HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1954.03.15Bu:rllngame - Callfornla March 15, 1954 729 ( A regulan neetlng of the Bur'l1ngame Clty Councll was held on theabove glven datc. Meetlng called to order at B:50 P. l[. - Mayor Slmonds presldlng. RoLL Call: Present - CounclLmen: Atwater-Byrd-Morgan-Slmonds Absent - Counci.lecn3 Love Councllman lrove, absent due to a prevlous conraitnont, waa excusod onmotlon of Councl loan BJrr d and geconded by Councl lraan- Atwater. Mayor slnonds announceil t'hat a publlc hearing on the zonlnc of Mills-dale Subdlvlslon No. 1, conprLs!.ng approxlmately ?I aclea, "adJacent to the Paclflc Gas & Electrlc Company riglrt-of-ivay arrd thi Bairohore t""y?It had been scheduled on thls date. A 1ettlr dated Febi,uary26, L954, addressed to tle Clty Counoll lbom the Clty pl.annlng Coi-ulssLon, ras read, advls lng that by unanlnoug vote oi Conmls sfonersplgsent at a neetlng held trtabnuar:y 25, LgS4, the appllcatlon of theAtlantlc Llfe Insurorrr ce Compa.ny to zonc sald properly Ilon runclass- lfledr to iconnerclal C-2, C-g- and U-1i had Uien appi,oved. ![:r. Janes ELmmel, Presldent Bunlllgame c!.vlc rnprovement crub, spokc1n opposltLon to the proposed zonlns. Ee neconrirendcd the alsioniln-uance of what he tem€d tpleoenealr zonLng, aIId that consLderatlon bcglven to zonlng the property as a rtrole. -Ee pointed to the fact that1f_ the_proposed zon!.ng Le app:roved, it riI1 c::eate a inesldentlal ls1andn, boundod entlrely by conneiclal and lndus trlal "ri.". subs€quent to furtbe r dlsc-us slou, councl lman Byrd noved noncuprencevl th the re comendatl on of the Prannlng connlsilon and lnsttarctcd treAcllng Clty-Attonney to prepare, for submlsslon to the Councll, anordlnalce, d-e-slgngttlg- the _a:rea lndlcated on W!.lsey & Conpany nap#53rll4r- as M-1, _"Ligh! fndustr.yn. Ihe motlon was-secondid 6y cirun-cl lman Morgan and unanlmous Iy carrled. CoMUUNICATfoIS ! A retter dated uarch.L2, L954, rvas read llom G. J. uar:r, Dlrector ofPubllc -Itorks-, subnlttlng plans -and spcclflcatione ror tue proposed re-surfaclng of portlons of Eowend Avenue, Eighland Avenue, p'ark'Roadr-- Burllagane- Avenuc and- callfo:rn1a Drlve, l[ajoar clty stre6t pnoJectsi and reque-stin-g authorlzatlon to advertise ior btdi upon recilfrt or-app:roval -by the state Etghray coEmlsslon. cormcllnai Atweter- lntro-&rced and moved the -pessage-of Resolutlon No. 19-84, iApprovlng spec-lflcatlons fon the Resu:rficlng of po:rtlons of Eora:rir At;;;;; rigrr'ranaAvcDue, Park Road, Burlllgme Avenue and cellfonara Dn!.ven, ' s ec6ndedby councllnen BJrrtt ard adopted unanlmously on no11 call of'nembers. A letter was read llom R..D. Ma:rtlnr presldent of the Burlingame llanor Improvenent Ass-oclatlog, Ilc.; requestLng that the Cfiy ofBunrtngame assLst with the_pl3ltlns- an-d malnteiancc ot llaniing strtpsln-deslgnated portlons of Burl.i ngame Mano:r. Ihe subJeci Jatt"r ,rre:rc ferr6d to the park supe rlntendint and the Dlrector-of ruuirc uorks.libr. ldarr advlsed the councll the a:rea had been pranlea-*i iu- lce planiand- the necessery rced :removal wou rd be complc tia aunin!