HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1953.01.19>b A regular meetlng of the Bu.rllngame Clty Counell was held on the above glven date. MeetLng ea11ed to order at 8:OO P.M. - Mayon Byrd in the Chair, RoI1 CaII: Present - Councllmen: Atwater-B5rrd-Love-Morgan-Slmonds Absent - CouncLlmen: None Burlingame Callfornla Januany 19, 1955. The mlnutes of the previous meetingr ES submltted to members of the Councl1, were unanlmously approved upon motlon of Councl}man Slm- onds, seconded by Councllman Love, wlth a conrection to inelude the words rThe Burllngame City Counciln after the wo:rd tslneenelyrr on page three, paragraph f[ve. Btds for dlsktng unlmpnoved l-ots and parcels s.s adventlsed to be opened, on this date, were read. as follows: Cllffond J. Sfunms Qupentlno, CaliIb rnla Item Quarti.!y leqglllt r!11 Unlt Amount 1 1OOO sq.ft. $1rS?2.50 2. Alternate 40 houns Debnls removal at S0.OO per hou:r TotaL ftems John Cuffe Palo Alto,California 1. 1185Or0OO sq.ft. Dlsking unimprovedlots & pancels at S1.00 per 1OOO sq.ft. 1OOO sq.ft. 2. 4621000 sq.ft. Disklng open area &fire breaks at 50/per 1OOO sq.ft. 1OO0 sq.ft. Altermate 4O hou:rs Debrls removal at $B.OO per hour Item Qqa4tity 1 24rOOO lj.n. ft. Description $ gag.4o 240.OO $zr los. oo $1, ebo. oo 251. OO 320,00 U'njt Amount Lin.ft. $1r520.00 10O sq. ft. 24:OO $11 5+4.0o 1185OrOO0 sq. ft. Dlsking unlmprovedlots & pancels at 85y' per 1OO0 sq. ft. 462rOO0 sq.ft. Dlsklng open area &flre bneaks at 70/per 1000 sg. ft. LOOO sq.ft. al Company Cali fornia. Total ftems S2r401,oO Blds for spraying flontage aree on unlrrpnoved lots and lmproved lotswhere necessary, scheduled fon openlng on thls date, were read asfollows: Nu-Lawn Chemic Redwood Ci Spray f?ontage of lotsat $O.055 per Iin. ft. Spray mlsc. areas at $0.40 per 1OO sg. ft. Total ftems 2.6rO00 sq. ft. 6 Alan F'. Howe Berkeley, California ftem 1. Quantl ty 24rOOO Iin.ft. 2.6rOOO sq.ft. Bay Citles Equlpment,fnc. 0akland, Ca1if. Edward R. Baeon Co. San Fbenciseo, CaIlf. Berkeley Pump Co. eSan Ffanclsco, Calif. Paclfic Pumping Co. 0ak1and., California. Spr*y f?ontage of lotsat $0.10 per ft. Spray miscrareas at $0.45 per sq. ft Descr iptlon New Gorman Rupp ModeI Paelfic 10rf Unlt Amount Lln. Ft. $2r 4O0. OO 1OO sq. ft. 27.OO Total Ttems #zr4z7.Ao cashLer ehecks and/or bld bonds accompanLed above blds. 149 f91egolng blds were refer.red to the Clty Englneen and to the 91ty Attorney for theln study and recommendition prlor to the tem-lnatlon of the meeting. Blds for a 10tr Portable Pr:mp, mounted on four-wheel pneunatie tlredtrailer, mlnimln calaclty 5r8OO G.P.M. scheduled for opening on thisdate, were nead as follows: I\{AKE PRICE DEL]1ruRY DATE $21469.00 z0 to 5o days Jaegen |tsune Pnl-mer Model 1op $zr 4s0. oO E weeks Berkeley Model 1-G Ridley Company San Fbancisco, Cali.f. Standand Machlnery San F?anetsco, Calif. $2, 689.9s $Pr ses. zE 6O days 4 to 6 weeke 7 days 5O days llfest Coast Engtne & Equlp. Co. Berkeley, CaI. George M. Philpott Sen F?ancisco, Calif. Carver Pump $2, 6oE. oo Constnuction Maehlnery $ar osz. oo Sterling Pump Model 2OO M $2rg5o.oo 5 weeks Marlow Pump Model 1080 $zr91b.oo 4 weeks The above bids were referred to the Clty Engl.neer and to the CttyAttorney for study and necormnend.atlon prlor"-to the closS-ng of themeetlng. Blds for Gene::a1 Public LLabillty and Automotlve Llablllty forcoverage for the Clty of Burlingame, were opened. and read- as fo1-lows: Farmers fnsurarrce Group245 California DrLve Bur lir:game, Cal lfornla. General Pub1lc Ltablllty and Automobile L1abl1lty $10o, 000/600rooo Bodily rnjury) $ Eorooo property Damage I +ro'876'87 ff ploducts IlablIlty ts deslred to cover T{aten Depar:tment sal-es-add $7oo.oo. rf