HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1955.06.10298 Burllngame - Callfornia June 10, 1955 A neguLar meeting of the BunJ.lngame Clty Counoll, adJourned fnom June6, 1955, was held on the above glven date. Meetlng called to onderat B:05 ponl. - Mayon Mongan 1n the Chaln. ROLL CALL Present - Councllmen: Johnson-Mongan-Rooth-Tha}ren Absent Councllmen: Byrd Councllman Booth moved. that CounclLman Byrd be exeused, seconded by Councllman Ihayen and unanlmously canrled,. CounciLman Byrd appeaned. at the meetlng at B:15 prrro PROCEED]NGS INDUSTRIAL ASSESS},IENT DISTRI CT. The ChaLn announeed that the meeting had. been scheduled to act onfurther proceedlngs relatlve to the Bunllngame Assessraent Distrd-ct. A Letter: d.ated June 10, 1955, was read fnom Dlrector of Publlc Works, Geo. J. Mar::, submlttIng mod.ifled. construction pIans, for the above- mentloned. Assessment DistnLet, to conform witlr the nevLsed. bid sub- mltted E. T. Haas, Contractor, and approved by tho Councll at ltslast reguLar meetlng. RESOLUTION I{q! 5L:55 rrDinect lng The Clty Englneer to Subnit Plansln Work of Improvement ln Bur llngame Industnlal Assessment Dlstrlct with Estimate of Increase or Decrease ln Cost of Sald Wonk by Reason of Such Changerr was thereafter introduced. by CounclLman Eooth, who moved its passage, seconded by Councilman Tlrayen and unanlmously adopted on rolL caLl of membons. RES OIUTI ON__I|O_._ 5_2=55 rr De c lar lng Intentlon to Change Wonk: Proposed ToApnll [,lbtng Such Be-Dond-Tndef EesoTutlon of Intentlon No. 23-55, Adopted 1955, 1n Bunllngame Ind.ustrlal Assessment Dlstnlcti Descn Proposed Change; Statlng Estlmated. Decnease ln Cost By Reason Thereof; and. Glvlng NotJ.ce of Hearlng July !, L955rtr was lntrodueed by CounelL- man Rooth, who moved lts passage, second.ed by Councllman Thayen and. unanimously adopted on r"o11 ealL of members. Reference w&s mad.e to a commrrnlcation dated June 9t L955, r:ecelved fnom the E. T. Haas Co. assentLng to the terms and condltlons of the award. of contnact mad.e to that company as specLfied ln Resol-utLon No. 47-55, sald conmuntcatlon thereaften placed. on fLle. CO}OITINICATIONS 1. A letter from the Penlnsula Committee for UNESCO was read., request-lng that the Clty of Burllngarne appolnt a IIN commlttee to serve thnough the convenlng of tho commemoratlve sesslon 1n San Franclsco on June 20, 1955, to UN Day on Octoben 2[, \955. Ehe comrnr:nlcation was refen- ed to Councl-Iman Thayen, Chalrman, Cor:nclJ- Comndttee, Civlc and, Servlce C1ubs. 2. A lotter dated, June 6, 1955, was read. from lvlrs. Josoph I. Dougherty, expresslng her appreclatlon fon the cooporatlon recelved. from the Clty Englneen, the Clty Attonney and Councllman Blrd, ln clarifylng the mat- ten of a dnaLnage pnobLem on her property on Los Montes Drlve. 3. A letter dated June 10, L955, was read from Ctty Brglneen Mann, sub-mlttlng a proposaL fnom the fLrm of Wllsey and Ham, Clvll Engineers, for englneerlng wonk antlclpatod for the construotlon of sanLtary sewer- age and waten supply to serve the lndustnlal sectlon aLong the Old Bay- shone Boad. fnom Bnoadway to the southerly J.lmlts of the Ml11s Estatepropenty. Ihe letter recommended that the f fuun of $IlIs ey and IIam be employed as engtneens to d.evelop tfre plans, specLflcatlons and prepar- atlon of the assessment dlagram. The contmrnicatlon was nefenred to Councllman Bynd. for stud.y and. repont at the next ::egular meetlng of the Clty Councll DQo4t) L), NEW BUSINESS: l. Mayor Morgan ad.vlsed. that he had. recelved ca1ls cormending Coun- cllmair Bynd in the matter of the burtrl-ng at the Mtrnlclpal Dump. CounclLmi.n Byrd,, ln tunr, advlsed that he anticlpated submittlng his compIeted repont on -the pnoJect ln the ne&r futune and ln lresponse to the Chalr"ts requost, a bag-reIlef wou1d. be submLtted. for nevlew at the next reguLar meetlng. 