-the nonth ofAprll. A letter dated March 10, 1954, was read rlon the san ![at eo-Bur.11ngan6Board of neartors, subnLttlng the re corimerdatLon that there be no*ftrr-then zoning of the San Mateo County Tl.delands, 1.e. aI1 lands east ofBayshone, fon reeLdentlal purposes untLl the c ounty plannlng comnlssloncompletes lts recomendatlons for thc Land to be hald for lidustnialuse8. The Lette:r was aclrrowledged and the city clerk lnstructed toforwand a copy to the Plannlng Comnlsslon. Reponts for the month of Febnua:ry, 1954, were nead flom the Flre De-partment, qr9 Pgp."!*nt of Pubrit worti end the san uateo county Do-partment of Publlc Eealttr and Uelfare. r Second neadlng was gLven to OrdLnanc o No. 547, entltled rAn O:rdlnance Ca11lng a Spoolal Electlon ln the Clty of Burl ingame for the Puryoscof Subnittlng to the Eleotons of Sald Clty Certaln P::opos ltlons fo:r Incurnlng a Bonded fndebtednegs of Sald Clty for the Acqulsltlon, Cgtl-structlon and oompletlon of Certaln lfuniclpal Inprovements Ln Sepsrate Groups, Eacfr fuoup Includlng 0n1y One ObJect, Consolldatlng Said Speo- J.a1 lfuntclpal Electlon Wlth tho General !fiunlcipal Electlon to be Ecldl 1n Sald Clty on Aprll 15, 1954, !5.xlng the Date qf'Sald Specia1 Elec-tlon, Ttre manner of Ho1dlng the Same, and Provlding for Notlce fhene-of" and set forth ln l\r11 as follors: NORDINANCE No. 547 AN ORDT}{ANCE CALLII{G A SPECTAL ELECTION IN THE CTTY OF BUNLINGAI{E IOR lTiE PURPOSE OT' SUBMITTING TO TIIE ELECTORS OF SAID CITY CERTAIN PROPOSITIONS IOR TNCUNRTNG A BONDED INDEBIEDNESS OF SAID CITY FOB TIIE ACqUTSITION, CONSTRUCTTON AIID COMPLETION OF CERTATN MI'NIC- rPAL TMPRoVEMENTS rN SEPARATE GROUpS, EACE GnouP rNcLuDrNc oNLy oNE oBJEcT, coNsoLIDAIIt{e SAID SPECIAL MUNTCIPAL ELECTION YJITiI THE GENENAf, MUNICI?AI EIJECTION TO BE IIELD IN SATD CIIY ON APRTL 13, 1954, FIXING Ti{E DAIE OF SAID SPECIAL ELECTTo$, THE MANNER 0F EoIDn[G IIIE SA![8, AND PROVIDING FCR NOTTCE IHEREOF. ln th lonsls su and cof th Sha1l the Clty of Burllngame Lncur a bonded lndebtednossln the prlncipal amount of $2OS'00O.OO ln accordance wlth the pro-vlslons of the ordlnance cal1lng the electLon at whLch thls propos-ltlon ls subnltted, f9r lhe obJect and purpose of the acqulsiti'on,constructlon and completlon of a sxlnmlng pool together wlth eppur-tonancea and facllltles fon lts propen nilntenance and safe use and -e_nJ_oyment upon real property owne d by the Clty of Burllngame atWashlngton Park? PROPOSITION NO. 2: ep of bml omp eC She1l the Clty of Burllngame Lncur a bonded lndebtednee srl.nclpal amoun t of $65100O.O0 ln accordance wlth the p:rovls-the ordlnance cal-Ilng the el6ct1on et yyhlch thls proposltlontted, for the obJect and purpose of acqulrlng, eonstirrctlncletLng Lmprovements to the faclLltles of the-Flre Departme[tlty of Bur1l.ngame, 1n the followlng respects: the acqulsltlon, 1tsO IIIEBEAS, tle Clty CouncLl of tts Clty of Burllngame byresolutlon passod ard adopted at a regular neetlng of satd Clty-Councdl on l{anch 1, 1954, by tb.e afflrnatLvc vote of more than- two-thlrds of all ite members, dld detenolno that tho publlc lnterestand.necesslty denand. the acqulsLtlon, conatr"uctlon and conpletLon ofmunlclpal lmpnovements hereafter set fotrth Ln sevenal grouls, eachgroup lncludlng only one obJect ard purpose, and did furt"trer- deter-mine