propotrty damage llmlt or $psrooo. ls desired - deduct $eoo.oo A lette:: dated Januany lg, 1955, was read f?om the Bu:rlingame-sanMateo Insurance Agents Assoclatlon, advlslng that a camldr ls notavallab1e at the present ttme to submLt a quotatlon on a bid basls,but that a company ls avallable to bld on a normal exposure basls. r 7 No action was taken pending an investigation and study to be made,by City Attonney Kar.me1. Illlp. Fisher, the present carr'Ler, advl-sedthat he would notify the CounelL ln wrlting of h1s intention to contlnue the Cltyts cover&ge for the period required. A letter dated January 16, 1955, was read from the Clvl1 ServLce Commisslon, submittlng the following eliglble Ilsts; SENIOR LIBRARTAN: 1. Mlss Harrlet F. Ivlarrack - 550 }i1elvl11e, Palo Alto GARDENER-M,UT P}MNT OP]IRATOR : 1. Randolph F, IIage 2. Ralph K. Read. UTILTTY MAS: 1. John H. Mc0ool 1108 Palm Dnlve, Bunllngame 2. Ralph K.Read 1480 Oak Grove Ave., Burlingamo 3. Theodore A. MlddLestadt - 1018 Maln St., Redwood Clty 4. Guido G. Conti 609 Bayshore B1vd., Burllngame Councilman Simonds moved that the 1lst as submltted be accepted, seconded by CounciLman Atwater and unanlmously carried. A letter dated January 16, 1955, was nead from G. J. Marr, Dlrect-or of Publlc $lorks, reguestlng the appolntment of a Gardener-Equlp- ment Openator and an emergency appolntment for the posltlon ofUtillty Man ln the Tfater Department. Councllman Atwater moved thatNo. 1 on the el1gib1o }lst for Gardener-Equlpment Operator, I\[r. Randolph F. Hage, be appointed, effectlve February 1, 1955, subjectto Civil Senvj.ce Rules and Regulations. The motlon was secondedby Councilman Morgan and r:nanlmously carni-ed. Councilman Morgan moved that John H. McCool, No. 1 on the el1g1b1e list for Utllity Man be appolnted to that posltlon, to fill an emergency milltaryappointment, in the Bater Departmentr effective February 1, 1955,subject to Civll Senvice Rules and Regulatlons. The motion was seconded by Councilman Simonds and unanLmously carrLed. A letter dated Janua:ry 15, 1953, was nead f?om E, L. Llncoln, Rec-reatlon Superintendent, l?equestlng authorlzation to attend the Annual Conference for Recreatlon leaders in Long Beach, February9th througp 14th. Councllman Morgan moved that permlssion begranted, 1n an amount not to exceed $1OO.OO as establlshed in thecurrent budget, and that requests ln the flrtrrre of a si-miIar naturebe submitted thnougfr the RecreatLon Commisslon, seconded by Corxrcll- man Love and unanimously canrled. Mayor Blrd requested that Supen-lntendent Llneoln secure the wrltten approval of the Recneation Commi-s si. on. A letter dated January 5r 1955, flom Christopher Agorastos, 9OO Paloma Avenue, suggesting the eonstructlon of an overpass at ttrelntersection of Ed[eh1]1-Drlve and Ca]ifornla Drlve, was referred !g tlre City Englneen to be taken unden conslderati.on. Ttre CltyC1erk wes lnstructed to so notlflr Mr. Agorastos. Reports fbom the Flre Department, the Po1lee Departnrent and theDepartment of Publlc Works for the month of Decenlber, L952, wereread and ondered flIed. A letten dated January 7, 1955, w&s r ead from the Sls tens of Mercy, 23OO Adellne Drlve, requesting the executlon of a formal agreement-to insure fLre proteetlon from the Clty of Burlingame, l-n the eventproperty withln the elty 1s not 1n jeopardy. Ttre cortununleatlon andaccompanylng a€lreement were referred. to the Ftre Chlef and to theFtne commlssion for ttrein study ar:.d neconnnendatlon. Mr. Herman Hlnrlchs, Recreation Comnrl-ssloner and several studentsIbom the San I{ateo Junlor College were i.ntroduced and welcomed.. 