HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1954.04.05I 136 Burllngame - Callfornla Aprll 5, 1954. A regulan meetlng of the Burllngame Clty Counoll was held on the above gi.ven date. Meetlng ca11ed to order at 8:50 P1!il. - Mayor Slmonds 1n the Chalr. Roll Call: Present - Councllmen: Atwaten-Byrd-Love-Morgan-Slmonds Absent - Councll.men: None fhe mlnutes of the previous meetlng of March L5, L954, as submlttedto members of the Council, were unanlmousl.y approved on motl-on of Councllman Atwaten and seconded by Councll:nan Love. Blds for the resurfactng of pontlons of the foLlowtng Major City Stneets, I{oward Avenue, Hlghland Avenue, Pank Road., Burlingame Avenue and. Callf- ornla Drlve, duly advertlsed to be recelved on thls date, were opened and nead as follows:TotaL (L-Ll, lne. ) Douglass & lfloodhouse Redwood City $ 481061.00 L. C. Smlth San Mateo 42rg]..g.75 Lowrle Pavlng Co. Sqn F?ancisco 40,91I. OO Fay fmprovement Co. San Eranclsco 45, 571. O0 Bragato Pavlng Co. Belmont 45r?51.55 Kunz Pavlng Co. San Mateo 52r 676.OO cFadden & Son, fno. lto 54r349r25 Santa Clara Constructlon Co. Santa CLara 49,253.50 Bld bonds accompanled the foregolng. ILre Clty EngLneer and the Aetlng Ctty Attorney were dlrected to nevlew and submlt a recommend- atlon prlor to the tenmlnatlon of the meetlng. A letten dated AprlJ. 2, 1954, was read from G. J. Marr, Dlrector of H.rb}!c Borks, submi.tttng for Councll Acceptance a Prellmlnany Repont on Flood ContnoL and Dnalnage FaclLities as complled by Assoclate ConsuLtlng Englneerse Mr. PauI L. Adamson and Mr. Harry N. Jenks, dated March, 19S+, as authonlzed by Councll actlon October 25, L953. For the beneflt of Co\inell menbers and those ln attendance, Mayon Simonds lnvlted the Coneultants to bnlefly explaln the detalled report. Mr. Jenks advlsed that the engagement had been authorlzed folr the purpose of preparlng and submltting a dralnage map to lndl- cate wher.e improvements shouLd. be made and the nature of such Lmprove- ments. He ealled upon hls assoclate, Mr. Adamson, who revlewed on the prepared Dral-nage Mapr the eondltlons exlstent and the dnalnasg plani proposed for tne entlne eLtyt s coverager In_concludlng_ the dls- tussloh on ttre:report, Mr. Jenks advlsed that the Clty of Burllngame now possesses a complete record of lts entlre dralnaqe system. -MayonSlmonds stated that the subject matter would be revlewed from tlme to tlme wlth members of the Plannlng Commlsslon, the Clty Englneen and the Cltlzens Advlsony Cormrlttee. A letter dated Aprll 2, 1954, was read f?om G. J. Marr, Dlrector of Pr.rb1lc Works, subrnlttlng for Councll approval' and authorlzatlon, Malntenence Agreement Amendment No. 2 - wlthln the Clty of Bunll-ngame. Jos. M Palo A 137 Councllman Atwater lntroduced and moved the passage of Resolutlon No. 23-54, ilAuthonlzing the Amendment to Agreement fon Malntenanceof State Hlghways Wlthln the Clty of Burllngamen seconded by Coun- cLLman Byrd and adopted unanlmously on ro11 call of members. A letten dated Aprll 2, 1954, was read from *. J. Marr, Dlnecton of Publlc Ylorks, submittlng PLans and SpecLflcatlons for the proposed resunfaclng of portlons of seeon4ary streets, Newlands Avenue, CSrpress Avenue, Central Avenue, CaroL Avenue and East CaroL Avenue. Cbuncllman Byrd lntroduced and moved the passage of Resolutlon No.24-54, approvlng the Plans and Speclflcatlons and