that the cost of sald proposod nunlclpil lmpnovementg and cgohof them, and each group, thereof, wll1 be too grelt to be pald outof the. ordlnary -annual lncome and revenre of iald nunlclpirtlty, whlchresolutlon was duly entered on the minutes of sald ne etiire of iatdCouncll. and ls nor on fLle and of record in the Offlce of-trc CttyC1erk of sald Clty; and WIrEREAS, s C€neral Municlpal Electlon w11L be held ln8e1al Clty of Bu:rllngane on Apnl1 13, L9E4; NOf, TI{mEtrlR, the Clty Counclt of the Clty of Burllngamedoeg ordaln as follows: SECTfON I - Ihat a Speclal Munlclpal Electlon be, and lt1s hereby 6-d6?6dTnd dtnected- to be held rir Jaia Ciii-oi-i""rin[ame,on Tuesday, the lSth day of AprLl, 1954, at which etettlon shaLl"besubnltted to the quallfled electois of iald city the queetlon of ln-cu:rrlng bolded lndebtedless by sald clty for th- obJects and pu:rpos esset feth 1n the folloring proposltions; Nos. L, Z, -3 and 4, ieslect-lvely, as follows: PBOPOSITTON NO. 1: I 131 constructlon and compLetlon of a nevr *lre statlon to house flre eppar- atus and d,epartment personnel to be Loeated upon real- property owned by the Clty of Br.rllngane eastenly of the Southenn Paclflc Company rlgfrt-of-way; the acqulsltlon and purehase of flre apparatus; and theacqulsltion, constructlon and compLetlon of an extenslon to the present fire alarm system of the Clty of Burllngame? PROPOSTTTON NO. 5 ShalL the ClW of Burlingame incur a bonded lndebtedness l.nthe prlnclpa1 amount of $41,O0O.OO, ln accordance wtth the provlslonsof the ordinance caL11ng the eleotlon at which thls propositlon ls submltted, for the obJect and purpose of the aequlsl-tlon, constructlon and completlon of an addltlon to the Pol1ce Statlon of the Clty of Burllngame togethen wlth appurtenances and facl1lties for Lts pnoper malntenance ard use? PEOPOSTTION NO. 4? ShalL the Clty of Bunllngame Lneur a bonded lndcbtednessln the pnlnclpal amount of $2ZO.OOO.OO, ln accordance wlth the pro- vLs ions of the ordLnance ealJ.lng ttre eLection at rvlelch thls pt3opos-ltlon ls submltted fonr the objeet ard. punpose of the acqulsltlon, gons tructlon and. complet!.on of an addltlon to the Clty Hall of thc"lty of Burllng&le together wlth appurtenances and facllltles forlts properr maintenance and use? I That the estlnated cost of the nunlcLpaL acqulsltlons andlmp{ovments set forth ln each of sald proposltlons, ls respectlvelyas follows: ACSUI SI rr ONS AND IMPROVEMSNTS PBoPoSrTIoN No. L STJIMMING POOL Acqulsltlon, congtructlon and completlon ofswimmlng pooL together wlth appurtenancesand facllltles for lts proper malntenaneeand safe use and enJo}ment.... i.... r........ ...$zssrooo.oo PROPOSTTTON NO 2t FIRE ?ROTECTION TMPROVEMENTS Constnuctlon ard completlon of bnanoh flncstatlon on real property owned by the Clty..... Punchase of 1r0OO gaI1on motor pnopelled punpen Acqulsltlon, constructlon and compl.etlon of anextenslon to the pr:esent flne al,arm system....o Tota].... .. o. ...........,.. PROPOSTTTON NO. 5 ADDITTON TO POLICE STATTON $ 4orooo.oo $ zSrsoo.oo S lrsoo.oo $ 6Erooo.oo Aequlsltlon, constnuctlon and completlon ofan addltLon to the Pollce $tatlon togethenwlth appurtenances and faclLltles fon ltsproper malntenance and I18e...... o. ... r .........