HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1954.06.07a54 Br-irllngame Californi-a. Jrrrre 7, l:95\. A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the abov6 glven date. Meetlng cal1ed. to order at B:00 P.M. - Mayor Atwater in the Chalr. Ro1l Ca1l: Present Counsilmen: Atl+ater-Love-Rooth Absent Councj-lmen: Byrd.-Mongan On motl-on of Councilman Love, seconried by'Councilman Rooth and rrnan- imously canrled, Councllman Byrd was excused due to his absence from the clty. Cou-ncilman Mongan was scheduled. to appear later in the evening. The minutes of the prevlous meeting of May 1J, 195\, as submitted to members of the Council, were r.rnanlmously appnoved on motLon of Councilman Love and seconded by Counellman Rooth. A letten dated June l"L, 195\, was read. from the Burllngame Clty Plan- nlng Commlssion, advlsing that subsequent to a pub1le hearing held on the Appllcation of the Safeway Stores for a variance and reclass-ification of its propenty located in Block 1, Burllngame Towrl Sub- dlvision, the Corcnlssion unanj-mously recommend.ed to appnove the ap-pllcation and to grant L use permlt and vaniance for a parking Iot, subJect to stipulati-ons provided 1n a prlon vaniance. The Cormls- sion fbrther advlsed that a motj-on was intr"oduced to informally reo- ommend that a triangular portlon of the property presently owned. by the City be made available to the Safeway Stones fon thelr panking plans and. that the Clty request a walve:: of ::everslonany lnterest, 1n wnltl-ng, from trhs Amerlcan Trust Company, J. A. Branson, attorney, representing the Safeway Stores, advlsed that a letter has been ne- celved in which the American Trust Company states that they w111quitclaim their revenslonal rtghts insofar as it pertains to a trt- angular shaped parcel. Councllman Love inbnoduced and moved the passage of Resolution No. 33-51+, eoncurrlng 1n the recommend.ationof the Plannlng Comnlsslon and approving the Appllcation of the Safe- way Stores for a variance and. reclasslficatlon of its property 1o- cated. in Bloek 1of Burlingame towri Subd.ivlsi.on, second.ed by Councll- man Rooth and carried unanlmously on ro11 call of members present. Councl-lman Love moved that the Real Estate Board be requested to ap-pralse the property, subsequent to whlch the property may be sold pnovlded the mlnlmurn bld 1s accoptable to the City Councl]. The mo-tlon was seconded. by CouncLlman Rooth and unanimously carrled.. A letter dated. Jr:ne 4r L95l+, was read from the Burllngame City Plan- nlng CommLsslon, ad.vising that the Commlssion has revlewed and there-after has reeorrrended that the Mi11s Estate No. 3 Subdlvision Map be aeeepted. Questloned by Councllman Rooth, Clty Ehgineer Mann stated.that the map as submltted, has been approved both by his offlce and the Clty Attorney. Plannlng Consultant Mann also ad.vlsed. that the subdlvlsion map confonms to all 1egaI r,equlrements. Courtcllman Love lntnoduced. and moved the passage of Resolutlon No. 3l+-51+ rrApproving Final Map &rtltled rMl11s Estate Map No. l, Burllngame, Callfonniafr and Dlreeting Executlon of Agreement to Construct Public Improve- mentsrr, seeonded by Councllman Rooth. Mr. C. R. Rogens, Secnetaryof the Burlingame Clvlc Improvement Clubr go€st1oned. the appnoval of the final map inasmuch as no agreement was approved. relative to gnad- lng and flood contnol and that the 18 foot lslands along El Cami.no Real to be d.eeded. to the Clty are not lndlcated on the-subdlvislon map. Clty Attopney Karmel advlsed that a.n aglaeement, identical to one adopted by the City of Mi11brae, has been exeeuted., in whlch the subdivlder agrees to constnrct and. lnsta1l pub1lc improvements and. to post surety bonds ln accond.ance wlth Clty requiremonts. Clty Engln- eer Marr, i, reply to the inquiny relative to the 18 foot islands, &d- vlsed. that the map indlcates 63t between property llnes and. at such tlme as improvement plans are submittedp a planting strlp and ease- ments may be requested. He further advised. that a sldewalk area will be provld.ed, leaving fonty-th:ree feet of stne.et for tnavel. 