HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1955.06.28t Burlingame June - Callfornla 28, L955 306 A regularly adJourned Councl"l meetlng of June 20, the above glven date. Meetlng calletl to orden at Mor.gan ln the qhalr. ROLT CAII,: Presont - CouncLLnen: Absent - Councllmen: EEARINGS 1. RELOCATION EA STON DRAI NAGE CHANNEL Byrd-Johns on-Morgan-Ro oth-Thayen None 1955, was held on 8:05 p.n. - Mayon on the relocatlon of the ocatlon along West Ro11lnsrn Paclflc rlght-of-way be- bsen scheduled ln response c Improvement CIub, Incor:- lmately one hundred citlzens e p::oposed relocatlon. The expr€ss thelr obJectlons, Mayor Morgan stated that a pub1lc hearlng Eaiton Dnalnage Channol from lts p:resent I Road to the proposed slte along the Souttre tween Llncoln Avenue anal Glrova Avenue, had to a petltlon flled by the Burllngane Clvl porated, l(ay 2e 1955, and' slgned by app::ox i.esidlng wlthln the area, ln protest to th Chalr lnvlted petltloners in attendance to verbal1y. lrlr. James lllmmel, declarlng hlmself a speaklng as a cltlzen, a taxpay- en and an offlcen ln the Bur"lingame Clvlc Impnovement Club, quoted irom a numben of excerpts from the Burllngame Advance-Starr to lndlc- ate prevlous hlstory and facts re1atln8 to the dralnage ProbJ.enn wlth- ln- tie - ln4us trlal aiea of the elty. Mn. Hirunel expressed hLs obJec- tlon and stated that the dnainage channel should be returrred to 1ts orlglnal soul3c6 and that the lndustnlal property olrner shoultl assurllo the-respons lblIlty and oost of ellmlnatlng the dralnage problom wlthln the vlclnlty. Mrs. V. K. parrnelee, 1115 Sl[nne!: Avenue, resldlng wlthln the area, con- f lnmed statements matte by lvlr. Elrrre1. Mrs. Marle I. I{aJ.l, 1339 caltfornia Drlvei J. E. Eanlon, 1111 Callfor- rrf" oofo"; eI McQueenl-I321 caltfomla Dnlve and D. S. Angelo, 1323 Cafffornti Drtve, expressed vsrbal oppositlon, alleglng that the pro- i*"i-""""tr"ctf 6" wbula Ue a healtb anA an accldent hazard, ln addlt- ion io Lts tendency to decroase the value of the property' councl lman Byrd stated that 1t 1s a declslon that the councl,l mrst de- a;;G; as t6 whethen the substandand condltlon of tho lndustrlal area ,ray ue-rmproved so as to assune lts rtrlghtful pl8ce upon the tax ro118 of the clty.'r For tho lnfonmatlon of lnterested persons and In response to queEtLon- i"i Ui-C.""oifra1 ayra, Cfty Enghler Merr advlsect that (1) subsequent tt:a-borncf l reques!, ifre firrn of Adanson end Jenksr Sanlta"y Consult- lns Enqlneens. had pnesented to the Councl1, Apnl1, 1951+, a report of . -E""rE? rrra 6 'probd control Dralnage Maptr, proposlng lmprovement g to iir" ro"ii, dralnago channels wlthln the Clty qd !lt?t the.relocatlon of tne taston Draliage Channet was lncorporateil withln that report; irj t[; water 1n frr" altof, at the present tlme- o::lglnates from portlons ii'tiri-rJ"fdintlal ar.ea of the ctty anal fnom the unlncorporated-areae; iil -iir"- ira""t"f.f p"op""iy olaers- w111 exp€nd approllnately $78,000.O0 witfrfn the anea proposid t6 be lnproved, by the acgulsltlon of lsndt itre iayfng of plpes-an6 the installatlon of a p,,'npll' p18nt; antl (4) the coirt fo consiruct a cov.red drainage dltch would approxlmate $90, ooo. oo. Huglr Rosaaenl socretary, Burl J.ngamo .Clvlc fmprovement cIub, InO. r ox- ;;;;";d-hi; -otlect:.on i6 tne proposed relocatlon anil questlonsd the io""iUifity o f- constructlng_the ihannsls to provlde cllrect access to i;;-;;t;-i; which the Clty-Englneer advlsEd that englneeningly speak- ing, 1['wo11d be economlcitty-r.rnwtse r - Lnasmuch as lt would requlro ac- "eEi trr"ougr, ptrivate property anal buildlngs and the nemoval of