$ 41rooo.oo I E$TIMATFD cggS 132 PROPOSTTION NO. 4 ADDITTON TO CITY HALL Acqulsltion, constructlon and completlon ofaddltlon to the Ctty HalI of the City of Burs-llngame togethen wlth appuntenances and facll-ltles for lts p::oper maintenance and use. , . . o ..$zzo ,ooo, oo Total Estlmated Coet of All the Foregolng(Pnoposltlons Nog, I, 2, 5 and 4).;.. r r ......Ssot, ooo. oo That the amount of the lndebtedness proposed to be lncurredfor the lmprovements mentloned 1n each of the above descrlbed prop-osltlons ls the amount ttrereLn st,ated, scverally and respectlvely,whlch lmprovements are to be made for the obJects and purposes thonelnstated., sevenally and nespectlveLy; and the total amount of lndebted-ness to be incurned at saLd Speclal ELectlon 1s and w111 be the aggre-gate of the amounts stated ln all of such propositlons whleh areaccepted and approved by the voters at said eJ.ectton, Sectloq 2 - That sald Clty CounclL does heneby submit tothe qua1l{56IfEfe?Eors of saLd City 6f nunltngame at salh speciaLMunlclpal E1eotlon thLs Ordinance, and the saia proposltlons andeach of them set forth ln Sectlon 1 of thls 0rdlnance, and deelg-nates and refens to thls Ondlnance and said pnoposltl6ns nespecf,lvelyln the form of ba1lot herelnaften prescrlbed for use at sald-eLectlon.s111 c-1!y CouncLl proposes to lssui and, se1l, sald bonds of said Cttyof Burllngame ln the amounts and for the obJects and purposes specli-led ln such proposltLons Nos. L, 2r E and 4, upon rdrlch two-thlnds ofthe quallfled votens votlng on sald proposltlons, s6vera1ly and ne-spectlvely, shall vote at sald Spectal Eleetlon ln favor thereof; andlt ls furthen o:rdered that the proceeds from the sale of saLd bondsso authorlzed by the voters shaI1 be sot aslde in a spec!.al f\rnd orfirnds, sevonally and respectlvely, accordlng to tlre nrrmben of prop-osltlons accepted by the voterse on€ for each proposltlon so accLpt-€d, sevenally and respectivelyr, and the funds so set asldo shall bLusod sole1y for the payuent of the cost of the lmprovements speclfledln each of the proposltlons so aceepted and approved by the v-oters,severally_and respectlvely. The bonds so to be issued-shalL be nefiot-lable 1n form, and of the character Ineown as serlal, and sha11 beai .lntenest in fonm, and of the character known as serial, and. shall bearlnterest at a rate not exceedlng four and one-half per centrua (4M)per annum payable semi-annua1Ly. Section 5 - That sald Munlcl pa1 ELectlon shalL be held and conducted aifi-the votes thereof canvassed, and the neturns thereofmade, and the nesult theneof ascertal-ned ard. d.etenmlned as herelnpnovlded; and ln all partlculars not descrlbed by thts Ordlnance, saldelectlon shal1 be held"as provlded by 1aw fon the holdlng of }{unlctpal,Electlons in saLd Clty. Section 4 - That all persons quallfled to vote at MuniclpalElectlons ffi?Efi[-dlty of Burllqgame upon the date of the e].ectlorihereln pnovlded fon shall be quallfleil to vote upon the aforesaidproposltions, and eech of them, submltted at satd Speclal Munlclpal EIe ctlon. Sectlon 5 - That sald Speclal Munlclpal Electlon, henebyondered anE'-6El:ttr-sha11 be, and -the same lb hlneby, consoildated-wlth