HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1953.02.1613 ect- v Br::rltngarn€ - Callfornla Februar"y 16, 1955. A regular meeting of the Burllnganre Ctty Councll was held on the above given date. MeetLng caIled to orden at 8!OO p.m. - MayonByzd in the Chair. Bo11 Cal1: Present - Councilmen: Abs ent Councilmen: A twa t er-Byrd-Lov e-Mor gan-S i-monds None The ml-nutes of the previous meeting of Februwy 2, 1955, as submltt-ed to members of ttre Counci-I wene unanlmously approved on motLon of Councl]man Simonds, seeonded by Councilman Love, wlth a cornectlonnoted 1n the change of the nerne ilSilasr McMl1lan to ttC;trusr McMLllenon page 4 of the mLnutes. Sealed blds fon the nSale of Miscellaneous Equlpmentr of the Cltyof Burlingame, &s advertlsed., $ere opened and nead as follows: Bnoom Making.Mackrlne Edward. R. Bacon Company. .... ......... .. . o.. ... .......$150. Clty of Bglmotlt.... o...or............................ 100. Audltorium Seats TIm. Roese, 1165 Broadway, Burlingamer.. r . .. . ... o .o. .. 1.10per palr Ford Model ttAn Bobent L. Stark, L436 Vancouver, Bunlingail€. . ........,.50.00 John Marston, L21 Anita Road, Burllngam€. .... ......o...55.0o fqq{ _nV_-_8=o Paq qI_ Del.lv ery Robert L. Stark...-;.;.. . .... . o.. ...... .. . ......... ..25.00 John Marston.. r....... o 3..... ....................... r. .26.50 The blds recelved for the Broon Maklng Maehine were referred to theClty Engineer and to the Clty Attonney for study and recommendatlonprior to the closib of the meetLng. Councilman Slmonds suggested that ln the i.nterest of safety, the 24foot extenslon ladder on the tr'ord Model rAr be dlsmantled prtor to oo 00 a sale of the tnrck, and moved that the blds as submltted be rejod. The motion was seconded by Cor:ncl1man Morgan and unanimousicarrled. Questloned by the Council whether the btds recelved were too 1ow fopthe Ford V-8, City Englneen Marr advLsed that he had. necelved an ln-fonmal bld of S65.00, tlres 1nc1uded, and a bld of S5s.oo, withouttlres. Councllman Morgan moved that the blds as submltted be neject-ed, seconded by councllman slmonds and unanlmously carrled. hon motion of Cor:ncLlmen Atwater, the Clty Englneer was authortzedto selI the Ford V-B in an qmount not less than $60.00, seconded byCouncllman lrove and unenimously cannled. The.regular order of buslness was temporarily dispensed. wtth to pre-s?n!-a_company of Glnl and Boy Seouts. nfiFs.-Arci".le F?egosl, lea-ilerof Girl Scout froop 151, lntorduced the Glrl Scouts. cIrl Scout JoanGor1d, addressed Mayor Bynd and. read a Letter f?om the Girl Scoutsadvls5.ng of thelr deslre to donate thelr share of the proceed.s f?omthe comlng cookle saLe to a ftrnd for the purpose of constnuctlon ofa mullclpa1 swimmlng_pogl. Sentor" Patrol teLder of Boy Scout TboopNo. 11, Peter Cleaveland, introduced the Boy Scouts, ald pnesentJa^a petltl_on slgngd by one-hundred- flfty stud.ents of ritashlnlton Sehool,urFtng_ the construction of a municlpai swlmrolng pool. Api::opriateaclmowledgements were mad.e by Mayor- B;md. T4 Mayor Btrrd nequested Chainman of the Ftre Connrlsslon, Al Gordon, to submit a report on the Fire Commisslonrs recommendation concerningthe Sisters of Mercyts applicatlon for a formal agreement with theClty of Burlingsrae to provlde flre proteetion to the School. Chair- man Gordon read a letter f?om the Ftre Commission recommendlng ttrat no agreement be entered lnto for the following reasons: (1) gstab- lishes a precedent for slmilar requests f?om other property owners and non-taxpayens wltJlout the corporate llmits of the Clty, (2) Con-tnary to a po1ley heretofone establlshed to refl-rse eity serviee toareas outslde eity l1mits wittrout making & just contrlbutlon there-fore; and (3) the City Attorney advises