k*y, &{r. and. Mrs. Genc M.Kronberg, Mrs. George Rossi, . Mrs. J. G. Bridgman, Henry A. Bamman,Bussell A. Kent, Mrs. Ftsed strauss, and H. Richard OtHara. A pet-itlon bearing the signatures-of e number .of resLdents ln the vlcln-ity was elso read stating the schrool wes not consldered a nuisance. Councllman Morgan moved.that the flndlngs of the varj-ous departmentsof the city, together with the report from the Department of PubllcHealth and Welfare be received and accepted and that the matter bopl"posed of, seconded by Councllman Atwater and u.nenimously carrlad.The CLerk was lnstructe& to forward copies of the communlcati-ons tothe protestant who inltiated the actlon. A letter dated Apr11 3, 1955, w&s read fbom Clty Electrician Ennest T. Hil1s, requesting permission to attend the firter:netional $lgnalAssociation Session ln Los Angeles and that an expendituno tn thc lmou3!_of $BO.O0 be approved.- fhe Clerk was instructed to notil!$lr. Hills that f\rnds are not avallable ln the current budget for thcpurpos6 rcquested. A lotter dated Apnll 2, 1955, was read from the Burllngame Chambenof Commerce, advlsing that the Board. of Dlrectors had u.nani-mouslyvoted to request that the Councll inltiate proceedings ca11lng forthe formation of an assessment district for the lnstellation of anelectrolier system on llowerd Avenue from El Camino Rcal to the Sou-thern Pecifie Rlght-of-T{ay, and. on Prlmrose Road frou Bur}irrgamoAvenue to Howard Avenue. flr. C;mus McMillen, Prosident of tiie Chem-ber of commerce, 1n attendance, ad.vised that most of the proper"tyowners have signed e petition favoring the formation of an assesi-ment distrlct and although not perrnltted to sign petttlons, tho Mes-onic Ha]l Associatlon a^nd the trustees of the Metlodist Church haveindicated approvat of the plan. Cou::.cl1man Love moved. thet the pct-ltlon be eceepted and referred to the Ctty Attonncy ior hts conEid-eration end study, scconded by Gouncll:nan-Simonds ind unenlmouslycarricd. A letter dated dpr"lI 2, 1955, ws,s read flom Pollce Chlef Theuar ro-porting that pursuant to a CouncLl request fon an lnvestigatlon, or-dinance and neguletlons hevo been eomplled with in the keEpfng 6frabbit hutches located on the proporty s,t #sl Loma vlete A-venie.Councllma: Love moved that the report be rttea and. that a copy beforwerdod to the protestant, second.ed. by Councllmen Simonds -a;d unan-lmously cerried. Vlce-Mayor Slmonds presided. momentarlly to permit Mayor Byrd to in-tnoducc for plssage, Resolution No. 1g:s5, ftcommendlirg Jubge J. A.Bnenson For His Servlces to the City of Br.rrllngamen. Tho motlon w&sseconded by Councllman Atwaten and unanlmously-carrled upon no11 callof members. Mayon By:rd s.ssLmed the Chelr end. fu:stmcted. the Cttv Clerk to nead ecommunLcation dated March 16, 1955, flom L. Ilerbert Herrisr.nequest_ |ng that the Councll accept his resignatlon as a member of the Br.u'-lLngame Planning CommissLon. Councilman Love moved that tfre reslg-nation be eccepted with sinceno regret end that e letter of coronroid-ation be communlceted to li/ln. Harris, seconded. by Councilmen Simond.eend unenLmously caruled. Mayor By{d_submitted the n&m6 of Col. Ches. Rooth, L64A Monte Corvino!?ay, to fill the unexplred term of Mr. Harrls as a member of the pLen- llr€ Commlsslon. CounciLrnen Morgan movcd thet the eppoinhrent be con-firmed, seconded by-Counbllnan Simonds and unanimousfy caryled. Co1.Rooth was lntroduced and welcomed. ' A letten dated_Merch 20, 1955, wes read fnom Jamcs H. Mltchell, Chelr-marr