the General Municlpal Electlon to be held ln saLd Clty of Bun-llngame on Aprll 15, L954, as requrned by Iau, and punsuant to thenesolutlon of the Clty CouncLL of the Clty of Burllngame ca11lngsald electlon, and of consoridatlng the erectlon preclncts. Th;preclncts, poIllng places and offlcers of the eLectlon shall be the same as those set fonth ln Resoluti.on No. 8-54, onderlng and caIllnga General Munletpa1 Electlon to bo held ln the Clty of Bu:r.llngame onAprl1 13, 1954, for the purpose of electlng two membens to the CttyCouncll; provldlng f9r lhe legular electlon pnoclncts for conductlngUre GeneraL Munlcipal Electlon to be held ln the Ctty of Burllngameon saLd date; end ftrth.er flxlng polltng places and deslgnatlng of-flcers for the Genenal Munlcipal ELectlon to be he1d. 6y1 April I3,1954. Referonce to the aforesald nesolutlon, now on flIe ln theOffice of the Clty Clerk, and the substance theneof, ls hereby Ln- 133 corporated and mad,e a part of thls 0rdLnance and the notices theneln contalned, are hereby adopted herein. Sectlon 6 - Tlrat the totaL Llnlt of lndebtedness to be ln- curned by EF1[EE[Ence of the bonds aforesald shaI. not, ln tle aggne- gate excLcd flfteen pen centum (LFifit of the asEessed value of all real and personal propenty ln sald ClW of Burllngeme. Sectlon ? - That the ballots to be used. at sald Speelal llun;-tcipal EI ectlon sha11,ln addltlon to all other matters requlred by Iaw, heve prlnted ttrereon the following: PROPOSTTION NO. ]. SWIMMING P00L BOIIDS ShalL the CIty of Burllngame lncur a bonded Iildebtedness ln the prlni:lpal amornt of $e3SrOOO. ln accordance wlth the provlslons of ttre ordLnance ea1llng the electlon at whlch thls proposltlon ls submltted, fon the obJeet and purpose of the acquLsttlon, constructlonard completlon of a swLnmin$ pool together wlth appunten- ances and faellltles for lts propor malntenence and safe use- and enJo;rment upon reaL property ormed bi7 the Cltyof Burllngame at tJashlngton Park? PNOPOSIT]ON NO 2 rf RE. pFPARTI,IE]rL BOirpS Shatl the Clty of Burllngame lncun a bond.ed lnd.ebtednesir tn the prlnclpal amount of $6STOOO.OO ln accondance wlth the provlslons of the ondlnance ca1}lngthe electlon at wlrlch thls pnopositlon ls subnltted, forthe obJeet and purpose of acqul:rlng, constructlng end cou-plettng improvements to the facllltles of the !'ire Dopant- ment of the CIty of Bur.Ilngame, ln the followlng respects:the acqulsltlon, corrntructlon and completlon of a new flrestatlon to house flre apparatus and department personnel tobe loeated upon neal property onned by the Clty of Burl1n- game easterly of the Southern Paclflc Company right of way;the aoqulsitlon and punchase of flre apparatus; and the ac-qulsltlon, constructlon and comp3.otlon of an extenslon tothe present fl.re alam system of the Ctty of Burlingame? PROPOSItstrON I{0. 