HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1953.03.2825 Burlingaine - California March 28, 1953. A meet,ing of the Burlingame City Councll was held on the above glven date as per adJournment of March 21, 1953. The meetlng wascaIled to order at 11:25 &.rr1. - Mayor Bynd ln the Chalr. Ro1I Ce1l: Present - Councllmen: Bl"rd - Morgan - SimondeAbsent - Councllmenl Atvrater - Love Respe ctfLr11y submit ted HERBERT K. Wi]TTEClty Clerk APPROVED: Mayor Byrd stated that the meetlng was caIled for the puryose of agaln consldering the appolntment of a hoseman ln the BurllngameFire Department. 0n motlon of Counellman Slmonds, seconded by Counellman ilorgan andcarrled, Councllman Atwater and Councilman Love were excused f?om the meeting. ftre City Clcrk advi.sed that the next three on the eliglble ltst were Gordon W. Jackson, James F. Duffey and Ado1ph C. Lange. ALetter dated tfanch 24, 1955, w&s read f?om Gondon fl. Jaekson, cxpresalng,hls. lnabillty to accept the posltlon and requestlngthat hls name be retained on the e1lglble llst. Councilman Mongan thereupon moved that the next ellglbIe for appolntment, James F.Drffey, be appoLnted to the positlon of l{oseman ln the Bur}lngame Elre Depa:rtment, effdetlve Aprt1 16th. The motlon was seeond.ed by Councllman Simonds and unanlmously earrled. The meetlng was regularly adJourned at 11:5O B.rn. .t"d,rrr- 4 ANDREVf C. B]MD Mayon