HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1954.03.01-l124 {k a\ Bunllngame, Callfonnle Manch 1, l-g54 A negulan meetlng of the Bunllngame Clty Councll was bold on the above gl.ven date. MeetLng called to onden at B:20 p.rnr - MayonSlnonds ln the Chab. Roll Call: Pnesent Councllmen: Atr"raten-Byrd-Love-Mongan-SlmondsAbsent Coirncllmen: None The mlnutes of the prevlous meetlng of Febnuany 1!, 1p$[, as sub-mltted to members of the Council were unani-mously appnoved. ft was moved by Councllman Bn:d, seconded by Councllman Love and unanlmously approved, that Br:r:ness Kar.mel be appointed Actlng CltyAttorney dunlng the lllness of hls fathen, City Attonney f. Kanmel. Under communLcations, a letten was r"ead fnom the Clty Plannlng Commlsslon, dated Febnuany 26, L95U, approvlng the zonlng ofthat ar"ea of the Clty of Bunllngame, compnlslrg 7t aeres more or3 lessr &s shown on W11ss, p Company map #53r11h dated Decemben 16, 1953. ft was moved by Couneil-man Love and seconded by Councllman Atwaten and unanlmously canrled that a hea:rlng on the matten be set forn Manch 15th at B:00 p.rllo Anothen letter was nead fr:om the Ctty Plannlng Commlsslon, dated Feka:uany 26, 1954r pocommendlng that the City Cowrell apppovethat pant of the tentative map of the Atlantic Llfe fnsunance Co.ldentified as Mll1s Eatate #1, that pentalns to stneet pattenn on1y. A motion was made by Councllman Byrd that thls matten beheld over untll the negulan meeting of the Counell of Manch 15th, seconded by Councllman Mongan. Councllman Love questloned theadvlsablllty of delaylng appnoval of the tentqtlve map of M1l1sEstato Subdlvlslon #1. Plannlng Consultant GCo. A. Mann, addnessedthe Councll, advislng them that thls was an admlnistnatlve matten and that a public hearlng was not nequ&ned but that they had therlght to hold a pub11c heanlng. Mr:. James Hlmme1 addnessed the Councl1, pnotesttng that the subdivlden had not ful1y complledwtth the subdlvlslon ondlnance. PIp. Chanles Blalr, representingWilsey and 0o. englneers fon the Atlantlc Llfe Insurance Company, angwened by saylng that they had complted wlth all the nequlne- ments, and were deslnous of havlng a street pattenn appnoved ln orden that they could pr"oceed wtth detalls and engl.neenlng data negardlng utllfttles and dnalnage. He also stated that unles's they had appnoval of the street pattenn immedlately lt would eause undue loss of time in prepanlng the detalls fon the flnal ft&po Mayon Slmonds expressed hls opinlon that the mlsundenstandlngs could be betten handled by a eitizens group, with the Englneening Depantment and the developens dlscusslng them fur"then at an agneedupo4. Councllman Bynd stated he felt that the lntenerted cltizens should have a volce ln the development r^rhlch would affeet thetaxpayen. 0n noI1 eall- of membens the fol-lowlng vote nesulted forsettllng the heanlng on MsrsS fSth: AYES: COUNCIT,MEN - Bynd-Mongan NOES: 00UNCILMEN - Atwaten-Love-Simonds Councllman Iove then moved that the Clty Councll concun wlth the r.ecorunendatton of the Plannlng Commission 1n theln appnoval of thestneet pattenn only on the tentative map of Mills Estate #1, whlcb.conslsts of pnoperty of the Atlantlc Life Insunance Company lylng nonth of Bunllng&me Vll1age, between the Southenn Paciflc r allroad and El Camlno Real" seconded by Councilman Atwaten. 