3 % PoLICE pEPARTTIE]IT BO{DS. ShalL the Clty of Burllngame tncur a bondedlndebtedness ln the pnlnelpaL amount of $+1,OOO.00 tnaecordance wLth the provlslono of the ordlnance callingthe electlon at uilrldr thls pnoposltlon ls submltted, forthe obJect and purposo of the acqulsltlon, constructlon andcompletlon of an additlon to the Pollce Statlon of the Cltyof Burllngame together u'lth appurtenances and faclrltlesfon 1ts proper use and malntenance? PROPOSTTTON NO 4 CTTY EALL BO$DS NO ES NO ES :ES NO ES NO ShalL the Clty of Burllngame lncur a bondedlndebtedness ln the prlnclpal amount of $22OrOOO.OO,ln accordance wlth the pr:ovleions of the ordLnance calL-lng the electlon at whlch thls propositlon ls submltted 19, the-obJect and punpose of the acqulsr.tlon, constnuc-tLon_and completlon of an addltlon to the clti HaLl ofF*-91tr of ,Burllngame together wlth appurteninoes andfacllltles fon 1ts propen maLntenance ina use? r L34 Sectlon Q - That each Voter may vote on any one, or arty, oralL of safiISFdffiItions h,erewlth submltiod. Each vbter to vote- onProposltlon No. I hereby submitted and fon lncurrlng sald bonded La-debtedness shalI stamp a cr.oss (X) ln the blank space opposlte thoword "IESrt on the baI1ot to the right of sald proposltlbir and to voteagalnst sald pToposltlon and agalnst lncunring sald lndebtedness shalLstamp. a cross (x) ln the blank-spaco opposlte-the wond. nNor on thebalLot to the nlglt of sald prop-osltioh. Eaeh voten to vote on prop-osltlon No. 2 hereby submltted and fon lncurnlng sald. bonded lndebtld-ness shaLl stemp a onoas (X) ln the blank space opposlte the worE rl6sr on-the I14t-of sald proposltion, and to vote agallst sald proposrltlonand against lncurrlng sald lndebtedness, sha1l itamp a cnosi (X) inthe _blank sDace opposi.te the wor6 tt316tt on the ballol to trre rigUt ofs?19 lroposltlon. Each voten to vote on Proposltlon No. E frer6uy sub-raltted and fon lncunnlng said bonded lndebte-d,ness shalI stamp- r 6oos"(x) ln the brank spaoe Spposlte rhe word. "mst ;; ;i;; ba1lot to rheriglt gf sald proposltlon and to vote agalnst sald proporltion "rraagalnst Lncu:rring sald lndebtedness srralr stamp a ci.ci, tii-il ih;blank !P?ee opposl.te the wond nNor on the UalLbt to tfre r'1gyrt ot-saldproposltlon. Each voter to vote on_Proposltlon No. 4 herei'y urrU*it-ed and for lncurrlng sald bonded lndebtldness srraii rtrrop r cross ixl1n the blank 8Pa9e opposlte the wond nESr on the u.ifoi- to iie-"rgfrt9f .ald proposition, and to vote_agai.nst sald, propositiol ana--aga*stlncuming sald tndebtedness, sharl-stamp ; ",,o;;-iii-r,. the blanksp199 opposlt'e the word il$o'f on the bal1ot to trre'rignt of sald prop-oeltLon. Sectloq-9 - That thls Ordlnance shall be publlshed once aday fon etGf,-f6ven (?) days ln !t p Burllngame Advance, whlch is *..1:y:!iler pubrlshed at loast slx (6) days a week 1n sara ciiy-oi-rrurllngarner and such publlcatlon shall eoirstltute notlce of saia--elect1on. No other notlce of sald eLectlon ["";tt-;*tf"a need beglven. Sect4cg-IO - That tbls Ordlnance shall be entered upon themlnutes offiGililL and ln the ord.lnance Books of tirls clty. ThLe0rdlnanc_e, belng an ondlnanoe^cal1ing and ordering-an electi;i; "rr.fftake effect lmnedlately upon its adoptlon. u. s. sIMOllDS, JRr r IUAYOB Councllman Eftd moved the adoptlon of O:rdlnance No. s4,1 , secorrd.ed bycouncllnan Morgan and adopted by the forrowlng vote: AYT"S: couneilmen: Atwater-Byrd-Morgen-sf6onds SOES: Councllmen: None ABSENT Councllment Love ordlnance No. 548 ent1tled. rAn ordlnanee Amendlng the ordlaance Code9l tng clty -of Br.rrrtagge pT +ddlns g 19* sectloi Lzzz.s ttartrngStopp_lng ggd Pgrkl.ng of-Vehlcles on Bellevue Avenue and Doulias ive6r"for Mone than Two Eoursn weE lntroduced by Councllman AtwetEr and gtvenflrst neadlng. 