authonlzlng the adventlsement for bids, to be opened on Aprl1 19, 1954, seconded by Councllman tove and unanlmously adopted on ro11 call of members. A letter .dated March 5J., 1954, w&s nead f?om G. J. Mam, Dlrectorof Publtc Worksr rocornmendlng the acceptance of a deed of dedlca-tlon of pubJ.lc utl1lty ea,sements withln the necently resubdlvidedpontlon of BurLlngame Manor. Councllman Byrd lntroduced and movedthe passage of Resolutlon No. 2L-54, nAcceptlng Deed of Dedlcatlonof Fub1lc Lttl1lty Easements from Menle F. Zedekan and F?ances S. Zedekar, hls Wlfen, seconded by Councilman Love and unanlmousl.y adopt6d on'?oLl call. A Letten d.ated. iprfl 2, 1954, was read f?om the Bu::J,lngame Clty PJ.annlng Corralsslon, advlslng that a pubIlc hearlng had been heLdat a regular meetlng on a petltlon fon a speciaL permlt to alIowthe constructlon and erectlon of a bulldlng to be used as a pet Hospltal, on the o1d Bayshore Hlghway and north of the Broadwayoverpass. The communicatlon advlsed that members unanLmousLy adopt- ed a motLon that a recorrnendatlon of appnoval be submltted to theClty Councll. Ihere belng no pnotests recelved by the Councllelther venbally or by eorurunlcatlon, Councl-lman Love moved that theCouncll concur- with the recommendation and a special per^mlt be lssued to the petltloner, Capt. B. f. Bearlnt, seeonded by CouncLl- man Atwater and unanlmously earrled. A letter dated Aprll 2, 1954, wes read from the Burllngame Clty PJ.annlng Connlsslon, advlslng that a request submLtted by Tt. L.Burkdall, 5OB EI Camlno Real, for permlssLon to revlse an orlglnal subdlvLslon of Lots 19-20, BJ.ock 4, Burllngame Pank No. 4, ln whlch satd revLslon would decnease the wldth of a drlveway from twentyfeet to fo-urteen feet, had been necommended for approval. Councll- man BSrrd moved concurrence wlth the recommendatlon, seconded by Councllman Mongan and unanlmously car:rled. A letter dated Aprtl 2, 1954, was read. firom the Burllngame Clty Planning Commlsslon, advislng that a new tentatlve map of Ml1lsEstate No. 6, had been submltted to the Commlsslon and subsequentto fuLl conslderatlon, lt had been recommended to appr.ove the streetlay-out and pattern wtth the folLowlng condltlon: othat TrousdaLe Drlve be extended forty-two feet eoutherLy fon the purpose ofcreatlng an equqL dlvtdtng llne down the center of the street betweenthe cltles of }il11lbrae and Bunllngarretr. The communlcatlon also ne- corunended that the Counell lnltlate negotlatlons to acquLre an easbnent to affect the contlnuatlon of Corlnne DrLve through toDavls Drlve for the purpose of openlng a second access road to RayPank. No protests havlng been recelved, Councllman Love movod coo-curuence wlth the recommendatlon wlth the stlpulated condltlon, seconded by CouncLlman Atwaten and unanlmously carried. No action was taken by the Councll on the recommendatlon to acqulre ao €as€-ment to provlde an addltlonaL aecess road to Ray Park. A letter dated Apr1l 2, 1954, was read f?om the Clty Cler"k, submltt-lng the folLowing alphabetlcally arranged 1let as a-nesult-of recentonel lntenvlews for the posltion of Clty Attorney, conducted by theClvl1 Servlce Commlssion: Joseph A. Branson Bunness Karrnel . Cyrus J. IdcMl1lan Councllman Love moved that the Clty CLerk be lnstructed to neturnthe llst to the ClvlL Servlce Conmlsslon, wlthout pr.ejudlce, wltha liequest that the llst