that such a eontract may besubject to attack in a taxpayers suit and may involve litigatlon. The Commission recor&'nended however, that if an occaslon should re-quire it, and personnel and oqulpment were not otherwise engaged., and that property wlthin the clty was not Jeopardized., asslstance would be rendered, Councilman Morgan moved^ that the Councll concur1n the reconurendatlon and that the appllcatlon be denled with a flrLLexplanatlon given as to the reasons for such denial, seconded by Councllman Simonds and unanimously carrled. Councilman Atwater movedthat the lilayor d.Lrect a letter to the dineetors of the Sisters ofMercy, suggesting the posslbillty of annexing the property to theClty of Bur'Ilngame, seconded by Councllman Love and unanlmously car-ri-ed. A letter dated February 11, 1955, was read. f!.om G. J. Mam, Dlrectorof Publlc Works, advislng that the State Depprtment of F1nance hasrequested that the Clty amend. panagraph 5 of Resolutlon No. 2-55 toread tfthat the estlmated cost of preparing plans and specificatl-onsshould be $9r5L2.75n ln lieu of $br55o.Oo-as orlglnalLy speclfled. Couneilman Love lntroduced and moved the passage of ResolutLon No.11-55 trsuperseding Resolution No. 2-53n and ar:thorizlng the changeas requested, seconded by Councilman Atwater and adopted unanlmously upon ro11 call of offlcers. A letter dated. February 6, 1955, was read. J?om E. J. Lels, chlef ofthe F'lre Depantment, submittlng for Council conslderation a requestfor a leave of absence f?om Ednrund E, Audeoud. Questioned by theCouncLl, Chief Leis advlsed fleat he belleved that Mr. Audeoudrs xoa-son for a request for a slx monthst leave of absence w&s to entenbusLness. Councllman Morgan moved that the request be denled., sec- ond.ed by Councllman Atwater and unanlmously earrled. The City Clerkwas instrueted to offlclally notillr the Chlef of the Flre Department. A letter dated Fbbruany 15, 1955, was read f?om the Boand of FLreCormtlssloners, requesting per:rni-ssion to a1low the Fire Department, inco-oPePstion wlth the Chamber of Commerce, to conduct the anaualSprlng Clean Up Week and the use of eity equlpment. Councilman Mor- 8an moved. concurrence ln the reconmlendation, seconded. by CouncllmanLove and unanlmously eamied. A letten dated February 2, 1955, was read f?om the Assoclated Pacif-lc Builders, expressing appreciation to the polLce force of the Cltyof Burlingqme for the consclentLous effonts ln the protectlon ofbuilding projects at Los Altos and Margarlta Streets. flre City C1e::kwes instructed to acknowledge the communLcation and to extend the ap-preciatlon of the Councll to the PolLce Depantment. A letter dated I'ebruary 11, 1955, was read f?om the Explorer Post 7-57, Boy seouts of Amerlca, Burlingame, requesting permissj.on to paint house numbers on the curbs in the Clty of Burlingame &s a means ofraislng f\rnds for the Post. Counci}man Simonds moved that permisslonbe granted., subJect to the agreements outLlnod in the comrnrrnication, seconded by Councllman Atwater and unanlmousLy earcled. UNFTNTSIIED BUSTNESS: 1. fnsurance Award. City Engineer Marr and. City Attorney Karmel recomnended the acceptance of a revised bld recelved flpom the Farm-ers Insurance Group for a Comprehensive Llabtlity Policy ln the amount of $1Or23J,.27. ttre Clty Attorney and. Ci.ty Errgin6er flrrther reeommended the..acceptance of a collislon coverage on automotlve equlpment wlth $1OO.OO deduetlble on all city vefilcles, wlth the ex-sen?ion 9f $SOO.OO deductlble on heavy flne Lquipmentr'1n the amountof $1r092.90. Councllman Atwater moved concunnence ln the recommend-atlon of a colllsiotl coverage, seconded by Cor-rrcilman Love. Speaking 15 on the questlon, Councllman Morgen expressed the oplnlon that blds should be called for the proposed colllslon coverage and questloned the excessive rate on the $5O0.OO deductlble on heavy fire equlpment. There belng no f\rther questions, the motlon wes carrled. The Annual Comprehensive Ltabllity Pollcy in the amount of $10r 23J-.27 r &s recom- mended by the Clty Attorney and Clty Engi-neer, was accepted upon motion of Councilman Love, seconded by Councl-lman Morgan and unanlm- ously carrled. 