exlst- lng structures. Fon the further benefl-t of lnterested persons, the clty Englneer ad- vlsed that the cost of the proposed constructlon of storm Dnalnage Im- r 303 Councl lman Johnson reported on a toulr of the property and' recommendled ih;r-th; subJect nattL:r bo referred to the Park cornrnlsslon' 11. A letter dated June l, a955, was r6ad from Mrs. Warren Ca11ow, co- ovrne r of ou:r camera strop, 1220 Broadway, Bunllngane, r0gu6stln8 comp6n- ""Cio" ior the servlce i[at buslness conc€rn has renderod ln the eol- lectlon of water blIls for the Ctty of Burllngamo the past three years. ftre sub5ect was refenred to the Waten Comml,s sion for study an6 report ,1."^'rlrr;l"l';". rune er 1e55, wasread. rrou Louls c. olson, 1112 ' fii.f*rrr"y Lane, ca11lng ai;tention to tle hazardous copner crossing at Rosedlle Avinue and liestmoor Roadl, due to the existence of a thlckly branchod fLr ttls€. councllman Johnson advlsed that an In- vestlgitlon of the complalnt revealed that the trEe ls located on pnlvaEe pnopenty. Councllman Johns on r"ecomnended that the matter be refe:rr:e{ to the memberg of the Pal'k Oonmls slon. REPORTS OFFICERS Roports from th6 Potlce Park Department, the I.,1 of Publlc Works for the edged and'placed on fl1 Depantment, the Rscreatlon Department, the brary, the Rtre Department and the Dopartmont month of !tay, 1955, wene received, acknowl- 6r RESOLUTI ONS None. CONSIDENATION OF ORDINANCES ORDINANCE NO. game o e a was presentod for s man Rooth, s econde dlts second readlng ItApprovlng the Annexatlon to the Clty of Bu::11n- ttla terrltory Designated as tskyview Terrac€rrr econd reaallng and adoptlon. 0n motlon of Councll- by Councllman Johnson, the sald ondLnanc e passed. and was adopted. by the followLng vote: Ayes: - CourclLmen: Johns on-Mo rgan- Rooth-Ihay e:r Noes: - Coulcllmen: None .{bsent - Counc iLman: BYrd INTRODUCTTON OF ORDINANCES oRDINANCFI N0. qq1.. rrAmendi ng Sectlon Ll+29.72 of the Ordlnance Code oRDINANOE N0. 591+,ItAmendLng the Ordlnance Code of the Clty of Bu::- Ifngare-E -fddln fheneto a New Sectlon 122 VehLcles on Occldental Avenuen was lntroduc 2.10 Llnitlng Parking of edl by Counci lman Rooth for fLrst nead lng. Ordlnance Nat 595, nAmendllng the Ondlnanco Cocle of the Clty of Bur- IIngamt Bt Eepeillng Section and School Ground.s and. Addlng of-TEe-elE of-BuFllngame Regulatlng the Burnlng of Rubblsh Outslde and Flxlng the Houns Ttrereforrr was lntroatrced by Council"man Roothfor f fu'st readlng. 1226 Regulattng Vehlclo Parklng In Parks a New Sectlon 1226 Regul atlng the Oper-atlon and Parklng of Vehlcles and. Moto:r Vehlcles 0n And In Parks, Playgrounds, 0ther Clty Ptope"ty and. School Groundstr was lntroduced by Councll-man Rooth for flrst r.eadlng. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Councllman Johns on re ported. on her attond.ance as Councll represent- aE:lve at the Fo][k oanclng Festlval and the awardlng of dip]omas at the ttPlay SchooLtr exenclses, both und.er the sponsorshlp of the Rec- reatlon Department; the San Bnuno Posy Parad6; the Junlon Ftre Patrol and the Junlor frafflc Patrol festlvltl.es; the Youth Cavalcade par- acle and pageant anal assistance ln the preparatton of the 19 55-19 56tontative budget. Councl lman Roothee, reques Granvl11e Bnownlng, consult wlth l4n. Rlchard lvl!.non, Chalrrran of theCltlzensr Parklng Comml,ttee to select an evenlng afte:r July $, 1995,for an off-street parklng meetLng. Chalrmen of the Counell Off-Street Parklng Commlt-t Executive Secrotany of the Chamber of Conrnerce, -l 3ol+ -Co_uncilman Thayen ne ported that she also had attend,ed. the funetLonsby Councilman Johnson.previously menEfoned Ma.'