HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1954.05.03f 747 Burllngame - Callfornla May 3 , tgSl+. A regular meetj-ng of the Burlingame City Council was held on the abovE given datel Meetlng called to onder at B:20 P. M. - Mayor Atwater Ln the Chalr. RoII CaI1: Present Councilmen: Atwater-Byrd-Love-Morgan-Rooth Absent Councllmen: None fhe mlnutes of the previous meeting held on the 19th day of Apn11, J-951+, as submltted to rnembers lrere unanimously approved and adopted on motLon of Councilman Love and seconded by Councilman Rooth. The mlnutes of the adJourned meeting of Aprll 20, L954, as submittedto Counell members were unanlmously approved and adopted on motlon of Councllman Love and second.ed. by Councilman Rooth. A letten d.ated Apn11 30, L95\, was read. fnom Dlrector of Pub1lc Works Marn, advlslng that subsequent to consultatLons with ttre Pacific Gas & Electrlc Co. and. the Paclflc Telephone and Telegraph Co., an agree- ment has been reached. for: the eventual r:nderground power lnstallatlon withln the cornnenclal areas of the Clty. Ihe cor:rnunlcatlon advisedthat the flrst phase w111 be the lnstallation of underground polrer facllltles on Eoward Avenr:e from E1 Camlno Real to Park Road and. on Primrose Road from Bunllngame Avenue to Howand Avenue and the proJect comnenced wlthin thlrty days. The corrumrnlcation was acknowledged and plaeed on fiIe. A letter dated Aprll 10, 195h, was read from Dlrecton of Publlc Works Marn, recorrnendlng the passage of a resolutlon to delete fnom theCltyts MaJor Street System - Dufferln Avenue, from E1 Camlno Real to Callf onnla Driverand Rosed.ale Avenue, from El Camlno Real to Callfon- n1a Dr1ve. Th.e recomrngndatlon was subml-tted subsequent to a request fnom the State Hlghway Depa::tment that sueh deletlon be made ln ordenthat tkre State may sanctlon the Cityrs request to lnclude the follow- 1ng streets to the Cltyts present system: (a) extension of California Drive, northerly: (b) Bloomfleld Road., Penlnsula Avenue to Bayshore Eigfrway, and (c) Bayshore Boulevard, Ilurraboldt Avenue to Broadryay. Councllman Btrd lntnod.uced for passa.ge, Resolutlon No. 28-51+ItRemov- 1rg Certain Streets from the System of MaJon Streets in the Clty of Burlingamett, second.ed by Counellman Lover Speaking on the questlon, Counellman Morgan lnqulred. as to what effect the deletlon of the two stneets would have on thelr maintenance, to..frhich Dinector of Public Works Marr replled negatlvely, lnasmuch as fund.s for the malntenanee of streets are not pnovid.ed. for j.n State Gas Tax funds. The resol- ution was thereupon unanlmously adopted on ro11 call of members. A letter dated Apnil 30, 195\, was read from tlre Burllngame City PLan- nlng CommLsslon, advlslng that an lnquiny had been conducted on an alleged violation in the operation of a buslness ]orown as the trBr:rlln- galre Guest Ilousert at 901-907 Br:r1fu1game Avenue, at the concluslon of whlch, the comrnlsslon were of the oplnlon that a vlolatlon exlsts. Cynus MeMl11an, representatLve attonney, requested an extension of turo weeks 1n onder that the or,*mer arrl the prospective purchaser maynegotlate to determlne a solution. ILrene being no obJeetlons the nequest was gnanted, and the subJeet was held ln abeyance unt1l the next negular Counell meeting. A letter d.ated. Aprtl 30, L95l+, was read from the Clty Plar:ning Com- misslon, advlslng that a proposed revlsion ln a lot llne dlvid.lng Parcels A and. B, Lot B, Block 1, Burllrrgame Hil1s No. 21 owned by Fnank A. Scofleld, hd been recommended. for approval by the Conmlss-lon at a meettng held Apr{.I 30, L954. Councilman Love moved concrr- rence wlth the recorcnend.ation and lnt:roduced for passage, ResolutlonNo. 29-5I+, Authorizlng tho Subdivtslon of a Pareel Known as Lot 8, Block 1, Burllngame Hi1ls No. 2, second.ed. by Councllman Rooth and unanlmously ad,opted. on ro11 calL of members. A letter: d.ated Aprll J0, 1954, was read from R. C. Theuer, Chief ofPo1lee, advlslng that subsequent to a request from the Burllngame Gate Improvement Club nelative to t::afflc problems and as a resultof an lnvestlgatlon, the followlng was recommend.ed.: I --l L48 1. lhat the curb on the west sld.e of Hlglrway Road,, botween the creek and. Ml1Is Avenue be painted ned to prevent the all-day parking of vehlcles on the west sid.e of the street; 2, That pollce officers be d.etailed. to the Cambntdge and Oxford. Road. areas to cope wlth speed.ing vehicles; aid 3.That a traffle ondtnance be drafted to