2. Award of Blds. City Engineer Marr and City S,tto:rney Karmalreeofficept ance of the bld submltted by the Edward B, Bacon Company for the Broom MakLng Machine in the amount of $150.O0. Councilnan Simonds moved eoncurrence ln the recommendation, seconded by Councllman Atwater and unanlmously carrLed, CouncLlman Morgan moved that the bids reeelved for the Audltorlum Seats be rejected, seconded. by Councllman Slmonds and unsnlmously carrled. The Ctty Engineer was instructed to ascertain flom the Recneati-on Commisslon whether the seats ln question may be used ln the Recreatlon Depa::tment. Ttre Clty Clerk was lnstructed to coil- municate the above actlon to the bidder, 1,b3. ltYt11iam Roese. 5. Dlqgonal_,tsCrking.- A letter dated Febnuary 11, 1955, was read f?om ife I'{erchantb C ttee for t}e Return to Diagonal Park5.ng on Burlingame Avenue, requesting offlclal action j.n a deeLslon on the subject. Councilman Atwater stated that ln vlew of the large oppos-ition to the paralle1 parklng now in existence, he moved that the Councll take actlon to see that diagonal parklng ls returned, second- ed by Councilman Love. In secondlng the motion, Coundl lman Love, stated that when the Lssue was tlrst dlscussed he was opposed to the para11e1 parklng and belleved parking in both shopplng centers in Burlingame should be ldentlcal. Councllman Love also stated he was eoncerned with the loss in revenue f?om the parki-ng meters as a re-sult of the converslon to para11el- parki-ng. Speaking on the ques- tion, Councllman Slmonds stated that ln his oplnlon, the parking system that orlglnally p::evailed Ls outmoded. He proposed the pur- chase of the Portola I{otel, the corner lot adjacent to the PortolaIIotel property and two lots in the Broadway a?ea, and. ftrrther, that upon completlon of the transactions, that an ordinance be adopted making panalIel parking compulsory with the stipulatlon that space Jlom bumper to bumper be extended to ten feet. Councllman Simonds thereupon offered an amendment to the motlon that action be with- held untll hls proposals are reaIlzed. There was no second to themotlon. Councilman Morgan stated that he could not consclentiouslyvote 1n favor of retalnlng the present system inasmuch as the mer- chants opposed the system. Mayor Byrd read. a detalled repont sub-mltted by Police Chlef Theuer, lndlcatlng the decrease 1n accld.ents slnee the institutlon of para11e1 parking and llsting the number ofcitles 1n Californla, Onegon and I{ashington successflrlly uslng theparallel system. Mayon Byrd urged the contlnuation of the proposedplan fon parkLng anea expanslon. Fbllowlng further discusslon, Councllman Slmonds questioned the Councllts reactlon to a posslblo delay ln plans untll a speclal electlon ls heId, Councllman Atwater and Cegncilman Love each ln trrrn, expressed opposltlon to e speclalelectlon. Councllman Love stated he would conslder the subJect being pLaced, on the ballot in Aprl1, L954, to whlch Councllman Slm- onds moved that actlon be delayed untll the regular eleetion inAprll, L954. There was no second to the notion. Mayor Byrd ca1Iedfor" a ro11 call on the motlon lntroduced by Councilman Atwater: RoIl CalI: Ayes: Councllmen: Atwater-Love-Morgan Noes: Counellmen: Byrd-slnonds CouncLlman Simonds moved that the Clty Exeglneer be authorlzed to gmploy addltlonal help