HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1954.03.08128 Brrrllngamo, Callfonnla Manch B, L9511 A speclal meetlng of the Burllngame Clty Councll was held on the above glven date, - all membens havlng been pnevlously notlfled ard havlng eonsented. Meettng ca11ed to onden at B:00 p.m. - Mayon slmonds in the Chalnr Ro11 Ca'I1: Pnesent - Councllmon: Atwatep-Byrd-Mongan-SlmondsAbsent Councllmen: Love 0n motlon of Councllman Bynd, seconded by Councllman Morgan and unanlmously cannled, Councllman Iove was exeused due to a pnevlous commltment. Mayon Slmonds announced that the meeting had beenscheduled for" the pur3pose of lntroduelng 0rdlnanco No. 545, per"talnlng to the pnoposltions to be placed on the fontbcomlng Apn11 13, l95l+, MunlclpalElectlon baIlot. ordlnance No. 5l+r1 , entltled, ttAN 0RDINANCE CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTToN IN TITE CT?Y OF BURLTNGAME FOR TIM PURPOSE OF SUBMITTIN5 TO T}IE EIECTORS OF SATD CITY CERTATN PROPOSITTONS FOR INCURRING A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS 0F SAID CITY FoR TI{E ACQUrSrTroN, GoNSTRUCTTON AND COMPLETION OF CERTAIN MIffICTPAL TMPROVEMENTE IN SEPARATE GROUPS, EACH GROUP TNCLUDING ONLY ONE OBJECT, CONSOLTDATING SATD SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION I,TTH THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE I{ELD rN sArD crTY oN APFrL 13, L994, FTXING THE DATE 0F SAID SPECTAL ELECTTON, Tffi MANNER OF IIOLDING THE SAI"IE, AND PFOVIDING FOR NOTICE TIIEEEOFTtT was lntnoduced by Councllman Byn{ and glven finst rgading. Mr:. James lIlm:nel suggested that the wonds "at Washington Park" ln Proposltlon No. 1, be ellmlnated. Mayon Slmonds advlsed that a dls- eusslon would be held at the next negulan meeting of the Counc11. Councllman Mspgsp, onlglnaton of Resolutlon No. ]-6-5|.+, pnovlding fon Councll compensatlon, moved that the Resohrtlon be resclnded, seconded by Councllman Atwaten and unanlmously carnled. Councllman Mongan then new Resolutlon, No. 18 Bunllngame City Councl senvlces as Councllman the Counellman s&lecte eompensation fon his sthe tgrm of hls mayora L954 r" and that th; prat 15s Apnil 13, L95\, OVED: U.S. eupon tntroduced and moved the passage of a -51+, tf Pnovlding that eaeh member of [rre 1 shal,1 necelve as eompensatlon for hls , the sum 6f #75.00 pen month, save and exceptd to serve as mayor3, .who shall necelve as e:-viees, the sum of it100.00 pen month dunlng lty, such compensatlon to commence May 1, oposed proposltlon be placed on the bal1ot Munlelpal E1ectlon. The motlon was seconded by Cor:ncllman Atwaten and unanimously canr'led on ro11 calL of membens. The meetlng was theneaften negulanly adJour.ned at Bz35 prrno Respectfully submit ted t }IERClty CLenk Mayor imonds,Jr.