0n noll cal]of member.s the following was the result: AYES: COUNCILIffiN - Atwater-Love-Simonds NOES: COUNCILPIEN - Bynd-Morgan A letter was nead by the Clty Clerk from Pol-ice Chlef R. C. Tu€u€p,dated febnuany 25, 795\, reganding the panklng of cars on BeltevueAvenue and Deugfs! Avenue, 6etween Caffionnla Dnlve and pnlmrose Road dunlng the day. Thene being no objections, thls matter wasnefenned to Acting Clty Attonney Burneis Kanmel to draw up anOrdlnance. I 725 A letter: nas nead from the Board of Flne Commlsslonens, dated Febnuany 26; L954 t necommend lng that a $65'000. Bond rssue be placed on the Apntl 13 balliit fo:: the constructlon of an addltlonal flne statlon east oi the tracks and the purchas e of necessany apparatus; fu1ly equlpped for. thls statlon. ?hene belng no obJectlon this matten was put oven to be taken up unden Resolutlons. A letten dated Febr:u a?y 26, 1954, fnorn the Boar:d of F|"e Commlssloners wag read by Clty Clerk Henbent K. l,rlhlte, nequertlng the expendltur"e of the sum'of $l.Oo pen month fon the storage of the Chief rs automoblle. There belng no obJectlon the matton was to be taken under s tudy for" f ur: ther cons lder:rt Ion. A letten was read from Clty Clenk Henbert K. Whlte, datod Febr"uary 25r requestlng oxtenclon of s16k leevr of Mns. Elllnor Arms trorlg, Deputy Cl€y Cler:[. ffayon S funondr advtsed that unden the present Clvll Senvlce RuleE and ReguS"attons the appnoval of the City Councll ls not nequlned. Mayon Slmonds advlsed the Clty clenk was authorlzed to employ addltlonal help fon thlrty d ays. A letter was read fnom G. J. &lann r Dlneeton of Publlc Wor:ks r da Febnua:ry 2\, re: MaJor Ctty Streets - Mditlons. Resolutlon NoItAddlng Certaln Streets to the System qf MaJon Streets ln the C Bunllngame r " was also nead by the Clty C1erk. It was moved by C Bynd, seconded by Councllman love and unanlmous ly carrled that Resolutlon llo. 9-54 be adopted. Resolutlon No. 8-54, Settlng the Mr:nlclpal Electlon date as Apr11 11, 1954 and Deslgnatlng Electlon Offlcers and Votlng Places, was read byCtty Clerk Herbent K. Whlte. ft was moved by Councllman Byrd, seconded by Councllman Love and unanlmous 1y approved on r.o11 call that Resolutlon tto. 8-![ be adopted. Under Unflnished Buslness, Councllman Byrd stated that consLder:abIe study had been glven to the tnafflc pr.oblem on Broadway at peak hours, and that Lt was the r"e conrnendat lon of Pollce Chlef Theuer" that thetraffLc slgnal at Sanchez Avenuo and E1 Camino Real be abandonod andthat a tnafflc slgnal be lnstalled at Carmetlta Avenue and EI Camino Reah, thereby enabllng motorists to cnoss E1 Camlno Real on a tnafflcsignal and r.ellevtng the conJectlon on Broadway wtth lts sLgna1 cross- lng. Chief Theuer requested that the matten be held over: untl1 he can ted. e-54,lty of ouncl lman A letter was read from G. J. Mann, Dlnector of Publlc Worksr dated Febnuary 23, L95l), re: Major Clty Stneets - Resu.rfaclng - r-953'195\. Resolution- i'To. 10-51+ r*as ilso read, "Fon Experdltune of Gas Tax Al1oca- tlon fon MaJor" Clty Stneets.n Introduced by Councllman Atuater, seconded by- C6prrcllman Mor.San and unanlmous ly ca:rnled thet Resolutlon No. 10-54 be adopted. Resolutlon No. 11-5lr wes also nead, 'r Wlthdr:awing Appllcatlon for State Asslstancerrr and Resclndlng Rss6lutlon No. 5-5l.