of thc Bu::llngame Clty Plannlng Commission, with en eccompinylngtext, as follows: 2s JAMES H. MITC}IELL - ARCETTECT 4O7 Sensomo Stneet San Eranelsco, Call-fornh Manch 20, L955" I,1r, Andrew C. Bynd, Mayoncity of Burlirrgam6 Dcar Mr. Byrd: The Planntng Commlssion he.s lndieated a desire for the cneatlon ofa Cltlzens Advlsory Study Group to esslst lt ln e Itr1l analysLs ofthe Edgehlll 0verpass arrd Unifled Statlon Plan, t:e eccompanylng text briefly outJ.Lncs thc Corunlsslonf s conccpt ofthls ongagement to enllghten appolntees of the general naturc of thopnoposed study. Prosumably, the group w111 cffoct lts own org&niz-etlon and may nodif) ttre progrem &s lt seea flt und.er moro maturcconsld.eratlon. lhe Oommisslon &pprccLatos the gene::aI lntc::est whlch hes been sbownby ttre community toward the proposed plan. unquestlonably, u:eroare meny wit}-ln its boundany who aro hfghly quallfled and eblc tobxtend valuable asslstrnce in suctr a study. For the momont, hoterfer, lt may se6m edvlsablo to start with a key 8r9uPr purposely sma1l ln number lest 1t otherwiso become unwleldlyend then let thc lody gl:ow Ls verlous contrLbutlng skllls ara bnougrtin flom tLme to tlmc to augment lts thlrrklng.- You wtII tharafore .in- denstand thet the ns.m6s hereln suggested erc presented for youn guid-encG ln making ths appointment witLr. no sens6 of absolute llmltatIon. Respectf\:11y yours, BUNLTNGAi\{E PI"ANNING COMMTSSTON CTTIZENSI ADVTSORY STUDY GROUP OBJECTTVE: To asslst the Plannlng Commissi on ln detennrLng lf theEdgehlll overpass and Unified Statlon Plan ls advlsabld for theorderly growth ard welfane of Br.rrllngame and, if so, suggestionsfon tts eecompllshment. PATTERN OF'STUDY 1i-shed, A comprehensive trDefinitlon of Studyil sLrould be estab- encompas sing: I - The assembling and analyzlng of basic data bearingon economic and soclal factors nelated to the pro-je ct. 2 - Physieal aspects of the pr"oject. 3 fnfluence of the project on significant trend.s inthe communlty pattenn 4 - fmplementation of Plen. AI'{PLTFTCATTON OF STUDY PATTERN: 1 - A11 phases of vehicular and pedestrian tnaffle;their existlng and changing pattern, 2 - The School element, 5 - The Railroad and rail tnnnsit. 4 - fnfluence on retail trade and industry. 30 5 Fubllc Parklng. 6 - Public convenLerlceo 7 - Technicel survey wi-th resp et to structure,utllities, land. acquisition, railroad readjustment. I - Relation to reglonel development sueh as r.apidtrarisit, tldeland neclamatLon and cester.ly expanelon. I - Inter-city neletlonships. 10 - Cost by comparetive mothod for land acquLsLtlon endstructurog. 11 - fmplementation - Potentlal citlzen lnterest end pno-motlonl plannlng and leglslation. sU-ML{ATr0N: To releto these fl.ndlngs to tho current pettern andfuture potentlaHtios of the Clty. PERSONNEL: t* 1 representatlve f)rom Burllngame Avenuo Shopping area. J$ 1 representatl-vc f?om Broadway Shopping erea. George V. White Thomas J. Reynolds Jack l{echt Richard Mlnor All-an F. Hunt R. C. Theuor (Chlef of police) Homer 1$. Bunker (710 Sharon Avenue (I{) ) George J. Marr Wm. B. Glynn rcA7 Channlng Road) J. B. Dawson (Ilason wlth CounciL) ,t As selected by the Chamber of Commerce !15ror Bp'd stated that the Councj.l concur with the pnoposal and. thePlannlng Commisslonrs objective to determine lf the P1;; is aavis-a!1e for the growth end welfaro of the Clty. Tho nmes as indicet-ed on the l-lst were submitted fon Councll Lctlon. Council lman Slm-onds moved that the entiro communicatlon be received. s.nd lncorpor-ated