establlsh, (a) truck routes, and. (U) r^relgfrt limlts to control trueking on streetsnot constructed. to bear the heavy welght. Mr. W. S. Amstrup, lt29 Oxford. Boadr President of the Bu::ILr€arRe Gate Improvement C1ub, in attendanee, expressed. approval to the above rec- ommendations and 1n r:eply to Cor:ncil inqulries, stated. that heavy cement and oil trucks maintain a route through the area at frequent intervals. Mayor Atwater appolnted Counei.lman Byrd., with the assistanco of theChlef of Pollce and the Clty Er:gineen, to further stud.y the subJectrelatlve to the establlshment of a traffle ordlnance. A letten dated. Aprll 28, 195\, was read from Flre Chlef R. E. Moorby relative to the Cltyt s Annual Clean-Up Week and questlonlng the Coun- c11 whether citytrucks and. pensor:neI may be used ln the clean-up c&fl-paign. Upon belng advised by tho Dfurector of Publlc Works that the useof city pensonnel and equipment has, ln the past, delayed other work on lmportant clty proJects, Counellman Byrd. was appointed by Mayor Atwater to confen with the citytt refuse carrier and render a report at tho next Councll meetlng. A letter dated. Apr11 28, 195\, was read. from Fire Chief R. E. Moonby, requesting Cormcil authorizatlon permittlng Chlef Inspector John Frlcke and the Fire Chlef to attend at a.n arson investigation course to be condueted. at the UnLversity of Callfo:nia at Berkel"y, from June 21 to June 25, :-95l+, and that the sum of $3e.50 be approved. from the Flre Do- partment budget. Mayor Atwater advlsed that it ls the eonsensus of the Council that the Cor:ncil malntaln lts pollcy of authorizing only do- partment heads to attond conferences. Councllman Love and. Councllman Bynd concurred rolth Mayor Atwaterts statement. Councllman Morgan ex- pressed. the opinion that roquests of such nature be c onsidered on thelr menlt e::d. that Inspector Fnicke be pe::mitted to attend.. Councllman Love moved that authorlzatlon be glven to the Chlef of the Departmentto attend the course, seconded by Councllman Rooth and unanimously car- n1ed., A letter dated. Apnl1 28, j-95l+, was read from Mrs. Dwtght Garner, Pres-ident of the Hoover, P. T. A. expresslng appreclation to members ofthe Councll for past actlon taken in wldenlng a pontion of the walk be- tween Hl11s1de Clncle and Canyon Road. and questloning when the upperportion may be completed.. Clty Engineen Marr advised that subsequentto an lnspection, it was hls recomroendation that a pontlon of the street be decreased by four feet to penmlt the lncrease ln the size of tho walk. Mr. Marr furthen recommended. that a stonm dnaln pipe be 1nsta11ed. Fol-lo*lng fr:rther dlscusslon, the Clty Engineen was instructed. to pnoceed. and to r enden a further report to the Councll. A letter dated. May 3, l95l+,ing appnoval for the use oflcaI tnuck to East ValleJo, men will participate in a Fl by the Cormcll, Actlng Clty was nead from Fire Chlef Moorby, request-a clty d.ump truck to transport a fLne chem-at whlch time the Burllngame Auxl1lany !-1ro- remenf s Parade on May B, l95l+. QuestlonedAttorney ad.vlsed that city equipment ls adequately covered by insu:ance. Councllman Byrd moved. that permiss- lon as requested be grantede seeonded. by Cor:ncj.lman Morgan and unan- imously eannled. Mayon Atwaten ennouneed. that the agreement between t he City of Bunlin- garne and the subdividers of the Mills Estate No. 1, duly signed., has been received and available for Gounctl acti-on. Upon invttatlon of the Mayor, Actlng Clty Attorney Karmel, spoke at length on ttre sub- Ject. The Attorney advised. that all documents requlred. to be submltt- ed are legally ln order and lt was his recommerrdatlon that the d.ocu- ments be accepted. Attentlon was ca11ed to the fact that in ad.d.ition to the Atlantic Llfe Insr:rance Company, A Virglnia corponation, owners of the fee tltle, a third. entlty }cnown as the Millwood Development Com- pany, a Califorrria conporatton, appears on the documents. The latter company ls inelud.ed. with the Atlantie Llfe Insuraace Company on the r 149 Unlted. States Flde11ty and Guaranty Gompanyts bond forfaithful pen- for"nrance ln the amount of $3f0r000.00 and. a bond for matenlalmen and. laborers in the amount of $1551000.00. Acting City Attorney Kanmel advlsed. that the question before the Council is whother tbe City lswllllng to rely upon the flnanclal responslblllty of the Mlllwood Co:rponatlon and. enten ihto a contnact. Mr. L. C. Welsenberg, ropresentatlve of the Trousdale Cons.truetion