to complete the tnansition of necessary end.lf the help is available, seconded by Councilman Mongan and unan-lmously canrled. Couneilman Slmonds lntroduced for flrst reading, arl OrdLnance estab-llshing twin pa::aIIe1 parking on Lonton Avenue between BellevueAvenue ard. Howard. Avenue. -r16 Mayor Bynd announced that the Council has receLved. a final reportfrom the Commlttee appolnted to investlgate ilsmogn condltions, andthat he hes consulted wlth the 8111 Operator, Mn. Jolyr on theposslblllty of uslng the rfl1I and coverrt method at a cost of $61000. e yearr to elimlnate burnlng. Mayon Byrd steted that ifthere were no objections, he would continue his conferences withthe representatlves of the Clties of Hlllsborough end Mlllbrae. Mayor Byrd was so slr.thorized. Resolutlon No. IO-55, trOrder.l.ng theContlnuatlon of Agreement wlth Romeo Jo1y, Dated January 51r105lrf, vilas introduced by Councllman Mongan, seconded by CouncLlman Loveand unenlmously carrled upon ro11 call of members. Mayor Byrd edvlsed that subsequent to a confenence onr snd a tourof, the abandoned G.rnst Manslon ln Washington Park, lt was deter-mlned that the eost to restore the bulldlng would 6e prohibLtlve.The Clty Clenk wes lnstructed to advertise fon blds t-o raze thebu1l9ing and- that the bids be opened at the next negulan meetingof the Counc11, as an emergency measure, upon motlon of Counclllman_Atwater, seconded by Councilman Slmonds and unanlmously can-ried. Councllman SLmonds moved that the Mayor dinect a letter to theBoy scouts of-Troop No. 11, and to the Girl seouts of froop No.161r aeknowledging theln lnterest ln the proposal to construct &munlcLpal swLmmlng pool and advlslng that the subJect w111 betaken under considenatLon. The motlon w&s seconded by Cor.mcllmanLove and unanlmously canried. Counciluan Simonds moved that the partial report as submltted byMr. Biehard Minor, Chalnman of the Off-Street Parklng Comnittee,be accepted and that an amount not to exceed SlrzOO.dO Ue euthon-lzed expended to compile engineering data and the prlnting of abrochure, seconded by CounciLrman tove and, unanlmouily eariled. clalms IIos. 3238 to 556o ineluslve, in the amount or $asroo4.gg,d91I audltcd, reere authori zed dnewn on the clty rbeasury fontheir respectlve amounts on motlon of Cor.rrcllman tove, iecondedby Councllman Simonds and unanlmously car::Led.. January Paynoll wamants No. 2l.'76 to z6so l"ncluslte, ln theamount or $+or?15.11, were appnoved upon motion of cor:ncl-lmanLove, seconded by Councllnran Atwater and unanlmously eanrled.. Iltlrs. Mangaret cunnLngham, 126 Park Road, directed an inquiry asto a procedu:re ln obtalnlng lnfonmatlon on the florldatton orw&ter. Ihe Clty Engineen was Lnstructed to obtain the latest de-tails on the subject and submit a copy of hls elnd.ings to lt{rs.Cunnlngfram. Ivlr. Robert stank, one of ttre bldders on the purehase of the twotrucks llom the surplus stock of the clty, guestloned the possi-btlity of purehaslng the Ford Model il4r, ri*rlch bid was reJlctedearlier ln the evening. Fbllowlng a d.lscusslon, CouncLlurin Slm-onds moved that the City Englneer-be authorlzed to seII the ebovementloned truck ln an amount not less than $5o.oo, wLth the pro-vislon that the ladder be dismantled and retalned-by the city,wlthout expense or llablllty on the part of the citi, secondli byCouncllman Love. The motlon was carrled, Councllman Morgan votlngtrnott. Agtlql on_ & petltlon protestilg the subdlvlsion of the propertyat 705 Walnut Avenue, was held for the next regulan meeting of- theClty Councll. There being no ftrther tnansaction of buslness,regularly adjourned, at 1O:5O P.M. tLre meetlng was Respe ctfir}Iy submlt ted APPRO\TED: HERBERT K. WHITECity Clerk AIVDREW C. B]MD Mayor fr*a/rr-* ,{.fr-*yrt,