lnto the recond and that the appoLnh.rert of the commlttee asrecommended be confirmed (subJect to the appolntees approval). fhomotion wes seconded. by Couneliman Love and-unanlmously-carrled. Mayor Byrd roquested Plannlng Consultant Mannr present at tlre meet-lng' to outline the procedure on publlc hearl*Ss to be s _c-heduled inconnection with the recodiftcation of city ondlnences. M". Mannstated that the Planning Commission has cbmpleted. lts preliulnarys,tudy on the revisLon of city ondinances, anA as the law requireithat such hearings be held publicly at least twlce, the first hear-ing was scheduled before the regulan meeting of tfre ftanning Com-missio!, April^5O, 1955, ln the-coi:nciI chdbens of the c1t; Ha1l3t e3OO p.m. Oouncllman Slmonds moved that ln ad.dltion to ifrel?S*f advertlsement_a special lnsertion be placed at the Mayorrsdlscre-tion, ln the 1ocal newspapen stating tne ti.mo, plaee 6na p.ur-posG for the schedullng of publlc hearingJ on the n6codificatioir ofzonlng ordinences. The motion was seconded by Councilman Love endunanimously carrled. 31 A letter dated. March 16, 1953, w&s reed f?om Thos E. Donogfruc, Hlp-'nesentlng the Electnieal Products Corporatlon, submlttlng e fonmal appllcation for tLre erectlon of roof slgns on the bulldlng Locatedat 94O Carolen Avenue, Burlingame. A letter de.ted. March 14, 1955, was read ftom the City Planning Conrnlssion, advLslng that thc qpplt- catlon was submitted end revlewed at e regular mcctlng and at a study mcetlng of ttr.e Commlssion. Ttre communlcetlon stated that tho planwas ref\rsed beeause of the slze and by r€ason of the anount of1lght representlng a nulsance to the resi-dents Ln the neighborlngerea. IlD3. Donoglruc tn attend.anee, presented the proposed plan fon Councll considoration, subsequent to whlch Cor-mcl1man Atwater movedthat thc Councll concur wltb the actlon taken by the Plannlng Com- mlsslon and thet tha appllcation be d,enled. Tho raotion w&s seeond- ed by Councllman Simonds and unaxrimously carrled. The Clerk was ln-stnucted to formally not1ff the Electrlcal Pr"oducts Corporatlon. Mayor Byrd, on behalf of the Council, requested. the Planntng Consult-ant, together wlth members of tle Plannlng Commlsslon and the newCltlzens I Advisory Gnoup to contemplate the acquisltion of the San}}anclsco trYater Departmentrs rig[t-of-wey property (the abandoned. S4O street car llne) for tb future development oi a publlc thor- oughfare tLrrouglr the Clty of Bur1lr€ame md also to give consldor-ation to the selectlon of a sLtc for tJre ereetion of a Civlc Centerto serve ttre cltlzens of Burllngame . Mr. Stenley Nlmowltz, student at the $an Mateo Junlor Co1lege, w&sintroduced. ard welcomed $ayor Byrd urged the cltlzens of Burllnganp to attend the Annual Community Dlnnen to be held at the Methoatst Church, Wednesd.ay,Aprll Bth, 1955, at-6:50 p.m. As Uee space ls llmtted Mayon BJrdurged thc lmmediato purchase of tlckets lf aval1ab1e. MP. Jack Hecht, Presldont of the Burllngame Clvle lflelfare C1ub,addressed the Councll urglng conslderatton ln reftrsing those lndus-trles appeerlng to be obnoxious, a nutsance, on havi-ng a tendencyto exclude a good type of industny. Mayor Byrd and Counel lman Lovebgth expressed the opinlon that the voters of BurlLngame should havethe opportunity of decidlng the issue at tlee next Munielpal Election. Th*Ig being no ftrr"then business, the meetlng was regularly ad.journedat 1O:15 p.rl. Rosp e ctf\.r1ly submltted IMRBERT K. T,IHITEClty Clerk APPROVED: d ANDRE1S C. B]AD May or