155 Mr. Rlchard. Broback, a?O5 Bernal Avenuer Quostloned. the passing of the map without the area first being zoned. and. stated it was hls understandlng that no heari-ng had been schoduled. on zoning. Mr. John I{afsted expressed hls approval of the final map but protested. the fact that sectlons 1908 to 1911 i.ncluslve, of the Ond.inanee Cod.e had. not been confonmed wlth, providlng for publlc hearlngs on zonlng. Plannlng Consultant Marur ad.vj-sed that zonlng o! t4g arearrstems outfr of the orlglnal agreement between the Clty of Burllngame and the Trous- d.a1e Constructlon Company and at that time the zonlng was lndl-cated. Following funther discusslon, City Attorney Karmel suggested that lnterim zoning be lnitlated. to avoid the possible risk of litigation by a taxpayer who may not approve of the pnescnibed. zonlng. Mayon Atwater callod fon a vote orf the passage of Resolution No. 3\-5t+: Atwater-Love-Rooth None Byrd-l4organ Councilman Love lntnoduced for first reading An Ordlnance amending Section 1904, Article !0, Part X, of tEe Ondinance Cod.e of the Clty of Burllngamer-Divldtng the City lnto DlstnlctF_r by Pnoviding for the Temporary lnterlm Zoning of Certain Land.s Within the Clty snd Pnovid.lng that thls Ordlnance ls an Ungency Measure and Shall Become Eff ective lmmed iately. Tho City Attorney ad.vlsed. that if the ord.inance ls adopted. at the seeond reading, pub1lc hearings may thereafter be scheduled by the Planning Commisslon, A letten dated. Jr"rre l, A95\-, was read. from G. J. Marr, Dlreetor of Pub11c Workse r.ocofitillendlng that Mr. Leonard Widen, Assj.stant Clty Engineer, be permltted to attend the second. annual University ofCallfornia Conference on Clty and Regional Planningr-to be held on June 18, 1954, in San Franclsco, and expenses allowed in an amount not to exceed $8.00. Councilman Love moved that the Cor:-:rell concur wlth the recommendatlon that expenses in the amount not to exceed $8.00 be authonlzed, second.ed. by Councllman Rooth and unanimously carri-ed. A letter dated l{ay 21 , 195\-, was read. f rom G. J. Marc, Director of Public Works, advlslng that the improvements, lncluding street, curbs, gutters and utilltles, have been installed and completed. to the sat- isfaction of his offlce in the subd.lvlslon known as Kenman Teryace and it was recom.flended that the Council- accept the improvements by resolution. Councilman Rooth lntroduced and moved the passage of Resolution No. 35-5\, ttAccepting the Stneets of Kenmar Terracett, seeonded by Cor:ncifunan Love and unanimously carried on ro11 call of menbers. Ayes : Councilmen: Noes : Cor:ncllmen: Absent Councllmen: L A letter dated YIay 27, 1954, was read" from E. P. Wj.lsey, City Manager, Towrr of lIillsborough, expressing ttre appreclatlon of the ili]ls.boroughFire Depantment to-tbe assistance rendLred by tLre Burtingame F'1re De- partment at a recent flre in Hillsborough. fhe Clty Cle rk was ln- structed. to acknowlqd.ge the con$unication and. to tnansmlt a copy to the members of the S"urlihgame Flre Departnent. A letten dated. I{ay 21 , 1954, was read from the Burllngame Plannlng Commission, r.equesting that the sum of S2r000.00 be bud.geted. this year and hereafter, to lnltiate a program fon ttre creatlon of a park area on the sho::e lands within the Clty of Burlingame. The subJect was referred. to the Finance Commlttee of the Councll. A letter dated June l+, A95\, was read. from G. J. Marr, Dlrector of Public Works, requestlng that an appointment be made from the existlng Clvil Service e11glb1e 11st for the position of Tnee Trlmmer, to f111 a vacaney in the Park Department. TLre City Clerk ad.vised that the e1lgib1e 1lst for the position expired as of May 1/, L954. Corrnell- man Love thereupon moved. t}.at the eligible Ilst for Tree Trlmmer be extended for one year, seconded by Councj-Iman Rooth and. rrnanimously IL 156 c arrl- ed .Councilman Love moved that Hubert Mahan, next eliglble for appolntrnent, be aPP