HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1953.03.162A A regrlar meeti-ng above given date.in the Chain. Burllngame - QallfornLa March 16, 1953. of the Burlingame City Council was held on the }rleeting called to order at B:00 p.m. - Ivlayor Byrd Bo11 CalI: Present - Counej-Imen: Atwater-B5rrd-Love-Morgan-SimondsAbsent - Couacllmen: None The minutes of the previous meeting of Mareh 2, 1955, as subnrittedto members of the Council were corrected to read, on pege 2, lastparagraph, rto permit the construetion of a single dwelll"ngrt in- stead of |tto permS-t the construction of an apartnentn. Councilman Atvrater moved that t he mlnutes be approved and adopted as amended, seconded by Councllman Love and unanimously carrled. Due to the absence of the City Attorney f?om the City, Counctlman Love introduced and moved the passege of Resolution No. !2-53r. "Authori-z5ng Burress Karmel to serve as actlng Clty Attorney at thepleasure of the Councll, without pay", seconded by Councllman Atwater and unanlmously carried upon roll call of membens. The oath of of-fice was gi.ven by Ctty Clerk llfhlte. Bids for the razlng of the Gunst Mansion in filashington Park, sehed-uled to be recej.ved on this date, were opened and read as follows: Standard Wrecklng Company, San Carlos Demolish a:d Remove Frame Dwel1lng....... o... o....,....$ 1195O.OO Remove Foundatio]ls.....r............................... 8OO.OO Syraon Bros. llineckers fnc., San l,'nancisco dwel}lng. . ... o ... . .. ........ . . ....$ 2rl.25.AO removal of eement or concrete) Franciseo, San rreand?oE J K_ Wrecl<lng Compa4yr San Bemovlng DwellLn$. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 99O.OO Removal of foundations......... o o....... ............,.. 548.00 Award of both blds, total... . ..... o ... .. ...... . .. ...... 11475.00 C 1 eve la nd lflre eklnL0_qmp_qqyr__L L$qgci s c o Rgmoval of Dwelling............o....o................or $ zrg60.oo 700. ooRemoval of concrete, Clementina Compeny, Removal of two story (Does not lnclude : ,l foundatlong......,.. San F?ancis co Removal Removal 41 650. O0 1, O34.00 R. L. Lowell & B. Stark, Redwood Clty Complete Removal, plus sal-vage.. . .. . .. ..... . .. ... . ....,$ 11950.0O Bond and/or Cashierrs checks accompanled all bids wlth the excep- tion of the last mentioned. bld. fhe foregolng bids were referr.ed t o the City Engineer and to the Acting Ctty Attorney for study and recommendatlon prlor'to ttr.e term- ination of the meeting. Monday, Mar"ch 16, 1955, was sc,b.eduled for a hearing before ttre Clty Councll on the application of lvir. Buel G. Proffltt, for a varlance of property at 7O9 Llnden Avenue, to permlt the eonstruetion of a slngle dwel1ing. There bel-ng no opposi-tlon to the grantlng of thevarlance, amd the matter havlng been pnevlously approved by the Clty Planning Commlsslon, Councllman Atwater. moved concurrence ln the recommendatlon of the Plannlng Commlsslon and lntroduced for passaB€r ResolutLon No. 15-55, rcnantLng A Vaniance ln Use of the Property at ?Og Linden Averaner, seconded by Councilman Slmonds and unanlmously caruled upon ro11 call of members. 2L ,A letter dated. March 13, 1955, was read from Directon of Publlc Works G. J. Marr, submltting eopies of a memorandum of agreement for the expendl-ture of gas tax alloeatLon fon Major City Streets for the Fiscel Year 1952-1953 fon Council approval. Councllman Love moved concut3rence in the necommendatlon and introdueed Res-olutlon No. 15-55, tlAuthonizLng the Mayor to execute the agreement for: the expenditure of gas tax allocations to the City of Burling- ame for the flseal year 1952-1953r', seconded by Councilman Atwater and adopted unanlmously upon ro11 call of members. A letter dated March 13, 1955, was read from ttre Board of Fire Com- missloners, advi-slng that Flre Chlef Edward J. Leis vrill be due fon retlrement October 51, 1955, and it was recommended that an examin- atlon be held for t he