Company, in.reply to Cor:nc11 lnqulries, advlsed. that (1) the AtlantleLlfe Insur:anee Company, a Virglnla eorporation, Ls the owner of recond;(2) the Mlllwood Developrnont Corporation, a Callfornia conporation, ls the flnance compar:.y, lega1ly entltled. to do buslness, and (3) the Trousdale Constnuction Companyr the construetors. Mr. James Hlmmell noquested that prlor to Councll action that a eopyof the agreement be made avallable to hls assoclatlon for perusal, and the matten postponed unt1l the next regular meeting of the Councll. The Clty Cle::k was thereupon lnstructod to read. the agneement ln detal3-, together wlth the bonds for faithful perfornaance and mater"lalmen and. labonens. It belng d.etenmined subsequent to funther lnquirles that all agreements heretofore aecepted, were lncorporated. in the f1nal agreement, and thatall 1ega1 requlrements were conformed with, Councllman Love introd.uced arr.d moved. the passage of Resolfltlon No. 30-54, Aeceptlng Mll1s Estate No. l, dated. Februany, 195\, Subdlvlslon Map and Authonizing the Mayorto enter lnto an execute an Agreement wlth the Atlantlc Llfe Insurance Company, and the Mll-lwood Development Company, seconded by Counellman Rooth and unanlmously canr.led on ro11 call of members. Mayon Atwater lnvited Mr. Rlehard Mlnor, Chairman of the Off-Street, Parking Cornnrlttee to speak on the subJeet. Mr. Mlnor zubmltted. a re-port fon the proposed. formation of a parking distrlct for the Clty of Burllngame and presented. a petltlon which he intends to have cincu-lated among property ot'rners togetber with a brochure to be prepared fon the owners lnformation. 0n motion of Councllman Love, s econded by Counci-lnan Byrd. the report as rerdered was unanlmously aecepted. ttre City Clenk read the following Commi.ttees appoJ-nted by the Mayor for the year l95l+-A9552 FINANCE CO}M{ITTEE CIV]L DEFENSE COMMITTEE Andrew C. Byr d, Chalrman Dan R. Love, Jr. p Chanles W. Rootb FIRE COMMITTEE Charles W. Rooth, Chairman POLTCE CO}fl{ITTEE Dan R. Love, Jr.e Chalrman PARKS TREES CO]./R{ITTEE L. B. Morgan, Chalrman BUILDING COM{ITTEE Charles W. Rooth, Chairman RECREATION COMMITTEE Andrew C. Byrd, Chairman $l:+*rf WATER COMYTITTEE L. B. Morgan, Chairman PLANNING COMMTTTEE Charle s W. Eoothl Chalrrnan LIBRARY COMI.trITEE And.rew C. Byrd, Chalrman OFF.STREET PARKING COMMITTEEAddrew C. By::d, Chairrran LIGHTING CO}0,I]TTEE L. B. Morgan, Chairman L. B. It[oh$an, Chalrman A letten dated Aprll 27r 1954, was read from Charles W. Roothr sub-mittlng hLs reslgnation as a member of the Plannlng Conmnlssion dueto hls election to the Clty Councll. On motlon of Councilman Lover seconded. by Corrncllman By:rd and. unanlmously carried, the resignation was accepted.. Mayor Atwater placed the name of R. Davld. Mabtin, 15OL Alturas DrLver Burllngamer &s a member of tbe Plannlng Coronlsslon. Councilman Love nroved eoncurrence wlth the ::eoommendatS.on, seconded by Cbuncllman Bynd and. the appolntment w&s unanlmously conflrrned. l_5G Mayor Atwaten ad.vlsed that George A. Broune, Plannlng Comralsslonen, has decllned reappointment as a memben of the Plannlng Commlsslon. The name of U. S. Simonds, Jr., was placed before the Council by Mayor Atwater, to servo on the Plartning Commlsslon. The appolntment was unanlmously coafirmed on motion of Corlncllman Morgan and. second.ed by Councllman B;rnd.. Couacilman Mongan moved. that a ]etten of appreclatlon be dlrected to Mf,. Geo. A. Bncnun, seeonded. by Councilman Love and r:nanlmously car::ied.. L. R. Henderson was reappolnted as a member of the Plannlng CornnlssLon -on motlon of Councilman Byrd., seeond.od. by Counellmar. Morgan and unan- lmously conflrmed.. The City C1erk was j.nstructed to submit to the Mayor, a 11st of Com- mlssion membens, prion to the explratlon dato of appolntment, and a curnent d.lrectory of Councll and Corondssion membens, lncluding addness- es and telephone nultbers. Councilman Byrd. offered the suggestlon that para11e1 pa:rklng spaees be reserved. at each intersection on Broadway to pnovlde room fon co$l- merclal t nuck parklng. Mayor Atwaten stated that he would reqrre st Chlef Theuer to lnvestlgato reports that irucks use Burlingame Avenue for panklng lnstead of ut1lizlng allepuays pnovided for that purpose. Both subjects were theroupon referned to the Po1lce Depa::tnent. Thene being no further transactlon of busi-ness, the meeti-ng was reg- u1ar1y adJourned. at 11:05 P. M. Respectfully submitt ed. HERBERT WHITE CITY CLEEK APFROVD: H. KENT ATWA MAYOR