effectlve June 161 1954 onded by Councllman Rooth ancl unanlmously carled. Councllman Love moved that the Clvl1 Service Commlssion be instruct- ed to conduct an examinatlon preparatory to the establishment of an ellglble llst for the posltlon of Tree Tr:imnrer, secondeal by Councll- man Rooth and unalimously carrlecl. councilman Love moved that the c1vlI Servlce ConmLss10n be lnstruct- ed to create an ellglbIe I1st for the position of Gnoundsmal in the Pank Department, seconded by councllman Rooth and unanimousl"y carrled. A letter dated Jr:ne )a, 395)+, was read from G. J. Marrr Dlrector of Pub1lc Works, advlslng that ProJect No. 60-511 lncluslve, for the re- surfacing of portlons of Howard Avenue, Hlghland Avenue, Pank Road, Burllngame Avenue and. Californla Drlve, has been completed arrd nec- orunendfng acceptance. Councllman Rooth lntnoduced' and moved the passage of nesbtutton No. )2-l\ ttAcceptlng Street-Work as Pe::forned Ly trr6 Lowrle Paving company, Contract MCS 60-61+- fncluslve'r seconded uy counc l1man Love and canrled unanLmously on ro11 c aI1 of members present. A letter datod Jr:ne LS, 1954, was read from G. J. Mam, Dlrector of Pub11c tfonks, requesting that a leave of absence be granted to James J. Romer, Jr::elor Englneer, wlth pay, In order that Mr. Roonen may re- port for actlve trainlng duty with the U. S. Air Force Roserve. Coun- "tlman Love moved that the request be granted and Mr. Roemer be.per- *iit"a to rep6nt for duty fo:r tho per{od June 1[ to Jr.rne 25, l95l+, lncluslver with no loss in compensatlon. A letter dated May 28e t954t wss read fnom the San FrancLsco Inter- natlonal Alrport De6lcatl-on a11d Flteht Festlval Corr:rnlttee, ln whlch an lnvitatlon was extend.eil to ttre Mayons and. chamber of commerce Ex- ecutives of Penlnsula Cltles to particlpate ln the dedlcatory serv- Lces for the opening of ttre ten miJ.lion dollar: passenger te::mina1 bulldlng at the fnternatlonal Alrport ln South San FrancLsco, August 27, 28 ana egtfr. The communlcatlon was referred to ttie Chamber of Corunorce. olnted T:ree Tnlmmer ln the , subject to Clv1l Service Park Dopartment, requlrements, s ec- Pre s ldent propos ed clubs andthe Bur- ' L95L+, Ttre lon prlo:r A letter dated June l, l95ll, BeautlfLcatlon CommLttee, Bur 1ng the appearance of a temPo enected bY the SPer::Y ComPanY natte:: was referred to the Cl structuro was enected in vlo1 dl,nance code. A letter tlated June l, 1954t was lread from Cra$ford R. Rogers, Sec- retary Bu::1lngame Civic Imfrovement C1ub, r:rglng lmmedlate Councll "otfoi, ln zonfng Mlllsdale No. 1 Subdlvlslon for M-l (flglt Indus- t::1a1). Actlon on an ordinance proposlng to zone Ml11sdale No. 1 subdl_vlsion for M-1, lntroduced by councllman Morgan at the last reg- ular meetlng of the councll and scheduled for second reaaiing on thls aiate, rnras h;Id ln abeyance untll the next regular meetilg of the Coun611 on motion of Counc llnan love, seconded by Councilman Rooth and unanimously carrl-ed. C orrnci Iman Love moved. that the above c om- munlc ation be referred to the P].arurlng Comrnission, second.ed by coun- cI1man Rooth and r;narrlmou s 1y canried. A Ietten d.ated June I' 195\, was road' from Edward W. K18hn, Chairman Beautlflcation Committee, Burllngame Clvlc Improvement Club' request- lng that the Park Department be glven an Lncrease ln a budget ltem for the purpose of prov5.dlng for a planting progratn to assure the perpetuatlon of the beauty of the Clty of Burlingame. The subJect was refemed t o the Councll FLnance Committee. was read from Ed.ward N. KLahn, Chalrman l lngane Clvlc Improvement CIub, protest- rar! st::uctrr"e oir CaLif ornla DrlverF ' tr'' r'l , Bu::1lngame contractor. The subJectty ffrglneer upon detorm3,na tlon that the ation of Section 1921 of the Cttyts or- A letter dated June Lt l95l+ ' was read from James lllmmel, of the Burll-ngame Clvlc Improvement C1ub, ativlslng of the formation of a peninsula wlde associatlon of lmproveme civ1c betternent organlzatlons and requestlng the use llngame Councll