HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1953.03.2121 Burllngame - Callfornia. March 21, 1953 A speclal meetlng of the Bu::llngame Clby Counell was held on the above glven date, all members having prevlously been notlfied and consentLng. The meetLng was ealled to order at 1L:00 &.Ir., Mayor Byrd ln the Chalr. RoIl Ca}I: Present - Councllmen: Atwater-Bynd-Love-trilorgan-SimondsAbsent Councll:nen: None Mayon Bynd stated that the meetlng had been ca11ed for the purposoof eonsldering the appolnfunent of a hoseman in the Burlingame Fire Department. Flre Chief Lels addressed the Councll and requested that a perman- ent appointment be made effective Aprl1 1, 1955, to f111 an exist- Lng vaeancy cneated by the reslgnation of Hoseman Edrmrnd Audeoud. The Council was advlsed that the next three ellgib1e for the pos- itlon had been notifled by reglstered mal1 and had been requestedto advlse of thei:: availability for appointment. Phillp J. Ilannlng-ton, the next e11glb1e, in his reply indlcated that fon the secondtime he was not aval1able. Counclbnan Simonds moved that his name be withdrawn flom the eliglble Ilst, seeonded by Councllman Love and unanimously carrted. The Clty Clerk advised that Gordon Jackson, next e1igible, had ad-vlsed by telephone of his lnablIity to accept the appoi-ntment. Coirncllman Love moved that a registered letter be forwarded to illr.Jackson, requesting that he submit a wnitten reply to that effeetwithin five days, and if withln that time no answer was recelved,that his name be withdrawn f?om the Ilst. The motlon was secondedby Councilman Simonds and unanimously caruled. The meetlng was regularly adJourned at 11:20 B.rn. and a meeting scheduled for Saturday, March 28t.h, 1953, at 10:00 a.m. Respectfl:lly submit ted ItrRBERT K. T'HTTEClty Clerk APPROVED: I &r,/.f,{. A ANDRE1S C. B]RD Mayon