1937 Jardln Drlve, Mountaln View 14BO Oal< Grove AvenuerBurllngame I clalms Nos. 5115 to 3257 inelusi.ve, in the amount or $55rs06.61,duly audi-ted, were authonized drawn on the Clty Treasu::y for thel-rrespectLve amounts, upon motlon of Councilmarr tove, seconded by CounciLrnan Atwater and unanlmously carried. Referring to the bids submltted at the opening of the meeting,City.Engineer Marr recorurended that the followlng awards be accept-eg; (1) for Woed Spraying - the Nu-Lawn Chemical; (21 for dtsklng -Clifford J. Simms. Councllman SLmonds moved concurrence ln therecommendatlon and lntroduced for adoptlon Resolution No. 4-b3,aceepting the bid of the Nu-Lawn Chemlcal Company, fon Tfeed Spray-1rg, ln the amount of $1r344.oo, and authorizing-the ldayor to- exlecute an agreement. seconded by Cor:ncilman Love and adopted unan-lmously upon ro11 call of members. Couneilman Love concurred lnthe recommendatlon of the Clty Engineer and introduced BesolutlonNo. 5-55, acceptlng the bld of Clifford J.Simns, for dlsklng un-lmproved lots and parcels, in the amount of $2r15sgo, and author-ized the Mayor to execute the agneement, seconded by CouncilmanAtwater and unani-mously earried upon ro11 calr of members. city Englneer Mar"n advlsed that fnom a study made of the bidssubmltted for the Pump, two were recommended for Council approval. Questloned by the CouncLl as to hls pneference, City Engineer Marbreconmended the purchase of the Jaeger Pr,rmp from the Edward B. Bacon Co. ln vLew of the satlsfactony service previously renderedby the Edwand R. Bacon Co. Councilman Morgan theneupon introdueedthe passege of ResolutLon No. 6-53, Acceptlng the bid of the EdwardR'Bacon Company, for the purchase of the Jaeger Pump in the amountof $2r450'00 plus tax, setond.ed by councllmai Love and ad.opted un-animously upon ro11 call of members. Mayor Btrd requested the Ctty Clenk to dlrect a eommunleatlon toall Depantment Heads requestlng that pneparations be corutrenced onthe 1953-L954 budget. The Clenk was furthen instrueted to advlsethe Depantment Heads to obtaln council approval pnlor to the pur- chase of eapltal expendltu::e items. A claim agalnst the clty of Burllngame, presented by Hanrlson E.sargent for,property d.amage, in the amount of $20.0o, was rejectedand referred to the Cltyts insurance canrier uporl motion of Coun-cllman Slmonds, seconded by Councllman Love and unanlmously carrled. A letter d.ated January 15, 1955, was read from the offlce of Civl1Defense, announclng plans fon a three-day demonstration in the in-terest of Clvll Defense and requesting that the three days of Jan-uary 3or_ 51 and Fbbnuary 1, 1955, be proclalmed ItBurllngame clvl1Defense Daysr'. Councllman Slmonds moved concuruence ln the re-quest and that Mayon Byrd appear in behalf of the Council at the Broadway Theatrer &s also requested 1n the conmunlcation. The motLon was seconded by Councilman Atwater and unanlmously canrLed. Councllman Morgan suggested that a communlcatlon be directed tothe Superlntendent of Recreatlon and to the Reereation Commlsslon commending Mrs. Eve1]m Bledsoe, Recreation Supervlsor, for heractivities in connectlon wlth the pre-klndergarten school in Bur- 11n65ame Vll}age Park. The Clerk was so lnstructed. Actlng on a suggestlon made by Councilman Simonds, members of theCity CouncL] were instructed to meet on Burlingame, Sunday morn-ing, January 25, 1953, for the purpose of making comparison testson the varlous plans proposed for parklng on the Avenue. The City Engineer $,as instructed to advertLse for blds on allsurplus matenLal of the City and schedule the opening of the bldsfon Monday, Fbbruary 16, 1955, The meeting was regularly adjourned at 9:55 p.rl. Respectf\r11y subml- tted APPRO\ED:IIERBERT K. WHITEClty Clerk ANDREVT C. B]MD Mayor ,t,^p*ury 6,ffiA*Z