{on Mongan speaklng fon ouncilman ln the matten of the tnashquested a report fnom thet all officer"s have beenthe l1LegaL dlsposaI of cans 6eIng used. as garbag e recep ac osr 16Chlef of Po1lce. Chlef Theuer advLsed. thaalented to apprehen ganbage. I'NFINISEED BUSINESS d those nesponslble for A. Councllman Johnson refemed to a comrmf,nlcatlon ad.dnessed by theTmpnovement Clubs Councll !o lhe City-Council, the Fank Comdlsfon,the Plannlng CommLsslon and th-e Broadway InAustrlal AssoclatLon, ro-questlng that a _jolnt meetlng be sched.uled. for the punpose of confer-Itng on a tree plantlng prognam fon screening the firaustnlal Dlstrlctln the Bnoadway 8r"681 0n the recommendation of Council-man Johnson,a meetlng was scheduled.for Thursd.ay, lune 2)e 1955, at B:OO oiciocApo &. r ln the City HaIl. *-I?{"I__M?19"" nefemed. a communleatlon from Geonge S. Reed.; Lt+32chapln Avenue pnotestLng further assessments pnopoied. to pnovtdd-park-1ng facl1ltles withln the business dlstnlct -of eunHngam;, to Counctl-man Rooth, councll commlttee chairman for 0ff-stneet pirklig. g* At. the ngQuest of tho Chair, Chlef of Pollce Theuer, gave a progressreport on the PolLce ShootLng Range PnoJect, adJacent io-the ltrrirfcipafFLll_. D. Mayon Morgan recotnmended that conslderatlon be glven to dlsposlngof clty-omed. 1ots, the fund.s of which may be used ln constructing ad-equate englneenlng quartens and. poJ.lce squadrooms and the expanslon ofthe Corponatlon Yard. Foll-owing a bnlef dlscusslon, Cciuncllman Rooth moved that the Clty B:glneer be authorlzed to obtaln an appralsal ofclty-qwtred pnoperty on Anita Road., seconded by CouncLlman Johnson and,unanlmously canr.led. NEl{ BUSINESS A. The Chlef of Pollce, the Clty Attorney and the Clty Tneasurer wereiEquested to confen on a change ln the rFeddlers-Solilltonstt Ond.lnanoe proposed. by the Burllngame-San l,tlateo Professlonal Photognaphert s Assoc- Lati on. E-r- Mrs. Donothea HarnLson was neappointed as a rnemben of the Burlil.nganreffibrary Boar:d.. L ltte Clty Attonney was requested. tostudy a pnoposed trAntnoal Regula- ETon Ondlnancert as submltted. to offlctals of the nelghborlng conumnlt-les by the Penl.nsuLa Euraane Soelety. D. The Chlef of PolLce and tho Fire ChLef wot3e reguested to keep alertffia to appnehend persons deposltlng debris al.ong ieotlons of thi Old Bayshore. E. Mayor Morgan appealed to panents to educate theln ohlld:ren againstvandallsm, wlth panticuLar nefenence mad.e to the WashJ.ngton Pank rest- rooma. F. fhe Chaln nequested that the Clvl![ Servlce necords and. flLes beEansfemed from the offlce of the Ctty Engfu:een to that of the City CLenkr s officep effectlve I\resdai mornlng, June 2L, L955. CI,AI}4S Clalms, l{os.7o5o to 7183 LncJ.uslve, ln the arnount of $6lr9l+1t.85., fu1yaudltedr wene authonlzed drawn on the Clty Tneasury ln thelr f6tpect- 1ve amountsr on motlon of Cor:nelLman Rooth, second.ed by Cor.rncllman Johnson and. una.nl-mously carnled.. PATROLL APPROVAL The paynoll for the month of May, hlarrants Nos. ;..925 bo 2286, lnclusive,ln the amount of $55rJ-97.1[, were approved. on motLon of Councllman Rooth seconded. by Councllman Thayen and unanlmously camled.. provements, Unlt No. 1, for the relocatlon of tho Easton Drainage ^channe1, ai lndlcatotl 6n the ftFlood Contro. Dralnage Maprr would be $[irooo.oo, or ,r,r"r, the State would contrlbrrte appnoxrmatel-y 5o%. ItAppnorlng Plsrts and Speclflcatlons Fo:: the Pro- Stom DraLnage Improvements, Unit No. 1rr was by Counc1)"man Byrd, who moved 1ts passage, soc- oth and ad.opted rmanlmously on ro11 c all of msm- RESOLUTION NO. pos e ons tluc on of thereafter lntroduced ondetl by CouncLlman Ro bens. 3A7 Applylng for an Allotment Under Ctrapter 20, Stat- o&rced by Counc 11man Byrd., who moved lts passage, Rooth and unanlmous ly adopted on ro11 call of RESoLUTToN No. 56-55 "utes of 19116" was lntr seconded by Councl lman members. COMMUNICATIONS 1. SUIERIOR BUS AND AMBULANCE SAIES CO.