2. Councilman Johnson moved that an addltlonal allocatlon of $500.00 be cnedited to the Recneatlon Department as an emergency approprla- tlon and'soconded by Councllman Rooth. Speaklng on tho questlon, Cor:ncilman Byrd stated that the additlonal appnopnlatlon ind.lcated that the Recreatlon Depantment had. exceed.ed lt; 1i5t+-L95! budget ln the amount of $11000.00. Councilman Rooth ad.vlsed that the Supervlson of the Reoneatlon De- pantment had been requested. to pla.tr necreatlonal actlvl.tLes so as to remain wlthln budget aLlocatlorlsr Member"s of the CounclL concurred and the motlon was theneaft€P urr&rt- lmousl-y carnled.. 3. The Chair. cornmend.ed Park Supervlson Franeand, on hls pnompt re- sponse to a request to repalr a plece of pLaygnound, equlpment unused. fon a number of months and further cormrended, PoLlce Offlcer Robert Hinterman fon donatlng hls off-duty senvlces ln J.mproving the appean- ance of tnafflc signals. 4. A compLalnt necelved. by Mayon Morgan reLative to the use of trash c&ns as receptaeJ-es for garbage on BrrrLlngame Avenue, was neferred. to Councllman Byrd and to the Pollce Depantment. 5. In nesponse to a suggestlon made by Mayor Morgan, CounclLman Byncl moved, that a lotter of felloltatlon slgned by each rnember of the Coun- c11, be dlrected. to Mr. and. Mrs. George W. Gates, Burllngame pionee.rs, on ihs occaslon of theln sixtleth wed.dlng ar:nivers&PI, June l,2, L955t second.ed by Councllman ftrayen and unanlmousLy carrled. 6. Mayor: Morgan lntrod.uced the subJect of obtalnlng ad.d.ltlona1 funds to meet the d,emand.s of the fonthcoming budget and. submltted fon Coun- cll considenatlon, a p::oposal that a speciaL levy of ten cents pel3 one hundred dollans of assessed, valuatl.on be lncl-uded wlthln the pro- posed tax nate, toward. the cost of a pontlon of the dnainage lmprove- ments wlthln the clty, or that as an altennatLve, the entire cost of the proposed. dnalnage lmprovements be submlttod, as a bond lssue and placed. on the Apnll J-956 }funcipa1 Electlon for the declsion of the electorate. In nesponse to Councll lnquil"les, Clty Attorney Karmel ad.vlsed. thatfon draLnage purposes, the leglslatlve bod.y of a clty may levy and colLect an annual propenty tax not to exceed, twenty cents on each one hundred dollars. Mayon Mongan btated. that he wouLd not favon a speclal levy of morethat ten cents on each ohe hund.red, do1l&PSo Followlng a bnlef discusslon, the Clty Attorney advlsed. that a d,raln- age tax may be lneludod. wlthin the budget ln addltlon to the taxes authonl-zed. to be lovled and eoLlected,. ADJOURNMEX{T Ihere bel-ng no funthen buslness, the ryeetlng was regularly adJounned.at 9:00 por?r. 1n testLmony to Mr. and l'lrs. Goorge W. Gates, upon motlon of CounclLman Byrd, second.ed by Councllman Johnson and'unan- lmously carrled. Respectf\r1ly submltted ERBERT K. WHITE CITY CLffiK A L.a MORG ,MAYOR