0rdlnance So. 549, entltled rAn 0rdlnance Amendlna the ordlnanse Codeof the Clty, of Bunltrrgame by Repeallng the Exlstlng Section LZZZ.?Requlrlng aL1 VehlcuLan Tnafflc frevellng East on Hlllsld,e Drlve toStop at Vancouver Avenue and Trpavellng Tgest on HlLlslde Drtve to Stopat Ber"nal Avenue; Adopttng- a New Sect{on L222.7 Beqrirlng all vefifcufarTrafflc'Tnavelllg Eaqt on El11slde Drlve to Stop at Vandouver Avenue;and Repeallng AlL Ordlnances ln ConfLict 1?rerewitJeo wes introduced bfCouncllman Byrd and glven flrst readi.ng. rrNIrNrsHEp BUSTN4SSS Dlrector of hrbls.c lflonks Mann lras d.treoted to resume negotietlons wl6rrepreseat&tlves of the Burllngame Shone Land Company ln a f\rnthen at-tottpt to aoqulre a portlon or-pnopeniy adJacent-"io-ir." Munlclpal trt1L,ln exctrange fon the flIltng of the .rrllr" area by the clby ln aocond.anccwlth pnovlous tentatlve agieementi. ------ l135 NET' BUSII.IESS Counellman Morgan moved that a letter be dLrected to the Clty Plan-nlng Cornmlsslon, requestlng that publle hearings be sloheduled on the rezoning of the area designated trMlllsdale No. ln fYom lts current zone, nR-Itr to that of frH-I.n The motlon was seconded by gounclLmsrByrd. trbllowlng a dlscusslon on the questlon, ln whleh Plannlng Consultant Mann sonfkned that the aotlon ls Legal and ln conform- ence wlth provlslons of 0rdlnance No. 559, Divlslon 5, Sectlon 1906, the motlon was cannled. Councllnan Byrrd questloned whether the rnotlon was unanlmously approv-ed. mayor Slmonds stated that both he and CounciLman tove had prev-lously voted agalnst the propoeed development, therefore, to be con-sLstent wtth that actlon, he woul.d. not vote 1n opposltlon to themotLon. clalms Nos. 5022 to 5L62 lnc3.uslvo, duly audlted, in the amount of $90r091.23, were approved on motloir of bor:ncllnran tryrd, seconaea-UyCouncllman Atwaten and unanlaously cannled and warranti ordered ,-drawn on the clty Treaaury for thelr nespectlve amounts. Payroll warrants for the month of F6bruarXr 1954, Nos. 6?EO to ?LO3Lncrusivq, !n_the amount-of ,Ssor1gg.9s, wli.e un*ilnorsly appnor"don motion of Councll"man Byrd and secon&ed by Councllman-*tllter. The Ctty Clerk was Lnstructed to dtnect a letten to both the f1"" and Recneatlon Conmlsslong of the Clty, nequestlng that represent-atlves attend stud.y and reguLar meotlngs of the Planntng Cbrnnlsslonin order to represOnt thefu" rospectlve-lnterests tn f\rtire subdlv-lsion developments. Counel}nan_Eryd, Geonge V. Banks, TJ. II. Dlederlchsen and Chas. Ilf.looth, candtdates fon Ctty Councllmen ln the fo:rthcomlng aprii L5,1954 electLon, were {ntroduced by Mayon Slmonds. Upon lnvltatlon of Mayor Slmonds, those ln attendsnce stood. lnsllent tnlbute to Mp.. f.Karmel, Clty Attorney for the Clty oi grr-llngane, wtro passed ln death on the- 2nd day 6r uancn, rg54. There belng-no ftrnthe"4 busl.ness, the me_etlng was adJourned at 1O:10P. [!. out of respect to the memory of M3. KIrmel. Respectful}y subnd tted HERBE:RT .TSITE CTTY CLffiK APPROVED: Zl u. s. SIMoNDS, JR.e IIAYOR