(II. Rlchar.d o t llalia. )lhe Chal r requested that actlon on the proposedl tentatlve budget be temporarlly wlthheldl ln order that the Clty Clenk may read a conmun- Lcatlon fnom H. Rlchard 0lHara. The comnrnl-ca!1on, dated June 28t 1955t was reaal, 1n which M::. OrHara of fered the Clty of Bur l lngann permls slon to use the tld.aI area of hls proporty on ttre 01d. Bayshore Hlghway as a rnurl-cl,paL f111. Counc l ImsJr Bynd moved. that the offer be accepted and. that the Clty At- tonney be lnstructed to prepare a fomal agneernent to be entered lnto between the owners of the pnoperty and the Clty of Burllngame. The motlon was seconded. by Councllman Johnson and, ulsnlmous ly carLed. Mr. 0tllara, ln attendance, brag commended for hls generous offer an cI servtce to the Clty. RECESS IIre Chalr declarod a recesE at 9t35 p.m. CtrIL TO OBDER The meetlng was ca11ed to PROPOSED ?ENTATIVE BUDGET. or.der" at 9 :45 p . rn. by Mayo:r Morgan. 19 qs -10 q6 A report deted June 28, 1955, was reatl from Chas. W. Rooth, Chalrman, CouncLl Budget Commlttee, advl s lng that subgequent to careful study and conslderatlon, lt was the recommendatlon of the Budget Commlttee, that the proposed ]-955-L956 budget ln the sum.of $1,01+3rl"ll+.00 be ad- opted, ancl that the over:a11 clty tax nate of S1.73 per $100.00 be establLshed. To clanlfy the position of the Councll ln the grantlng of wage increas- es for city employees and at the request of the Chalr, 'Clty Attonney Karme I advlsed that untl1 such tlme as the ord-inance may be amonded, the Ctty Councll ls 1egali.y requlred to c onfor:m to provlsLons of the current salany or.d inance, thereby wage increases as provlded 1n the 1955-L956 budget shalL become effective thtrty days followlng s€cond reading of the proposed salary ordlnance. Mayor Morgan stated that at the nequest of tlre Clv11 Servlce Commls- sl,on and the Burl ingame Clv1l Servlce &npJ.oyoes, employees having ne- quested spec5.al coasideratlon, shaI1 be glven an opportunlty to confen wlth membens of the Councll Budget Corunittae. RES0LUTIoN l!oJi!+:15 I'Ad.optl ng Budget of the Clty of Burlingame Por 30, l956tt was 1nt noiluced by CouncllmantEe I'Iscaf Yeaf Endlng June Rooth l*r o moved lts adoptlon, seconded by Councllman Ttrayer and unan- lmous Iy adopted on ro11 call of member:9. COMMIINICAT]ONS ( cont. ) 2. A letten datod Jun6 25, 1955, was reaat from R. C. Theuer, Chlof ofPollce; requestlng that Offlcen Robert ELntermann be appointed. as Dlr- eotor of Trafflc as provLcled ln the Budget fon the comlng year. Coun- citman Byrtl moved. that the Council concur wlth the request and thateffectlve July 1, l!!!, Robert Hlntermann b6 appointed Dlrector ofTrafflc, seconaled. by Councllman Johnson and unanlmously earrleil. ! J. A letten dated June 25, 1955, was rePollce, requestlng that 0fftcer Alfredtor. of Po11ce, as provlded. 7n" ttie 1955- moved concur:rence and that effectLve Juappointed as Inspector of Pollce, seconlmously car:rled. [12 Ftxtng the Salany of City C1e:rkrr wasfor flrst readlng. 308 ad from R. C. Thouer, Chief ofCavlglla be appolnted as Inspec- 1956 budget. CouncLlman Byrdty I, 1955, ALfred Cav5.glJ.a be ded by CouncLlman Rooth and unan- [. A letten dateat June 25, 1955t was read. from R. C. fheuerr. Chlef ofPolice, requestlng that an appolntment be made fnom the e1igtble J.lstfor. the posltion of Scrgeant ln the Police Department. Wililam L. fiow-land, No. 1 on the e11llb19_1tst, was appolnted to the posltion of Ser.g-oantr -eff€ctlve- July l, 1955, on motlon of Councllman Byrd., seconded bf Counc 11man Rooth and unanlmous }y carrled. 