Charnbers for" the evening of September Improvement Club was lnvited to submlt a formal app1lc to the scheduled d.ate. nt of 22 at 757 A letter dated June 1, L95\, was read from James Himmel, Secretanyof the Burlingame Improvement CLubs Councll, ad.vlsing that the var-lous j-nter-eLty lmprovemont clubs within the Clty of Bunllngame hadvoted to recontrnend that the area between the Southenn Paclfic Ra1l- road tracks and. the San Franelsco Bay shoreline, northwest of ToyonDrive, be zoned for eommerci-al and. selected l-ight lndustrial develop- ment wlth architectunal control. The communLcation was nefe::red tothe Planning Commissl on. A letter dated May 1J, t95\, fnom the Offlce of the Atto::ney-Genena1, Eashington, D. C. extending an invitation to members of the Councilto attend. a natlonal Conference on Citlzenshlp in Washlngton, D. C. September 75-16-L7, 1954, was nead and placed on f1Ie. A letter dated May 26, A95\, was read from E. L. Lincoln, Superin- tend.ent of Recreati-o4r requesting a r.e-allocation of Budget Fund.sin the amouirt of $1rU00.00 to S-1 SalarLes, to complete the fiscalyear recreational aetlvltles program. Councllman Love moved thatthe request be gnanted. and the Clty Clerk authonized. to make the necessary bookkeeping ad.justments, seconded by Councilman Rooth and ruranimously carnied.. A letten d.ated. May 1l , 19fl1, was nead fnom the Burlingane Recnea-tion Commlsslon, submittf:g reeommend.atlons relatlve to necreat-ional facillties for the Ctty of Burlingame withln the Mllls Fstate,west of El Camino Real. The subJect matter was neferred. to the Plan-ning Commis sl-on. A letter dated" May 7, A95\, recelved fnom the San Mateo County Faln and. Floral Flesta Assoclation, extending an lnvltatlon to the Cltyto send lts most beautlful girl to compete 1n the Fiesta Dream G1::1 beauty contest, was refenned to the Chamber of Commerce. A letter dated May 1!1 L95\, was read from the Bunlingarne Recneation Gommissi-on, requestlng that the Counel-l investlgate alleged inequit-les in salanies ln Recreatlon Depan&ment personnel. Councilman Love recommended that the Clvll Servlce Commlssion be lnstr"ucted to corr- duct a salary sulavey wlthin each department of the Clty. The above eommunication r.ras referred t o the Clv1l Servlce Commi-ssion. (A letter dated Jr.rre 7, 195\, was read. from G. i. Marn, Di-recton ofPublic Works, advlsing that the Scavenger Company has agneed t o thefurnlshing of trucks and .personnel f or the Cltyt s proposed. Clean-Up Week, in the amount of $50.00 per d.ay pen itnuck. ILre sommunlcatlon recommended. that the tnash to be collected be limited to rubbish onIy. Councllman Rooth moved. that the Dlrector of Publlc Wonks be author- lzed. to enter into a contract with the Scavenger Company for rubblshcollectlon in the amount of $50.00 pen day per truck, and in a tota] maximum amount not to exceed $500.00. The motlon was seeond.ed by Councilman Love and unanimously canried.. A report dated May 1[, 195\, submltted by the San Mateo County De-partment of Publlc lIealth and Welfarar was nead. and ordened fi1ed. Capt. E. L. Norbeng, representing Militany Ordens wlthin San Mateo County, ad.dressed the Council to extend an lnvitation to the members and the public to pantlcipate in Natlonal Guard Services to be con- ducted. at the Armory in San Mateo, June 18, 1954. Counci.lman Roothlntroduced and m.oved the passago of Resolution No. 38-54, ttProclalm- ing June 18, 1954, as National-Guand Day wlth the Ci.iy di nui"ffrgamett second.ed. by Councllman Love and unanlmously carrled on ro11 c all of members present. Dlrector of Public Wonks Marn, advlsed. that State.Highway offlclalsare cr:rrently conductlng a trafflc count on Sununlt Drlve in responseto a nequest from nesid.ents withln that area. Mr. Marr advlsed thatthe street however i-s outslde the confines of the Clty of Burllngalne. Thulg Ugfl8 no furthen business, the meetlng was regularly adjour:ned.at 10:35 P. M. c y subml APPROVED: AThIATER HERBEBT H KENT MAYO R Res C]TY CLERK 'tlffIITE/frd.;