be re-submltted, not la a}phabetlcal Brr'BRge-ment but ln conformanee wlth C1v11. Servlce Rule VI, Sectlon I - 1.;.ttthe names of all eand.ldates who have sucessftrlly passed the examin*-tlon shall be llsted 1n order, from the hlghest icbne to the loweit I138 scorefi. fhe notton was seeonded by CouncL].man Atwaten and subsequentto a dlecussLon on the questlon, unanlmousLy ca:rnLed. A letter dated Maroh 51, 1954, was read f?om CSrrus J. McMlllan, legalrepresentatlve of Theodore G. Meyer & Sons, requesttng the abandon- ment of that portlon of Valdlvla Way lylng between Lots 28 and 29.r. Block 17, and Lot 65, Block 19, of Ray Pank SubdlvlsLon. Councilman Morgan lntnoduced for flrst readlng, Ordlnance No. 55O, DeslgnatLng AprrLJ. 19, 1954, ln the Corrncil Chambers ln the City HaII, 8:O0 P.M,as the tlme and place for pubL1c hearlng. The Planning Commlsslon was requested' tb submit lts reconraendatlon pnlor to t[e seheduledpubllc hearlng. A Letter dated Ma:rch 25, 1954, was read. from the Burllngame Improvement CLubs Councll, offerlng to nenden such asslstance as may be required.ln the study of an over-411 zonlng of the area ln BurLlngame north of Broadway and east of the Souther"n Paclflc Rallroad tnackJ. The com-munlcatlon was aekncjwledged and flLed for firtr.rle reference. A letter dated March L2, L954, was read from the Burl5.ngame Gate fn-provement CIub, requesti.ng Councll asslstance ln the followlng conltlln-tty problems: (a) tfre parklng of cars on the west sLde of Htghway Road and (b) vehlcuLar speedlng on Cambnid5Se and. Oxford Roads. Counetl- man Byrd moved that subJect matten be neferned to the Poliee Dopantmentand to the Clty Englneer, wlth lnstructions that a thorough lnvestiga-tlon be conducted and a laecommendatlon be submltted to the CounclL atthe next negular meetlng. A Letter dated March 23, L954, was nead from the San Mateo-BunllngameBoard of ReaLtorsr submlttlng a dLagrarn for a proposed open vlew cross-walk for the cltyts busy lntersectlons. The subJect was refen::ed tothe Pollee Department and CouncLL members for study. A letter dated Aprll 2, L954, was read from the Bunl-lngame Chamben of Commerce, requestlng that a publlc meetlng be held fon the purpose ofdlscussing the several proposltlons appearing on the Aprlf 1g Munlci-paI Elecltol BaLLot.- Mayor SLmonds scheduLed Tfednesd*y, Apn1l 7, L954,8:00 otcLock, P.M. fon the pubJ.lc meeting and stated thit L teachenfrom the San tr{ateo Junlor Co3.lege wouLd be selected as an funpartlaLmoderator. A letten dated Aprtl J., 1954, was read f?om James Hlmmel, Pnestdentof the Burllngame Civlc fmprovement CIub, requestlng thal tlme be madeavallable for the presentatlon of a nepont on a toui made by sevenalcLtlzens to the Gulttard Chocolate Company in San F?anclsco. Mp. Hinme1,Ln attendance, recommended that the Clty 0ounc11 invlte the Gutttard ChocoLate _Company to conslder locatlng 1n the Clty of Burllngame, Members of the CouncLl expressed appreclation fon the clvlc lnterestdtspLayed by Mr. IllnrmeL and the lntenested group of cltlzolso Mr.Hlmmel was advlsed that the subJect was a matter: of Chamber of Conmeneeconcern and actlon by tho Councll should be wlttrheld untl1 such tLmeas a fonmal appJ.lcatlon be submltted. Resolutlon No. ?A-54t-Acceptlng Grant of Sanltary Sewen Easement fromt!" Burllngame Shone tand Company, was lntnoduce& Uy CouncLlman BSnrdwho moved