posltion of Fire Chlef as soon as possible. Councilman Morgan moved that the subject be tabled for the Councllts f\:::then consideratlon, seconded by Councllrnan Love arrd unanlmously carried. A letter dated March 11, 1953, was rea,d from E. R. Stallings, Coun-ty Managen, requesting Mayon Byrd and/or other representatives ofthe City Council to meet with the Board of Superviso::s at the Court- house at B:OO p.m., Thunsday, April 2, for the purpose of dlscuss-lng: (1) conslderatlon of the establlstrment of a unlform ordinanceregulatlng sanltany conditions in food establlshments1" 12) pendingleglslatlon relative to optlon by countLes and. cltles wlthln the county to establish a one-cent sales tax in addition to the statethree-cent sales tax, and (5) legislati.on pending the establishmentof a eountyrlde fLood control and drainage dLstrlct. Mayor Byrdappointed Councilman Atwate::, Councilman Love, and City Engineer Maru to attend the proposed meeting. Mayor Byrd also extended anlnvltatlon to othen Councilmen to be presont lf they so d.esire. A letten dated March 15, 1955, w&s read from the Burltngame }{unic-lpa1 Employeest Assoelati.on, requesting that authorlzat;ion be givento the California State Retirement Board to conduct an aetuariatsurvey to detertrine the cost of redueing the employees t present re-tlreryent age. Councilman Love lntroduced and moved the passage ofResolution No. 16-53, trAuthori-zj,ng the State of CaLifornia ReElre-ment Board to conduct an Actuarlal Survey for the City of Burlingame.rrThe motlon was seconded by Councilman Atwater and upon ro11 call-of membens, unanimously carried. A letten dated March !2, 1955, was read fr"om the Burli-ngame Pollce C:Lub' requestlng a meeting wlth the City Council relatlve to salaryincreases for the Pollce Department. The City Cler}< was instructehto dlrect a letter to the Pollce Club, advlsing the Club that theCouncll wm.ld pnefen to negotiate with the police members throughthe Burli-ngame Municipal Employees I Associatlon. A letter dated March 15, 1955, was:read fnom the Burlingame Chamberof Commerce, advising that the Flood Control Commlttee 6as recom- mend.ed that & sufficLent sum of money be set asid.e in the forthcom- il8 budget of the City fon a pnelimlnary survey for the relief offlood conditions in the Clty, and that a suffiLlent sum be also plac-ed ln the budget to provlde additlonal emengency rellef unt11 an-over-a1l permanent prog::am can be provlded. Councllman tove expposs-ed the oplnlon that lnasmuckras the pnoJect involves not only tfre Cityof-Burllngame_but the clty of Hlllsbonough, city of san Mat6o, andunineorpo::ated aneas as welI, expenses sh.ould bL bonne apportionate- ]r. councirman Lovets opinion was coner.:med. ln by Mayor byrd andCouncilman Slmonds. Followlng further d.lscusslon] th; City nngineerwas requested, to didcuss the matter at the meetlng with tne noina ofsupervlsors on Aprl1 2, 1955, and to ascentaln fron the Board ofsupervi-sors whether the eounty would contnibr:.te to a survey. A letten dated. March l2l 1953, w&s nead from the Broadway Develop-raent Assoelation, together wlth a letter flom Mr'. Morris A. Cox bfthe 1Y1111am Volker conpany, expr€ssing appneclatlon for councllaetlon in the removal of an abandoned.-con-encte mlxlng plant just offof california Drlve. The City Clerk was inst::ueted Eo- acknoirledgethe communieatlons. Ttre Clty C1erk was also lnstructed to comnrui-lcate with the Auxl1lary Flre Department expressing Council appnec-i-ation to the members for theln pantlclpation ln tile nemoval of t5eabandoned p1ant. 22 A letter dated l{ar.ch 3, 1955, n&s read f?om Der:nis H. Keran, 1;4J:zEdgehll1 Dnlve, entering hls protest in the operatlon of a privateschool ad.Jacent to his property. I'lee cornmunicatlon was referred. tothe Chief of Po11ce, the ELre Chief, the Department of Public Health.and to the Buildlng fnspector, witt:. lnstructi.ons to submit a reportof their findlngs to