+. ft w as rnoved by Councllman Morganr seconded by Councllman Byrd, that Resolutlon No. 11-54 be adopted and u:eanlmous 1y car"nied on ro11 cal 1 of membens. A letter. deted Februany 17r 195h, fnom E. R. 8ta111ngs, Courty Manager, was ::ead by the Clty Clerk, regardlng the s tudy of an economlcal method of dlsposing of garbage and refuse wlth the county to ::elleve the alr por lutlon pnoblem. Thene belng no obJectlons the matter was referned 1o the ctty Engtneer and to Mn. Homeo Jo1yr ln cha:rge of the ctty F111, uith the n6quest that he comply as nearly as Poss lb1e wlth the letterrs suggestton. Mn. Geo. J. Marn, Clty-Englneer, reported that he had aI- neady contacted iutr. Ilowell of the tiealth Depa::tment. Detalled neports fnom the tlbrary and Police Departnent and the nealth Departmentr for the month of JanuarXr were read. Corlnc l1man Atwater pnalsod t(re Po11ce Department fon the excel,Lent Job they dld tn handllng the trafflc and panklng at the dedlcatlon of the Peninsula Hospltal, on Sundayr February 28, ulth partlcular mentlon of the outstaldlng work of the AAxtftany Pollcemen. PoLlce Chlef 'Iheuer. stated that he had wrltten a letter: to the Mlllbnae Police Depa:rtment thanking them for thelr. asslstance and cooperetlon ln handllng the cnowed at the dedlcatlon exerclses. Newly appolnted Flre Chlef Moonby made a shont venbal r'eport for hls d'epartment. I26 confer ulth Clty Engineer Manr and the State Dlvlslon of Hlghways. the questlon on the use of the tsayshore Plumbing C,.mpany propenty now hetng used as a Rental Buslness was dlscussed. ThE Police Depar:tment had mado an lnvesttgatlon and a nepont. Clty Attor"ney Kanmel had ad- vlsed Mrs. Coe, City Tneasurenr to issue a business llcense. Irlayon Simonds nequested the Actlng Clty Attonney to funther" look lnto the matter and to have a neport fon those intenested. were The following Resolutlons, /presented and authonlzing the lssuance of bonds in vanious amounts to be voted upon at a Special Electlon held on Apnl1 13, l-95br Resolutlon No. l2-5\t fon Bgnds ln the amount of $2351000. fon the constnuetlon of a Swirmtng Pool at Washlngton PaIrk"! was lntnoduced by Councllman Bynd, s econded byC or:ncllman Mongan and unanlmously cannl"ed. Cor:ncllman Bynd pnefaced hls motlon wlth a few nemanks on the subJeet. Ee thanked lvlr.s. R. G. Costa, Mr. Ed Llncoln, Recneatlon Supervlson and the Recr.eatlon Conrnlsslon fon theln untlnlng wonk ln complling data and ngeessary materlal fon such a proJect. Mayon Simonds lntno- duced Mro. 0"can fhayen, ar:ehltect and Local nesldeirt who had offeredhls senvlces to the gnoup to dnaw up eost estlm.etes neganding the poo1. Sevenal questlons were asked and thene was some discussion on the sub-ject fnom the f1oon. Mn, Ed Llncoln and Mp. Oscar Thayen and membensof the Councll answer"ed questlons pentainlng to the swlmmlng pool. Resolutlon No. 13-5l.+, proposlng the lssuance of bonds in the amount of #551000. fon the constnuctlon of a bnanch Flne Statlon east of the Soulhenn Paclflc nailnoad tnacks $35r000.00 and the punchase of nec6ss(tt3y equlpment fon the same in the amount of $30r000r wBS lntno- duced by Cor:ncllman Love, seconded by Councllnan Atwater and unanl- mously carr'led on noll call. Councllman Iove told of hls endeavor,for the past flve years, to have sueh a statlon east of the tnacks to pnoteet that area in case of erosslngs belng blocked by the tnalns. Resolutlon No. 1l+-54, proposing the lssuanco of bonds 1n the amount of $l+1r000 fon the addltton to the Pollce Statlon, was intnodueed by Ccunellman Atwaten, seconded by CouneLlmah Bynd and unanlmously carnled on no11 ca1l. Resolutlon No. a5-5r+, proposlng the lssuanco of bonds ln the amount of $eeOr000. for the modennlzatlon and enlanglng of