5. A letter dated June 28, 1955, was nead from Chlef of po11ce Thouerrecommendlng that Asslstant C?rlef of Po1lce Lawrence Frrnlo be deslgnatedr?Actlng Deputy Chtef of Pollco.rr Councilman BJrrd moved that the C6uncilconcur wlth the recommendatLon and untll funthe:: orders, Lawrence F\rrL oserve as Actlng peputy Chlef of (oIlce, effectlve July 1, 1!!!, as pro-vlded In tL.e 1955-L9!5 budget. The motlon was secondLd by Ceungtlnin Johnson and unanlmous Iy cannled. 6. A letter. dated June 27 , 1955, was read from G. J. Mam, DLrector ofPub1lc hlonks, rec onmendLng that an appolntment be made from the exlst-lng Clvl1 Servlce Ellglb}e Llst for the classlfLcatlon of Equlpment 0p-erator ln the Street D6par.tment. Upon questlonlng by the Councll, M::. Ma:rr advlsed that the eltgtble appoi-ntee 1s currently employed as autllltyman ln the Stneet Department and 1f appointed as Equlpment-Oper-aton lt 1s not proposed to replace tho posltlon of utlIltyman. Councliman Byrd moved that Alfred Jones, No. 1 on the eltglble list beappolnted, effectlve July 1, 1955, secondeit by Councllman Johnson and. unanlmously car.rled.. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCES ORDINANCIi NO. 596 entlt1ed 'rnepeali ng Sectlon 825 of the 0rdlnance Codeof the Ctf,y of Bu::1lngame and Ad.optlng a New Sectlon 825 of the saldOrdlnance, Flxlng and EstabLlshlng the Classlflcatlon of Posltions anal Employment and the Compensatloa and SalarLes I?renefor[ was lntroducedby Councl lman Rooth fo:: fhst readlng. oRDfNANCE N0. 597 entitled nAmendl ng the Or.dinance Code of the City of and Adoptlng a New Sectlon lntroduced by Councilman Rooth Bur.I-ngame by Repeallng Ordlnance No.550 oRDTNANCE N0. 598 geme BtEePeaTIng 0lng the Salary of Cfor flrst readlng. rrAmendl-ng the Ordinance Code of the City of Bur1ln- ndlnance No. 559 And Adoptlng a New Sectlon 1.112 Flx-Ity Tneasurerrt was introduced by Councilman Rooth UNFTNISHED BUS]NESSf-fmm:iI'fTS'ffisMurr Drsrrucr No. z CouncLlman Byrd refenned to a lettc:r recelveal from Wl1sey & Harn, (,1uns 22, 1955) Clvll Engineers, modlfylng a prevlous proposal submltted forthe prepanatlon of plans and speclflcatlons for the constructLon of a sew6:r and water main to servo th6 01d Bayshore Road from Broadway to thesoutherly Ilmlts of the Ml1ls Estato proporty. C or:nc llman Byrd movedthat the Councll concur 1n a ::econmendatlon fi:om G. J. Marrr Dlrector of Pub1lc Works, dated June 10, 1955, and the flrrn of Wl1sey and Ham be em-ployed as engineers to develop the pIans, speclflcatlons and the assess- ment diagnam, 1n accordance to the modlfled proposals, dateal f,vne 2?,1955. The motlon was secondetl by Counc l1man Rooth qnd unenLmously car-rled. 2. MI'NICIPAL DUMP To expedlte prooeodlngs to sbandon the pnesent dump and croate a nEw l-o-catlon, Councllman Bynd_ recorcnended that the Clty Attorney be authorlzed.to (1) prepare lega1 documents to formaLlze an agreement between the Cityof Bur.llngame and Mr. II. Rlcharal OtHara fon the use of the Lritter I s prop-erty for mrn!