the City Council. The Ciby Clerk was lnstruct-ed to notif) l{r. Keran of the Couneilts action. A letter dated March 10, 1955, was read from the Department of ftrb-1ic llealth, pursuant to a Councll nequest, relative to the condltionof rabbit hutcLres in Burlingarne Manor, in which several vlolatlonsin the Ordinance Code were noted. The Chlef of Pollce was requestedto notify the ourners of the existence of the vlolations and to re-quest thelr co-oPeratlon by thelr conformance to ordinance regulatlons. Reports from the Flre Department, the Publie Library, the Pollce De-partment and the Department of Public Vrlorks , for the month of ftbrp-apy, 1955, were read, acknowledged and ordered filed. | 91aim against the CiW of Burlingame, presented by MaryMcCarthy, for personal lnjunies incurred as a nesult of bproperty loeated at 1547 C;rpress Avenue, wes rejected and.to the cityts Lnsurance canr"ien upon motion of councllmanseconded by Councilman Love and unanimously carcled. EvelynfaI1 on referred Atwater, A clalm, submitted by Sana G. Pendleton, fon pensonal ln$unles 1n-curred as a result of a fa1l at ttre intersection of Myrtle Road andBurllngame Aveme, was reJected arrd referred to the Cityts lnsu:rancecanrler upon motLon of Councj-Iman Simonds, seconded by bouncLlmenAtwater and r"uranlmou.sly carr"l_ed. Clalms Nos. 5561 to 5499 lncluslve, ln the amount of $40r 675.74, dulyaudlted, were authonized drawn on the Clty Treasury for ihelr respec-tlve amounts upon motlon of Cor:nc11man Love, seconded. by CouncilmanSimonds and unanimously carried. The Fa5rro11 fon the monttr of Febru&rp checks No. 2548 to 2BgZ Ln-clusive, ln the amount of $4?r o27.46, was approved upon notion ofCouncilman Love, seconded by Councllman Stnonds and unani-mously c&13-rled. M-afon Bynd referred to the unfinished buslness of the awardlng ofthe bld fo:: the razin_g of the &rnst Mansj.on, CIW Engineer Mirr andActing City Attorney Karmel submitted the recommei:Aatfon that thebld be awarded. to the K T K Wreeklng Company, the low bidden, for the lum 9f.$1r47_5. Councilman Love intioducba inA moved. the pasiage-ofResolutlon No. L4-53, rAuthorizLng the Mayor to Execute an ggrdementwith the K T K tr{recking Companyr as pen bld submlttedrtt secoided byCouncilman Simonds and unanimously carrted. upon ro11 iaII of members. couneilman Morgan was exeused f?om the meetlng at g:18 prm. A letten dated March 10, 1955, was read from Fbank B. Perklnsr srb-mittlng his reslgnation as a member of the Burllngarne P1ann5-ng Com-mlssion, effectlve Manch 31, 1953. Councilman Atwater moved f,fratthe reslgnation be accepted with regret, seconded by Councllman Lovearrd unanlmously canried. The ulty clerk was instruLted to dlrect aneppropriate letten of appreciatlon to Mr. Perklns ln betralf of theCity Council. Mayol Ey"d submltted the rr&rne of Wernep H. Dlederichsen, 75O Wlnches-ter Driver to f111 the unexplred tenm of Mr. Perkins as a member ofthe PlannLng Commisslon. Upon motion of Cor:ncllman Slmondsr second- Sd by Councl.lman Atwater, the appointment was unanlmously conflrmed.The clty clerk was instructed. to- so advlse Mr. Dlederlchlen. The City Clerk was instructed to notiff membens of the Civll Servicecommissi.on to meet wlth ttre cLty councll, saturday, March z!, 1958,at 1O:45 B.rR. ln the CouncLl Chambers of the City-HaII. A speclal eonsent meetlng of the Clty Councll was schedqled for Sat-lrr9"y-monnlng, Manch 2L, 1955 at 1o:30 &.nr. for the purpose of ap-polntlng a flreman from the ellglbIe list to f111 an- exlsttng vat-ancy. 2B 'Councllman Love rnoved that ttr.e CounclL ad.journ ln memo::y of forrer Councllman Ellsworth E. Johnson, who passed away, Monday, Marctr 16, 1953, seconded by Councilman Atwater. Th6 Clty Clerk wes requestedto communicate an appropriate letter to Mrs. Johnson. The Clty Ha11 Flag was ordered to fIy at half-staff. Respeetfully subnltted YliI{TTEClty Clerk A}PROVED: {trgsfi<s'{A# ANDREIf C.. B]ND Mayor