tts_passage, seconded by Councllman Morgair and adopted inan-lmously on ro11 eaI1 of membens. ResoLutlon No. zz-a4, ncanceLllng Deposlts ln the luaten consumerr rrustFtrnd' was lntroduced-by CouncLlmln Mbngan who moved lts passa[e, second-ed by councllman Byrd and adopted unanlmously on noll ca1l. Ondlnance No. -548r nAn Ondlnance Auendlng the Ondlnance Code of theClty_of- Etunlllgam-e-By Adding a_New Sectlon l22Z.A, Ltmttlng Stoppingand Panklng of Vehleles on BeLlevue Avenue and DougLaE Aveiue foi'Uone?han Two Hourgn was glven seeond neadlng. Counellman Atwaten moved theadoptlon of Ordinance I{o. 548, seconded-by Councllman By'rd and adoptedby the following vote: AlmS: Councllmen: Atwaten-Bynd-Love-lflorgan-Slmonds NOES: CounclLmen: None ABSENT Counctlmen: None 139 OrdLnance No. 549, rAnendlng Section 19O4, Artlcle 50, Part X, ofthe Ordlnance Code of the City of Bunllngamo Dlvtdlng the Clty fntoDlstrlcts by Providlng for the Classlflcatlon of Centaln Aneas of Land withln the CLtys was lntrodueed by CouncLlnan Love and glvenflrst readlng. A letter dated March 29, L954, yeas r"ead fnom Mrg. P.J. Hanzlik, Admlnlstrator, Penlnsule MemorLal BlooE Bank, extend,lng an l-nvLtatlonto membens of the Ctty Councll and. to the cltlzens of Burllngame toattend dedLcatory senvlces of the new Blood Bank bulldlng, 1791, EL Camlno Real, Bunlinganre, Sunday, Aprll 25, L954 at 1:gO F.M. Mayor Sfunonds aLso extended an lnvltatlon to the cLtlzen:ry of Bunllngameto attend. CouncLlman BSald conpllmented Mayor Slmonds fon hls out-standlng servlces ln the establlshment of the orlglnal BLood Bank. A Letter dated March 29, 1954, was read from Dr. H. D. Chope,Dlrector of the San Mateo County Depantment of Publlc l{ealth andTJelfare, extendLng an lnvltatlon to the groundbreaklng for the Com-munity Hospltal Addltlon on Saturday, Aprl1 1O, L954, at 5:50 P.M. 0n behalf of the Councll, Mayor Slmonds extended an lnvltatlon to BurJ.Lngame cltlzens. Reports f?om the Pollce Department, the Recreatlon Department andthe Publlc Llbrary fon the month of Febru&rp lvere recelved and pJ.aced on flIe. Clty Englneer Marn advlsed that at the concluslon of a revlew of theblds submltted earller for the nesurfaelng of pontlons of Howard Avenue, Htghland Avenue, Pank Road, Burllngame Avenue and CallfonnlaDrlve, it was recoronended that the b1d of the towrle Pavlng Company,Ln the amount of S40r911.oo be aceepted. councllman Byrd move& concurrence wlth the recommendatlon and lntroduced and moved thepassage of ResoLution No. 25-54, Authorlzing the Mayor to Execute an Agreement wlth the townle Pavlng Company to perfornr the wonk as spec-i.fled, ln the amofnt of S4org].1.00, seconded by councilman Morgan-and unanlmously carrled on ro11 caII. CounclLman Bynd, lneumbent at the forthcomlng clty eLectlone exprosa-ed appreelatlon to the elty employees and department heads for thelrcooperatlon durLng hls past foun year torrr as Councllman fon the Cltyof Burl1nBam6. t{lyol Simonds u:nged the electonate to vote at the forthcomlng Apntl15, 1954, Munlclpal E1ectlon. CounelLman Andrew C. Byrd, W. H. Dledenlchsen, and, Geo. V. Bank,cand.ldates for Councllmen at the Apnll L3, 1954, MunlclpaL Electlonwere lntroduced. There belng no ftrrther buslness,at 1095O P.M. the meetlng was regularly adJourned Reopeetfully submltted IIERBERT IL Ifi{TTE CT?Y CLERK APPROVED: Zta u. s. srMoi{DS, JR. MAYOR