-clpal fl11 purposesi (2) confen wlth the owners of tho Bu:r- llngame Shore Land Company on the conflrmatLon of a ve::bal agreement to acqulne app:roximately fou:r acres adJacent to the present f111; (3) prepare an ord.lnance regulatlng the dumplng of refuse and debrls at the presentslte; (l+) extond the exlstlng agneement r+lth Romeo JoJ.y, dump ope:raton,for an addltlonal month and (5) to submLt a r ecommendation to the Clty 3.TREE PLANTING fN INDUSTRIAL AREA Councllman Johns on advlsed that followlng s Jolnt meetlng ldth tho Park Connnlsslon, the Plaru:lng Comnlsslon, the Clv1c Improvernent CIub Councll ard. the Baston In&rstrlal Assoclatlon, the p::op erty owners assoclated wlth the lattsr organlzatfon have offenetl to undortake the pr.oJect of provldtng appropnlate plantlng fon scneening pur?oses wlth- ln the lnclustnlal area. l+.OFF STREET PARKING PIAN Councll on the establlslunent of an ord.inance ent sLte wlthln the pank systam of the Clty. rdth the re c ommenalat lon. PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT . CII'Y HALL CouncLlman Theyer moved. that Evelyn M. iI111, Itst, be appolntetl to the positlon of Senl-on the offLce of the Clty Cfs31, effectlve July 11 Servlce Rules and Ragulatlons, secondod by unanlmous 1y carrled. 309 to J.nco:rporate the pres- The Counc 11 c oncu.r'red Road, on the No. 1 on the e1lglb1e Clerk-S tenographen ln1, A955, subJect to Clv- Counc lIman Byrd end Councllman Rooth announced that a fu11 repol:t on the proposed off- street panklng plan up-1s-date, would be heard at a meeting scheduled July 8,- 1955,-7'.30 p.m., Councll Chambers, clty Ha1L, Burllngarne. Jos. OrBrlen, PresLd.ent of the Burllngame Chamber of Commer:ce, gave a progress repont on the selectlon of a csnd.ld.at6 for the forthcomlngfDream Gll:ltr Contest, under tho sponsorshlp of ttre San Mateo County Flesta Assoclatlon. Mn. OtBrLen advlsed that he would c ont lnue to confer wlth the merchants, ln response to a Councl l request, relatlve to a posslble revlslon In the license ordlnance of the Clty. 6.CHAI'{BER OF COMMERCE REPORT NEW BUSINESS L. IIe rman Helnr'lchs and. Mrs. Genevieve Phelan lfore reappoLnted as members of the Recreatlon Commlsslon. 2. Ttre Chalr reported that lmpnovaments had begun on the Rolllns PnoJect, the Howa:rd Avenue Street Llghtlng Prog:ram a;ad progi'ess Po1lce Shootlng Renge proJect. 3. I"layor Morgan advised that the Pollce Depalrtment had been requestedto strlctly enforce the pnovlslons in Artlcle 39 of the ordlnance uode nefenr!.ng to the dlsposlng of garbage. and nefuse and that warr:ing not- lces shal1 be posted. [. fn rosponse to the Chelrrs 5-nquhy, 156 Clt[ E)xglneer stated that he would obtatn an estimate of cost ln the removal of lreeds on the west side of the 01d Bayahoro Highway. !. Mayon Mor.gan appolnted Counc l1man Byrd, Councllman Rooth, Clty En- glneer. Marn and Clty Attorney Karmel as a conxnlttee to confer wlth ivlr'. Turner of the San Franclsoo Publlc Utl1lty Comnlssion on the subJect of acqulsltl-on of the abandoned rnrnlclpal naLlway r'1g!t-of-way. 6. In the matter of the parlklng of trucks on Broadway throughout the day, upon ad.vlce of the Clty Attorneyr the subJect matten was nefenned to the Cornmls sl on on Publlc Health errd. Safety. 7. fhe Chalr ad.vLsed that owne rs of pnoperty on llatch Lane have sub-nltted a request that the sldewalk on both sides of ttre stneet be :re- moved to provlde more accesslble lngress snd. egress. Ihe subJect was refenred to the Clty Eeglneer to obtain an eglneerLng estimate of the cost. 8. Romeo Jo1y, durrp $50.00 fee fnom thefurther notlce. ADJOURNMMIT. operator, was authorlzed to contlnue to accept the Town of HLllsbo:rough fon deposltlng rubblsh, untl1 On motlon of Councllman Rooth and seconalsd by Councllman Bpd, the meeting was :regularly adJounned at 11:20 p.m. In testlmony to Raymond 11 e1 n, Dorven I(reeger and Rlchard Grunlg, recently retired po1lce of s.c A RespectfulJ-y submltte L. B. MORGA}i I\4AYOR EEBtsERT K. WHITE, Ctty C1e:rk