the pnesent City Hal1r wes lntrodueed by Mayon Slmonds, who tur"ned the Chain oven to Councilman Love, seeonded by Councllman Waten and unanlmously earrled on ro11 ca1l. Mayon Slmonds pnefaced hls lntnoductlon of the R6s61ut1on wlth a few r.emanks on the-neeesslty fon enlanglng and modennlzing the Clty Hall to be able to lnclude the Englneerlng Dspsntment and th-e_ Butlding fnspecton, now housed ln a fine trap-on Pnlmnose Road. IIe also il€rr- tioned the necesslty of betten r:oqt noom facllities fon the women employees in the Clty Ha1l and lnvited lnspectlon of the pnemlses to conflnm hls nemanks. Resolutlon No. t6:54, pnoposlng the lncnease of Councilmen eompensatlonto *25.00 pen Councll meetl.ng, but not to exceed ff100.00 fon any calendan month, was intnoduced by Councllman Mongan, seconded by Councilman Love and unanlmously canrled on ro11 ca11. Thene i,qas some d:-scusslon on the subject from tb.e f1oon, whlch bnought up the questlon of havlng a Clty Manager or Clty Adminlstnator type of govennment. Remaks and questions fnom the floon on the subjecb were made by r'lns. C. E. Ilusch, Mn. R. Bnoback, I"ir. John Hafstadt, Iorr, Jameg Hlmmel, fonmer Mayon and Clty Councllman Henbent Hannls, fln. John Koolstfa and Mn. W. J. OtConnell, who gave lnfonmatlon as to the dutles of the Clty Managen and Clty Admlnlstnator and the dlfference between the two positlon.s Resolutlon No. 17-54, ttDirectlng the placlng on the ba11ot at the speclal eleetlon thafi the City Councll of the Clty of Burllngame appolnt "-city Adminlstnatortt lras *oold by Councllman Iovee seconded by Councllman Bynd and unanlmously carnied on rofl ca1l. 727 Unden New Buslness, nctlng City Attonney Binness Kanmel was requestedto amend Ondlnance No. 5'l+, to ellmlnate a STOP slgn at Bennal Avenue and Hl11slde Dnlve fon westbound tnafflc, upon a motlon of Councllman Bynd, seconded by Councllman Mongan, and unanlmously aecupted on no11 eall of member:s. Hanvey E. Johnson, 112 Vlctonla Road, Bunllngame, No. 1o.p the e1lglbIe 1lst fon the positlon of Flne Captalnr BS of Manch 1, 1954r was pnoposed by Councilman Love, seconded by Councllman Atuater and unanlmously carnled on no11 ca1I. Ifendell W. ivlason, ll22 Cabnlllo Avenue, Bunllngame, No. 2 on the eliglble lls't fon the posltlon of Flne Captaln, as of Mar"ch 1, l-95l+, was pnoposed by Councllman Love, seconded by Councilman Bynd and unanlmously carrled on noll eaLl. Mrs. Leona Clark, Pnesldent of the Burllngame Chamben of Commer"ce and Mr. J. OtBrien, d.irecton, were intnoduced and also Mn. Paul Lechleh, Llbnarlan. Mayon Slmonds nead an snnouncement statlng that he would not be a candldate fon ne-electlon at the comi.ng electlon on April 13. He ox- pnessed hls appreetatlon fon the pnlvllege of servlng as Mayon and Councllman of the City of Bunllngane fon the past elght years and also fon the eoopenatlon of the othen membens of the Counc11, He concludedhls statement wlth hls decislon to devote hls tlme as Tnustee on the Junlon College Boand. Councllman Atraten, Love, Bynd and Morgan, eachln tunn spoke of theln negnet at hls leavlng and pnalsed his untlnlngeffor"tl and enthuslasm fon Bur"llngamets pnograessr Mayon Slmonds lntno- duced hls wife, Mns. ManJonie Slmonds, ai hls partnen 1n al-1 the pnoJects he had been glven cnedlt fon, There belng no funther buslness, the meetlng was negalanly edJour"nedat 1'l :15 P.M. Respectf rl1Iy s ubmltted, HERBERT K. WHITECity Clenk APPROVED: 0 U. S. Slmonds, Jn. Ma t